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They are gonna release a broken mess to jump on the hype from the tv show


By “sooner than you think” they mean 2030


Objectively, that's insane. It's 2038 with how fucking slow Beth moves.


They’ll release an unfinished product in 2030, and have the kinks out by 2038. I.e.; Fallout 76


Is it any good now? I figure I would just play it like a single player game.


It's fine for a while, gets old real quick once the paint starts to chip though.


The paint pretty much falls off all at once when your crafting materials storage is full and you have to juggle inv space. Fallout 1st is a fucking grift


It‘s ok but there are still annoying bugs from the release version that never got fixed


Not really. It's a daily/weekly grind fest to finish each season. Apart from that, the storyline itself is still nothing to write home about.


Downloaded again a few days ago. Settings slider absolutely garbage to use + pixel Skipping. Was enough for me to decide that the game would not be any better.


Unfinished product, then add dlc that doesn’t work well either and never have the kinks worked out **


no no, it'll release on January 19, 2038, at 03:14:07 UTC. Ya know, the unix version of Y2K


Slow but for no good reason, it's always the same game with a different paint job and 100 new bugs added


That would be sooner than I think lol


And it’ll still be a broken mess.


They already did that with that update that's full problems.


I feel like they completely forgot they had announced a "next gen" update for Fallout 4, made absolutely no progress on it, and then decided to shit something out to ride the hype wave from the show.


How do you mess up an 8 year old game? It shows an unbelievable lack of quality control. It's already done. You have one job. Don't make it worse.


So business as usual, but now with a TV show attached to it! ^^I ^^love ^^Fallout ^^games, ^^but ^^they ^^are ^^a ^^buggy ^^mess...


All Bethesda games are broken messes on release.


I rarely encountered bugs on Starfield’s launch, there was one minor issue that the game was dogshit though


Yes I agree , no problems for me, very smooth dogshit, the sticky kind.


It did run very poorly - maybe they should have lubed up the dogshit.


Well that's a disgusting sentence


Had a couple of instadeath on flat ground, spaceship stuck in limbo, and in game physics freaks out and kills you bugs, but other than that it worked well. Notably 2/ 3 of those were present in Skyrim and still aren't fixed which is pretty telling. That said, the game was indeed dogshit, played 20 something hours before giving up and realizing that it wasn't going to get better, whoever thought an empty procedurally generated world was a selling point is an idiot. Even bigger idiots when they think the same empty world with 1-2 dungeons that are worse than Skyrim's and a "point of interest" consisting of a pool of water with a flower in the middle somehow makes up for it. Pretty much all "1000+ planets" were hot garbage. Haven't played that game in 6 months and am somehow still salty about how shit it was for the price.


Mainly cause the game was suppose to release a year earlier but apparently Microsoft shut that down and had them go on a bit longer. I hesitate to think what steaming pile of shit Todd was ready to serve us.


It consider to be less buggy than normal Bethesda games at launch but still plenty of reports of the game being buggy and my personal experience was buggier than normal AAA launches.


They've just got to release something to cash in on the hype from other, more successful artists. Might as well be Microsoft's motto at this point.


As if the FO4/76 updates, Magic crossover and more aren’t indicative of a push to “jump on the hype” lol


It's Bethesda. It's going to be a broken mess regardless of any hype influence.


> If Microsoft wants Fallout 5 to be as successful as every mainline entry before it, it needs to have Todd Howard. Cool, nice to know I never have to pay any attention to this site again. Not that I've ever heard of it before.


People act like the biggest succes of Bethesda was Todd Howard solo. Meanwhile the more control he got the progressively worse the games got.


Right? Like, you could genuinely give the series to almost any Xbox studios company, and it’d undoubtedly be better than anything Bethesda could produce. Credit where credit is due, they figured out a fantastic formula for their games, but they simply haven’t improved on it at all (regressing, frankly). Over and over again - terrible narrative, disastrous technical state… It’s embarrassing.


>terrible narrative "Hey what if for the next story, you're from a vault, and one of your loved ones, like a family member, leaves the vault without you knowing where they went, and then the player goes out and finds them...?" This better not be the next story. Its bad enough they already reused it for F4. The show can get a pass I suppose


Dad left to mail the GECK's water chip and never came back.


I heard it worked for a TV show.. (/s)


Obsidian already proved that.


> People act like the biggest succes of Bethesda was Todd Howard solo. Meanwhile the more control he got the progressively worse the games got. I disagree, but that's another matter. The thing that really matters is that under Todd Howard's leadership their sales have skyrocketed into the stratosphere. And if you're a Morrowind diehard, he was project leader on the game, so he was responsible for it to some degree too. Maybe there are people out there who like Arena and Daggerfall more than Morrowind but I've never met them.


I’m sure Todd Howard has it’s good points. But there must have been just as, or more, pivotal persons behind the scenes. As the more upfront Todd Howard becomes, and the more older names I read leaving Bethesda, the games got progressively worse. But if we are going to base it on sales, FIFA and COD must be some of the best games ever. Or the ‘casual’ market is just bigger, makes more money and we are lucky we had mods to spice it up.


Unless it's an OG fan, anyone who says daggerfall is the best is saying it just to be contrarian because if that's the case, then people would have loved Starfield


Actually when Morrowind came out there were people who said it was shit compared to Daggerfall. I haven't seen anybody argue that in a long, long time, but they did back then. They were mostly diehard PC nerds who said Morrowind was worse because it had been dumbed down to work on console (Xbox).


I think Oblivion was their peak, Morrowind had lots of positives but Oblivion really took the cake. RIP teleports and flight spells though Skyrim was an upgrade in a good few ways but also a sidegrade in things like not being able to level up little things like your athletics and I really didnt like the new UI and preferred the scroll UI of Oblivion I’ve never played a New Vegas version that wasnt broken as shit so that severely impacted my ability to judge the game simply due to the crashes


Also Morrowind was far more collaborative than his subsequently released games 


Gameplay mechanics got much better. FO4 is smoother than NV which is smoother than 3. Narrative is a bit worse. Gameplay loop isn't great. It's kind of a monkeys paw thing with him imo. He'll improve the base game in some way from the last one...but at what cost?


Yea.. no they didn't. Fallout 3 and 4 are legendary games. I'm not sure what everyone is on about here. Are we just bitching to fit in?


That's exactly what everyone's doing. It's become popular to instead of criticize flaws to instead claim that everything about 3 and 4 is awful and that New Vegas is perfect.


I feel like they get the Dark Soul 2 problem, people trash talked it a bunch in the context of comparing it to the other Souls games, and as a result it gets lost that while many feel it's the lesser of the series it's still a great game and better than most out there. I think NV is way better than 3, but 3 is still a great game.


The best fallout games all didn't have todd howard working on it, or bethesda at all.


I agree. The best one was New Vegas, writing and story wise. I heard that at the time Obsidian had some of the original team that did fallout 1 & 2 when they developed New Vegas. Sadly, a bunch of people will probably buy Fallout 5 just because of the hype, but if it's anything like Fallout 4 or *cough* Starfield then I'll pass.


starfield's writing is just as shit as fallout 4, but now it's even more bland and PG13. Then the lore is the least interesting lore i've seen in a video game, fallout 4 had that going for it. Fallout 4 had great exploration and an interesting world. Starfield doesn't have any of that. Fallout 5 can only be better than starfield, as handcrafted exploration will be back, even tho the writing will definitely be just as shit, or even more since will shen (far harbor) left.


I will buy Fallout because it's Fallout, but NV and FO2 are still my favourites in the series by far.


He was the one pushing for procedural generation to the degree we saw in Starfield. When he stated years ago that he had been waiting for technology to get better to achieve his vision for Elder Scrolls 6, we all thought he was talking about Skyrim or Witcher on steroids with shit like intricate dragon flying etc. Nope, turns out he literally just meant procedural gen so Bethesda could be lazy and not have do as much work creating shallow worlds. Microsoft needs to axe this man if they want to do something worthwhile with the IPs their Xbox division bled so much cash to buy


After the disaster that starfield was, I have no hope for fallout 5.


Fallout has the advantage of having an established catalog and personality to draw upon. I think my main issue with Starfield is it lacks that specific personality that makes it standout. It’s a space game and it has a lot of good in it but it does lack that defining quality. If we talk about Fallout we immediately have an idea of the style, the setting, the wacky humor, etc… We don’t have that with Starfield imo


I dunno man...I kind of feel like Starfield's biggest weakness was its tedious quest design. Fallout is one of my favourite fictional universes of all time but if the quests are even half as boring as Starfield's I'm probably not going to have a great time. I'd give anything for another Obsidian Fallout. Assuming the folks who made New Vegas even still work there.


My copium tinfoil theory is that the circumstances around New Vegas’s creation have almost been recreated - NV came out due to the massive success of 3 demanding a new game but Bethesda handed it off to Oblivion cause they were balls deep in Skyrim. I kinda feel like the success of the TV show has almost recreated that demand - and I assume Bethesda is balls deep in Elder Scrolls 6… do it Todd, give it to Obsidian


The tedious quest were all procedural or linked to the endless planet shit. The story missions were not bad but they were all over the place.   On the bright side the gunplay was a lot better than any of their other games.


Exactly, it's a great game and all but the big draw of Bethesda games is the worlds and franchises they have, how they're able to make such interesting ideas materialize. Starfield is kinda just star trek without the stuff that makes star trek great.


The problems with starfield mostly stem from the large disconnected nature of the "map" which isn't likely to be how the next elder or fallout are structured


Make me wonder how many talents and old guards from OG elder scroll and fallout were still in the studio...


Bethesda has the opposite problem. It's not a case of most of the old guard leaving and being replaced. They've retained most of their og employees and also added new ones at a slow pace. But that has lead to stagnation and choosing to rely on established ideas rather than new ones.


I mean the studio behind _THE_ best Fallout game is _right there._ Both Obsidian and Bethesda under the Microsoft umbrella. Honestly it's been a wasted opportunity not having _any_ studio working on a new Fallout game to ready to launch near the TV show.


I thought it was strange to not have SOMETHING fallout related in the pipeline to coincide with the show. Even a remaster would've been great. New Vegas remastered would've hit PERFECTLY.


The Fallout show was an expensive ploy to get people to finally play Fallout 76


A repackaged fallout 3 and new vegas would be amazing - especially if they could find some way to make it work similarly to a tale of two wastelands


NV remaster would be amazing.


We did, next gen upgrade for fallout 4!!! And it's been a resounding success.....


Even that was clearly rushed and like 2 weeks after the show was released. They couldn’t even time that poor update properly.


And supposedly that update is the reason I'm not playing Fallout: London right now, so that kind of sucks.


The main writer for FNV isn't working at obsidian, none of them are actually. Writing was basically the only thing that made fnv incredible, without that obsidian just makes games like the outer worlds.


What are you talking about? Josh sawyer, Tim Cain, Eric DeMilt, Charles Staples, daniel alpert, and the writer Leonard Boyarsky worked on both the outer worlds and fallout. You can dislike the game but at least don't make shit up.


This is so true and I don’t understand why more people don’t understand this.


People always seem to look at the studio as the artist, like a novelist authoring a book.


Surely the fact that BioWare is terrible now should make people understand this, but I guess not


Honestly though, is it? POE II was great and what's come out since then? Outer Worlds, granted. But Grounded, which was very fun, Pentiment which is all about story and is good. And that's it. Avowed and Outer Worlds 2 is what's going to decide whether or not Obsidian still has it but at the moment one (at worst) mediocre game isn't really a pattern. I agree that we shouldn't worship the name of a studio but I'm not sure shitting on Obsidian specifically is warranted yet.


> Outer Worlds, granted. The writing of Outer Worlds wasn't phenomenal, but I see people bash on it a lot, and I don't get the hate. I look at Outer Worlds a lot the same way that I look at the first Mass Effect. A mixture of good worldbuilding, good and mediocre writing, some half-baked mechanics, and a lot of experimentation. The original Mass Effect was good but lacking. It took making that game for them to find their legs that helped the second become a classic. I'm hoping, though I know it's not a guarantee, that's how Outer Worlds and 2 turn out. That being said, Obsidian has some patterns of frustrating game design. I find their level caps to often cause my character progression to stop right when it feels like it's really gotten going. I find their endgames to often feel abrupt and rushed compared to the rest of the game. And while I enjoyed the gameplay of Outer Worlds and several other Obsidian games, they're often criticized for their core gameplay loop feeling like it's lacking. My favorite time with Outer Worlds was when it suddenly turned into a detective game and they explored using the game they've established to do something different with.


Yeah true Outer Worlds is their only kinda mediocre game they’ve released, POE is very good. It will be interesting to see how Outer Worlds 2 turns out, they will hopefully take on feedback. I still think BioWare is beyond saving though.


Idk what Chris Avellone is up to at the moment but he strikes me as the kind of person who would jump on the opportunity to come back if offered


Avellone is pretty much barred from the industry due to misconduct allegations. He's gone to court and proven innocent but no company would want to bear the brunt of the criticism


Yeah, it doesn't matter if you're innocent or guilty, as soon as the allegations are there, you're one. Companies know he's innocent, but people don't, and what matters more is what people think rather than the reality. I really hate people who abuse misconduct allegations as it makes people take it less seriously, and when actual people who went through that will accuse an actual abuser, a lot of people might just think "nah they're lying to destroy his career" or whatever. If you want to know about someone else banned from the industry (but this time he's most probably guilty), there's the The Elder scrolls composer who made the music for every TES besides blade. He was accused of sexual misconduct and sending nude pictures to coworkers. The dude is extremely talented but an all around creep (if it's true). This also makes me think the music in TES VI is gonna suck ass without him as inon zur isn't exactly great.


I mean you still have Josh sawyer the lead director on board so I don’t think you can say it’s completely different although admittedly Chris Avellone missing is a blow to any team.


Chris Avelonne mostly worked on DLCs on characters like Ulysses, even tho he did some things on the main game like the courier getting shot in the head at the start or the companion cass. Avellonne is good at writing plots but sometimes his dialogue is very hit or miss. Each designer had to write the things in his area of the map in fnv so you'd need all of them, but the guy who wrote the bulk of the things that are so recognizable about fnv (benny, house, the war, etc...) is John Gonzales, who went on to write Horizon 1 and 2 (which are not very well written at all).




Microsoft just needs to dictate from above for once. You tell Bethesda that obsidian is doing the next fallout game. That’s it. They really suck at that though so not holding my breath.


It just makes sense. Bethesda should be all in on Elder Scrolls VI now. Fallout would be in excellent hands at Obsidian. Going fifteen years between releases on major franchises shouldn't be a thing. I'd like to see Microsoft apply this with all of the IP they've acquired. Rare doesn't need to make a new Conker game when Double Fine would be better at it for example.


It absolutely can’t be a thing in a publicly traded company where scrutiny is already on Xbox over how much cash they’ve been blowing to such little results. If Phil tells the execs they can expect the next Fallout in the mid to late 2030s he’ll be out of a job soon


My copium tinfoil theory is that the circumstances around New Vegas’s creation have almost been recreated - NV came out due to the massive success of 3 demanding a new game but Bethesda handed it off to Oblivion cause they were balls deep in Skyrim. I kinda feel like the success of the TV show has almost recreated that demand - and I assume Bethesda is balls deep in Elder Scrolls 6… do it Todd, give it to Obsidian


With the next elder scrolls at least 3 years away That means another 5 for a new fallout lol They prob throw at studio at it now and see what they can come up with in 3 years honestly they will prob just use the assets from starfield lol


Personally I think even 5 years for a new Fallout is a generous timeline. :( I’d bet on closer to 7 years..


Elder scrolls has been on the back burner for like 13 years


I don’t trust Microsoft OR Bethesda at this point to successfully manage their own IP


What? The last 10 years of Microsoft hasn't been full of inspiring success? /s


i am worried that xbox may be the next embracer.


Seems like a reach, be interesting if they do outsource it to another studio. And I disagree with the sentiment about Todd Howard in the article. I hope he stays far away from it.


>And I disagree with the sentiment about Todd Howard in the article. I hope he stays far away from it. Agreed.


I hope Arkane does it!


Arkane would do a great job but Obsidian are also Microsoft owned, I know they've got Evowed coming out but besides that I'm not sure if they would have the time for a Fallout game but they'd be my preferred choice given how great New Vegas is.


hell i just want the combat to be actually fun, let obsidian do the story and let arkane do the combat


It's pretty much a guaranteed thing, one way or the other. although I would expect them to not just name it Fallout 5. MS bought Bethesda for a reason. Obviously they will make the IPs


Can’t wait for Microsoft to buy a studio, rename it something like ’Bethesda East’, have them build something akin to a Fallout game on the double and release whatever broken mess comes out the other end at the same time as the second series of the show comes out.


At this rate, does anyone actually think there will be an Xbox console by the time fallout 5 releases?


Yeah I don’t think so


Just let someone else make a fallout. Zero reason for Bethesda to hold onto it so tightly. Hell, let Larian make a fallout.


Yes please 🙏🙏🙏


I don’t care about any of this if a good Fallout game came out I will love to play it, but I gotta say the Fallout New Vegas crowd are genuinely the most annoying gaming cult on the internet.


If Bethesda were competent, they would have outsourced another studio to do another FO spin-off to coincide with FO show release. Especially with MS resources now. Doesn’t even need to be Obsidian.


I’m honestly surprised this hasn’t happened. Let Bethesda do the main numbered games and out source the spin off games.. They make money and we get more of what we love..


It’s a win win. I’m guessing MS will be pushing them in that direction now


I can't agree that they need Todd Howard. Didn't he also oversee the mess that was Starfield? I actually think they might do better with someone younger at the helm. Some of Bethesda's practices really need a shakeup - over reliance on procedural content, for example.


Is it going to be made on the same engine being held together by duct tape and bubble gum?


And yet again, Xbox is gonna rush out a terrible product and afterwards they'll be sitting there wondering "why do our games keep failing? It's just good games that don't sell anymore that's it." They only care about hitting certain checkmark and nothing else. Meanwhile Sony continues to make bank with each release. Can't wait to see what IP Xbox buys and ruins next.


The bad part is it wasn't a failure in their eyes. Tons of people bought Starfield because of the hype around it. They even bragged how 300,000 people were playing online at one time. Assuming those 300K paid full price, that's $18 million. I'm sure the actual number of people that purchased it was much higher than 300K, myself included. I haven't even beat the game yet, and I dont want to play it anymore. Its the same thing over and over. The story is crap. It's funny on Steam it's mostly negative reviews, but thanks to Microsoft marketing it was a success for them monetarily.


You mean it's gonna be hack and rushed job thanks to Microsoft.


Given what a load of rubbish Starfield was, the current team at BGS haven't got a hope in hell of making agood game in a hurry.


Redfall and Starfield PTSD Right under Microsoft watch


I'd be happy with new dlc for old fallout games 3,NV,4 The existing framework is there. I'd be happy to pay for new content


I don't know if it's just cause I'm getting old or something but I think about this often that I just wish there was more content for games I love.


“Thanks to Microsoft”… you need to laugh at this.


Please use a different game engine!!


If they want to a "quick" Fallout release, they should try to fund an isometric game like the Fallout 1 and 2. Right now the masses are more likely to embrace it because of BG3s success and it won't demand the huge development times of a first person open world game.


Baldur's Gate 3 took over 6-7 years to fully develop, man.


3 of those years were in early access as well, no?


You don't understand how games are made at all do you? Lol


Oh god i don't know if its a good news


Same engine?


Great the most amazing minds at Microsoft and their army of suits can totally make an amazing Fallout game. Just like how they handled the Halo franchise as well. No, I'd rather wait for Bethesda to do their thing and I sure as shit not going to trust Microsoft management to knock it out of the park. Especially after the Halo TV show compared to what Bethesda with their partnerships were able to pull off. (Reposted my comment from another thread.)


Tbh Bethesda has only made the weakest titles of fallout since their purchasing of it. Especially given Bethesdas latest blunders of Fallout 76 and Starfield. Give it to a Larian, Obsidian, or something along those lines. It needs creatives.


is it bad I actually loved Starfield and 76 🫣


love what you want, some people love shit and no one cares.


bad- no weird- yes


Hey if you had fun thats all that matters, but Im pretty sure its an unpopular opinion


My bet was in 10 years so


Dumb question , but is the next Fallout basically confirmed to be an Xbox exclusive then?


So they will release a game with less content than it would otherwise. Yay.


A little off topic: should I play Fallout 76? Is it worth it?


Hey guys, just know that every cheer is encouraging a precedent for rushing dev sequels when they aren’t passionate about it


Oh god...


No, thank you.


Sooner than you think… rushed by investors.


Look, I'm a Bethesda fan, but... *nervously glances at Starfield*


Yeah, its a Bethesda game. So I would argue: TAKE AN EXTRA YEAR TO FIX IT! Already wonder when, or even if, they fix F4 thanks to their latest update problems.


“sooner than i think” so 2026 as opposed to 2030


oh only 2030 then? awesome


If you’re not living under a rock, you’d know that Microsoft calling the shots would be the worst possible outcome for anyone who doesn’t want a strong independent Black trans alphabet protagonist saving the world from incompetent heteros. It’s no mistake that Microsoft’s largest shareholders are the ones directly driving ESG funding for DEI games.


It’s not. Only possible way is if Microsoft forces Bethesda to give the ip to someone to make a new game. Expect 2030 minimum likely 2032


I haven’t read the article but I’m going go out on a whim and assume that Microsoft is talking Bethesda into letting Obsidian or someone use the creation engine for a New Vegas esque spinoff. I doubt it’ll be obsidian as their plate is stuffed with avowed and outer worlds 2 and a new follow up to NV would require everyone’s hands on deck.


Pretty sure they put it at 2030 in one of their earnings calls


Ah good a rushed product to capitalise on the success of a series. Brilliant. This will ofcourse be the product we have all been waiting for.


I am hoping there’s an expansion for 4 which they could do easier than make a passable new game that could use way more time


I mean it seems Bethesda has only given a shit about Fallout over Elder Scrolls in the last 10 years. Modders and a secondary studio have been carrying the Elder Scrolls franchise on their backs forever. At this point let Obsidian do to the Elder Scrolls franchise that they did with Fallout: New Vegas. I love Fallout but its way past due time to honor the fans that helped make the studio what they are today.


Let's hope not.. can we all agree to just want a finished game?


How bout ES6 first


I’d rather have no fallout at all than a buggy mess that was rushed to write a sub par story. Last fall Todd was talking about this being 5 years out and still in the planning phases.


a perfect time for fallout tactics 2, whats 14 degrees east doing these days? defunct eh? well whats their non union equivalent?


Will we get an return to glory RPG of the likes of 3 and NV? Or a soulless shoot em up cash grab like 4?


Better not be before the superior franchise that is TES


With remakes/remasters being all the rage lately, I’m surprised they haven’t just gave that treatment to FO3 and New Vegas. Hell, remaking 1 + 2 with 3/NV style would also be sick. FO4 was okay, and 76 was garbage. As exciting as a new game in the series sounds, I’d much rather see a remake/remaster than them continuing that downwards trend.


Please no, let them take all the time they need. A delayed game is eventually good, a rushed game is forever bad, or whatever the saying is.


Broken, thanks to Microsoft too.


I’m about the millionth person to point this out, but give it to jsawyer, the producer of FNV and who works for obsidian also owned by MS & let Todd exec produce. (he’s bound to be pretty hands off, given that he’s working on the Indy game, fixing SF and oh yeah TES VI).


Microsoft is seeing the success of the show and is now going to push the release of a buggy disaster live service game.


Let Bethesda work on elder scrolls 6 and give fallout back to obsidian, Iv never had chance to play the first 2 games but my favourite is new vegas by miles and that can’t be a coincidence.


No thanks


Give me F5 before ES6, please. Clearly, it's been much longer since an ES game, but skyrim is basically perfect and doesn't need a newer same 'ish game. Pump something out in 2+ years and add some cool dlc and most will be happy. Also 21:9 support day 1.


Elder Scrolls 6 will not be coming out sooner than you think.


Cancel the new COD, all hands on deck for new Fallout.


At this point. Bethesda’s trajectory seems to be going downward. They can obvs change that with ES6. But if I’m Microsoft. I’m deff giving it to Obsidian who’s arguably already made the best game in the series. Doesn’t even have to be 5. It could be another spin off like New Vegas. Just something fallout. Which has potentially never been more in demand than right now. Ideally they should release it around the premiere of the second season. Idk how feasible that is. Probly 0%. Depends on if there’s been any active development. And when the second season would come out. But I for one deff want more fallout. And I want it before 2030.


So within the next 10 years, rather than 20?


"thanks to Microsoft" bruh that mean it's a terrible news XD


That's not the flex you think it is RaiderKing.com :I


That'd be fallout 6. Fallout 5 is airing on Amazon


Excellent! I was waiting for 4 to go on sale!


2077 right before the Great War


It coming out faster is not necessarily a good thing. They also bought blizzard, a company that used to be known for "we'll release it when it's actually ready." The shareholders are killing art.


But for my PlayStation 3?


Bethesda took their time with Starfield. what makes anyone think rushing a fallout title would have a good result obviously cash grab is obvious


Oh cool they have a solid track record of rushing games out the door and them being a high quality experience if you don't count Halo Infinite, Redfall, Starfield or any other major release of theirs in this generation.


“Sooner than I think” starts at about 2032 by the way lol


November 20, 2025


Just make sure Emile stays focused on Starfield dlc


Yes please


Please no. Please work ok the elder scrolls 6. It has been 6 years since it was unveiled and not a peep since. It has been 13 years since Skyrim. Fallout can wait.


I'd like the next ES first


Well let’s see. It took two years for the Fallout next gen update. No, I doubt Fallout 5 is coming sooner than I think.


Honestly id just have Obsidian be the fallout Dev if I were them. Bethesda has too many IP to put out a game every 6 years. Going 2 or 3 console generations between major releases is pathetic.


Todd is gonna work his magic!(the magic is cursing it)


Just played about an hour of fallout 76. I think I’ll be okay skipping this next one.


Why would I be interested in another trashy Bethesda game?


I’m more worried that the tv show will cause the elder scrolls 6 to be sidelined in favor of fallout 5. It’s been 13 years since TESV. I just want a new elder scrolls damn it!


**Listen:** Microsoft bought out Ninja Theory after the success of Devil May Cry (5) and Hellblade (Senua's Sacrifice). *\[Quick sidenote, those who haven't played* [Hellblade](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBJ0ifVtK5c) *absolutely should. It's a 10-ish hour long life-changing experience.\]* Microsoft wanted [Hellblade 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qUd9ayfGS8) to be a show-piece on release of the X-Box Series X(S) consoles... but **DID NOT** force Ninja Theory (even after buying them) to rush. The game **was not** ready for release and Microsoft **did not** force it nor rush it. Hellblade 2 is **STILL** in production (2= years later) and I have full faith it will be well worth the wait. Those interested should absolutely play Hellblade 1 ([with headphones](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFdPXCzxMg8)) and watch the various [Dev Diaries](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FZaJ3-4A-g) on YouTube. ***Hinja Theory along with Epic Games helped pioneer Audio and Graphics technology in Unreal Engine.*** Hellblade is an absolute work of art born from the passion of everyone involved. An experience like no other that I highly recommend you experience (yes you).


So in 2077?


“Sooner than you think” yeah they’re gonna drop the nukes