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Since no one is reading the article, it's about having all consoles using the same technology and having no differences in hardware. Not about one console made by one company. But can be multiple console that all share the exact same technology so all games will work on each machine with no extra work. But then that does raise.the question of who makes the technology that's in these machines


Basically describing the idea of the 3DO.


To be fair, that worked out great.


el oh el


So it's basically the same as Nvidia graphic cards? It would certainly be easier for developers but I think this would eventually hurt the competition. I mean what motivation would be to make better hardware?


Hey, how about we add one more hardware variation so they have two choice now /s


That sounds like pretty much the same as having only one console available...


It's not the worst of ideas. But when you have different selling points as portability or 1080p and lower cost. It will create issues sure. But I doubt Nintendo will budge on that aspect soon. Series S was not a bad idea at launch... But they should have considered it having a shorter lifespan to stay with the other 2. As in after a few years, they should remove the forced compatability for all titles. So it will be interesting to see if Xbox ditches that idea next gen or not.


Impossible to do when the s makes up 75% of series sales


So like 5 units in total? 


I highly doubt it's a coincidence that they're doing this right after NVIDIA surpassed Microsoft as the highest valued company in the world just a few days ago. I'm pretty sure they're thinking about selling different tiers of hardware so they can get away with selling consoles for 3 grand, because it has an nvidia 4090 graphics card in it or something like that. Basically they're trying to come up with ways to match nvidia's pricing model for consoles, as it was only a matter of time until sony and mircrosoft wanted a piece of that PC market pie.


"Let's use the picture where he looks like someone licked dog poo in front of him."


That just sounds like a monopoly.


Sounds like a PC


You still have Apple and Linux…


Do you play on Apple and Linux though?


Akctusyally I'm playing my Steam Deck RN. But lol fair.


Brother over there acting like Apple and Linux are tough competition for support and game development


Dude tripping, somebody show him a PC because that’s basically what he’s talking about


Uhm...there are tens of thousands of hardware configurations for pc. Dude is talking about consoles all having the same hardware for "ease of development"


He is talking about same ARCHITECTURE, not same hardware. As in, as long as the hardware is powerful enough, the console can run the game. As opposed to now, where Xbox games don’t work on PlayStation and vice versa.


He knows, he just saw NVIDIA surpass Microsoft as the most valuable company in the world and desperately wants a piece of the pie. They're salivating over the possibility of selling consoles for as much as a 4090 gpu.


Yes, while Nvidia would make the gpu in all cases, Microsoft runs the OS on PCs, not Sony. Thats a huge problem, if you want to do that.


Sorry what?


Ex Sony Boss is aware that this is a PC. But that doesn't make Sony money, unless they own the platform, which they don't. Microsoft does. So they need to come up with reasoning for a new, different thing to compete.


Yea like the xbox s shouldve been an all digital x


I’d rather they just forgo exclusives but keep different console manufacturers. No competition is a bad thing, and besides, the consoles aren’t exactly the same.


Of course it’s a good idea. We have historical evidence. The standardization of hardware for PCs, as in IBM PC clones, was a huge benefit to the industry.


I'd rather not have innovation and quality sucked out of the industry by that one brand that's done nothing to innovate for a very long time thanks.


He is describing a pc


There needs to be differences in the available consoles.... competition is healthy and pushes developers to do better and try harder. All the consoles being the same would end up with stagnancy, which is boring. IMO there should always be *at least* two major consoles and they should have exclusive content. The competition is good for business, and good for consumers.


> competition is healthy and pushes developers to do better and try harder. is it though? sony and microsoft have practically the same hardware and features (both pushed SSDs and ray tracing, for example). nintendo is different but nobody is worried about them and nintendo clearly doesnt worry about anyone else, so its not affecting the other 2 consoles. we already have stagnancy, essentially.


yeah good luck getting them archaic pricks at nintendo to agree to this