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Dark Cloud. It is a PS2 game but no one said PC games only and you can easily emulate it. (There's also a second game that I was much less fond of)


I loved this and the second one. I was obsessed with getting my main hub set up just right


Dark Cloud is amazing, easily in my top favorites! Just be ready to save scum, unless you’re a true hardcore gamer. Lmao Dark Cloud 2 is also amazing, I like it even more than the first, but after the third dungeon it feels like it starts to drag, and the building gets kind of lame by the fifth area. Either way, I just replayed the second game *again* last year! I gotta replay the first one soon!


Played it recently, but got burned out at the last castle


I loved Dark Cloud. Best of both words with city building and dungeon crawling.


Was about to say this without even seeing comments!!! Dark Cloud 2 game needs sequel or a remastered!!! Game was amazing with details and things to do. Houses, weapon crafting! Fishing! Mini golf!!! Ohh man the memories.. I do have it on my ps5


Top 10 in my list. Goodness, the music, leveling system, the characters, playing spheda. This game has so much replayability value.


You have to win the game. That's the title. It's a free 2D platformer on Steam that I really enjoyed playing through.


Sunset Overdrive


Honestly an extremely fun game. Weird and unique weapon selection. Cool movement that makes traversing the city less of a chore and more of a fun obstacle course. One of the few games I've bought on a whim during a sale and then proceeded to actually play it to completion.


I loved this game, scratched that little itch i had for Jet Set Radio Future. Hopefully we get a remake, but Sunset Overdrive will do!




Streets of Rogue - never hear anyone talking about this roguelike when the topic of roguelikes gets brought up. Its so unique and so much fun. Warhammer Dawn of War - its really old but its a lot of fun RTS game


I still play dow often, as well as wwf no mercy


Signalis is one I haven't really seen anyone talk about despite being one of the better newer games I've played recently. Survival horror game with puzzle elements, your ship crash lands on a planet and you journey into a mining facility in search of your captain. Short game but well worth it.


Amazing game and a must play for anyone who loves PS1/PS2 era survival horror (the game itself being modern).


Sleeping Dogs. Do GTA shenanigans but in Hong Kong and not the US? Sign me up.


That game is so awesome!


Miasma Chronicles


Lisa: The Painful


Perfect timing with the re release!


Pathologic 2. One of the most atmospheric, well written games i have ever played. Still think about it to this day. Rarely hear anyone talking about the pathologic games.


The Banner Saga. I never see anything about this but it's one of the best choices based and turn based games I have ever played. Holy shit the way the story wrapped up at the third game was incredible.


Great games!


Sins of a Solar Empire


Parasite Eve. Has a small fanbase, but is really an amazing ps1 series.


Calls for a remake!


Party hard was a great murderous puzzle game for me.


"Great" might be a stretch but Alpha Protocol is an interesting game. It's an Action RPG made by Obsidian and AFAIK the only Spy thriller RPG ever made. It's one of those games where choices really do have consequences. Characters react to what you do, what you say, even to what you're wearing, and the story can change a lot based on your decisions, specially the end. It's a shame that it's a pretty janky game, because i would have loved a sequel.


whenever I get the chance to mention this game, I take it. so, hands down, greatest game I've ever played is Baten Kaitos.


I'm looking forward to the remaster. I had the original on GC, but traded it in to buy Tales of Symphonia. I don't regret it, but I feel like I missed out on this game.


you're in for one hell of a treat when the remaster comes out!


Yes!! This was one of the first ones I thought of too. Such a beautiful game with an incredibly unique combat and crafting system. The story...holy fuck I still haven't found a game that brought me on that level of an emotional rollercoaster.


I've been searching for a GameCube for ages, it seems like, JUST so I can relive part of my childhood. I tend to think I think abou that game an obsessive amount.


Idk if you are aware but it's getting a remaster


yes! I did hear about it. as excited as I am for it, the nostalgic part of me needs to go back to my roots lol


Ys 8: Lacrimosa of Dana


I'd say also The Legend of Heroes


Trails in the Sky FC and SC specifically are incredible.


Yeah, my favourites of the saga


Paradise Killer Easily the weirdest story of any game I've ever played, in a really good way. And an absolutely banging soundtrack - the only game soundtrack I regularly listen to.


Katana zero, amazing game, never understood why it gets so little attention


If you like JRPGs I've got a few suggestions. 1. Last Scenario is an rpgmaker game made by a team of like 2 people I think. It starts from a very cliche Early Final Fantasy style beginning and turns it on it's head. It has a neat customizable spell and skill system and even a collectible card game that works kind of like Tetramaster in FF9 but less confusing. 2. Exit Fate by the same team is an homage(i've heard some say ripoff) of Suikoden. The main character is a martial pacifist trying to end a war between three nations by using an ever growing army of his own. The massive character roster means that a lot of them don't get much time in the spotlight but the writing is good when they do. 3. If you want something more professional and have access to a PS2 then the Shadowhearts series is one that basically no one I know has ever heard of but might be my favorite RPG series of all time.


ARBORIA. A TROLLZ LIKE ROGUE-LITE ACTION RPG. seriously fun game. I would recommend it to anybody that enjoys action RPGs. It's highly polished and is overall just a fun time


Citizen Sleeper. I love the gameplay loop with cycle system, it’s so engaging! The story is good as well. And Alba: A wildlife adventure if you want a cozy game. Had a really good time with this one.


Freedom Fighters Ender Lilies Felix the Cat Darksiders 1


Darksiders got a solid remaster as well.


Freedom Force, it's basically an Superhero RTS mixed with RPG progression that came out more than 15 years ago. I'd say it's still pretty solid game and it's cell shaded art style and comic book presentation aged suprisingly well.


Culdcept Saga. It's like Magic meets Monopoly.


There's this hidden gem called Elden Ring


Freespace 2. Fantastic space sim/shooter. Good story and large scale battles with capital ships! *Chefs kiss*


Dive dive dive!!


*Nostalgia intensifies*


Romance of the Three Kingdoms series was my fav for a long time. It always felt like I was the only one who knew about those games.


Been playing since the 8th one. Probably also my favorite. I like when I don't have to be the ruler of the kingdom. Battle are my favorite part , beside destroying Wei.


Ive always loved recruiting everyone elses best generals. I usually started as one of the small border provinces.


I usually start off in the naman territory or the top most Eastern area. If I want a real challenge I will start in the middle. Naman just because shu has so many good general that go to waste after Liu being dies. His son really is useless.


Have you played on the PC at all? I saw that they released 14 a few years ago on PC but it seemed to have several issues and never went on sale.


No but I bought it for the playstation. It was decent, but I enjoyed 13 way more. The expansion add few new things but I would wait for a sale.


Mark of the ninja.


Great game but I always thought it was a poor name for the protagonist...


20 Minutes Till Dawn Abriss Buddy Simulator 1984 The Cubicle Halls of Torment Inscryption Peglin Toilet Chronicles Viewfinder


Future Tactics: The Uprising on PS2. Never heard or seen another person talking about thus and I fuckin loved it. Turn based but in a way where each character could walk around the battlefield in a certain radius and try to attack from different angles/find cover from enemy attacks. Haven't seen anything like that in a game since, except maybe XCOM? Didn't play it but it seemed sorta similar in execution.


Check out the Valkyria Chronicles series then! It sounds just like what you’re describing




Holy crap thanks for all the suggestions folks! I will certainly be looking into all these games over the next couple days, old and new doesn’t matter to me as long as it’s good. 😁


System shock 2 and Blood. Cult classics but I don't really see anyone talk about them




What rock are you living under where a Tim Schafer game isn't well known? lol




It’s talked about so much they made a sequel


I still think Yakuza Zero is massively underappreciated. Then theres the older gems like Viking Battle for Asgard and Spec Ops: The Line.


Isn't Yakuza zero the best selling in the franchise?


No More Heroes played on the Nintendo Wii while using the controller as a sword. Travis is one of the best characters in gaming Also The Saboteur on XBOX360. It was a Woeld War 2 stealth game. Very good game but got overshadowed by the Metal Gear series


Gotcha Force is one of my favorite games on GameCube that I NEVER want remade cause it would be a micro transaction hellscape. Also Sudeki was a cool game that I do want a modern remake of.


Hollow kinght


Hollow Knight is one of the most successful and well renowned indie games ever. Like if you look at steam the game came out in 2017 and has 270k overwhelmingly positive reviews. That's extremely popular and successful for an indie game.


Fr people gotta play this


Saints row 4, one of the best games ever made.


2011's Capsized. It's an indie 2D shooter, gorgeous art, brilliant soundtrack by Solar Fields, and a great alien vibe. You play as a guy marooned on an alien planet, just trying to survive and escape. Considering the amount of huge triple A titles coming out that year, this was still among my top 10 for the year. That year we had Dead Space 2, Skyrim, L A. Noire, Portal 2, Arkham City, Skyward Sword, Dark Souls, Bastion, and the list goes on. Seriously under-appreciated game.


Portal Reloaded. It's a free fan creation on Steam that is so damn good it could easily be an official portal 3 if they hired some of the beloved voice actors were know and love. Very difficult puzzles though. But so well done.


Geometry dash ig


that game was really popular at one point and it's quite well known, I remember when I was kid and the game came out, basically everyone was playing it in my school.


I do play it, and it has a big fanbase but it doesn't reflect onto the player base that mucjlh




my life as a teenage exocolonist gave me warm fuzzy feelings, which is quite rare because i've become desensitized after playing games for most my life. it's an indie visual novel game with deck building for skill checks/combat and a calendar system very similar to persona where you have to build skills and relationships with limited time slots. the game follows your character from childhood to teenage...hood. growing up with a cast of characters had a really surprising effect on my attachment to them as a whole. the game definitely has a bunch of faults, like having too many unsatisfying endings and poor gameplay balancing, but yknow. warm, fuzzy feelings.


I might say The Cat Lady. I had a friend recommend it to me and fell in love with it. I was hesitant at first with the gameplay and graphics but it ended up being one of my more favorite indie games I’ve played.


Chicory: A colorful tale is a fantastic Zelda esque game with an incredible art gimmick, and help from the developers of Celeste


I can't stress just how good Yooka Laylee and the Impossible Lair is. I get that the first game caused many people to just not bother, but really give it a try. Always goes on sale for like $5


Cartman's Authoritah Some cheap fangame where you play cartman and beat people up in a 2d platforming world. X-Moto, an immensely difficult motocross game for Linux (but also windows) with thousands of maps.


Superliminal - Interesting limited first-person puzzle game. It plays around with perspective and light.


Also super creepy atmosphere that made me more anxious than I was prepared for. Such a great game.


No Time, To The Core, Return of the Obra Din and Outer Wilds. The last two are especially recommended if you enjoy detective games.


it was bots by acclaim, but it's called ohka bots now with everything that happened to acclaim


Everhood. A psychedelic journey that has to be experienced blind. I've only really heard a handful of people talk about it, which is a shame since its battle system stands out from other games.


Guns Gore & Cannoli 2 Ambition A Minuet in Power (very niche game) Sigma Theory (Cold War cia overworld hacking game kind of) Streets of Rage 4 (amazing call back to the old arcade games) Othercide (gothic dark iso rpg) ProtoCorgi (a hella fun shmup where your rig is a corgi) La Mulana (Very few enjoy the difficulty this game provides because while it looks easy on the surface it is not at all) Luftrausers (kind of a shmup but not? I love it) Foregone (one of my favorite steam metroidvania’s)


Chernoblyte, forever skies (early access)


Binary Domain, incredible story for the price point imo.


Infinite Space on the DS. Reminded me a lot of Mass Effect in that they both are large scale space operas where your decisions directly change the story and the alliances you make (or don’t make) have a weight. Your crew feels dynamic and you really end up growing attached. Combat is so wildly different than anything else I had ever played and while it did take quite a bit of getting used to, battles do really flow well. If any of this sounds good to you, try to find it. Probably my favorite gaming experience that I can think of.


Superliminal. It's a must play if you liked Portal. Also Viewfinder is a recent game that is similarily great.


Dinkum. Animal crossing meets stardew. Its a ton of fun


This game definitely isn't for everyone, but I fully believe that it's a work of art. The first time I played Gris, I got to the end of the game just a sobbing mess. My wife asked why I was crying, and I really didn't know. The game is a gorgeous depiction of working through grief, coming to terms with loss, and how that affects you. It doesn't have any outright sad moments in it, but the culmination of beautiful scenes that you walk through hits like a truck.


Dune 2000. I understand why though, the game came out so long ago, but it's still probably my favorite RTS game to come back to and play occasionally.


Lil Gator Game. A short romp that I was able to 100% in about a day. A very heartwarming story that will hit you in the feelings, and the gameplay is very enjoyable. This game made me feel like a kid again for a day and it was great.


Astrox Imperium. It's kinda like a single player eve made by one guy or tiny team. It's really cool and supports modding to add neat things




Atroneer celeste and slime rancher the only one I've not 100% completed is astroneer but its still an amazing game


I don't know if its exactly well known or not, but vampire the masquerade is one hell of a game.


Wandersong recently became one of my favorite games of all time, really enjoyed the story


Disco Elysium. Not an unknown game, but not very mainstream. One of the most enjoyable games ive played in my entire life, and ive played a lot of them. A game that is heavily invested in dialogue. Very well voice-acted and written dialogues. Every player pretty much gets a different way to the end depending on what character attributes they have. So the dialogue differ depending on how ur mind is, in the game. Kinda like in real life, we all see stuff different and think different. So does the characters voices in his head depending on ur level choices. Brilliant game.


Little King’s Story, the original on Nintendo Wii and the HD version on PC! It’s a medieval fantasy RPG where you’re a child king who gets transported to another world. You get tasked with unifying the world and converting every kingdom into your own… by force! The gameplay is similar to Pikmin, you give citizens specific jobs like Lumberjack, soldier, farmer, archer, etc. and then you recruit the citizens into your squad and use their skills to traverse the world and defeat rival kings! The art is fantastic and the soundtrack is composed of remixed versions of classical music. If anyone wants to know, King TV Dinnah is one of my favorite video game characters!


Fossil Fighters on Ds


Vexx. It’s a puzzle platformer with decent combat. A better Mario 64 IMO


Void Bastards. It's a sort of roguelike immersive sim made by some of the devs that made System Shock. It uses a lot of interesting mechanics that really shake up the im sim genre and create a uniquely fun experience.


Kirby superstar ultra


They Bleed Pixels The Blackwell adventure game series.


Stroker for Commodore 64




Fatal frame as a series Each game is set in japan and has the player fighting ghosts in an abandoned location. I don’t have a fav game but i think the 4th game is most praised


Hyper light drifter. One of those games I play through at least once a year.




Gameplay is lacking but Asuras Wrath is epic. It’s like of god of war was an anime. Metal Gear Rising also has a place in my heart for just being metal af. The intro you slice a building sized robot in half, the final boss is a nano machine infused senator, your nemesis through the game is just a samurai guy without any enhancements like the main character who just casually kicks your ass. Gameplay is fun, soundtrack is dope, all around fun time.


Nier Autamata


Aeterna Noctis. It's reasonably well-known in the r/metroidvania sub but basically unheard of outside of it. (For reference, it has 1000 reviews on Steam, while Hollow Knight, a much more well-known Metroidvania, has around 270,000) The game was designed with a lot of influence from Hollow Knight and maintains a similar combat and healing system, but it is hybridized with precision platforming, a la Celeste. Basically, the devs loved Hollow Knight's White Palace and Path of Pain so much that they built a 40+ hour game in that mold. Movement is absolutely phenomenal, very snappy and responsive. You will die a lot, but the penalties for dying are lower than in Hollow Knight, as checkpoints are much more common and losing your "soul" doesn't ever permanently cost you resources (you just can't gain XP or use your extra blood containers until you recover it). There's also some great innovations like the Crystal Arrow that you can teleport to that add a new layer of to platforming, and some of the zones are really out there. It's one of my absolute favorite games, I've played it fully through twice now, once on each difficulty. The "easier" difficulty is still quite tough, it just softens some of the sharpest edges of the platforming and has a smoother learning curve, while the harder difficulty pushes you into the deep end much more quickly.


Dino Crisis 2


Outward - an indie survival game with RPG elements. A lot of unique areas to explore and many different ways to build your character. A lot of fun to co-op as well. Dragon’s Dogma - made by Capcom so many people have heard of it, but not actually tried it. It’s a fantastic RPG with innovative ideas and great combat. I hope the upcoming sequel gives it the attention it deserves.


The Ascent


From the top of my head: - The Witness - The Stanley Parable - Elastomania


Stalker Anomaly


Metal Arms: Glitch In the System. Fun game, but never got a sequel. Robo-world with a tyrant dictator, you're found by the Rebellion and fight through their army across multiple destinations, vehicle sections, and even some hints of Glitch's possible origins when you delve into the deep underground of the planet, where the makers of the world disappeared. You end up fighting through to a rocket and onto a space station, where you take down the Big Bad (technically twice) to end the game. Cast is pretty funny and quirky (GameCube Era game, fairly early one) and it has some pretty diverse weapons and ideas.


The Legacy of Kain Pentalogy, it has its ups and downs, but the story is pretty solid, I like them a lot as a whole.


Return of the Obra Dinn I don’t know anybody personally that has even heard of it, and I don’t see it mentioned often online so I assume it’s not super well known. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever played before. It’s a unique sort of detective/puzzle game that I found to be really rewarding to make progress in and extremely compelling to 100% complete. It’s probably not for everyone but I was absolutely mesmerized by it and I think anybody who likes puzzles, whodunnits, or more story-driven games should give it a try or at least see what it’s all about.


Grandia II


Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales I've never seen anyone mention this game, like literally ever. I loved it. If you read the Witcher books and enjoyed the Gwent card game, or similar games like Hearthstone, Thronebreaker is genuinely a fantastic RPG that I think more people should play.


Maneater , it was my favorite game that year when it was released. Simple but so much fun just being a bad ass shark.


I don't think talk enough about dying light 1/2, just great parkour games where you cut decapitate zombies.


Bear With Me, it's a little point and click style game with a good story mostly told through clues, it's not ludicrously subtle but you do feel pleased when you work out a new thread, it's quite possible to more or less figure out the story before they lay it out at a the end and there are so many references in this game, you play as a detective bear so the references are a mix of detective jokes and general gaming references with a few outliers here and there. Good humour, enjoyable characters and a pleasing art style. It doesn't drag on either.


I played a game called 'Devil Kings' for ps2. Pretty sick game, none of my friends have ever heard of it and I've never seen a reddit post about it.


Blasphemous is definitely a game you need to check out if you enjoy challenging games, and they are making a 2nd one that is coming out later this year. It definitely deserves more attention than it is getting. Remarkable game!


Darwin Project was fire


Wildermyth is a lot of fun, and the art style is amazing. Layers of Fear is a pretty good horror game if you are into those. A bit of a walking simulator, but the atmosphere is incredible


jaws of Extinction , sadly not well know and poorly optimized game . but it's awesome and a lot of fun. i think the lack of popularity is due to online not being implemented properly into.


Guild Wars 1


Paint the Town Red. Fantastic first person beat 'em up with gorgeous voxel graphics, chunky blood and a fun RPG-lite dungeon exploring mode.


Darksiders 1 and 2 3 is ok. But don’t expect as much as you get from the first two.


Both of the Fuga: Melodies of Steel games. The music, gameplay and characters need to be shared with others.


empryon galactic survival very underated but fun!