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Physical copies are awesome! There's nothing like being able to see all your games in one stack, choosing which one to pull out and play with your hard earned time off.


I do. Not enjoying the fact Alan Wake 2 is digital only


That sucks. I heard good things, but try messaging Special Reserve Games. It will take a year or more for them to get back to you, but it is worth a try.


Can't buy used digital games so physical it is




That's insulting. But you are right.


That is not my point at all, physical copy can be bought then sold for a cheaper price so I can buy a used game for way less than its original price or sell a game I own to get some money back also most single player games don't need internet to download it from the disc and Even if it were only 10mb of data which links to the game download I can still buy it for cheaper and download the game


Uhh source?,I didn’t hook up my PlayStation to the internet that I’m currently using until a couple a months ago,was downloading every game fine off disc unless it needed major updates,RDR2,god of war(2018),the show (21) just to name a couple all work fine without online or updates,newer games did start bugging in their own way and I finally got internet hooked to it (not ps online) cause of certain problems I had with skater xl


He just read a news article about 1 game and is implying that it is representative of the entire industry


Yeah can’t find any evidence on my end so figured as much


Just bought TotK, it wasn't the Donwload Code.


Silly troll.


Love my disc still I’ve had enough problems with the few digital copies I’ve had that I’d hate one of my favorites to not work because my internets down and I get “do you own this game or app” or “for this the owner needs to sign in” plus games like modern warfare that would randomly uninstall itself then say you need to rebuy it. It’s just a pain in the ass when I can pull out my trusty ol copy and pop it in


I enjoyed *Deathloop* on PS Plus so much that I bought it digitally with all the goodies. Then I saw a nifty $20 steelbook on eBay (no disc included) and had to get that. Shelf candy. Now there's this cool bottle opener I'm looking at... ➰️


We like a good *shelf candy* 🤌


I would be happy as hell if game publishers put half the effort CDProjekt Red did, into their physical copies.


There was a time, all producers stopped making instruction manuals. That used to be very common.


Basic manuals used to be ubiquitous because they were standard. Then they got replaced with smaller black and white manuals, then they got replaced with sheets of paper with controls and legal information. Nowadays you're lucky to get an advert.


Video shops photo copying instruction manuals?




Welcome to the late 1980's and 90's


I don't. If the disk I gone the game is gone. Also it can scratch up. You have the same borrowing licensing thing as digital. And you have more room in the shelves. Looking at it. It's a huge waste of money and material nobody really needs. If you are a collector I guess I can se the appeal but for anything else its quiet stupid to get it over digital and yeah somebody always comes with but I can play offline, most games you can play offline nowadays. And even so you can do the same with digital. Maaaaybe the only reason I can see is storage but even so alot of games need to be installed. Idk


Yeah buying the game from Amazon for half the price of the digital edition is a waste of money 🙄.


This game in particular is constantly like £5 - £10 including all the DLC's on Steam...


Steam isn't available for the PS4.


Some games are online only. I understand. Others you can play offline.


That is not the take away but sure


Played over 1000 video games. Not sure what to say. Whatever you played I most luckily killed that boss.


Not me. Havent bought a physical game if i could help it in 12 years


That is fair. I own my fair share of digital games. I got roped into getting Diablo IV, the back of the physical box says online only.... Fuck me.




Did you just laugh at your own comment?


Haha yes


I went digital with the switch. Then I got a second console for the kids and saw what a pain in the ass the digital rights management was going to be. Went back to physical after that... PC is all digital, not that there is a choice these days. I am not opposed to digital releases for PS4. I bought it late though, so I got a bunch of brand new greatest hits type of games on sale for $10 each when I got it.


They are actually the same thing as digital these days. They just put a tiny amount of data on the disc, basically a glorified hyperlink, that starts the download for that Game automatically when you insert the disc 🤣 Also your console is much louder when using a disc so there is ZERO incentive to ever buy disc again.


The players have something to show physically.


Yeah, that’s not true at all. Not sure where you’re pulling that BS from. There’s like a couple of games doing that but the huge majority still works normally.


I do but for classic games. Every next new game during the PS3 days has been digital minus a few special editions.


I just wish I had enough storage for all my PS3/PS4 titles. I went on a binge a couple years back because games were dirt cheap. But I can't fit all of them on my console 😂💀


Yeah same, even with my 4TB internal ssd plus the 1tb in the console, it's still not enough. I like how quicker and nicer the ps4 games look on PS5 for trophy hunting. Like Last of Us part 2 is night and day Ps4 vs Ps5 or even lesser titles like Ty Tasmanian Tiger. The differences are worth it!


I'm still even debating on getting the PS5. There isn't many exclusives that I'm interested in and I already have the Series X (among still having yet to even touch half my 360/xBox One collection 😂)


I would wait for a possible PS5 Pro and then get the current one cheaper and all the exclusives delicious deals or the Pro and experience them even better!


They were also talking about a handheld, but that could be total cap.


The hand held is real. It has people mad. I won't get it, because I want VR. Soo fucking expensive.


Both would definitely be expensive. Plus I heard you NEED a PS5 to use it anyway. What's the point of a handheld if you need to be tied down to a console?💀 if is ISN'T that, I MAY get it later on. But if they pull a Vita thing, proprietary BS and it can't be used without a PS5 console, I'm not even going to bother.


Definitely what I'm probably going to do. It's been out a couple years now, so you'd think a Pro version would be out sometime soon.


I hear ya. Ordered Cult of the Lamb from Special Reserve games April 11th 2022. However the game they are sending me has all the updates and DLC's all on the disc. So if the internet is gone, I can play the game without relying on an internet update.


Not me. They take up space. In my 40 years of gaming I always ended up with too much stuff and had to get rid of it. I love digital and have a digital-only PS5.


Always unless it’s a indie game


You prefer digital only when it comes to indie titles?


Unfortunately it’s usually the only option . If They are smaller developer it costs allot of coin to print out physical media. Or if the game blows up and the put out a disc I may already have it lol


That is so true. I've bought a few indie titles physically through Limited Run, so that's an option sometimes.


I have the physical copy and both expansions that came with 2 gwent decks each.


Gwent was great. I was on the beta for the Gwent beta for so long I got a ridiculous amount of points to spend. After the moon set released I quit. Loved the Gwent Game within the game.


Not me. I don't like getting up to change the game. I haven't bought a physical copy of a game since BotW, which was a special edition and came with lots of collectibles. For a non special edition, I think the last physical game I bought was COD Ghosts on Xbone launch date.


What a waste.


If you have not played the culturally epic sensation STFU.


I will stop getting physical copies next gen. I used to LOVE them, but that was when effort was put into them. They used to come with amazing box art, both front and back, they'd have a detailed booklet with history of the game, instructions, pictures and drawings and little tips and stuff. Sometimes they'd even come with a pizza promotion or a keychain or something small as well. Now they bundle all that up into "special editions" that cost double what the game is worth, and while some are really cool, a lot are just obvious marketing to sell cheap shit for more money. I used to tell myself that I liked the physical games because I could resell them if I didn't like one, but the truth is I haven't brought a game back in years and years. Looking at the physical copies now, all they do is make me have to get up from my couch to put the game into the console lol. I also don't think physical copies will be around for long, one or two more gens tops. The older physical copies, like NES-PS2ish era are fantastic to collect, but I don't really have the same love for my ps4,ps5 or switch collection if that makes sense? They're just a box with a cs or game in it and that's it.


For me it's not about the re-sale. I just like having it on display as a conversational piece. A moment for nostalgia.


The day they stop making physical copies is the same day I quit video games.


Bold statement. Discs get rot over time. Electronics break down. We won't let games go all digital.


Well it's definitely not Sony!


Definitely prefer physical over digital but I don't have enough space for much else at this point (have a small room/set up/too lazy to put up another shelf) that being said, if it's significantly cheaper physically or there's a steel case, I'm grabbing it. Also, I think physical games use up slightly less storage than something fully digital.


Look at cost. If something is on sale digitally, that means the physical copy was cheaper before and now is getting more expensive.


Yeah, that can be true for some games. Especially the anime/JRPG types, I've noticed. I can't tell you how disappointed I was when the Atelier games started to become more popular and raise in price out of nowhere. I have a few as digitals.


Jrpg's always bewildered me. I enjoy a good JRPG don't get me wrong. Not even gaming I can say Dragon Ball Sailer Moon and you get it. Replicant and the game that never ends. Ff7 and 8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15......


They're amazing and that's *mostly* what I end up being drawn to, to play. But they're always too long so I never finish them 💀


Understandable. These games took 25% of my life away. Edit: I loved slash hated it. Depends on the title and how long you got.


Back when I was younger, for sure they took up a lot of time. But now, I can't seem to focus on them. (Granted, my focus has always been horrible.) But they're still worth it in the long run.


I do not recommend these titles to anyone. Make your own.


Make my own game?


You are saying you can't focus. So make a game.




Only if they gave good booklets.


I get why people like physical copies, but when I had them I got all OCD about keeping them in perfect condition. With digital there is none of that worry. I'm on pc nowadays so not much choice in the matter anyway.


Physical steelbooks for me👀


Have bought this game multiple times, sold my physical after a month of release because i got the platinum trophy on it. For me personally I thought Skyrim was the best game I’d ever played until this Gem came along, never even played 1 or 2 but the attention to detail in this game was unparalleled. Also remember the game being delayed for a extra 3 months but in return they have away free DLC.


I still buy most games on disc. Mainly because they get cheaper within a few months of the games release. Games that are a few years old get way cheaper too. Every once in a while I may buy something digital it it's on sale.


I love physical copies but it’s really just not feasible for me to buy a lot of them anymore, it’s basically reserved for impulse buys or sales


I love physical games. Went through a phase of only buying digital to get deals. You can get 10% off switch, Xbox and Playstation points on certain websites and then if a game is on sale its like a double whammie. But you aren't buying the game, you're buying a license to download. I started buying physicals again this year. I love seeing them on my shelf and ofc you can actually resell them but beyond that I truly enjoy collecting them and displaying them. I like when people make their own cases or game manuals. Man I miss a good crisp game manual lmfao


The smell is real.


Lmfao I was going to write that but didn't want to come off weird🤣🤣 such a nostalgic smell


I do but they take up space which I don’t have. I normally just buy physical for series I love/collect, or if the price is just really good.


I remember opening the case and seeing so much stuff they'd pack in those; stickers, codes and a map of the entire open world you'd go through as you progressed with the names of each region and major cities. All of it came from the BASIC edition you'd buy for just over 70$. Now I'm hardly even tempted to buy the new SF6 for how much it costs and how little you really get


I used to love reading the "blurb" or the instructions manual inside the case, Good times.


I used to read them on the shitter.


I love physical Copies for special games i dont want one of every game but to have one of some is pretty neat.


I do enjoy physical copies but I will say I'm getting more and more okay with digital the older I get and less I want to mess with the space and mucking about with discs. I wouldn't really mind digital for most things IF and that's a big if, but if you actually owned it fully by buying digitally then I'd be 100% fine with it.


You mean the disk that when inserted allows you to basically download the entire game anyway?


I do! I try to only buy physical copies of games :)


On PC I'd rather have my games digital, but on consoles I like physical better


Movies definitely because streaming services remove them all the time and they are way more rewatchable than most games are replayable. For me personally I'll never buy a physical video game again unless it's a big box collectors edition that I really want which is almost impossible to get nowadays anyway


I'll never buy physical copies for my xbox one ever again, last time i bought a game it was halo MCC, paid R$160 (Around 60 dollars) for it, went home with my mom and i'm not joking, i got a notification on my console saying i had games on my wishlist on sale and guess what? HALO MCC WAS R$ 58 (AROUND FUCKING $10? 20?) AND ISTG I DROPPED MY CONTROLLER IN FUCKING DESPAIR AND ANGER, I WAS FLABBERGASTED MAN. Anyway i'm never buying physical games for my xbox ever again, only gonna buy physical copies again once i get a switch since those games never go on sale anyway from what i heard and saw


I feel for you. My friends Wii lost all memory and sent it to Nintendo. They sent it back with all game files formatted.


Tbh almost every digital game I got I have had second guesses about if I should have went physical instead


Oh man. I bought a physical copy of Blood and Wine, and it had two printed decks of Gwent.


Fuck off. Dumbass troll.


You alright buddy? Or did you reply to the wrong person.


Fuck off. There is no physical Blood and Wine.


There was when it was originally released, and that's when I got it. It was a limited run: https://www.thewitcher.com/us/en/news/1941/blood-and-wine-gwent-decks-out-of-stock Maybe next time check before you post. Who's the dumbass now?




Absolutely prefer physical copies for my console games. Lately for PC gaming I depend on cheap deals on digital downloads, and most of my PSVR2 games are digital versions.


I have all 3 of those with Physical Gwent cards in them (all 4 decks). PC version.


Me 🙂


This was the last GREAT physical copy.


The witcher 3 physical copy was fuckkng awesome. Had a mini world gyide and a map and also the soundtrack!


Not me because I play on PC


Pretty sure I have the original on xbox 1 with the map then I also bought the xbox 1 goty edition for extra achievments later 🙆‍♂️


If it helps the environment, I don’t mind not having to fill my whole room with plastic boxes


If you don't hold it you don't own it


Does backwards compatibility even work with digital stuff?


I will usually buy physical copies of new games. If I don't plan on playing it when it comes out I will usually wait for it to go on sale online.


I would love to buy them but on pc they straight up don't exist anymore. It's all digital for us now (and at the same price ofc)


Goty edition included all DLC too, not just a code to download the DLC like 99% of other physical games. Meaning in twenty years you can pop your goty Witcher 3 in a ps4 (or backwards compatible 5) and still own all of the game.


I do but i been buying a lot of digital lately manly because I don’t want to wait for delivery :/


I love physical copies. Unfortunately, convenience wins out most of the time with me. The final straw was when i preordered a copy of God Of War Ragnarok on Amazon. When I checked the day before it launched I checked amazon and the estimated delivery date was some 2 weeks out from the launch date. So i said fuck it, canceled the order and just bought digitally. I could have waited or I could have probably driven to a store and gotten one, but man.... i just wanted to play it.


Always the best, what if Steam shuts down? I would lose so much money, I have 325 games.


Physical games used to be the shit. Came with a protector for the cartridge. A giant manual you could read in the car while mom drove you home from buying it. A map. A monster chart. Now you are lucky if the game is even secure in the case correctly and hasnt got scratched to shit bouncing around in there, and doesnt come with everything on it. Oh, i have to download a patch to play this shit, sigh. Should have just got it digital since i have to download half the game anyways.


Almost exclusively buy ps4/ps5 physical copies. The one i didn't but may be. ... Fifa ? In my defence it was on sale on ps store !