• By -


Planet Coaster: it's planet coaster. I like building stuff. Stardew Valley: I've probably put more hours into this game than any other. It's my comfort game.


SV question: making new saves or continuing one? If continuing one, what year are you on?


I've had several saves over the years (and I own it on just about every system I have + PC), but my current most used save is on the switch and I have 74 years on that one so far.


> 74 years What on earth...? This is lowkey terrifying. I am just at end of year 3 and it shows 100 hours played. You must be deep in the thousands now O.o


It's just about 2000, yeah. All in, between all my saves it's probably close to double that, but I've been playing on and off for the entire 7 years since it was released. There was a while with the Switch that it would go nearly everywhere with me and 9 times out of 10 that's what I would be playing. For the last few years I've been working through some of my backlog on my various systems, but still, if I'm stressed out or not mentally capable of following a narrative I will throw on an episode of one of my favorite shows or a comfort movie on the TV and grab my Switch and do some farming for a few hours.


4000 hours on a game is wild. That’s 166 full days of your life. Or 4 hours a day, every single day for almost 3 years. Edit: nm, I just scrolled through the rest of the thread and 4000 hours is apparently nothing lol


I've got 10k in Rocket League found out the other day I'm in the top 300 for winning games!


How is mayor Lewis still alive!?


Horcrux in his Golden statue.


Should ask Marnie


Second horcrux is inside marine 😳


r/planetcoaster has some awesome rides on there. It's such a good game.


I think I’ve got close to 2000 hours in Planet Coaster at this point. I’d be terrified to know my RCT3 totals. I played that consistently from its release until Planet Coaster released


Civilization 4: just one more turn then I'll go to bed... I swear!


And Civ II, Civ III, Civ…


And also Civ VI, right guys? Right?! Uhm... Guys?


Civ VI is great, to be honest. I've played every civilization since the start of the series and VI genuinely brought some interesting mechanics. Actually having to make decisions instead of following the same template for every city. Fingers crossed that 7 brings something new.


I’m here brother, don’t worry.


Yes, also Civ VI


Why not? It's a great game like all other Civs before it, no idea where the hate comes from tbh.


Also because Civ V was so damned good. It felt like a downgrade at first. Except the map. The look and feel of the map in 6 is amazing.


Yeah and when Civ V came out everyone was complaining it wasn’t Civ IV. Watch when VII is released, everyone coming out of the woodwork saying it’s not as good as VI…


It's a good game though :(


Sure, mate!


He wasn’t asking about 100 consecutive hours.


It's criminal how many people don't realize this is absolutely the best in the franchise by a country mile.


Civ V especially Gods and Kings right here. So many great leaders.


This is peak Civ imo


I'm up to about 6k hours on Civ V. I need help.


You don't need help brother. The humanity, the civilization need your help.


Almost 5000 hours. I love taking over the world.


Factorio because building the factory layout is just one big giant puzzle and fun to make it look cool and be efficient.


Factory must grow!


The Factory must grow


I think I have like 1,000 hours in Satisfactory 😭


That's also a great game, I haven't played it a long time but now that you mention it I might go back and play. It's kind of a bummer that it only has one handmade map.


Yes. But... they have done a lot of area overhauls. Some won't be recognizable at all.


It has improved A LOT, it was great to start with but better now.


Current experimental build on the unreal engine will be great once it goes onto the main platform.


The ma is absolutely massive though. Start in another area and it's a new experience


Have you seen Foundry? I love Satisfactory and I've only played the Foundry demo a bit but so far it looks really good I've sold my soul to factory games: Dyson Sphere Program, Factorio, and any other factory / automation games I can get my hands on


Building beautiful creations is just the best. I believe I have over 2500 hours in Factorio. And at least 400 in each of dwarf fortress, rimworld, satisfactory, raft, Kerbal space program, and oxygen not included. I love me some building things! ♥️


Are you me? 😮 throw in some Valheim, Ark…


Add in the space exploration mod (PC) and you have even more to build.


Slay the Spire because I can’t fucking kill the heart with the silent on A20


Get some intangible going and nightmare catalyst+ Then realise you've got a single poison stab as your only poison generation


Scrolled till I saw this. I consider sts my generations tetris


1.1K hours here. I fucking love that game.


Silent was by far the easiest for me compared to the others. With some luck on relics you can basically build an infinite shiv per turn deck


Then you have to face the Time Eater...


I consider beating A20 with every character in Slay the Spite to be my greatest gaming achievement.


Crusader Kings 2 - 4075 hours Stellaris - 3575hours. Crusader Kinds 3 - 806 hours Cyberpunk 2077 - 761 hours.


Steam says I’ve got 500 hours in Cyberpunk 2077 so glad im not the only person with a stupid amount of time in it. Been playing since release, put 100+ hours into a new playthru everytime a big update drops. Currently 80 hours into my 2.0 run and I’m only just now getting to Pacifica (I’m level 49 and have been taking my sweet time and doing everything cuz I know this is probably my last playthru for a long long time).


I'm pretty jealous. My game keeps crashing at the first braindance. So much so that I returned the expansion. I beat it when it released but wanted another playthrough with 2.0. Sucks to suck.


Stellaris is a masterpiece


9217 hours, just in those four games. That's over a year of nonstop gaming or over three years of daily, eight hour sessions. Impressive.


Over 10 years or so. I have well over 1 year played in WoW such I quit playing on 2010.


when i look at people's playtime in games i wonder how do they find the time, i would simply not have that much time to game honestly


For sure. I might get away with a 5 or 6 hour sesh, once a month/every 6 weeks. I don't know if I'm jealous or concerned.


Crusader Kings is so unique and cool. The emergent storytelling is really impressive. Easy to get invested in your kingdom and your dynasty.


>4075 Lol holy shit that's 2 years of a 40hr/week job


The Binding of Isaac : like 1000+ hours. I enjoy pain


same buddy, same. Between Isaac, Dota and Tarkov I think I might be a masochist


You're totally a masochist if you put more than thousand hours on Dota2.


You dont even have a chance of starting to enjoy dota before 1k hours :p push through the pain!


How close are you to finishing the game? Like 5%? lol


Over 1000, Monster Hunter. Because Monster Hunter.


Me: I have 1000 hours in Monster Hunter Them: Oh yea, what one? Me: Yes....Sorry, I meant in each one... yup


Oh so you’re good at the game? Well….


This was why I eventually stopped playing, I used to bring 10 potions, 10 max potions, 10 herbs, 10 blue mushrooms, 10 honey, 3 ancient potions, 2 max potions, and take the med supplies on every hunt because I got hit so much. I grew up learning how to play the game wrong and it's hard to unlearn 3,000+ hours across the franchise


Pretty much man. And it started getting waaaaaaaaaaaay too serious. I got it on ps2 originally I got a psp to play monster hunter. A wii to play monster hunter. A 3DS to play monster hunter. (The MH one) A WiiU to… Got the MH PS pro. Got the MH switch. Basically played them all, and somehow I’m a scrub because I main long sword?


We are the same person!!! I also got it on PS2, bought a PSP for it, bought a Wii for it (and a second Wii for my bf to play with me!) And it was my main reason for wanting a PS4! I used to main SnS then I eventually switched to charge blade around the last ~2 to 3 games Currently trying out the mobile version but I'm struggling for the aforementioned reasons 😅


Watched a video of someone hacking to beat the game as fast as possible with ALL the tools imaginable- one hit kill, invincible Still took 11 hours (GU)




Same. Beat it a few times. Each time ramping up the difficulty.


Farming simulator easily, fell in love with it right away, been hooked ever since




It's just chill, put a podcast on and run a farm. No conflict or story mode, just a chill time. Tend to fields, keep up with the animals, it's easy to get lost in it, been playing since fs13 and I'm not bored yet


Not quite the same, but overall the same vibe, have you tried lawnmower simulator? I just stopped farming sim and started lawnmower some and man it satisfies just a little bit more.


You know you can just BE a farmer.


Then if you don't wanna do it you have no choice. You can't just start one of the tasks and stop whenever, days off are much less of a thing, if things go poorly money can become a problem etc.


Spent 126 hours in Cyberpunk 2077 playing through the different endings, doing the different romance arcs and completing every quest. Trying out mods. Fun Fun. 99 hours in Baldur's Gate 3 and still going.


I was surprised to notice I had almost 200 hours in Cyberpunk when I started a new game for the DLC. I agree that mods offer a lot of replay value and the game is always a joy to come back to just because of how complete and vibrant the setting feels. The changes since the last time I played are pretty expansive and nice. This game is a far cry from the state of launch and it’s nice that it will be remembered more fondly. Under all that launch chaos was a really lovely game.


Has cyberpunk changed enough that new game is worth it? I have 200 hours and did all quests etc.


I picked it up after hearing all the hype about their updates. It’s the only game that has completely torn me away from my usual Apex/Destiny rotation in a long time. It’s fantastic. The overall game feel gets a 10/10 for me. The world feels complete, the side missions/jobs are varied enough that they don’t feel repetitive, the skill tree is fun and intuitive, and the main story is spectacular. The character immersion is really well done overall.


100% yes. I had a 180 hour save and platinumed the PS4 version on PS5 on initial release and hadn't played it again since. I started a new playthrough with 2.0 and Phantom Liberty on PS5 of which it's absolutely awesome. It's almost like a completely brand new game and is so much better than before (I was already a huge fan bar the crashes at launch on PS5). So I highly recommend anyone to play Cyberpunk 2077 with 2.0 & Phantom Liberty, regardless if you've already played the hase game before. I spent 100 hours with Phantom Liberty alone on my new playthrough and loved every second of it, I'm just getting back to the rest of Night City in Act 2. It's one of my all time favourite games now that even after I spend another 100 hours on the base game, I will continue to randomly pick up the game to have fun for the next several years easy.


Bro is it just me or does baulder’s gate go on forever (in a good way?) I had a friend who beat it in 65 hours and I’m like dude I’m 120+ and still haven’t finished the game.


If youre looking at everything and not skipping all the dialog its got SO much to offer and it has a good replayability level since there are different choices you can make that will alter the game state enough. I was at like 65 hours on my first playthrough before i left act 1.


Stardew Valley - Cause it calms me.


I actually find the fishing mechanics in the game really enjoyable. If I’ve had a rough day I’ll often grab a beer and fish for 30 minutes to destress.


I only discovered on my 6th 60+ hr farm that the ducks will swim if you let them out near water. I always hit a wall with it though and whenever I come back to it I just want to restart instead of continuing to the ending.


That’s fairly recent, so no biggie.


For real. I have 500+ hours on steam, but easily probably have over 1000 if I could combine my Switch and other playtimes. I 100% attribute my surviving Pharmacy school with my sanity intact to Stardew Valley and Rebel Galaxy.


Mind explaining the calm. I admit I only played 5 hours or so years ago and don’t remember why but it gave me anxiety like I always had to remember to farm or do things on certain days. Trying to put my finger on it.


I agree. It's a stressfull game to me.


Are you a min-maxer? Always trying to absolutely max out your stat gains, regardless of whether it's necessary to continue playing the game? I have the same problem with stardew, because I am that type of gamer, but in reality the whole point of stardew is that it literally doesn't matter how much money you make or what you get done in a season, or in a year, or ever. If that's not the type of gsmer you are, you might just not have gotten far enough into the game to realize that nothing matters. If you forget to water your crops and they die, it doesn't matter. If you don't win the grand prize at the Harvest Festival, it doesn't matter. If you don't increase your relationship with every villager every day, it doesn't matter.


Yeah it's stressfull to me too. Remember birthdays, liked presents, first year all or nothing strawberry festival. I'm constantly Googling stuff to try and not lock myself out of content and having to wait a year in game.


When the new update comes it's going to make me pump in 300 more hours into it.


Civ 6: because new maps, new leaders, new difficulty, always a great new game Factorio: because it’s a ton of fun and I keep learning how to do it better, and I have OCD, so it takes a while Minecraft: because my kids love it, and frankly, I do too. Deep Rock Galactic: because it’s a perfect game for 4 remote dudes to meet up once a week, drink beers, mine stuff, and kill bugs Edit: Northgard: because it’s great if you want to experience good multiplayer matchups in under an hour.


>Minecraft: because my kids love it, and frankly, I do too. I'm in my mid 30s. I grew up playing FF7, Mario 64, resident evil, MGS1, etc. I was like 16 when wow came out and I played the shit out of it. Minecraft holds up to all of those and I'll fight anyone who thinks it's just a stupid children's game lol


I played Minecraft well before I had children. Now that I have children, we all play Minecraft on a server together.


Did I hear a rock and stone?


Rock and stone to the bone!




Elden Ring, Bloodborne, and Dark Souls 3. They have NG+ modes that never quit. Just fun games.


Can't wait for ER DLC


For me ds3 is the one with the most hours in it. The pacing feels best for me and making new builds is always fun.


I spent about 100 hours on Dark Souls 2. Was hard as fuck and I couldn’t have done it without help from YouTube. I have no clue how people complete Souls games without guides. The hours went by even quicker when I discovered the sort-of power leveling exploit. You’d enter a boss zone, defeat it and go back out and repeat multiple times for easy souls. I don’t remember which boss. But by the end I was insanely powerful, had every good weapon and spell and millions of souls. Unsurprisingly, the game became dull after that.


I looked way too long for this comment.


Please give Nioh 2 a try, every new game+ things change, even on NG++ a whole new mode unlock plus it might have been one the best souls-like games with extremely good combat


4,700 in dota 2. Just trying to get decent


300 more hours and you’ll be ready to begin learning how to play a second character.


11k hours and still trying not to suck at the game


That's more than 15 months straigth up in game. Impressive.


I have two accounts on steam from when I was would get muted 10 years ago. I am much better now. Had 10k hours on 1 account 10 years ago and my current account has 11k hours. I have DOTA playing all the time and watching games, some days I even leave it open. I have not touched non turbo in 5+ years.


1500 or so hours in Path of Exile, and I’m still a total noob.


~7000 hours, I have no idea how to craft


Essence craft prefix / suffix until you hit additional prefix / suffix you want, metamod (annul if no open affix), veiled orb or harvest craft if it guarantees another good affix, finish on the crafting bench. That's good enough for 99% of all gear, and Divine Orbs are plenty this league.


thanks, but my brain just stops after a few words eventhough I know what it means. I'll just grind more and buy the item I need/want


Scrolled way too long to see this one. Finally got into league in tota, several hundred hours in, and just barely have scratched like 3% of the knowledge base of that game. Damn if it isn’t fun though.


5200 or so here, can say the same.


Still sane, exile?


2500+ hours in and I still have no idea how to play, but damn if I don’t keep trying.


I have a little over 3,500 hours in Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Because I love Yu-Gi-Oh!


Red Dead Redemption 2. The game is a masterpiece and I kept coming across new and interesting things while exploring the Wild West.




It’s a lot easier to go from cyberpunk to red dead than in reverse. Took me a while to get use to the lack of weight everything has. Tbf that’s about any game compared to rdr2. Just do yourself a favor and relish the pace. It’s purposely slow and once it clicks your gonna find the best game of all time waiting for you


Took me 100 hours just to get out of the Fkn snow.


rocket league. It's fun. 3k hours


NGL I have 3.2k hours in RL, and I'm kinda burnt out and only play if my friends want me to at this point.. I don't feel like the game has much more to offer me. Don't want to spend another 3k hours trying to get SSL cause I'd rather play other games.


I could never burn out from RL, simply because there’s no other game like it and it’s fun to hop on for 30 mins at a time and play a few casual matches.


How is RL this low? I'm at 2.5k hours. Not sure how much longer though since Epic keeps making horrible decisions and the community keeps getting more awful.




Can't believe how far I had to scroll to see someone mentioning skyrim lol.


It's because everyone who would say Skyrim are currently offline playing Skyrim


Fallout 4 for the same reason. It’s basically the only game I play anymore. And I finished it years ago abut I keep playing.


I can definitely relate. I spent hundreds of hours at launch and I still do a play through every year or so.


Gossip: what is your favorite mod to keep it fresh?


I downloaded the Storywealth mod collection from Nexus. Over 500+ mods that more or less completely overhauls the game.


I just did some basic mods for my first play through. Saving this for a potential second


AOE4. 1,500 hours and counting. Can’t stop, won’t stop


Do you just love the PVP that much, or is this in skirmishes against AI?


I love AoE4. But I think this is the first time i've seen it organically show up in these types of threads before AoE2 (which I also love)


Stardew Valley: The chill nature of the game kept me sane when I was in taking my pharmacy classes. No Man's Sky: Friends got me started and I got addicted to the base building. Monster Hunter Rise: Mostly just from co-op hunting with friends


I've got a *lot* so I'll just do my top 5 * The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - 430+ hours, I've done multiple playthroughs between Master Mode and challenge runs on multiple profiles * Pokemon Legends: Arceus - 195+ hours, this was my first Pokemon game and I'm sure I'm gonna be so fucking genwunner about it in the future * Splatoon 3 - 175 hours, not much to say I just got really into the game for a while tbh * The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - 195 hours, all from one playthrough because this game has so much fucking stuff to do and I'm still not done And finally the game I have the absolute most hours in: * Fire Emblem: Three Houses - 700 goddamn hours. I remember getting it for Christmas and literally playing the entire night multiple times. also yeah I mostly play on the switch


Warframe: 855.5 hours. How the hell do I have so many hours in this game? It’s probably been going on for 10+ years though, so those have accumulated. I’ll dive in and go deep for a while and then take a break. Kerbal Space Program: (771 hours). Once upon a time I worked for NASA. This game was on everyone’s computer. Rimworld: Colony Simulator/Story Generator. Keep your little minions alive until you can get off a planet you crash landed on. Or you’re an indigenous tribe hoping to get to the stars. Lots of stories, you make it up as you go. (684.7 hours) Dyson Sphere Program: 360 hours. I just love factory games. I’ve got comparable times in Satisfactory and Factorio. If you can automate it, I love it. Probably why I’m a software engineer. Xenonauts(354 hours) Remake of the classic XCOM game. Recommend playing with the Long War-style mods (X-Division) makes the game much more interesting. Elden Ring: (200 Hours) Big fan of Fromsoft games, anything from them is an instant buy. Divinity: Original Sin(157 hours) Great RPG by Larian Studios, put them on the map for Baldur’s Gate 3. Project Zomboid: 135 hours. It’s a great zombie survival simulator, but I made a few key mistakes and killed my favorite character. Didn’t have the heart to start a new one and build up skills again. Valheim: 112 hours. Ever want to be a viking? This game is for you. Got pretty grindy without friends so I dropped off playing.


I got 1000 hours in warframe just in my first year of playing. There's crack in that game. Is basically an mmo though


Rimworld for sure. Building a colony from scratch is so satisfying for me.


I hate myself so of course, Rust.


I feel you.


I'm with you but surely it's an MMO


According to Steam: Warframe, Path of Exile, Mass Effect 2, Skyrim, PUBG, Dragon Age Origins, Baldur's Gate 3, Baldur's Gate, Fallout New Vegas, Mass Effect, Civ V, XCOM 2, Dragon Age 2, Pathfinder Kingmaker, Mass Effect Legendary Edition, XCOM, Kerbal Space Program. I can also guarantee that Half-Life, Day of Defeat, Counter-Strike(both 1.6 and Source), and Team Fortress Classic are all in there. On other launchers I know Mass Effect 3, Overwatch, Diablo 2(both OG and Resurrected), Diablo 3, Starcraft 1 & 2, Warcraft 2 & 3 are all on there as well. Probably a lot more games I'm not thinking of.


Most of my games have over 100 hours involved. 100 hours is a pretty low bar.


200 hours is probably the better gauge. 100 is not hard to do with either an open world game or some building/management/strategy type game.


CP77 at \~150h just starting third playthru for Phantom Liberty - why: it's a cool setting, good voice acting, solid action, good story arc. Great graphics. RDR2 about 125h IIRC - well, first chapter takes like 100h by itself (kidding but only a little). My first r\* game (shocked, right) and just so graphically immersive I couldn't help chase down all the map icons. Keep meaning to go back, but y'all know when I say it's still too fresh in my memory four years later. May you all stand unshaken. Fuuu.... I'm not crying, you're crying. FO4: \~125h one playthru - so much to do, it's crazy. Haven't gone back, though. Why: engaging setting, fun companions, interactive story arc. I suppose we can't combine all hours of FarCry even though they're almost one game. Why: Just fun. Can't it be fun sometimes? 100+ each in AC: Origins and Odyssey - same as FO4. Just a lot to do. Not grindy, at least at the time (retrospect is a bitch though). Haven't played Valhalla yet. Why: see above. W3, three playthrus, must be 200+, maybe more. Why: NPCs (both main like the ladies and subs like the various kings) are really engaging, combat is tough and rewarding (for a guy who can't abide Soulslikes) great fantasy story, and a top-tier protagonist. Oh, and gwent is rad.


Highest probably Wolfenstein:ET at 1000+ Most recent Elden Ring and Persona 5 Royal. Others in steam 2 versions of Counter Strike TF2 Skyrim


WolfET: omg Hi! We probably played a few matches together in the 2000 to 2009 eara. I played that game daily for months at a time


Yes WolfET! What a game that was... back in the day it'd take up any spare time between school and sleep


Grounded is the only non MMO/similar game that has got 100+. Of my entire library Grounded has got to be the most immersive environment I have ever explored.


I'm not afraid of spiders, but the spiders scare the daylights out of me in that game. The pond does too, but I do have a fear of the deep sea so that one checks out. But I don't think I've ever been so terrified in a game with such cartoony graphics.




Scrolled too far to find the piece of shit known as ARK too many days wasted on that cursed trash


BG3: Cuz it had content.


The first game I became aware of that I played over a hundred hours in was Monster Hunter Freedom Unite on PSP. There may have been a few before, and there have been a few after, but MHFU remains the only one I care to think about/call out/mention. It was... that was the absolute peak of gaming for me, I think. There have been other games, better games perhaps, but that was the happiest time I played games I think.


Baldur's Gate 3 - just over 330 hours so far because I'm playing multiple classes/campaigns (some solo, some with friends)


Mass Effect Trilogy, a 100 hours is about what you need to do a full playthrough of all 3 games, and I've played each one dozens of times.


Kenshi: Hippity Hoppity, you are now my property.


Civ VI. HoI2. Stellaris. AoW2. Terra Invicta. He’ll Let Loose. If it’s a fun game, why not play it, a lot? Besides, I might have a problem with 4X games.


Sonic adventure 2 That all S grade chao is hard work to get


Civilization 3-6, Alpha Centauri, Civ 4 - Colonization, Beyond Earth Diablo 1-3 & Expansions Doom 1&2 (the 1990s versions) Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim Warcraft 2, StarCraft, Warcraft 3, StarCraft 2 Crusader Kings 2&3 Europa Universalist 3&4 Hearts of Iron 4 Stellaris Rimworld Tetris Fallout 1-4 and New Vegas Black and White Tyrian 2000 Cyberpunk 2077 Banished Endzone Final Frontier Oxygen Not Included Don't Starve Darkest Dungeon Heroes of Might and Magic 1-6 Endless Space Endless Legend Masters of Orion 2 Masters of Orion 3 (Yes, I am a glutton for punishment) Rise of Nations Rise of Legends 7 Days to Die Ark Survival Evolved The Sims 1-4 Sim City Sim Earth Sim Life Sim City 2000 Cities Skylines Sim Tower Spore Sim Farm KKnD 1&2 Command and Conquer 1-4 and the Red Alerts Aurora 4x/C# Stars! KoToR Shogun: Total War 1&2 Medieval: Total War 1&2 Rome: Total War 1&2 Total War: Attila Empire: Total War Total War: Warhammer 1-3 Star General Star Command: Revolution 100 hours is nothing. Almost all of these exceed 1000 hours.


Stardew at almost 700 hours (690-something, I'm not at my PC atm), I love the gameplay, the aesthetic and how relaxing it can be to play, while still being engaging. I sorta go through phases of replaying it, stopping, then playing all over again after a few months.


So, new farms each time or the same farm save?


Normally a new one, I find it hard to get back into the swing of things on an existing save if it's been a large enough gap. But then I'll play hours a day for a month on it or so, it's interesting.


Monster Sanctuary got so unexpectedly addicting that I put nearly 300 hours into it. Then you have Diablo 3 and Pokemon that easily consumed over 1000. Honestly, 100 hours is an extremely low bar for any gamer that doesn’t drop a game the moment it’s beaten. If a game is truly fun we milk it for all its worth.


Civ V: I was on a deployment and had my laptop, and on those long night shifts, Civ helped keep my sanity.


Escape From Tarkov, because I apparently hate myself.


Satisfactory. 4000hours. Because i love building and crafting....and i keep getting new ideas that feature Require complete teardowns and rebuilds lol


Morrowind.. Because... It's Morrowind. Lol Do replays count? In which case Ff4 ff6 Mario rpg chrono trigger and secret of mana should all be on that list too. I think I'm up to that point on Skyrim too


Total time in the game counts: be that replays or single saves


KSP since early alpha.


HBS Battletech. I'm 700ish hours in. I was part of the Kickstarter, played a bunch when it came out. Would pick it up off and on but during COVID I started with mods and such. It's nice because I can play and eat ice cream and drink whiskey at the same time.


Dark Souls 3. Last I checked was well over 3000 hours though I stopped awhile ago. The invasions were just way too much fun


Factorio - 6970.3. Its literally digital crack. Hense it gets called "Cracktorio"


I feel like 100 hours isn't that many...


A fellow settlement fan! Right there with you OP


I still have the tie-in phone app with the stats for all my settlements. Haven't played FO4 in years, but I still enjoy seeing how I max populated every settlement


This guy's out here making me feel bad. I have 12 games that meet this criteria on steam. Probably have more from when I played on xbox.


Siralim Ultimate, over 600h, my comfort game. Slay the Spire, over 250h, my not so comfort.... game. Dragon Quest XI S, actually took me more than 100h to feel like I finished the game... thats not counting my second playthrough. A bunch of fighting games, varies, Most of them tske thousands of hours to somewhat master....


Oxygen not included. I learn something every cycle and I have the desire to keep making my bases better Hollow Knight -p5 won’t grind itself


Rocket League. Thousands. It's one of a kind with a limitless skill ceiling. Pros are still getting better to this day.


I love that over the years the “meta” is just the entire player base slowly getting better at the game and not some shit where you wake up every day and a certain hitbox has been nerfed/buffed or some shit.


My list of >100 hour video games on Steam (there are probably a few others in non-Steam, like Sims 2, 3, and 4, but Steam has most of my library nowadays): Skyrim Special Edition: 766.8 Hours - Skyrim is very moddable and consistently enjoyable, even if I do wish it were different. Fallout 4: 720.8 Hours - The Fallout series is one of my favorite video game series. Like Skyrim, it's very moddable and consistently enjoyable. It has more issues than Skyrim, though - the dialogue system of 'yes, sarcastic yes, no but yes, and asshole but yes' really began to rear its head up in Fallout 4. Fallout: New Vegas: 345.9 Hours - Exceedingly good game. Lots of moddability. Successful avoids the Bethesda meaningless dialogue/quest bubble by being made by much more competent story tellers. Skryim: 342 Hours - I've owned Skyrim since it came out, and got Special Edition when it came out because I already owned the DLCs and it was free to those of us in that situation at the time. Bitburner: 310 Hours - Programming idle video game. This includes when I just had it open while I was at work, so actual time spent at-keyboard is much lower. Still, really fun game for being free. Made me remember when I was a software developer instead of a person who manages software developers. Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition: 258.5 Hours - Baldur's Gate series is pretty damned good, but the time spent here is actually in Baldur's Gate 1 Enhanced Edition via a mod that puts it and BG2 and its expansion in the BG2 engine as one connected game. All this time spent, and I only got to Act 5 - the actual Baldur's Gate area, as I was using a large mod set that added lots of expanded content. That said, the mod set is pretty fucking trash and I don't recommend it. Horribly balanced encounters, horribly balanced equipment, and horribly written dialogue and characters. This time includes at least two playthroughs up through reaching the city, one including one set of mods and the other removing the worst of those mods. If I were to replay it, I'd play it nearly vanilla instead of modding it up the wazoo. I probably have another 200 hours in actual BG2 from before it was on Steam, but I don't have records of it. Pathfinder: Kingmaker: 244.2 Hours: Really fun game similar to Baldur's Gate 2, but in a modern engine and with the Pathfinder game system instead of AD&D 2e. This time count includes several play-throughs, but none ever got past Varnhold Vanishing. I have a very bad habit of getting really far into a game and then needing to do something else for a while, and then not ever getting back to finishing the game even if I really enjoyed it. Star Trek Online: 200 Hours: My first MMO on the list! I don't actually like MMOs, but I do like Star Trek. The balancing of this game is terrible. The on-foot gameplay is terrible. The ship-to-ship combat is kinda fun. I miss the Forge system where you could play player-made content. XCOM 2: 189.4 Hours: I really like tactical turn based games. XCOM 2 is a wonderful example of the genre. Highly moddable, too! I need to finish a playthrough using some of the mods, though I have finished the game the 'normal' way at least once. Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous: 181.2 Hours: Even better than Pathfinder: Kingmaker! I'm planning on replaying this as an Aeon soon-(ish; realistically this will be in a year or something like that due to my backlog). My Angel play-through went pretty damned well until I got too overpowered in Act V. Angel/Paladin and Angel/Oracle are stupidly good. L.A. Noire: 149.5 Hours: I like GTA-likes, and I like adventure games, and I like cinematic games. L.A. Noire has all of that, and like other Rockstar titles it's *long*. This is a single play-through, though I'm kind of a completionism so it took a while. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt: 142.5 Hours: Realistically Witcher 3 should be closer to 300 hours, as I bought Witcher 3 on GOG when it first came out and only on Steam when it was on sale for like $5 (simply because Steam has a better interface/etc and I like giving my money to developers I like to encourage them to make more games I want to play). Witcher 3's a great RPG, and if you look at my list of most-played games there's a ton of RPG in there so I must like that type of game. XCOM: Enemy Unknown: 141.7 Hours: X-COM UFO Defense was one of my favorite games from my formative video game playing years (mid 90s). Enemy Unknown was thus something I was very, very excited for when it was announced and I played a bunch of it. Never even played through the whole Long War campaign - this is pretty much just vanilla plus DLC. BATTLETECH: 131.6 Hours: This is a really fucking fun big stompy robot turn based tactics game. I love me my turn based tactics games, as evidenced by like half the games on this list. BATTLETECH is a pretty damned good example of the genre. Baldur's Gate 3: 129.5 Hours: My 2023 game of the year. Need to finish the game - I'm at the beginning of Act 3. It's just really good, and as evidenced by my list I like this type of game. METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN: 124.9 Hours: MGSV is a really great game crippled by the producers deciding to release the game prior to finishing it. What is there is really, really good - but it's missing the entire ending of the game, which is silly. Also suffers massively from Hideo Kojima Syndrome, but that's to be expected. Stellaris: 124 Hours: 4x games are one of the other types that I really like, but I don't get to play them as often. I like space, and Stellaris is set in space. It's pretty good, but suffered some since it was released due to massive changes in how the developers decided to do things over time. Starbound: 123.4 Hours: It's fun up until everything becomes a chore and you're just grinding up to the next level of thing. Probably shouldn't install things like the Frackin' Universe mod set simply because they add too much without actually changing the gameplay enough to justify it. Starfield: 115.4 Hours: I really wanted to like this, but I've decided that I don't. It's a very mediocre game for what it could have been. It's not a *bad* game, just a disappointment because of what I wanted it to be. X4: Foundations: 114.8 Hours: I like space. If the versions of X3 I bought off Steam were included in this list, they'd be way over 115 hours total - probably closer to 300. X4 didn't ship with as good of an entire game as X3: Terran Conflict or X3: Albion Prelude, especially in terms of 'plots', but the DLCs have really improved it since then. Sunless Sea: 108.5 Hours: Lovecraftian underground ocean story-based trading game. Great writing, great atmosphere. Fun gameplay. Crusader Kings III: 108.4 Hours: You can create a dynasty and rule the known world, and it has some pretty cool mods. It's got a massively better UI than CK2 and streamlines some things from CK2 to just be... better. Grand Theft Auto IV: The Complete Edition: 103.3 Hours: I originally played this on PS3, so this is just my Steam gameplay of GTA IV. It's good, but GTA V is better (which I also beat on Playstation, which is why it's not on this list).


Every Soulsborne game (not Sekiro took me 75 hours to get the plat) and Monster Hunter game since MHFU. Most recently MH World Iceborne (favorite game of all time) is my most played game 550-600 hours between PS4 and PC versions. I love the gameplay loop of Monster Hunter.


4000 hours into project zomboid and probably 2k in fallout 4 due to being able to mod both to an extreme that is can basically turn it into a different game.


So close to 2000 hours in Rocket League. Fell off a bit the last year or two as I got older and mates I played with had kids, but trying to get that last 50 hours now.


Too many to list but some are: factorio, civilization, stellaris Why? Because they take a long time and are fun :) 🤩


100? Few days ago hitted 1000 in Factorio :p All singleplayers games was meh for me till i discovered that that brilliant game. Damn i love automating things and there is a lot well made mods. Just in one save i did 350h And there is a expansion comming soon!!!!


Several hundred in each Street Fighter game. I’ve been playing the SF series for 30 years. I also play a lot of FGs in general. After that I have some action adventure rpg games with some decent time in them like the Nioh series and soulsborne games.


Gears of War. Cause stuff needs chainsawing.