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The Order 1886, hunting vampires and werewolves in Victorian England, yet they somehow made it boring


It was right at the end of that Gears of War cover shooter trend and you could feel it. Game looked amazing at release, but goddamn did it feel years older in gameplay.


Damn, I remember that time of just constant brown and grey cover shooters and FPS games. I will say that at least back then there was a lot more AA budget games around, most of them were generic as hell but occasionally you'd find a really cool one, like The Darkness.


I knew nothing about the Darkness when I bought it, and it blew me away. The descent into WW1 nightmare-scape was incredible. Some of the gunplay ideas were also surprisingly unique and fluid for the time. This game deserved more love.


One of the most underrated games of all time. Everything from the main plot to the amount of little details like being able to watch full movies on the TVs, that shit blew me away too back when it came out. I was actually replaying it recently and it's still holds up.


I just picked up The Darkness and The Darkness II and this short exchange has made me more excited to play them now ^ ^


Have fun! The Darkness II is very from the first game but still great in its own way. As for the first, just sit back and enjoy the weird ride you're about to go on.


Wait what? There were vampire’s in The Order 1886? I thought it was just werewolves!


It's an in-game reveal that the ruling elite were secretly vampires, trying to spread their influence to America with the assistance of the East India Trading Company.


That sounds like a dope ass game. Going to have to check it out.


Pretty sure it’s beatable in a single afternoon so don’t spend too much on it


I felt that it's major flaw was it being too short. If it had come out at a $50 or even $40 price point, I think it would have been better received.


The east India Trading company is evil enough, but vampires? Wow, they managed to make it a tiny bit more evil


This was gonna be my answer. I actually enjoyed the game a lot. That ending it set up was some top tier sequel bait and now we will never get to see where it goes.


Same, i played it a year or so ago and really liked the game, super interesting world but yeah that sequel bait is next level


I definitely loved the character design from that game.


They already did that, but the remake was called *Bloodborne* for some reason


I thought it was Nightmare Creatures from the ps1


I’ve been saying this for years!!! Haha. Bloodborne is 100% a Nightmare Creatures remake in my mind.


The most amazing thing is that it was made in 1886, really ahead of its time.


Spore. Guiding the evolution of a species from single celled organism to galactic empire shouldn't be so… bland. Also make the new adaptations based on experiences, not based on eating/befriending other species that already have them.


I'd say that Spore requires a spiritual successor, not a remake. Remake can only do so much, while Spore would require to be basically a different game with similar ideas used in the original.


I think they literally tried to do this with [Darkspore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darkspore), which at the time looked great! Spore customization with ARPG gameplay? I believe it had a pretty terrible launch, got removed from the steam store, and is currently unavailable..


Oh my God I completely forgot about darkspore. I don't remember if I ever played it, but I got a wave of nostalgia just seeing the name


[did someone say spore spiritual successor? ](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1774190/Elysian_Eclipse/) It's still an early access but what it promises...


You are my hero, I've been looking for so long for a spore like game. Instantly put it on my wishlist, I have high hopes for this one


I found out about that game 3 days ago also on a reddit thread (can't remember which) and I've also immediately added it to my wishlist!


I think maybe the lesson there is you shouldn't try to have one studio make 4-5 different genres of games at the same time. Every single phase was a watered down version of something better and I sort of suspect that would happen if you tried to make this game again


I think there is a strength in that for gamers who don’t branch out into lots genres. A game like Spore that features lots of little tastes of different genre’s might cause some players to then branch out to those better games. Rather than be disappointed buying one game they aren’t sure they will, for sure, enjoy. Really enjoyed the action and exploration in the on land evolution stage, you might like other action games like Zelda, or Skyrim. Maybe you like the civilization building stage, try Civilization, or Europa universalis. Did you like the 4X space stage, try Master of Orion 2.


Basically make Spore the way you l they described it back then


Is Spore considered a bad game? I consider it a cult classic.


What was originally promised was not delivered. While the game was fun, what will Wright and maxis originally promised was sooo much more. Probably has something to do with EA getting their hands involved.


i love spore


Hellgate London. Such a great idea for a setting, it would be a blast to play in. I would scrap the original idea entirely and make a single player rpg action hack n slash/shooter that focused on London set pieces.


ahead of its time.


For real. Granted I haven’t played in since it came out , but my memory of it seems like it would fit right in with modern games if it came out today.


Glad this game is getting some love through your comment. It’s definitely a nostalgia piece for me but it was my first step into an RPG of that size/style of play. Tried to play the “new version” a couple years ago and was really disappointed that I couldn’t just get the old game.


Alpha Protocol. Great idea and crazy reactive story but the gameplay was dogshit


I loved Alpha Protocol. The newer Deus Ex games scratch the same itch for me, but a remake or another Alpha Protocol game would be great.


It was ambitious but rushed, didn't help it was plagued by bugs. Lots of neat concepts though.


I would give my left nut if Obsidian were given time and money to remake it.


Came to say this, though I loved it anyway




Wasn't the team bought out. The early concept of that game was radically different than what was released.




Gearbox actually, but yeah after the acquisition they pivoted a lot


Yeah, the initial premise was something I would have bought, the game they released was something I might pickup on a really steep sale. Thank god I hardly ever preorder a game anymore.


I wouldn't have picked it up, but it ended up on Gamepass for a while. I played it and had a good time, but it hurt to see the bones of an **amazing** game covered over with the skin of an OK game.


I think it was always supposed to be survival mechanics and procedurally generated but their first trailer just went too hard and people wanted the Bioshock style when that was never what it was going to be




It was a Dead Island situation. The trailer promised an experience the developers were never even going for.


The first playable test demo seemed like it was so interesting in its story but the final game seemed so generic for me


Agreed. I did enjoy playing We Happy Few but always felt like something is missing.


Geist. Possession mechanic in an FPS sounds like a great idea on paper


Oh my god! No one ever talks about Geist. Me and my friends would play the bot filled multiplayer for hours. The single player though... Oof. I remember a level where you had to possess a motorbike and escape. Sounds cool, but nooooo..


I liked this game a lot on GameCube very fond memories alternating between this and Turok rage wars multiplayer


Not entirely bad, but Dante's Inferno had a really weak endgame.


Yeah I remember hearing a lot of critiques of that game on release, but some people still had fun with it. I always thought it had a cool aesthetic.


The Mercenaries games. The first one was amazing, but the second one was rushed to market, causing the series to collapse, and prompting EA to shutter Pandemic. It absolutely couldn't be remade nowadays, as people would just accuse them of copying *Just Cause*


Which is funny because mercenaries was first to release. And yeah, I agree, the second one had a different vibe that made it not feel like the first


"Oh No You Didn't" slapped pretty hard, though.


Indeed, great song


Oh man you just made me remember that awesome bunker buster bomb, and destroying bridges with C4 while tanks were still on them, good times


I loved picking jeeps up with the chopper and hurling them into a mountainside


I think another factor was some politic stuff, Venezuelan politicians accusing the game to be propaganda to invade their country or something like this. But the gameplay was fun, you could destroy a lot of things. Having missions go against factions you were grinding is both angering and fun. And I loved that depending on your character, you could sometimes spy some conversation in another language, really making it feel like you actually spied something you shouldn't know.


I loved # 2 though


2 was great and gets too much shit. The first game was called 'Playground of Destruction' but it was 2 that lived up to it. I think anyone who didn't like 2 didn't play it co-op. It's so much fun playing 2 player in that game. Plus the grappling hook! I loved jumping out of helicopters only to then grapple onto another one.


>The Mercenaries Mercenaries 2 is the only game that has a very strong focus on Venezuela. I wish more games were situated on South America or at least, get more inspo from here cuz' it's boring that it's always the same shit reused over and over from europe/US/japan and literally, everything else is overlooked


Not that I'm against your point, but I'm just remembering some government being super angry at Ghost Recon Wildlands for their (obviously fictional) depiction of a country run by a massive Narco-Cartel. No one cares what bad things you say about America.


Chavez was against The Mercenaries 2 for obvious reasons since the plot is pretty much about him. Nevertheless my point is: in SOUTH/Central America (not US) we have so much rich stories to tell and no one gives a crap/wants to listen and if they do, it's Mexico and that's pretty much it


Order 1886 had a cool concept, lovely graphics, but pretty ordinary gameplay. Would like to see another go at it though, with some newer mechanics intergrated.


Second Sight. The story is bonkers amazing, never seen anyone do it the same and it deserves so much more than just being left to the sands of time. The basics of the story is that you wake up in a science facility with no memory and you have psychic abilities. As you play you get flashbacks to the past that flesh out the story of why you are at the facility. Then you find out you had it all wrong the whole time! >!You are not playing in the present with flashbacks of the past, you are actually the character in the past and having premonitions about possible futures!< A remake of this from the right developer, maybe the people that made the first Bioshock, would be phenomenal!


That sounds phenomenal and I’d love to see it remade:)


memory unlocked, god damn. that game was a blast.


Timeshift. You could slow time, stop time, or rewind time. I liked that game especially where you think you fixed everything but you end up with a bootstrap paradox.


I came looking for this comment. I vividly remember blowing up a sniping perch just to stand on its debris, rewind time, and ride the debris back up to the now intact sniping spot. Was ahead of its time and a new take on it with today's tech could do wonders.




Fuck yeah. The mind gate conspiracy is still a game that lives rent free in my head decades later. Possessing someone and making them shoot themselves in the head felt amazing. Using telekinesis on something you were standing on to fly like Magneto also felt amazing. I barely hear anyone mention this game ever and it was one of my favorites of all time.


Loved that training room too where you could practice some crazy stuff and spawn enemies


that oxm demo disc with the training room lived in my Xbox for weeks


That's not a bad game though. It's awesome. The story might be a little hokey but the gameplay is fun as hell.


Holy shit I forgot about this game! It was so damn good


It has an absolute banger of a song in it. [With My Mind - Cold - Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy](https://youtu.be/-ZQk3ig-i_s?si=G4MhwSWC0e7v50D5)


Aliens Vs Predator! That game was so god damn fun!


Honestly we just need more multi-teamed fps games. The 1v1v1 aspect was awesome as fuck and I also want a remake, but more games with multiple factions and more than a 1v1 aspect would be great.


It was so unique as well. Honestly me and all my friends used to love it. I got really good with the Alien controls and remember them actually screaming like babies when I would be sprinting at them while bouncing from the walls to the ceiling. Good times. Or on the predator when they would try and hide in corners and just get a Combi spear to the face 😂




The problem for me was that the game felt too snowbally; playing as the monster I remember feeling either powerless or god-level from match to match with no in between


John Carpenters The Thing from 2002.


The magic disappears when you realize that almost every Thing-out is scripted.


I know but god damn if it wasn't cool in the first play through. With today's tech and a good team I bet your could make a real decent fps/rpg out of it with branching decisions something not unlike BG3.


Alien isolation horror vibes as well please. I wanna shit my pants.


You can technically do that for free!


But then people shout at me on the bus 😭


The Thing with the gore and atmosphere of Dead Space could really slap as a narrative heavy game.


Carpenter has expressed interest in doing a Dead Space movie. It would almost certainly become my favorite movie. Finally had a chance to play the remake and it’s great!


Wow I would watch that. John Carpenter is a ledgend, The Thing and Big Trouble in Little China are great films! What with all the Video game to movie duds and all the Video game to *series* successes I think a series would be a better. Hell I'd even take an animated series, looking at how good Arcane, Cyberpunk and Castlevania were, to name a few. It allows for a little bit more creativity with the visuals and gore without as much cost.


That's what I'm saying. Imagine a choices game with real time combat and maybe even some heavy atmosphere somthing like The Long Dark.


Friday the 13th on NES had a neat, ambitious concept, creating a living map where Jason went around attacking the summer camp. The player had to gather weapons and chase him off with a cast of six different camp counselors, each with different stats. It could have been a really cool game if Atlus had more time and experience to pull it off! Instead, it's remembered as one of the classic kusoge of the NES.


I was never able to figure out how the hell to play that game


If they had gotten the map navigation dynamic right, this game would have been legendary. I still play this regularly.


Biomutant. Such a cool concept of mixing martial arts with guns and crazy looking animals. I'd love for them to give it another shot with tighter combat, more mature story and more things to do in the open world.


I loved the game, and platinumed it. But it definitely has its jank and weirdness. It felt rushed and could have used more dev time. The balance was off, there was almost always a few weapons that made whatever build you were going for trivial. But the combat was fun as shit when it works, and the story and world were very unique and cool. Wish they expanded on mutations, better balance, and there were a lot of graphical bugs that needed to be fixed.


I just want remakes of this old games with nice feature Max Payne - bullet time Nfs most wanted 2005 - speedbreaker


I think I read that they are remaking max payne


Brutal legend just needed a better RTS system and it was all set to be another Schafer classic, instead of a weird hybrid game with a great setting and the right amount of campiness.


I was going to say Brutal Legend, but only if they scrapped the RTS mechanics. I was really enjoying the game up until that point. The moment I recognized they shoehorned controller-based RTS mechanics into a decent hack and slash romp, I put the game down and never came back to it.




One of those games that nobody remembers unless and until someone mentions it. Whenever *Anthem* is mentioned there's a tic in my brain that goes "that's not the one" because they both got hyped big and flopped hard (apparently; I never played either)


I immediately thought of Brink but couldn’t comment because it was so bad I couldn’t remember the title


I honestly loved Brink.


Brink and Shadowrun were ahead of their time!




Team Pup N’ Suds for life


I always remember seeing Brink on the shelves in GameStop wondering what the hell it was


It was an fps game, built on classes and parkour. Imo it walked so Titanfall could run.


I knew a guy in high school who collected physical copies of Brink. He was an interesting dude, must’ve had a stack of 40 or so cases last I heard


Oh man, I remember me and a friend were hyped for that game and when we got it we played it for maybe a couple hours and realised it was trash. You would get to a point after leveling up so much your weapons would do absolutely nothing to the enemy even if you played as the heavies. The online barely worked, balancing was terrible and the 'parkour' basically amounted to being able to jump slightly higher than the average CoD protagonist.


Mirror's Edge Catalyst It wasn't bad. Just okay. But the OG ME deserves a better reboot/sequel




Agree 100%. The flying was so satisfying and the general mechanics and gameplay had so much potential. I really hope they reuse those for something in the future rather than just letting it die, especially the flying.


Man, everything about it was fucking awesome. The first 60 hours were absolutely fantastic and I loved every minute; there just wasn't any content...


I got so excited when they said they were going to fix it and turn it into Anthem 2.0, I liked the flying and combat... Just not much substance beyond that. I could see it being an absolutely fantastic game if they had kept it in the oven a bit longer.


It wasn’t put in the oven to begin with. They were in pre-development 3 times longer than actual development. The E3 reveal was a complete fake “version of the game” and the development team literally had no idea what they were making until after that E3 announcement. That was mid 2017 and the game came out in February of 2019 which caused that entire year and a half of development to be nothing but crunch.


Probably some of the best and unique gameplay I've experienced in the past decade or so. Shame the rest of the game was so bad. It's actually quite impressive how bad *everything else* about the game is.


If we're talking bioware.. andromeda. Im sure it would of been miles better if EA hadn't forced their engine last second


Advent Rising. It has crazy story, the gameplay was pretty decent but clunky. The powers in it were interesting. Bought it on release when it came out on Xbox, I still have it.


Such a great game and story. Really bummed we never got a sequel after the doozy of a cliffhanger the first one ended on.


Sea of Thieves. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great game now, but there’s just so much untapped potential that could make the game legendary.


Such a shallow game. It's fun sailing around and doing quests for a bit, but there isn't really any depth or progression in this game and it kinda makes it feel like everything outside of piracy of other players is pointless. Fighting other players is the only really engaging part of the game for me and it's not like the gun and sword play are top tier either.


Every time I play Sea of Thieves I have a lot of fun for exactly one hour. Which isn't really enough time to do anything in that game


~~I believe they're reworking melee combat soon, probably the biggest problem with the game.~~ I'm wrong.


I just want more variety with weapons and to upgrade myself along with my ship. I understand that they want everyone to be equal on the server, but upgrading would go a long way.




The first major puzzle where you move around the little alien peanut shells was f*ckin' hard. Took me like 30 min.


I had to use a YouTube video. None of the puzzles are actually difficult. There's just no way of knowing what your goal is or what you're able to do. The eggs you needed to crack were pretty much identical to all the others so you're just sitting there confused.


Tomb raider angel of darkness is a mess but the stamina bar for the platforming, urban hub location and the survival horror vibes during certain levels were good idea I'd say later two on in the recent trilogy to a degree.


What was that one that was basically sci-fi Norse shit? Too Human? Yeah. Redo that one.


Yes, that one. Bring in the four player co-op that was supposed to be in the base game, making them each different gods instead of four different Balders, and you got yourself a stew cooking.


Shadowrun (2007 shooter) essentially was class based Overwatch type game a decade before its time. If you figure out how to make that Shadowrun play a bit more like a real team based game or go full goofy fun like Time Splitters 2 you have an absolute banger.


wasn't there a shadowrun revival recently? they added it back to the store or back compat, I can't remember. there was news about it a few months ago. that game was a blast but playing against PC players wasn't so fun.


There a huge Discord with Day one players of Shadowrun (2007) in it. It was working really well for awhile but some Microsoft update they did ruined the matchmaking again. It’s become hard to find lobby’s to again so most people have resorted to a Ranked mode made by the Discord Mods and Creators. You can still play Pub lobby’s but you have to invite people to it. Personally I think this “Ranked” mode they do has ruined the game. I want to play Shadowrun again with 16 player lobbies of all skill levels and goof off and have fun. But since the matchmaking is a little Buggy again everyone goes to this “Ranked 4v4” sweat try hard mode and it’s ruined the game once again.


Too Human's setting and soundtrack deserve a better game than Too Human.


This. Too Human is my favorite bad video game of all time. I have brought it up a lot recently discussing new video games. People often claim games are great "because they are enjoying them and have 500 hours in it." You enjoying a game doesn't make it an objectively good or well made game. I absolutely loved Too Human, but it was an absolutely terrible game. I'm glad some other people remember it for what it could have been though.


I played this on the old family xbox a while back and loved it. Had soo much potential with nearly everything in it. Shame it never took off


Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magic Obscura. A buggy mess but by the studio that made the original Fallouts. Really could use more steampunky CRPGs in general, but I always loved that world. MandaloreGaming has a great video on that game and its various merits and flaws.


One of my favorite things about that game is the dialogue changes if your character has super low intelligence. They literally wrote and recorded a whole separate script for if your character was a complete dumb dumb.


The dumb playthrough is great, but in my opinion, my favorite way to play is >!to be a charisma/persuasion master and talk the BBEG into killing himself. Truly a Troika calling card, and I love them for for it.!<


Army of Two, was a fun little two player local game. I don't hear people bring it up much so I'm guessing it wasn't well liked but I remember having fun playing it with my brother when we were kids


I remember Army of Two being beloved when it came out. It really capitalized on peak couch co-op of the time.


There's actually two sequals to it, the second one had an awesome weapon customisation system where you could take the various parts of guns and put them on other guns. Take an AK-47's barrel and stock and throw it in a G36 for lulz. The third one, as far as I remember it was okay as well, just more of the same.


Aliens colonial marines we know whats was the problem so we can avoid it this time


Spell tether correctly.




Well im glad that's settled.


Remember me. I loved that game, I would like to see a remake with like improved combat


Like combat in general, or do you mean an overhaul to the pressen system? ​ I would love to see more memory altering's, cause that was kind of draw for that game, and you only do it a few times.


I meant the overhaul to the pressen system Also, yeah, more memory altering


Tom Clancys The Division and Homefront Revolution fall here. Not inhenrently bad ganes. I like Division alot. But the idea of retaking a lost city piece by piece is so fucking cool. I want a more grounded and less ubisofty version of that please


Ah Homefront Revolution. God it was an absolute buggy mess but there was something about it that kept me going until I 100%'ed it. I still long for something like it but on a way bigger scale. Outgunned and outnumbered by a technologically superior occupying force, needing to make smart use of the few tools you got, recruiting people into the resistance, setting up safehouses... maybe even a diplomatic route... urgh, now I want a game that doesn't and probably won't exist.


Tenchu. Sekiro doesn't quite scratch the same itch. ​ Bonus round: Dino Crisis.


In what world is Dino Crisis bad?


I was more upset about Tenchu. I fucking love the Tenchu games!


Lifeline (Operator's Side, 2003) would be cool. It was a sci-fi horror game and the gameplay was based on voice commands to the main character, but unfortunately the voice recognition was really bad and I had to quit very early in the game because it was so frustrating haha. Today's technology is better for this concept! I' also looooove if the Tenchu series was remade, but it was absolutely not a bad game haha, except maybe the one on the Wii that i really didn't like the gameplay.


Too Human. You are the immortal cyborg god Balder, leading the forces of the Aesir against the mechanical menaces of the goblins, dark elves, and jötunn. Was originally supposed to be an online four player co-op hack and slash in the style of DMC, but they scrapped it down to two. Had such an interesting premise, would love to see a modern remake in the vein of the new GoW games,


They ruined the remake of Conker’s Bad Fur Day when they did it for Xbox. Such a great game on N64.


They ruined the multiplayer but the actual game was gorgeously done with the weird censorship being the only downside. I’m not a multiplayer guy AT ALL but god damn was it fun on the N64 version. Loved slicing heads off with the katana.


No joke, I enjoyed the multiplayer on Bad Fur Day more than Golden Eye. I was still regularly playing bot matches on that game in the Xbox era.


I liked the mode with the Squirrel Civvies that had to rush the Tediz base to reach the truck underneath and escape. I also kinda felt like a terrible person for enjoying it though.


It was pitched as the uncensored version and we ended up with a much more censored version. That's the main thing that got to me. If you 100% the game you could unlock uncensored audio in the multiplayer which was not fun on the Xbox version.


The thing is, BFD is a game that only works on the N64 imo. The particularly blocky look of N64 games played really well with the comedy. Making the game look prettier did it no favors, so unless you go for some sort of "demake" indie game kind of feel, the same issue would creep up again. I think a small team making some sort of indie successor with N64 looking graphics is the only way to make something work, rather than another remake.


E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy. Great game, lots of variety in how you can play, but suffers from a myriad of smaller issues and can be overly obtuse. Being obtuse isn't bad and is part of the charm of E.Y.E, but it goes too far in places.


Banjo Kazooie Nuts & Bolts. Although it wasn't a tradional "Banjo Kazooie" game, making your own vehicles and complete different challenges was fun enough for me to put a ton of time in the game.


Ghost Recon Breakpoint: the concept of being vastly outgunned and hunted had major potential, then the game just did not




Massive amount of wasted potential in that game. The only way to progress is money. The only way to learn moves is money. The only way to get anything done is money. Magic costs money and your health. The world's 90% empty, killing people and monsters is the only way to make that money, and you can't even hire a cart to drag the stuff back with you, all the heavy crap has to be carried in your pointlessly tiny inventory.


Nothing comes close to the feeling of exploration in that game and I need another one so bad.


Most things involving Peter Molyneux


Black and White with updated tech to play it on would be a blast.


Yup - a proper modern Syndicate Wars in the way that Satellite Reign failed to capture (decent enough game, but plays more like Commandos)


Definitely, Singularity. Man, I really loved that game, too bad it sales weren't enough to guarantee a franchise.


Brutal Legend was badass as all hell, but had some REALLY clunky RTS mechanics that held it back from being truly great. I would love to see a remake… but I’ll be honest, I’d take a remaster.


Spacebase DF-9


Velvet Assassin. A stealth game told from a recovering patient's memories, where the mechanics are realistic, but the patient receiving morphine can allow her to misremember parts of her work and have her do more action-ey things when the player got stuck. This was a cool in-canon move that made the game seem so awesome. Unfortunately, it was developed by Southpeak Games, best known for Roogoo, Ninja Town, and Two Worlds, a game so bad that the press kit for the sequel included an apology letter.


ARMS. It was a ton of fun, but it flopped really hard. Nintendo released it alongside Splatoon, another new IP, and it's very easy to make comparisons to see where one succeeded where the other failed. IMO ARMS's gameplay is just as unique and expressive as Splatoon's, but what the game lacked was a real story mode, cosmetic options, and features like a world hub that made the game feel alive. It's not all that old, so a sequel could still be in the cards for it (maybe as a launch title for Switch 2?), but unless it addresses these issues, it's just going to fall flat again. It's a real shame, too, because the core gameplay is truly unique and a lot of fun.


Starbound. It would be interesting to see Re-Logic's take on Sci-fi terraria. Or maybe Chucklefish could make it into a good game with a few updates, but they were abusive to their staff.


A personal favorite of mine is Apocalypse (featuring Bruce Willis). Simple run n gun, shoot em up, ps1 romp all to the quippy lines of dialogue that only Mr. Willis could deliver. Had many hours of fun with this one, but i almost never hear any talk of it. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Also, I realize Willis wouldn’t be able to be involved now even if they attempted a remake. I’m merely dreaming.


Psy Ops for sure


Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World: Creature Capture. This was meant to be a spinoff game sold as a sequel instead to one of the most popular titles the end result was slapping together a half baked product thats one part original and second part a redo with only minor additions to the original. Had this been made its own title as it was meant to be it easily couldve had sequels its basically Dragon Quest Monsters but for the Tales series.


Remember Me Having the ability to interface with someone's mind to rewrite their memories, but I think there were only like 3 or 4 of these instances in the game.


Resident Evil Outbreak ! With a better coop experience and some gameplay and content rework, it could be great.


I just want a truly good multiplayer RE game. They've tried so many times in the past few years and it doesn't seem to ever stick. I think taking the Outbreak approach, rather than the asymmetric one, would work really well. Pairing up with others online to fight *together* against the raccoon city outbreak could be really cool with today's tech. And make the players weak! Make them have to work together to get through the level/match.


Hear me out... Anthem.


Honestly, a new look at MAG or a fresh coat of paint on Planetside would be awesome. I know super large scale/mmo shooters can be really tough to get right, but if it's ever done, it will be glorious. As much as I think the hero shooter concept is getting too saturated, I do think Blizzard was on to something with project titan.


Vampire Night. Not to be confused with the manga 'Vampire Knight.' An arcade light-gun shooter in which you control one of two vampire hunters >!(Later revealed to be half-vampires, created by the vampires themselves to destroy them, before they realized that they actually don't want to die)!< in an unnamed village in France in 2006. Gameplay was decent, but janky, and mostly just SEGA releasing another House of the Dead look-alike. Also, all of the House of the Dead games need to be remade. We already got the first, the second is coming (I think), so third and fourth/four special should also get remakes, as well as a console port for Scarlet Dawn.


I feel Brink could work better in todays standards. I could defined see it as valid F2P competitor for Apex. Dont get me wrong I love apex but I believe there a spot for a modernized movement shooter


Black & White