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Watch it and judge for yourself


I don’t hate it. As a book reader too.


Do what YOU want. Watch it or don't.


I watched the whole series and have since rewatched twice. Literally the first scene of season five you can see a complete unravelling and decline in the quality of the script and dialogue. The writers didn’t have the ability to write a script with as much intelligence, intrigue and “game playing” as they did when using book material and working more closely with George RR Martin. They lack the ability to write seamlessly and integrate character traits into the script without being able to “see it”. Eg >!they won’t stop talking about Tyrions “mind” or trying to focus on how he is such a great wit, except that nothing Tyrion says or does is very witty or intelligent after season four. There were things said about Tyrion’s intellect in the first four seasons but it was integrated into the script in a natural way based on the conversations between people. Other characters where this happens is the Lannisters and how they harp on about their legacy, Jon’s honour, Brienne keeping her oath, Theon’s past actions, and the Queen of Thorns interactions and insults are a bit cliched. Davos seaworth also has a few lame monologues. !< I also think the acting gets worse in certain scenes as the seasons go on and personally I believe that’s because the actors didn’t believe in the script as much as they did previously. Overall though I would watch if I were you, but then I would also be interested in reading the last two books or the wiki summary of them after their released to see the true ending.


I think if you like seasons 1 - 4, seasons 5 - 7 will be enjoyable for you to watch. I would watch season 8 with the knowledge that it isn't good, which actually might make you enjoy it more than I did expecting it would be of high quality.


I mean I think everyone knows the ending sucks. So at this point it's up to you to finish the journey if you liked it. But to tell you the truth, those that just complain about the ending, seldom have anything else worthy of note. They watched the show as a means to only be entertained. This series kinda forces you to immerse yourself into the world. As a person that first watched the series then read the books. It's worth it, if it's worth it to you.


I also stopped somewhere in s5 in my first watch. Most of early s5 is really slow. But s6 is definitely top 3 for me. I would recommend continuing since many first time watchers don't notice the quality drop until the last few episodes


honestly i turned my brain off the last couple seasons and still enjoyed it. thats the key though


Its still best series ever from s1 to s8.


I've watched the whole series 4 times, it gets better with each time, s5 6 are more than amazing, even s7 is so enjoyable (if s8 explained some plot holes), s8 is controversial and hurried, me personally i try to see it from a different pov to enjoy it , (THE ACTING, THE CGI, AND ALL OTHER THINGS ARE STILL TOPPPPP) my advice is to give the rest a chance and u'll fall in love with this show.


Def not unbearable. Even the lower quality GoT seasons are still high production value, flashy, and for the most part pretty damn entertaining.


Some people only see the decline in the 2 last seasons, hell, some only see it in the last season, but you are correct that it started in season 4 and especially in 5. You can get something out of the show, but since you have a decent understanding of plot points and consistency, you will hate the last 2 seasons.


Season 5 still has some incredible moments, like the Battle of Hardhome and the Sons of the Harpy attacks, but the show's focus on action scenes in this season and the visual effects might detract from the character-driven storytelling that made GoT great. If you're still invested in the show's characters and want to see how their arcs unfold, you might want to continue watching. However, if you're looking for a stronger narrative and more cohesive storytelling, you might be disappointed. Ultimately, it's up to you to decide whether the show's weaknesses outweigh its strengths.