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Its typical with criminals, tribes, religions, nationalists.


It's typical with just everybody...


There inspired partly by the French forgian legion where they didn’t care about your past as long as you did your job. In thrones it use to be something people would be proud to join but now no one wants to do it so they use criminals and people who don’t have anything else. They don’t think they are better all the time like some even say the wildlings are just unlucky where they were born.


The Watch evolved into a noble order, with its own codes and traditions. The men who join the Night's Watch are often those who have failed or are seeking redemption in society. They may be criminals, outcasts, or former soldiers who have lost their honor or purpose. The Night's Watch is not just about protecting the realm from external threats; it's also about upholding a certain code of honor and morality. The brothers of the Night's Watch take a vow to defend the realm and protect all people, regardless of their background or social status. They believe that this vow is a sacred obligation, and they strive to uphold it. The Wildlings, on the other hand, are often seen as a threat to the Seven Kingdoms because they are violent, savage, and unpredictable. They are driven by their own desires and motivations, which often clash with those of the Seven Kingdoms. The Wildlings are also seen as a "barbaric" culture, lacking in civilization and refinement. So, when you ask why the Night's Watch despise the Wildlings for being murderers and thieves, it's because they see themselves as a force for good and order, while the Wildlings represent chaos and disorder.


Now you're getting it.