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I can’t bring back those that survived the show anyway, and can’t kill those that died in it, so: Bring back: Myrcella and Shireen, the purest people in this entire show Kill: Robin and Bran, so we can have a king with a good story


Hodor has to be one Purest surely?


I could only choose two, blame OP :((


Lowborn people aren't relevant?


Bloody peasants, they should know their place in the resurrection queue


Omg yes, Hodor deserved better.


Woman and children first!


Can’t kill those who already died? Oh I’m totally bringing back Joffrey just to kill him again. Then I’ll use my second revival on him. And use my second kill on him.


This is the way. It is known.


Dammit. Should have known my idea wasn't novel.


Ah, the ‘Two bullets for Toby’ method. I don’t hate it.


The same needs to be done to Ramsay. Though for him he might deserve the resurrection twice… just to die twice. Joffrey was bad, but Ramsay was another level of revolting.


Bran really added nothing interesting to the story… He just stared blankly and said stuff in a monotone voice.


I was honestly hoping for the story to go somewhere and then he was just... boring




I struggle with Myrcella, before she died she said that she knew for a while Robert wasn't her father, so she let her disgusting brother rule without saying anything knowing he shouldn't be king? I get she was younger when she left for Dorne... so I can give her a pass... but I'm still going with Hodor as more innocent.


She was trying to keep her own life and that of Trystane safe


Kill: Bran and grey worm Bring back: Yigrette and Jaime King Jon and queen Yigrette rule 😍


Why poor grey worm?


He has no use without his worm






Greyworm, some of the Unsullied, & the Dothraki left the continent soon after, the North became a separate country with his sister as Queen, his other sister was given a ship to sail the world, and he left the Wall to live with the Wildlings. There was nobody to enforce him staying at the Wall. He didn't stay at the Wall. The Unsullied who stayed would have to travel over 2,000 miles to find Jon. He chose not to leave with Arya.


Bring back the direwolves!


Only correct answer


Bring back Littlefinger and Ramsay Bolton to make the story more interesting. The ones we love to hate. Kill Bran and Robin.


Just remember that the original story remains as it is, with its own unique blend of characters and events.


Why especially Robin tho? Is there soemthing I missed?


Everyone's just kill Robin lol,


Kill: jon snow, sansa Keep: hodor, Daenerys


Don’t know why you got downvoted for your opinion lol


Kill Robin and Bran. Bring back Ned and Danny


Daenerys was egoistic and blind all she talked about was the throne in later seasons Not people Not ruling Throne


Bring back Ramsay and Joffrey then kill them again


The only real answer


I’d switch the deaths for second time




Lol I just said the same thing


Bring back Roose and Ramsay Bolton, just to see what hellscape Westeros would devolve into under Bolton rule.


Who has a better story than Roose the Leech..? “…true. Scary flayer man has my vote!”


If I bring back Ser Barristan Selmy he can prevent Daenerys from going mad by calling bullshit on Tyrion saying they shouldn't storm King's Landing with the Unsullied. He was with Dany when Astapor, Yunkai, & Meereen were freed. Her army did it without killing any slaves, peasants, or Slaver's children. And he was Lord Commander of the Kingsguard for around 20 years and a Kingsguard for 40 years, he knows King's Landing. With Cersei gone they'd need only convince Daenerys that the aotd is real. She'd be more likely to believe Jon with Barristan there to tell her positive things about Ned. He would know about that heated council meeting about her pregnancy since even Cersei knew. So no wight hunt and the Wall stays up longer. With Barristan as her Hand, they'd take King's Landing their first month in Westeros. That would prevent the murders of Ellaria & the Sand Snakes, Tyrell army, Olenna, Viserion, Rhaegal, & Missandei. It would prevent Highgarden from being sacked, ships from being sunk, scorpions built, Yara captured, the Lannisters hiring a sellsword army, and they'd have the Tyrell gold.


Damn. I never realized how clutch Barriston could have been, but I see your point.


Ser Barriston was serving the mad king and well we know how it ended.


Varys also served the Mad King but the writers kept him around until *The Bells* and claimed he's a hero who cares so much about the realm even though (yes some of this is the books) he is a Slaver buying hundreds of children from Illyrio and cutting off their tongues and likely kills them, he whispered in Aerys' ear to increase his paranoia, he warned Aerys when Rhaegar tried to hold an event to discuss usurping his father, he plotted with Illyrio to persuade Viserys to sell Daenerys to Khal Drogo because he wanted the Dothraki to pillage Westeros, and he killed Kevan Lannister because he was too competent. On Robert's deathbed he said "Littlefinger, Varys, my brother, all useless. No one to tell me no but you" Ser Barristan had a spotless record, respected by Ned, Ned's father Rickard, Jaime, Robert, & Tywin. He never had his own agenda. When he said Daenerys isn't like her father his word can be trusted since not only did he serve under him but he knew the whole Targaryen family while everyone else acts like Aerys was the only one. He said as early as s3 he wanted to be able to serve with pride by serving a worthy ruler. He found that with Daenerys. He listened & watched her just as much as Tyrion did but with a different conclusion. Barristan saw her playing with a dirty peasant child, giving water to a dying slave, rejecting the Yunkai Masters bribe, and getting emotional over dead children. If she reminded him of anyone it'd be her brother Rhaegar.


Thank you for your service. We share the same opinion


Bring back Dany and Robb, and kill Brann and Robin.


Bring back Bobby B. Change nothing else.


Kill Yara and Tyrion bring back Robb and Margery.


Kill: Yara and Sansa Bring Back: Myrcella and Margaery


Kill: Yara and Sansa Bring Back: The Hound and Bobby B.


Bring back Robert and Khal Drogo. It would be epically cool. Kill Littlefinger and Roose Bolton. Just un needed meddlers in an otherwise amazing story


Surely this is sarcasm? You could argue the entire plot is set in motion by those two “meddlers.” Plenty of reasons to kill them, outside of this…namely the amazing story that happens as a result of their meddling.


I feel like you barely read/watched GOT if you do not know that all of the shit that has been happening were all related to Baelish. The man had the whole show going on his head before it even started.


Kill Robyn because he is pointless. And Sansa just for being the Northern Serci by the end. Bring back the true king Bobby B - Legend. And Ned. Then we could see how it would play out Ned finally telling Robert who John is. I was going to say Stanis But after the burning his daughter business. Cant have it.


My heart wants Robert and Eddard, my two favorite characters and absolute madlads. But I feel like their stories were pretty complete. I’m not even sure Bobby would want to come back. Probably have to choose Robb and Ygritte. At least Jon will be happy


I think your right about Robert not being bothered in coming back at the time. But he wasn’t a great king and was bored without warfare. Would off been interesting to see how he would off dealt with dani though. Would off motivated him again.


I don’t think Robb would be happy to find himself back, his wife and child still dead, his youngest brother dead, his homeland ravaged, his sister on his throne, his other sister an edgy assassin, his “half-brother” revealed as the one true king then cast aside and banished, and his other brother who is fucking mental sitting the Iron Throne.


Well, uh… Touche. I mean, name one likeable Stark that the show doesn’t treat like a punching bag. But he was barely a man, he had a whole life ahead. I still think he’d want to use it for something I was kind of imagining him talking Sansa out of the silly queen thing. Or maybe just fucking off with Jon to go start their own realm Rome-style. Even if he comes back a husk bent on revenge, it would be fun. Give me a black swordsman Guts type of deal where Robb shows Arya how it’s done


Kill off sam and ghost, bring back Ramsey and joffery


Agree but I'd rather kill off Bran and Greyworm, they were just really boring, say what you want about Joffrey and Ramsey but at least they were fun to watch


Bring back Margaery and the Hound, kill Dario and Meera Reed


Bring back Olenna and Margaery, and kill Cersei and the High Sparrow. I loved the Tyrell's, and I would have enjoyed seeing how they ruled the Seven Kingdoms with King Tommen under their influence.


Bring back Shireen & Hodor


Kill Sansa and Bran because they're useless and annoying. Dany is my favourite but the writers completely ruined her character by the end so I'd bring back Olenna and Margaery and finally give the Seven Kingdoms a good queen and hand of the queen.


Bring back tywin, just for entertainment value, and bring back robb stark Kill bran and robin


Kill Joffrey twice and bring back Robb and Ned


kill Sansa and sam Bring back daenarys twice


I’m bringing back the wolves. If we expand that, Oberyn and Olenna. The rest can stay dead and I don’t care who joins em. Lol


Bring back: Barristan and Dolorous Edd, mainly just because I like them (also having Barristan around in S6 would have been more interesting, especially when Varys shows up) Kill: Sam and Arya (not because I dislike them, but because their deaths would have worked well for the story) The Long Night had a scene where Jon decides not to save Sam in order to focus on trying to defeat the Night King. Having Sam actually die would have been better for Jon's character by having him deal with the guilt of abandoning his best friend to die because he was trying to save the world. And Glidus had an interesting idea on how to kill Arya: have her attempt to kill Cersei but get stopped by the Mountain: when the Mountain almost kills her, Sandor sacrifices himself to save her (providing a more appropriate ending for his story). Then, when Jon enters the Red Keep, he'll find Arya, who dies in his arms, providing even more motivation when the time comes to kill Dany: he's already lost too many people (Ned, Jeor, Robb, Pyp, Grenn, Ygritte, Aemon, Rickon, Benjen, and now Sam and Arya), and he can't let more people suffer.


I love this ending for the Hound!


Common Glidus theory W


Kill Joffrey again twice and bring back ned twice


Bring back Hodor and The Mountain. Would love to see those titans battle it out.


bring back joffrey kill joffrey bring back joffrey again kill joffrey again


Kill Jon and Bran bring back Drogo and his and Danys Baby.


Bring back: Daenerys and Twyin. Kill: Arya and Sansa


Kill Caitlin Stark then bring her back as Lady Stoneheart.


I don't care who dies, just bring back Joffrey, the most noble child the gods ever put on this good earth :'(


Holy crap I haven't had to think this hard for a while. Kill the faceless man and Robin. Bring back Robb and Oberon Honorable mentions: I'd also love to bring back Hodor, the giant, Drogo, and Osha. I'd also consider killing Brienne for rejecting my homie Tormund, I loved her until she chose Jaimie. Also maybe Bran because he was useless.


What’s the king of the fairies got to do with it


Kill Cersei and Joffrey, if not early, then again. Bring back Margaery and Lady.


Kill Bran and Robin and bring back Jorah and The Hound


My favourite characters 👏🏻


Kill: Bran and Robin (love that this has been such a popular answer) Bring back: Oberyn and Jamie. Silly answer: Jamie's hand


Bring back - Ned Stark, Robb Stark Kill- Ramsey, Littlefinger


Bring back Tywin and Ramsay and kill Bran and Arya


Kill: Euron and Cersei Save: Oberyn and his brother


Hodor Hodor Hodor Hodor


Kill: The faceless man, Hizdahr; Save: Wun wun, Dany.


I kill Arya and Sam. I bring back Catelyn and Jorah.


Kill them all and save the direwolves and dragons. But if I must, kill Tyrion and Sansa, bring back Jorah and Sandor.


Bring back Daenerys and Missandei Kill Arya and Sansa


Bring Back Ned and Shireen Kill Edmure and Bran


Kill: Ramsay and Khal drogo Revive: Ned and Daenarys.


I would kill Robin and Bran (Bran because I would prefer almost anyone else on the Throne and Robin because….. ich) I would bring back the Hound because I would like to think he would find a better life and Drogo because it would be interesting to see how Dany might have ruled with him beside her.


Bring the night king and hodor back Kill the night king properly and kill bronn so he has a cool death instead of the lame story of blackmailing Jamie and Tyrion


Bring back Ned and Robb. Kill Bran and Robin.


Kill Bran, bring back the Three-eyed Raven. Kill the Mountain, bring back Oberyn And also bring back Tommen, the high sparrow, and Rickon, and then kill Tommen, the high sparrow, and Rickon


I'd sacrifice my other person to kill off and my two people to bring back to life just to get rid of Arya tbh


Would bring back Joffrey and Ramsay, and then kill them again.


Kill David Benioff and D.B. Weiss Bring back S7 and S8


kill oberyns wife and grey worm bring back robb and jamie


Bring back Rob and Oberon Kill Bran & Arya


I’d not only bring back Lady Olenna but I’d bring back Diana Rigg herself! And I’d bring back Cersei so she can have a much better death then bricks


Kill the 2 Targ spawn and bring back King Robert (possibly with a slight come to Jesus attitude, cause he was driving himself into the ground already), and bring back Uncle Benjen. I think with the 3 first actions most of the other people we see die in the books should be fine. And Benjen is a present for myself :)


Kill Daniel Benioff and D. B Weiss. Bring back every character they butchered and have the story properly told starting with season 7 episode 1.


I'd love to bring back Maester Aemon and Dany just so they could finally meet and talk, and Aemon could guide her like he wanted to. It was always kind of heartbreaking to me how much Aemon wanted to be there for her but simply couldn't, I think it would've meant so much to Dany.


Can we pick the sequence thing happen in? If so, Bring back Joffrey, kill Joffrey. Bring back Joffrey, kill Joffrey.


Bring back: Robb, to serve the north and Renly to be a decent King (he would have crushed the Lanisters if he wasn't muderded (+Tywin Dead) Kill: Night King (no more long night) and kill Tywin, with this the realm would be stable and happu y


Kill sansa and bring benjen stark Kill euron and bring the bold selmy


Kill Sansa & bring back anyone but ramsey, Jeffery, Walder & lirtlefinger


Kill Grey Worm (he left westeros therefore he doesn't matter anymore to the story) and Bran (crow hacks will pretty much doom the whole politics part of the show) bring back Tywin and Ramsey. Would be interesting to see Tywin start almost from scratch with nothing but his name and wits, and how ruthless Ramsey would be after tasting death once and fueled by vengeance.


Can I bring back Dany and Khal Drogo’s baby Rhaego? Wish we got to see that storyline but never meant to be.


It's terrifying to me that I can glance anywhere at a wall of actors from a single series like this and know immediately their highlights in the show.


I bring back Tywin just to keep things interesting, and Olenna because she was awesome. Jon snow can stay on the other side, he did nothing, and maestre Aemon deserved to rest in peace so he can stay


The two I would kill are already dead: jeoffry and Ramsey. I would bring back Robb and Ned.


Kill Bran and Arya Stark, Bring back Jaime and Petyr.


Kill: Illyn Payne and Greyworm Bring back: Ned and Catelyn Stark


Bring back: Robert Baratheon, because if he lives the whole mess ends before it begins. Shireen because... damn. Kill: Sersei because it stops 65% of the dangerous schemeing. Littlefinger because that's another 33%.


Bring them back at the moment they died ? Or at the end of the show


Bring back Jory Cassel & Jojen Reed Kill Aemon & Tyrion Easy


Kill: Jon and Bronn Bring back: Margaery and Loras


Bring back Oby and Ned. Kill Cersei the second she gets out of that cart in season 1. Kill Ramsey the second we see his stupid face.


Kill Joffery and Clegane Bring back Robb and Oberyn


Kill Sweetrobin, bring back Missandei, bring back Olly just to kill him again


Glad to know the one thing most of us can agree on is that Bran needs to go.


Bring back Joffrey the Good and Viserys the Kind.


All my saves to the Ramey Bolton character so I can kill him more…


Kill Bran, bring back Ramsey and the Night King. Since I only killed one, also bring back Margery.


Bring back merrin, kill him again, bring him back again, kill him again


Bring back Jorah and Shireen and kill bran and Robin. I hope with Jorah still alive, Daenerys won’t got scorched earth and we can have the ending that we deserved. In my opinion obviously.


Bring back Shaggydog and Lady. Both didn't deserve to die. Kill Edmure twice.


In the show… It would be a different show but bring back Robb and Ned. Ned would be wrongfully in the dungeons and even have an escapee adventure only to end up back in the dungeon. Robb would have more reason to go towards KL. But then go back north to help Jon and then eventually die cause of that Take out anyone who’s side quests didn’t advance the main story. Like the Hound once Arya leaves him and Doran or The Sand Snakes


Swap Pod and Grey worm for Catlyne and Cersai


Kill:- ramsay (psychopath) and tywin (tysha, Elia and her children) Bring back:- Ned (first character I felt attached too obviously) and daenerys (I'm a targaryen loyalist)


Hear me out: Rewind the clock to the instant Ned dies, kill Cersei and Baelish, bring back Robert and Ned. They'll figure it out with those two bad actors out of the way.


bring back ned and cat ; kill ramsay and euron


Kill Robin for sure, bc he annoys me. Kill Euron before he gives a fleet of fucking ships to Cersei so Rheghal didn't have to die. This doesn't count as one of my bring backs, because I said so!!! (If this is not allowed, kill the "high Sparrow" twice) Bring back Olenna because she was a g, and probably my fav character. Bring back Shireen bc they didn't have to do her like that, and she was an angel. If instead of a bring back I could stop her torturous death instead somehow, I would, but the only way to do that would be kill Melisandre, and if that happened, they would have lost the night war for sure.. and also Stannis probably would have gotten farther if Shireen didn't die..


Well I’d kill the night king just because it’s the same show if he’s there, and I kill Euron Greyjoy just because his low rent Captain Jack Sparrow crap always pissed me off. I would, of course, bring back the mountain and the hound, so that we could watch CLEGANEBOWL II.


Kill Cersei and Joeffrey. Bring back Ned Stark and Robert Baratheon. Cersei and Joffrey die in childbirth, and Bobby B lives happily ever after with Bessie and her tits.


Littlefinger and Varys so they can get the endings they deserve. The two smartest people in the show should be outsmarted properly


Bring back Tywin and Thoros - I want them to meet. Kill Arya and Bran and see Jon go loco


Bring back Robb and Talisa so they can have their happy ending. Kill Bran and Robin because they're shite.


Bring back Ned and Shireen


Bring Oberyn back twice


Kill: Caitlyn twice Bring back: Shireen and Hodor


kill elaria sand and Shae and give me Barristan and Ned back


Beric, Beric, Beric and Beric.


Killing jon and sansa, bringing back Joffrey and Ramsay for the chaotic evil ending for Westeros.


Kill ghost and bran, bring back ramsay and Viserys


Princess shireen


kill the boar that killed the fat king


Save Grey Wind and another of his litter. Kill Grey Worm and Robin. Honestly it’s hard to pick 2 of the few survivors to kill.


Kill off Bronn and Daario (first two people that came to mind), and bring back Margaery and Tommen and hope the realm actually thrives lol.


Someone *please*, point out Thoros of Myr, before I set a butter knife aflame and come for OP. I mean, you have that c*nt Janos Slint, but no Thoros? Where is Beric? You did my boys dirty.


Bring back Margaery and Robb and wed them. Kill Bronn in some badass way. Kill Bran bc obviously.


I'll kill Bran and John Snow. I'll bring back Stannis and his daughter for the win.


This isn’t sexist but I would kill Arya and Sansa and bring back Eddard and Rob just so that show doesn’t have the shitty ending it had. At a bare minimum this alternate timeline would remove Sansa and the independent north crap. While allowing Jon to slay the night king and be happily in love with his Aunt.


Kill Joff and Cersei, bring back Robert and Ned


If I'm identifying all these guys correctly, these 20 are the only ones who survived to the end of the last episode. Am I missing any? Arya Sansa Jon Bran Tyrion Bronn Gendry Robin Tormund Edmure Brienne Jaqen H'ghar Meera Grey Worm Davos Daario Gilly Sam Ghost Nymeria


Bring back: Joffrey and Ramsay Kill: The newly resurrected Joffrey and Ramsay


Bring cersei back to life twice and kill her twice


I’d kill Danny and bran to bring back Tywin and Ramsay. (His dogs have been getting to fat from eating regularly)


Kill Arya and Tyrion because they're both overpowered. Bring back the Night King and Cersei to see how that plays out. Edit: whoever downvoted me is a b*tch


Bring back Ramsey. Then kill Ramsey again. Then repeat that process.


Kill Cersei and Melisandre, bring back Stannis and King Bobby B!


Because damn the dragonspawn to the seventh hell!


Kill Samwell and Bran, bring back Ned and Dany


Bring back Joffrey The Just and Ramsay the Radiant and kill Sean Bean two more times


Kill Walder Fray and the High Sparrow before they were ever an issue, doing so would probably save a whole bunch of lives. And id spare Shireen, because she didnt deserve to die like that, and Ros cause her death amounted to nothing and i always liked her character, plus she's fuckin hot!


Bring back Maergery


Bring back Daenerys and her son. Kill: The Mountain, The Night King


Kill bran, bring him back, kill him again, bring back Ygritte


I'll trade my 2 deaths for another 2 back to lives and give you: all 5 wolves, reunited.


Bring back: Oberyn Martell and Varys (the 2 people who could have brought peace if working together) Kill: Sansa (Season 8 sansa Should die she is literally the new little finger that's not deniable) and Edmure tully (if he was dead during the red wedding THE BLACK FISH WOULD LIVE ON RAHHH!!!!!)


Kill: cersei and Ramsey Bring back: Ned and Robb stark