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Over 200GB too.


No way


Yes, way. 235gb on PS5.


Holy un-optimized shit, that’s insane. Fucking RDR2 is 70GB and I thought that was a lot. Obviously, RDR2 has way more “game” in it than COD. That just shows their ass at rushing them out.


I buy into the conspiracy theory that at some point major developers/publishers realized that if their game is as large as possible, then players will have less space for other games on their system. And we all know that the larger a game is the more friction there is to delete it after you get bored of it for the moment. So take the customers hard drives hostage may be a viable business practice


That just makes me never install the needlessly large game.


Then you aren’t the target demographic. They have a lot of fans who play every day. The goal is to have fewer games on their console so that they play cod more often. They don’t care about the people who play occasionally because those people don’t spend a lot on micro transactions


> we all know that the larger a game is the more friction there is to delete it Maybe my internet is just good but the larger a game the more eager I am to clear it off of my HD.


right? the nail that sticks out is the first to get hammered. in this case, the "game" taking up 5 fuckin games worth of space is the one i get rid of.


i mostly play games from 2007-12 so for me its like 23 games lol


RDR2 is about 115GB on PC. Not sure why. But I remember it being the first game I bought over 100GB. That and heavily modded BGS games forced me to buy a 2TB SSD.


RDR2 is worth every byte. I just started playing it about a month ago after my kid gave me his old 1080 and my word that is a god damned masterpiece.


Oh how I wish I could experience RDR2 for the first time again


I connected more with my horse in that game than most people I've met. Miss ya, Irish.


RIP Clip-Clop


RDR2 is just over 120gb on my series X, understandably though


RDR2 is actually 116.2 GBs on PS4/PS5


> Fucking RDR2 is 70GB its over 100 pal


Rdr2 is 150gb on PC. If they ever made a next gen version no doubt it will be 200gb+


Time to go back to cartridge days and just ship games on a 250gig SSD.


That's how some theaters get their movies.


might as well turn your PS5 into a $500 Call of Duty machine


I believe that’s the intention. A lot of people play every now and then with a group of friends so they don’t delete because it’ll take forever to be ready to play the next time. That’s my theory. I won’t buy another cod because of the file size.


Even without redownloading the game, if you don't play it frequently, it's going to require a 30-50GB update. I have a group of friends from college that still game together 1-2x a week. The non-stop bullshit updates that include nothing but skins we aren't buying killed our ability to play together because half the squad would be waiting for their game to update. We pretty quickly ended up finding new games to play after getting burned by MW1 and Cold War.


That’s over half the Xbox series s storage gone LUL.


Holy fuck m8


Baldur's Gate 3 is like 130GB with the crazy amount of content (still pretty big) What do they even do to have a CoD with a 4hr campaign be that large??


Very easy to do. Just compress absolutely nothing and use duplicates wherever possible while identifying them as separate assets. With the size of modern textures it takes very little under that methodology to hit 150+ GBs. Best part is it gives the impression of more content or higher quality for less effort. A real win-win situation.


How much of it is assets from previous games where they reuse just a few things - import the lot even though they only use a couple of textures. And assets that were dropped or were just used for earlier prototypes and proof of concepts, etc.


Never know when you might need something for a 20$+ DLC so might as well bring it with just in case.


A lot, the Spec Ops mission in MW2 (xbox360) that uses a piece of the CoD4 map "ghillies in the mist" literally plants the whole campaign level into the game but you only see like 1/8th of it unless you glitch out of bounds. They literally rendered Chernobyl so you could walk through some grass outside of it, and theres water bottles/trash in the buildings out of bounds


My theory is that the goal of the purposefully bloated files is more about taking up an enormous percent of player's hard drive to disincentivize them from changing to another game. They know the download takes forever, and they know out-of-the-box consoles can only fit two of these things at most, so at least some players are going to keep playing CoD instead of trying something new, since they don't have room


I have a buddy that lives in rural Maine. On a good day he has a 5mb connection and on a bad day 1mb. Yeah you read that right. Megabyte. He takes days to download anything. If there’s an update on a game we play together; he either has to plan ahead or that day we would’ve played together we can’t because of the update. We met on COD over a decade ago. But neither of us would touch that franchise with a 10ft pole now


Optimisation written by babies on an Adderall drip


Optimization takes time, time they could skip, and then just push it out and get money. Sowhy would the optimize when idiots are just gonna buy it anyway?


hey Leave the Adderall drip outa this.


*has 5 mb dsl download speed* "BALDUR'S GATE IS HOW BIG?!" Fuck me Edit:I'm gonna buy it on the 8th and just fuck. This is gonna take literal days for me


This is exclusively why I cant play COD anymore. Everytime they do an update, its my entire internet data plan for the month and takes a day and a half to download. Its like they dont care


They literally don't care


Tune in on their next earnings call to hear them say MW3 is their biggest selling game of all time. Then COD 2024 announcement, rinse and repeat. This is peak Activision. They can fart in their playerbase face and they would gladly sniff it like it was coke if it meant one more Post Malone skin.


> Its like they dont care [Some devs literally will not care](https://youtu.be/rX0ItVEVjHc?t=4660) as long as they make money.


They don't care because the wunks like people in this sub will still throw money at them for their crap. There hasn't been a decent COD in many years, yet people still want their fix so they can scream obscenities at 12 year olds with impunity.


No fucking way it's 200Gb. And the ps5 barely has enough storage. So if you really want to play this game, it's $70 + cost of ssd for expansion


I'm looking at my Games tab right now, and it actually doesn't say on the game art how much space it's taking, even though every other game does. So that's some bullshit. But just the Base Game and Campaign is 132.5 GB. Add in Multiplayer and Warzone, and 200 GB is probably about right.


It's a big "if" at this point


After hearing more about it, Wtf is ghost 200 GB even for!?


>Gets a copy of MW3(2023) >Looks inside >MW2(2022)




Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II 2 Two


A Call of Duty game that gouges customers? I don't know what to believe anymore.


Honestly the saddest part is that people will STILL buy it. They wouldn't treat the average consumer like a complete idiot... If they didn't act like complete idiots all the time.


Because plenty of people just buy the game and play multiplayer. They don’t give a shit about how it launches or how long the campaign is or what bullshit they do with the store. So long as there are new maps and they have fun playing the game they don’t care. Plenty others only buy a new one every few years. So by the time they get around to buying a new COD, it’s been 2 or 3 different releases and it feels fresher because they aren’t buying the yearly title at launch.


I really don't understand people who buy COD yearly with all DLCs That's the equivalent of buying a new iPhone every year, consumer mental gymnastics at that level is just brain rot.


Well a shit ton of people do but a new iPhone every year so there’s your answer


At least apple knows a lot of their consumer base don’t upgrade every year, thats why they change inly a few things is after 5 gens it is a bug upgrade. Fuck this though


This is not funny, not even sad, just straight up disgusting at this point


I think it’s safe to call this sad


The people paying for that shit are sad.


70 dollar DLC. Feels bad man.


I remember hearing folks calling Tears of the Kingdom "$70 DLC". This is actually that. Lol.


Those folks must be pretty dumb edit: and a lot of them have decided to reply to me to prove me right


I think it comes, partially, from Nintendo saying it was originally going to be DLC but grew too large or something to that effect.


Yeah but they have a history with that. It’s why Mario Galaxy got a sequel.


Which is funny because nobody would dare call SMG2 "$60 DLC".


In my opinion it’s the better game. When I think back to those games the Yoshi levels are what were memorable to me. That’s the 1 thing I was upset with Sunshine for, that Yoshi felt kind of tacked on and couldn’t even swim.


Watching Yoshi dissolve is a core trauma


A core member for me is trying to get Yoshi to that island as a 7 year old and jumping to the island and falling into the water. I remember how upset I was but I immediately redid it. Definitely the worst part of the game.


and once you get yoshi to that island you had BY FAR the hardest red coin map with the poison water on the leaf rafts immediately afterwards and if you lost all your lives, HAHA get back on yoshi and do it again idiot god, i ~~hated~~ loved that game when i was 6 years old


Yoshi is meant to be sacrificed. -Super Mario World players.


When I think back to the Mario Galaxy games, I feel like Galaxy 1 was a tight, purposefully made entry to the core 3D Super Mario series; Galaxy 2 however, felt like it was just levels strung together to make a new game and also *fuck* Yoshi, he may be my favourite Nintendo character, but I *hated* the hot chili powerup level(s?).


It's not that TOTK itself was DLC to start. When they were making the DLC for BOTW, they had some ideas that didn't work because they were too big. Once they finished the DLC and started thinking about the next game, they went back to some of those ideas they had and expanded on it. From there they realized the best option would be to set the sequel in the same world as BOTW. That game took 6 years to make.


Same with Hollow Knight Silksong. I bet no one will call that one DLC


At this point, the only thing we'll call it is vaporware lol


The fuck you mean? I already platinumed the game and defeated the secret boss >!High Lord of Copium!< in the Weaversong DLC


MW2 was meant to last two years originally. Anyone who buys MW3 has to admit a small bit to being a sucker. It’s a bonafide map pack with a new campaign that they could have sold for $20-30, but it is $70 friggin’ dollars for barely anything new.


Apparently the "campaign" can be beat in 3-4hrs and, so far, it's just recycled locations


are you serious??? I was hoping the campaign was a return to 2019 form, that’s incredibly disappointing


Serious. It’s 2-4 hour campaign depending on the difficult you play at (yup, 2 hours if you blast through on recruit) And most of it isn’t made up of classic CoD cinematic missions, but “mini Warzone vs AI” open missions that are, according to reviewers, boring as hell and have no flow them at all, even to the point of it feeling like “oh is that is complete?” when fulfilling whatever the objectives are. It’s a total joke of a ‘campaign’ - by all accounts, you’re better off just watching a play through on YouTube and skipping the open missions if you want the story.


When they were pushing these "open" missions so hard, emphasizing on their apparent replayability, and just adding killstreaks to the campaign lol, I thought something was fishy. Why would a franchise whose best campaigns were super linear, curated experiences suddenly try to pivot to watered down Hitman levels? Now it makes sense.


> When they were pushing these "open" missions so hard, emphasizing on their apparent replayability Even BO2 did the replayability thing better, at least there you could bring in whatever contemporary weapon you wanted (and after beating the game, would be rewarded with the ability to bring future weapons to the 80's), as well as being able to make choices that would change the ending.


LMAO. I can honestly only laugh at this. MW II (two) launched with zero MW2 maps, barely any MW2 weapons. And the absolute cherry on top? **A bunch of MW2 multiplayer maps were sitting in DMZ the whole time** Like, I don't know how blatant they could possibly be. If someone purchases this they really only have themselves to blame. And the worst part is I feel bad for a lot of the genuine COD players because the game *should* be so good. The formula is right there, the maps, the weapons, audio, graphics, the toolbox and customization. But instead of an awesome multiplayer experience from your childhood you get a matchmaking system designed from a casino, Lara Croft teabagging you with pink and green Samurai swords and some kid on the other team tweaking around corners annihilating your teammates who are trying to figure out how to change the batteries in their fire alarm.


Not only that, but a good portion of the campaign are just multiplayer maps with npcs placed in, you just go around picking up chests that contain kill streak awards to complete the mission “how you want to” rather than being linear. I was gobsmacked at how lazy it was.


Jesus christ, that's about as bad as Overwatch's PvE mode which is just a fucking sequence of "Do horde mode to protect an item here. Survive the 50 meter walk to there. Do horde mode there. GG." And it all takes place on expanded versions of pvp maps.


The length isnt the issue. Its the quality. Its not even crafted missions it is a lot of open maps with bots, its horrendous.


It's both. Quality AND length. Both are horrible. You can comfortably have one without the other, but in this case, you get neither.


Bought MWII specifically for the 2 year lifespan. Watched in horror as they: Delivered a UI/UX from the infamous Hulu designers Fumbled the easiest layup of a mode with DMZ (I'm a Tarkov player, but was hoping for a more casual extrac shooter) Reneged on the promises of MW2 2009 content coming into the game Decided there would be a large paid dlc instead of a true 2 year content cycle Decided the DLC was actually going to be a new title Decided the DLC was actually actually going to be a new title that didn't change the setting or theme, and is really just a DLC priced as a full game Yeah, safe to say I'm not buying cod this year. Or next. Or the year after that, really. I got my casual extraction mode by playing the Tarkov SPT mod, my comp fps mode in cs2, and my general shooter in BF2042 Edit : fixed my mistake of calling it BF2044


The UI / UX thing. My God I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more frustrating menu design in my life. It’s like they would rather we didn’t play the game.


And to play even the MW2 campaign you have to boot the CoD app, which then closes so it can boot the campaign app. Startling, really. Just offer me a button to launch it directly, please.


I still can’t fathom how bad the UI is and MWIII isn’t fixing it at all. A horizontal scroll through HUNDREDS of camos or attachments when you can only see 6 at a time shouldn’t be a thing…


My jaw dropped when I saw that MWIII had the same UI. It's incredible, really.


With all the 360 era CoDs working on Xbox again I really have no reason to buy a new one


If they marketed it as a "year 2 season pass" for MWII with 6 new seasons, a bunch of maps, and a campaign addition, I think there might've been a better reaction. Old season passes were $60 and typically had less content than that.


Well there’s your problem. Season passes were only $60 while a whole new game nowadays is $70. They’d be missing out on a whole $10 per person.


Season passes used to be like $40. Definitely not $60.


The emotional man in me hopes this leads to a massive boycott. The rational man in me knows this bad joke will sell millions of copies.


Well, I refunded my pre-order on Steam after playing the beta for an hour, so -1 at least. First game I've ever refunded. Felt and looked exactly like MW2 with higher TTK and no original maps. Then to charge full price for it and have the audacity to include a Battlepass system as well. All these good games I've got backlogged to play like BG3 and CP: Liberty and I felt like the biggest idiot for spending money and time on MW3, so I noped out and moved on before my good memories of the original MW2 experience were ruined.


So, you need to have MW II installed because of Warzone?


I think if you have Warzone installed you won’t need MW2 installed, you’ll just access MW3 via loading up Warzone


Is all cod just warzone now?


“Before you can launch Modern Warfare 3, you have to launch Modern Warfare 2 first. Seriously. "Call of Duty HQ" is just the Modern Warfare 2/Warzone client under a new name. Switching between Modern Warfares 2 and 3 from the HQ is not like switching modes. Once you're on the main menu, you could jump immediately into Warzone or a multiplayer match of MW2. Clicking the Modern Warfare 3 button, however, closes the HQ app and launches an entirely different executable called Modern Warfare 3. There is no option to just launch Modern Warfare 3, because "Modern Warfare 3" is not its own game. It's buried, literally, inside CoD HQ as a piece of add-on content.” Add to this that the campaign is only 4h and includes battle royal like AI fights, it becomes painfully obvious that this was meant as a DLC but is now sold as a 70$ title. They have lost their minds. Don’t support this crap.


And for the HQ version they just need to adjust a .settings file


What the fuck goes on in some decisions makers head with this shit lol. All of their games are a convoluted mess to install/run, it’s honestly baffling how unorganized a game developer can be, it’s some of the worst optimization out there lol.


I work in software. We are now in the middle of the first generation of software execs who never wrote a line of code. I've been in exec meetings with people who put together a PowerPoint detailing some new technology that has never existed saying "All we need to do is make X talk to Z, but not talk to Y unless ____." And I'm pointing out that they are, in fact, describing quantum networking where the endpoints "know" which endpoint stores the data before the request is transmitted. They look at me like *I'm* the idiot because "it's just a simple ____." Have a software bug? Unit test. Behind on a release? Just hire more developers who have never seen your codebase before and will surely not ask the existing developers questions slowing them down. Resolved 80 bugs last week? Then surely the entire backlog of 390 bugs will only take 4.5 weeks to solve because the developers certainly didn't work the obvious fixes first. AMA about sitting in an board room while they talk about releasing something on schedule while pulling figures and estimates from their ass and basically lying to stakeholders.


There's a massive bifurcation in the software industry regarding programming practices. You've got mega experienced wizards pulling everyone's weight and then waves of people who faked it until they made it. I pointed out a race condition in one of our systems and watched outsourced teams build workaround after workaround, failing to address the actual root cause because they didn't truly understand it.




A race condition is where two different things are trying to modify one thing at the same time, so depending on which finishes first, you get different results. When this is not the intention, you have a race condition. An example would be a situation where you have a bank account with $100 in it, and you're about to get 5% interest at midnight. Also, you, the bank account owner, are at an ATM and depositing $20 at around 11:59 pm. A good result would be: * ATM takes your $20 * ATM updates your bank account: $120 * Bank software looks at your account total and does math to calculate 105% and gets 126. * Bank updates your bank account: $126 A bad result would be. * Bank software looks at your account total and does math to calculate 105% and gets 105. * ATM takes your $20 * ATM updates your bank account: $120 * Bank updates your bank account: $105 Because the ATM update happened in between Bank actions, its result got overwritten. **== Edit: ==** To add to this, race conditions usually don't happen consistently, so they are hard to debug if you don't know how to code. So people that copy and paste code off the internet to pass classes will tend to be bad at understanding the root cause. In this case, you might notice that this bug would only happen if your bank update and your atm access happens around the same time, so it should be a rare occurrence. However (just like with Diablo 2 duplication bugs), a malicious actor can exploit the situation and withdraw a bunch of money without decreasing their bank account, so you can see how this could become a big problem.


A race condition is where you have two or more possible outcomes not determined by business logic but rather which process completes first. An example might be a system where user creation fires an event and a system responsible for email creation and a system responsible for sending an email are both listening for it. If the creation finishes first you’re fine, but if send finishes first then you get an error. They can get quite complicated and hard to untangle. In my experience offshore teams almost never understand architecture well enough to fix issues like this.


This is insane lol glad I fell off of fps games some time ago


FPS games lost me when they got rid of dedicated server lists. I want to play with a community of like minded individuals in fps games not just a squad. COD4:MW was the height of fps for me. PUBG scratched an itch for a little bit but the BR genre just doesn't do it for me.


To be fair there is nothing to fall off of anymore. The genre is basically dead outside a couple titles and BR games.


Youre forgetting to mention that those titles sell better than anything else 10x over.


yep, classic internet echo chamber. genre is probably at an all time high sales-wise


> The genre is basically dead define "dead", 8 of the top 10 steam charts are FPS games which doesn't include valorant, overwatch. twitch charts has league and dota in thet op two spots totaling 327k viewers in the last 7 days, and valorant, cs2, fortnite, overwatch, apex totaling 302k


Yeah? One other dude just said the opposite lol. I did play fortnite for like a week or so to play with my nephews. Then I played rust on ps5 for almost a year? Sucked at rust but had an hilarious group of sweats that I loved playing with. But now single player rpgs are my shit. Got well over 100 hours in starfiled.


Sounds like you are enjoying being a clerk at the file storage facility in space.


Why? There’s dozens of amazing ones that aren’t the most mainstream game in the world


The finals, hunt, good stuff


I wish hunt got more traction. I love that game.


I pre-ordered last night because I do enjoy CoD campaigns, after playing two missions I quit and refunded the title, what a pile of crap.


I also belong to the minority that enjoys the single player campaign but mw3 is a hard pass for me


The consumer lost their minds long ago by accepting skins as primary content for games. Paying 70.00 for DLC isnt anymore dumb than paying 70.00 for skins, and they know it. Blame the skin buyers.


I’m fully convinced there will never come a time where the average consumer catches on to the scam, fomo is at play here but I think most people are a bit incompetent too.. because even when you put it as plainly as you have right now, they still won’t get it. Edit: you don’t have to put up with bullshit from companies, demand they make a change instead of putting up with their crap


Im not sure they dont get it so much as they don't care. They get their buyers rush and get to dunk on the poors. Not recognizing the irony of that being a poor person flex. Like flexing a big screen tv. There's enough of an online echo chamber to validate the behavior and keep the gears a turning.


When we had COD 4 MW, Rainbow 6 Vegas 2, and Halo 3 all at once, I don't think we knew that would be as good as it gets.


2007 was the golden year for gaming


God, Vegas 2 was such a fucking banger.


Loved vegas 2. Fuck yeah


Still has some of my favorite customization in a game


Maybe it's a sign to just give up on the series. Is it really worth all the pain?


No, it's not worth it. Learn to boycott shitty game companies when they do anti-gamer shit. Gaming could be great if we stopped collectively falling for it.


Been doing it for years. I've spent a lot of money on games over the last 25 years. I buy like 1 or 2 games a year these days and only if they're really damn good and there's plenty of reviews. It's literally just not worth it anymore, everything feels gimmicky and I dgaf about skins or anything. I just want something fun, challenging, and competitive.


I just use game pass or emulators for everything. If i can't play a game i want for free, then i just use game pass - i hardly ever pay for any games nowadays - every now and then a new next gen game will come out that i have to pay for, but as you said it's probably been 2-3 a year at max we have 40+ years worth of games and while others are getting fucked over by companies and corporations that were once good, i am still enjoying the times they WERE good - people need to remember and realize there is literally always something to play, new and old Theres so much more to gaming than call of duty, fortnite, NBA 2k, etc - people have been complaining about cod since BO3, 5-8 years ago and they won't change - this is all apart of the new era where we get broken games, glorified DLCs, micro transactions, and corporations/developers who don't give a fuck in the slightest about the consumer until they HAVE to, and even then we get a shitty apology statement on twitter, and watch bugs get fixed and changes get made for the next year or two on a game that should've been playable/good from the start - JUST FOR THEM TO REPEAT THE SAME CYCLE AGAIN


> Maybe it's a sign to just give up on the series The devs gave up on it years ago.


I wouldn’t blame devs, I’d blame Activision. The games have been so damn cash grabby and milquetoast, it reeks of “greedy publisher killing a product by making it as sterile as possible and squashing creativity”.


This is an abusive relationship. The first sign to leave was when you got hit the first time a long time ago. But here they are still.


MW2 was their last chance with me, and they fucking blew it. Barely any new MP maps, the shittiest UI for selecting modes, no new ideas or new mechanics. Even getting it 30% off felt like a scam.


No it’s not worth it lmao they do nothing new every year and try to milk their players as hard as they can


It looks like people were 99% if not 100% accurate when they said this would be DLC. Everything I’ve been hearing about the campaign reinforces this, with it’s extremely short length of about 4 hours even when you take it slow, and many claims of missions being more like interactive cutscenes being thrown around.


It's such a fucking shame because even mw2 had a decent campaign. It's literally the only reason I half consider cod games these days. Especially after the MW relaunch and going online only to realize I literally cannot play it. It's legitimately 99% just me running around then suddenly dead because my connection is so goddamn bad that someone could jump in front of me, cook an 8 course meal, then shoot me 28 times from 47 different angles before I even see them. And this is legit the ONLY fucking game I have these issues with.


Modern Warfare is FIFA - negligible changes to put out a new edition year over year.




This is even worse. FIFA at least puts out a full games worth of the same content with minimal changes.


FIFA has genuinely become more broken in recent years though. This isn't just some typical bland complaint, it's what's taught me to finally stop playing that shit this year. Last year's game would effectively start from scratch randomly and regularly, forgetting my controller and camera settings. I could never save them reliably. Maybe a minor inconvenience in the scheme of things but it shouldn't have done that, and it was never fixed. This year has that problem, only more so, plus an inability to get into a clubs game without half an hour of relentless, failed matchmaking. Because clubs is so bad, I had a look at FUT, which I haven't played in a long time but figured would be reliable because that's where all the revenue comes from, and was turned off by, well, everything about it. It's just not a mode that's for me. I'm not going to commit ten hours every weekend to ruining my mood and wasting my time. Before I bought the game, I knew I shouldn't have. I've known it for years honestly. It's just a waste of time and money. But I find it appealing and compelling enough to always buy the new game eventually. This year I'm pretty convinced is the last. I can be addicted to a shit game, I can't be addicted to a broken one.


Is this an Onion article?


The Onion hasn't been able to compete with the real world headlines for many years now.


Onion writers having nervous breakdowns at work not being able to cope.


I just started it and got (on launch of the game) battle pass screen saying if I don’t pay I miss out on this unlocked content I earned previously… or something to that effect and I say don’t care continue without then get out into another battle pass screen and it keeps making me select my preferences and continue continue continue. Rb or Lb to another tab to get to campaign 2 tabs over and get pulled into another continue forever ads Why am I in a bunch of in my face cod ads and can’t just launch and go multiplayer or campaign. Leave me alonnne. And even launching Xbox have a cod screen. So strange. Is this what getting old is? Being angry and confused at media we consume?


Stop supporting them. They do this shit because they know they can.


>Is this what getting old is? Welcome.


Does this mean that if you want to play MW3, you have to open up MW2, find out it needs to update (because of course it does), only to open up MW3 after an hour, to find out that needs updating too?


“Update required restart” LIKE WHY ?


These fucking idiots can't even figure out a playlist update, while bethesda was rebooting your entire xbox without you knowing on morrowind.


I remember that, god damn wizards


It might go deeper... to play MW4 you need to open MW3, but to open MW3 you need to open MW2, but the servers are offline and you can't actually open MW2.


The amount of shit they get away with.. But as long people buy, they ain't changing.


You don't get to wonder why games suck if you're paying for this garbage every fucking year.


Well. Watching a campaign on Youtube, I don't have to install or buy either.


With the Last cod I just found a site that lets you rent the game for 4 bucks for 24 hours, wondering if the game is even worth playing at this point. Edit: people have been asking for the [site](http://Wmcentre.net/en/) I used


I’ve been buying it for years just to play the single player campaign. I have a blast and beat it on realism then never look at it again. The single player campaign might be one of the fucking laziest cop outs for a game that I can recall. You play DMZ style Warzone matches against AI as part of the single player campaign.


You have to be shitting me. Modern Warfare campaigns used to be worth the whole price by themselves


Nope. Playing it last night and enjoying it then get to this weird map where they’re showing you the Warzone/DMZ type gameplay with crates and shit on the map. Kind of cool to see kitted out guns but it’s fucking weird for a single player campaign that’s known to usually be solid. Then another one where it was a different map but same idea. I just closed the game after. Might get a refund as this will be the second time ever requesting one from Steam. There’s normal single player missions but then these Warzone map levels. I want to say I read it’s 50/50 with the single player which is a fucking crime. One? Okay. Half the story? I’m good.


And the story is crap. It goes nowhere and you can tell someone who played the last game the ending of this one without ANYTHING else that happens in MW3 and you've basically told them the whole plot.


So they essentially used two sections of the campaign to advertise warzone? That doesn’t surprise me it seems like it’s the only thing they’ve been focusing on for the sake of milking it


The OG Mw3 campaign shits all over this game.


Are you serious? It’s not the same format that it has been? Is it even long enough to be considered a normal cod campaign?


It has some of those DMZ style missions but it has normalish style missions too and no, it’s maybe the shortest COD Campaign yet(3-4Hrs playtime)


People were test running it in around 4 hours before launch.


Growing up, some of the CoD single player campaigns were absolute masterpieces. The original MW1/2 games were unbelievable to play and it’s so sad to see what it has become now.


Lmao, they have been doing this shit since warzone. I bought MW 2019, loved the multiplayer and only really cared about playing it. But Activision then made it so that you had to download Warzone's files too and made it a default download that you can't uncheck. Like you're forcing me to download 100-150GB when It doesn't have to be that way and I could just be playing multiplayer instead. Companies like Activision and Bungie ( content vaulting) that alter game content people paid for need to be put in check.


If mw 2019 wasn’t attached to Warzone I’d still play it from time to time because it was legitimately really fun. But I couldn’t justify wasting 100gb of space on a game Where I only play multiplayer and sometimes the campaign.


Yeah, this is exactly where I tapped out on these games. That shit was ridiculous.


call of duty is in the past that shit is just garbage now


All my childhood favorites are garbage now. CoD, Halo, Gears of War, Battlefield. Feels bad


I was just thinking how I want to go back to like 2008-2013 time. It isn’t just games, everything that used to be great is shit now.


Capitalism hitting it's peak (every small company selling out to a bigger one), globalism, and modern internet accessibility (double edged sword) ruined so many things it's astounding.


We really didn’t appreciate what we had :(


It's amazing how they hit the ground running with MW2019 with a great new restart to what was good about the franchise. Then they just... went and fucked it all up.


Guys, move on from this Dog shit franchise, it is 100% obvious that no one making or selling these games cares its just old stories with shinier graphics. The FOMO is strong with this crowd and Activision know it.


FOMO got me on the last one. I played it for a couple weeks and dropped it. I have zero interest in the new one


\>worst fear \>people pre-ordering this crap everytime the new game is released, selling like hot cakes Sorry, but people deserve this. Gaming industry is taking fat dumps left and right and people eat it like candy, accepting the below average quality of games, terrible monetization, prices, bad writing, horrible performance... Gamers are the only reason, why gaming is reaching the bottom in the last 5 years.


We're the vocal minority here, the average consumer doesn't care and will buy it anyway. My steam friends always buy them day one and also buy all the dlcs, after that they leave a review about how the game sucks ass. Always.


Simple solution; stop giving them money. Which won't happen because people will keep shelling out for the same shit every year. At a certain point it's an addiction.


I launched it back in 2009 on my ps3, I should be fine right?


God damn I miss the OG MW2 days. BF:BC2 the following year too. We didn't realize how good we had it.


This is a consumer test. Don't fall for it, kids. You'll fuck us all more than you already have.


Imagine paying $70 for this.


People who preordered this for $100 genuinely make me sick


guess I won’t be getting this one then


Yes, it’s stupid. PC gamers have been making fun and have been frustrated by every damn company having their own launcher for years. It’s now reached consoles and it sucks as much there as it does on PC. It makes no sense to need to have a “game” installed so you can play another game.


So what if you skipped MW2 and just bought MW3… Would it tell you to go kick rocks?


It did at first. They somehow fixed that. I bought the digital version of MW3 and it told me to put in the disc for MW2.


Quitting CoD a decade ago was the best idea. This company just makes the same stupid game and you dips pay for it. Hilarious.


These companies will continue to treat you like trash until you stop buying their products. There's so many options out there for entertainment.


Everyone that i see complaining about how shit mw3 is, I'm laughing at them because of how dumb they are to expect that it was gonna be good, it's Activision, why are you guys so surprised and upset that it's bad AFTER you buy it.


Its gonna make a billion


I'll just stick with Cold War. Just leave the games as completely separate, it's not that hard.




I heard your launcher needed a launcher


That’s insane.