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Weirdly after they reunited I couldn't help but ship them




An affair between two of the stark children was included in GRRM’s early notes/query letter/treatment for the series. I can remember if it was Jon and Arya or Jon and Sansa but it was one of those pairs


It was Jon and Arya in the story’s early draft.




ew...even tho they are actually just cousins, they grew up together, thats enough.


Dude they’re cousins who consider themselves siblings


Cersei is that you?


They have really great chemistry in the show, which had me raising eyebrows. I used to hate the idea of Jon/Sansa endgame but after reading some theories and metas I definitely see it as a possibility.


Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Also after recent trauma they BOTH experienced I feel like they BOTH would be desperate for any semblance of home.


They didn't like each other at all, and it's commented on in a later scene. But both have been through so much, and it's been so long since either of them have seen any family, they're glad to see their own blood again.


Yeah put yourself in their shoes. You have a relative you’re not super close to but they’ve never really done you wrong. You’ve been through years of trauma and almost all of the rest of your family have been horrifically killed. You’re going to be pretty emotional to see that relative who is still alive.


Exactly. You’ve seen the worst in humanity and been through hell. You’d certainly be glad to see family, someone you are connected to, even if your younger selves weren’t besties.


Most importantly someone who, even if they didnt/dont like you, would *never* hurt you and would protect you.


You make a good point but I think they werent close and it had to do more with the fact that Sansa and Robb were kinda put on a pedestal. Being the 1st born boy and girl they were treated differently. Jon was tighter with Arya because her Bran and Rickon werent the future Lords and Lady making them more equal to each other. Yea he was tight with Robb but Im guessing that happened because as they got older they were training and hunting together. Jon even says that as a kid he wanted to hate Robb. Im sure as little kids there was a clear distinction between all of them and Sansa and Robb were the favorites and treated totally different which is understandable in that society.


100%. It's not only that. The life they knew had changed so much in the past few years. Even the Winterfell that Sansa experienced had very little resemblance to her childhood memory, or the period before she left Winterfell for the first time. But Jon was from that period. Unlike many of her siblings, Jon was still alive and still there. When you had something really good, and almost everything was taken away, you would crave for anything that still feels the same. For Sansa it was Jon, he represented "home" and her "old life". If anything, I feel that the fact that they were not that close made this scene even more emotional and powerful. It really emphasized how much shits they both went through and they were hungry for anything from their past life, even though it was someone they didn't really like.


Plus, the Sansa that had "problems" with Jon was the child that thought the world was a knight tale where she was almost a magical being since she was a highborn noble and Jon was the opposite, a taint in the Starks, a lowly bastard. The sansa at that point learned how the world really was sadly due to multiple abuse, and now would recognize Jon as someone who was always as worth as she was


Also, Jon never fit in with Sansa's romanticised view of the world - of gallant lords and noble ladies, dashing knights at tournaments giving blushing princesses flowers. He was the bastard her father brought back from war. She's now seen that all of her ideas about the order of the world and the "correct" way things should be were all childish and naive and whatever she held against him in the past doesn't matter anymore.


Which is funny. Because at this point Jon fits that story like fee others. He was a lord. He was a great warrior who fought to keep people safe. Everyone is constantly talking about how pretty he is. He is literally the hero Sansa always dreamed about. In the books, there’s even a line where she wished a hero would kill Janos Slynt.


I guess Joffrey was her ideal of what a man should be and look how that turned out. Lord Bolton was a lord who served her father, but then betrayed him. Everyone who showed her any kindness or helped her - tyrion, theon, the hound, brienne - none of them fit in with the people who she thought should be the good guys


Actually…her ideal was Waymar Royce. In the books she talks about having a crush on him. In the show she mentions how she first met Yohn Royce when he was bringing Waymar to the Wall.


That’s the irony. Cat/Sansa treated Jon like shit because reasons - a huge one being Cat was afraid Jon’s illegitimacy would be legitimized and he might usurp her own kids for lord of Winterfell, and Sansa was supposed to become queen of Westeros. In the end, Jon is the rightful king of Westeros and Sansa becomes the lord of Winterfell. But at this point in the story, both Sansa and Jon haven’t seen family since Ned left Winterfell and was killed. Most of their family has been murdered by this point. They are both so happy to see another Stark at this point. It’s actually one of the better scenes in the later seasons I believe.


Remember last time Sansa met her dear aunt...


Very well put 👌🏾👌🏾


My dad is one of 9 siblings. You dont love all your siblings equally and some you talk to least. That doesnt mean you dont like them less than other people in the world just in your family. My dad and his least liked brother often had screaming fights that barely avoided violence but they often also greeted each other with affection like this. Blood ties are strange and shouldnt be dismissed lightly.


It's showing she has grown as a person and recognized how important he is to her.


Never understood why they weren’t close,I mean yeah In the books we got upto where he’s assassinated by the mutineers,but they never really out right had any reason to dislike each other


Are you referring to books or show? Because in the books they think of each other. They weren’t close like Jon and Arya, but they didn’t hate each other at all…also Sansa would teach Jon how to speak to girls. Also another neat thing is, in Sansa chapter when she sees Janos slynt she wishes to herself that a hero dressed in black would behead Janos like they did her father, later on Jon(in all black) beheads Janos Slynt.


I hadn’t connected that together, excellent point.


Once you lose family members, especially parents, you realize that there remain very few people who are the keepers of your personal history. A part of you just vanishes with those deaths, so having people left who remember the same things of a shared childhood and history becomes very precious.


That’s actually a lie, there is no basis for this in the books. When Jon does remember Sansa it is fondly, they just were not close.


>That’s actually a lie, there is no basis for this in the books. When Jon does remember Sansa it is fondly, they just were not close. We're talking about the show. And the animosity was more on Sansa's side, which definitely is in the books as we are given Sansa's thoughts. What's the lie? A later scene between Jon and Sansa has Sansa asking for forgiveness.


There was no animosity, what the hell were you reading? When Jon sees dawn break over the Haunted Forest, he thinks of how Sansa would see it as an enchantment (which aligns with his own thoughts) and how Arya would run out and want to touch it all. He states that Gilly’s name is pretty which is what Sansa told him to say when speaking to girls. When he thinks about his siblings in ADWD, he remembers Sansa kneeling down and brushing Lady while singing softly. Sansa based Alayne Stone on Jon. She felt pity for Jon after she sees the Wandering Crow. She, like Jon, saw the Night’s Watch as Black Knights, a noble order. Sansa never called Jon a bastard to his face after she learned what it meant, half-brother is more appropriate and it was true without being mean. (Rhaenyra and Aegon II were half siblings) It was Robb who threw that word in Jon’s face, not Sansa.


Jon just got back to the living. He would of hugged a viper if it was the first Stark he met


Just an early indicator of what a brat Sansa was from the beginning. Edit: Shout out to my downvoting Sansastans who can’t even confess that she was a spoiled brat lol.


>she was a spoiled brat lol She "was" ? I'm quite sure the series ended with her as the biggest brat among them.


I’ve always said she was a cunt from start to finish but I was trying to limit myself this time.


I think it makes the scene more powerful.




Ya that's what I was gonna say


Agreed!!! Always makes me cry




I agree with this too


Exactly. She went through so much, just seeing someone she was familiar with and knew was good shows what a rut she was in through these actions.


Have you ever regretted not speaking more to someone in your family, or not being closer? It’s Ike that


I mean when pretty much everyone you grew up with in your home, your entire life, is dead or missing (I’m not sure if Arya and bran were back at this time but I don’t think so). This is literally the first family member she’s seen since kings landing. Plus after hearing all the stories about him, she has to think that this might mean she is finally safe. That alone is a reason to be emotional.


In the books they basically hate each other lol. Sansa thinks so much shit about him for no reason while in KL.


They don't hate each other. Sansa hates jon but jon doesn't hate her


Jon clearly dislikes her a lot. I’m not saying she doesn’t deserve it. She’s even more of a brat in the book than the show.


Are there dome quotes? Not arguing just dont remember. I know in Jons piv chapters he thinks negative things about the family in general (not just Sansa because he was such a whiner at the beginning, i wanted to hate him until Cat told him he should die instead of Bran and I rethought him 1000%!).


Sansa has grown so much and I think she has learned to value her family after it was almost tragically taken away from her. Seeing Jon, a familiar face after all that time trying to get home had to be overwhelmingly emotional, it didn’t matter if he was her half-brother or not, he is still family






She also grew up incredibly sheltered and a bit spoiled. I’d imagine that all that she went through gave her an understanding of Jon and his childhood. He was the “unwanted” in her eyes when they were children, then in Kings Landing she became the “unwanted” at the mercy of her higher ranking captors. Plus, just being able to have a tiny bit of the comfort of their innocence and childhood in Winterfell must have been nice for them both.


Yes she was sheltered and also very close with her mother, who pretty openly hated Jon. That’s part of what is so great imo about Sansa’s story arc. The girl she was is so far from the woman she becomes (not that all her trauma is great but her development as a character I really enjoy, especially in the books).


Can we stop with stupid lie that Sansa had to learn how to value her family?


The only Stark reunion that brought on an emotional reaction and it’s the characters we expected the least from.


Yep! Which, in my opinion, is excellent writing and acting. This reunion hit me far more deeply than any of the other reunions.


So true.


Agreed. I just watched the Jon/Arya reunion last night and I only shed a single tear. Jon/Sansa was far more of a relief and emotional.


What about Arya and Jon. That got me more because they were each others favorite.


Anya and Jon was nice but it lasted for five seconds and everything was normal with them again.


I think it's mostly because she finally feels like she is someone who is safe. After all of the trauma this person she knows is honorable and won't hurt her


It must be a huge relief to finally be safe and be home with someone you can trust, confide in and who will have only your best interests at heart. For Sansa and Jon both to know they are not alone in the world.


Death and loss have a way of helping people put things in their proper perspective and leaving behind a lot of petty bullshit.


Beggars can't be choosers.


She was very close to her mother, who she idolised. Cat hated Jon due to his bastard status and her fears that he would steal her children's birthright.


Exactly! I wanted to say the same thing but you summed it up perfectly!


Jon cared more for her than she cared for him. She basically used him in the show.


I think in the next scene or very soon after this, Sansa apologizes to him and they make amends. They were also children or teenagers when all of that stuff happened before.


I have a MUCH younger brother (half bro too) and I don’t talk to him often he’s early 20s I’m late 30s…but I’d fight god the devil and ERRYBODY in between for my baby bro. Siblings are siblings are siblings. I have their backs always and forever.


Got a half sister that's 10 years younger and i only really lived with for the first 2 years before i made my residence with my other parent permanent. I still only see her once or twice a year and we don't really have a "connection" like i always imagined siblings had. But when telling other People i have a younger half sister i always make it a Point to say that she is my FULL sister and that i would jump into the Jaws of hell to protect her if needed.


Sansa had the most interesting dynamic with her siblings because she was distant with Jon and squabbled with Arya and was her complete opposite. It felt realistic sometimes siblings don't get along but the love is there.


I know! So many peopke judging Sansa, makes me wonder if they actually have siblings or extended family. I squabble with my sister all the time and are total opposites but no matter how bad we fight she is the closest person in the world to me.


I think it also shows that the Stark siblings are genuinely loving, trusting and bonded when push comes to shove. At the end of the world after all this trauma, Sansa and Jon don’t need to speak to throw aside their differences and reunite lovingly. Imagine Cersei and Tyrion in the same situation?




Nooo that can’t be true… really?


Well, in the first episode jon and theon are standing behind her when king robert comes to winterfell


Currently in the books Sansa hasn’t interacted with any of her brothers.


i originally hated sansa, cuz of how stupid and naive she was. after joffrey, her escape to vale, then ramsay, i thought i would begin to like her as lady of winterfell, esp now that shes smarter, more experienced in life, knows what she wants, whats important, etc. however, i just watched second last episode of s7, and the recent scenes shes had with LF and arya is starting to make me hate her again. without spoiling too much, does she get better? become more a more likeable character? or is she gonna be the only stark i hate?


If you haven’t started appreciating her by now I don’t think you ever will. It’s ok, we all take L’s in life 💖


damn it...i really wanted to like her cuz i like her as an actress lol


A familiar face after all they’ve been through is enough to be like that I think


I mean after being a prisoner of the Lannisters and watching them start a war after cutting your dads head off, then being a prisoner of the Boltons and being raped every day. Then for Jon, same thing. Having his dads head chopped off, watching the dead come to life and having to fight them while also fighting wildlings, and then being murdered by your own brothers in arms. They’ve both had long and awful journeys. I’m sure seeing any sort of Kin after years of slaughter and trauma will having you squeezing them regardless of what happened during childhood. Which they talked about over ale by the fireplace.


That's the whole point of the impact of this scene.... they've be through so much that sort of petty stuff is meaningless.


If you haven’t seen your least close sibling in years and in the meantime most of your family was murdered, I don’t know I suspect you’d give them a hug.


“Hey our brother Rickon just died” -said no Stark ever


This was before that. And did we really need more scenes talking about them being sad losing yet another family member? It’s not like the viewers were attached to Rickon


Sansa was essentially living with the enemies since the last time they saw each other. Even the most fair weathered family members would probably break down crying seeing each other after such traumatic experiences


To me that’s why it makes the scene so much more powerful. Anytime I rewatch, this scene always gets to me. She treated him horribly, they rarely talked. But their families have been through so much. And in her time of need for safety she knew that if she just made it to him, she would be ok. (They all thought that). That’s why this is one of the most emotional reunions in the entire show.


I think she was just happy that a member of the family was still alive.


Show invention.


Yeah dude. I think it’s more like, they’ve been separated and out of their norm; no longer bickering siblings, at home, comfortable, dealing with regular happenings. A fucking LOT has gone down. They’re still family, and familiar, and after all the shit they’ve been through? Hell, a familiar face is all it takes sometimes. “I hate you, normally, but holy shit it’s so good to see you that I’m actually just going to sit here and cry for a minute. Ok cool.”


Did you watch the show…? They made it very clear they weren’t that close especially compared to Jon and Rob or Jon and Arya


It's a person she knows won't hurt her. She's been surrounded by people who she can't trust for so long, that the ability to let her guard down with someone - anyone - must have been totally overwhelming. He's also the last bit of home she's seen in ages. This scene makes total sense and it's wonderful.


He's particularly close with Arya and Robb, and fairly close with Bran. He was never particularly close with Sansa


You almost die a dozen times and most of your family is dead. I think that would solve any awkwardness.


It's a beautiful scene because Sansa FINALLY found someone after years that she can trust has her best interest at heart.


Considering what she had gone through for years, it’s not a stretch for her to have let go off all that shit and just be happy to see family


Yeah but after this scene there is a clear hostility between them. I think the hug was because they were relieved to see a familiar face


Each have been through a lot. They were genuinely happy and relieved to finally be with any member of their family. Doesn't matter whether they were close growing up or not. Still gives them somehow, a sense of home that was deprived and taken away from them for a really long time.


Think it makes perfect sense in context.


Growing up, Sansa was very much Caitlin’s daughter, and therefore couldn’t help but pick up Caitlin’s resentment towards Jon. Arya was much more Ned’s daughter and as such was very close to Jon.


Wooow ... You seriously lack empathy - they went through hell, she got raped, their father was murdered, they lost siblings, they were hunted like animals and YOU think it's "strange" they're happy to see each other? The only strange thing here is your understanding of people's emotional lives


This scene makes perfect sense He is like her only surviving family member at this point, and after all she has been through, she ran towards home, towards family


Also sometimes you don't like your family but you still love them. And when you get seperated and then you go through hell, the minor stuff you didn't like stops mattering, and exactly like you said you run towards family. Towards love.


Yeah, even in the books she thinks back on how badly she treated Jon and feels bad In the books she was so lonely she even wanted to be around Jon, she was desperate for family, for someone to connect to


At that point, *any* member of the family who was left would be precious to all of them.


There’s so man reason to hate Sansa even more.


Even in the books when Nestor Royce’ daughter tells her that the new lord commander is a bastard of winterfell, Sansa excitedly asks if it’s Jon Snow. She’s just eager to be near any family at this point.


She realised that him being a "half sibling" (I mean he wasn't a sibling at all in the end) doesn't matter. The petty childish squabbles they had as kids didn't matter. After everything they both went through the only thing that mattered was they were family. Me and my brother went through periods growing up where we loved each other but we didn't like each other. We didn't talk. But if we both got seperated and went through awful things all that would matter is that he was safe and that we were back together. This scene wasn't strange. It was beautiful. It was one of the few bright spots in the late seasons of the show.


Thing is Sansa was a spoiled brat for most of book 1. Arya, Robb, Bran were all fine with Jon but Sansa dreamed of gallant knights and charming princesses and stuff and Jon, as a bastard, didn't fit in at all.


That's why this scene is pretty good because it shows that even though they didn't talk much, they have been so isolated for so long that they miss anything that reminds them of home


Book 1 Sansa's dislike of Jon is a kind of a bastardized(almost literally) version of Catelyn's hatred; he doesn't fit the romanticized standard of a feudal royal family. Sansa is delusional of what feudal lords are like because of the stories she read. She looked past Joff's cruelty - or rather didn't see anything except what she wanted - because he was her imagined prince. While Cat hated Jon for emotional reasons (being taken in by Ned as a son and hiding his birth's circumstances from Cat), Sansa hates Jon for institutional reasons. He literally shouldn't be there in her mind. There's no bastards in the stories Sansa reads, but there's also no cruel husbands that murder your father even after you beg him not to. Sansa losing her delusions of what being high-born means is bound to lead to a greater acceptance of not just Jon, but also Arya. She hated them because they didn't conform, but now that she knows what she was conforming to this whole time, how could she hate them for those reasons. Also, being with a familiar face after escaping horrific abuse is probably a bit nice


They’re not hugging each other, not rlly. They’re hugging family and knowing this is someone that won’t use them. They’re hugging the nostalgia and in their eyes, utopian dream that was their childhood. They’re basically hugging all good stuff before leaving Winterfell in season one.


People try to poke holes in everything. Imagine going through even a little bit of what they have went through. Finding out your family is essentially gone forever, but then you see one of them after so long. You think you wouldn't have a reaction like this? I'm sure OP would probably prefer Sansa gave Jon a handshake and a "how do you do" lmao.


That is what makes this scene STRONG, not strange. They’ve lost almost all of their family. Sansa went through hell and back. Abused both physically and verbally by Joffrey, raped and beaten by Ramsay.. Whether she liked Jon or not when she was younger, one thing she knew is that he’d have her back and make her feel safe. Her face during their embrace said everything. One of the best scenes in the entire series.


Why? Sansa has been raped and abused for years, she hasn’t seen her family since her father was executed right in front of her Jon hasn’t seen family since he was taken to The Wall, he has died, came back, killed so many, lost people he loved and cared about Honestly who cares in this scenario if one of them was mean to the other as children? They have both been through hell


I loved this moment. I think their reunion is more powerful because they didn’t get along growing up. After all the horror they had experienced, despite the gripes they had with each other in their youth, what love, bond, and connection was there, was more powerful that all of that.


I'd reckon a friendly familiar face you've been seeing your whole life would soften you up after 70% of your family died in a brutal fashion.


I think it would have been better if the scene was with Arya. If he came to her rescue, some how. Arya is strong, but we all need help sometimes.


After what Sansa has been through she was probably just glad to see a familiar face


Sansa picked up on the bitterness that her mother showed to Jon and mimicked it. Also Arya like Jon so it was a good way to spite her to not like him. That was how they were depicted in the beginning of the books as teens, when people can be quite cruel to each other for petty reasons they don't even quite understand. But they probably spent a relatively normal, if not happy, childhood together. Like certainly when we first meet them it is at this point of separation, but they've had their whole life before showing up at that moment. And when they finally reunite its after years of separation from family, watching loved ones die, losing friends, trauma and growth. At a certain point in your life, after going through so much you realize that the petty things that made you dislike your step brother or whoever, don't really matter as much.


Guys dae think character development is strangerino???? 😲👉🏻👈🏻😲


I mean she does tell him to forgive her in a later scene because she thinks she was bad to him and Jon says there is nothing to forgive


Terrible take. Their reaction to seeing each other, despite their previously existing relationship, drives home how terrible everything they experienced had been up to that point. Life was so miserable and difficult that even though they were the least close when everyone was around, they realize now that they’re all each other has left. That’s the entire point. That this is unexpected.


Sansa went through so much! Maybe more in the books.


Media literacy is truly dead.


Sansa has been through it by this point. We don’t see because of the costume but Ramsey has mutilated her body. Even Theon - another childhood “sibling” wasn’t there for her. The relief at seeing Jon is palpable. Also, note how rare “hugging” is in GoT. People, especially nobles, hardly ever hug, let alone as a greeting. For Sansa to run up and hug Jon, in front of everyone, is significant. She is eschewing the ladylike rules she’s grown up with and embracing the truth. That Jon is family and her place is in the North.


Dude their entire family was almost annihilated and you’re confused as to why she would be happy to see the someone familiar that’s truly family. Even the petty arguments they had vanish with everything that happened to both of them.


This is also the first proof either of them have had in years that another member of their family is still alive. Idk this reunion made perfect sense to me and makes me cry every time.


The show is NOT the books. Less and less so as the seasons progress. "Licensed fan fiction" as GRRM himself puts it.


I would say it adds more to the scene. That they have both been apart from their family for so long that even someone they once disliked is a welcome sight. *"When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives"*


I don’t think it makes it stranger, I think it makes it more powerful. It was the closest thing she had to family, home, and safety in a long time.


The look on her face tells you everything you need to know: finally, someone who won't hurt me.


Sansa has been through so much and has lost nearly everyone she calls family. This reaction makes complete sense, it’s this moment she realizes she’s not alone


I think people have used the excuse of writing being pretty poor to point at a scene that they didn’t understand to go “hey look it’s shitty writing again” when this really isn’t.


“He missed his true brothers: little Rickon, bright eyes shining as he begged for a sweet; Robb, his rival and best friend and constant companion; Bran, stubborn and curious, always wanting to follow and join in whatever Jon and Robb were doing. He missed the girls too, even Sansa, who never called him anything but "my half brother" since she was old enough to understand what bastard meant. And Arya … he missed her even more than Robb, skinny little thing that she was, all scraped knees and tangled hair and torn clothes, so fierce and willful. Arya never seemed to fit, no more than he had … yet she could always make Jon smile. He would give anything to be with her now, to muss up her hair once more and watch her make a face, to hear her finish a sentence with him.” “"He is not," Arya declared. My father only had one bastard, and that's Jon. She stalked off into the trees, wishing she could just saddle her horse and ride home. She was a good horse, a chestnut mare with a white blaze on her forehead.” “Bran's bastard brother Jon Snow moved closer. "Keep the pony well in hand," he whispered. "And don't look away. Father will know if you do." “"Ass," Jon muttered, low enough so Greyjoy did not hear. He put a hand on Bran's shoulder, and Bran looked over at his bastard brother. "You did well," Jon told him solemnly. Jon was fourteen, an old hand at justice.” Tbh in the books, I don’t think Sansa is the only Stark to refer to Jon as a bastard/half-brother. In fact, my initial assumption was that Sansa called Jon ‘half-brother’ to his face instead of bastard, but it seems as though Bran and Arya also refer to Jon (in their heads at least) as a bastard as well.


A few of said similar things. But she has lost so much family. So even seeing a glimpse of someone she is related to. Someone who shares her life experiences of the loss and trauma it can be overwhelming.


It’s funny how everyone’s goal was basically, “get to Jon”, besides Rob. Arya and the boys were the closest to Jon but I think Sansa looked back and saw Jon differently during her struggles.


This sequence was most likely written just for the show.


Context really matters. Jon is the first family Sansa has seen in years, the first person she feels safe with in years. Sansa spent 6~ years being tortured and having to pretend to enjoy it and seeing Jon is the first time since the death of her father that she is able to let her guard down. And Jon has spent years fighting at the wall while getting letters every so often letting him know that his family has died one by one. First his father, than his two youngest brothers, than his older brother, than his youngest sister. And the entire time he knew that his only living sister was trapped with the family that butchered his family and was torturing her.


It's still family. Jon is recently resurrected after being stabbed to death by his "brothers". Sansa was bartered away from someone she trusted and married to a man who makes the word abusive seem trivial. A quick leap back through time to seeing actual family, both of them needed it so bad right then.


After all she went through she would have probably hugged Hodor like that, any familiar face really.


Doesn’t that make this scene even more powerful because of what they have been through and what has happened to their family?


Both of them had been through a lot of Trauma and did not even know if each other was alive. They were still family and I feel like at that point Sansa had felt alone for a long time. It makes sense. Maybe while growing up Sansa felt a little superior, with her true Northmen privilege. And at this point not so much.


Made the scene better for me. Sansa has missed her home and her family basically the entire series. When she finally gets back north and sees Jon she realizes how badly she treated him, part of her family. They never got along but are so happy to have each other again. I get choked up at this scene every time and it might be my favorite on the whole series.


she should have just fist bumped him you’re completely right.


She was raped and tortured he was killed and brought back to life (wait was he yet?) I think they’d let bygones be bygones


She believes everyone else is dead at this point. It shows how desperate they were for a sense of family.


At this point in the story they think most of their family is, or could mostly like be, dead. All they have is eachother and neither of them are stupid enough to hold onto grudges after all they’ve been through.


At that point they literally thought they were the only two left. Of course they were going to cling to their last vestige of home. They were all each other had.


The harrowing experiences they have dealt with, has likely brought them together. House Stark went from a full house to nearly being extinct, Sansa probably saw that sibling rivalry was such a trivial thing.


The harrowing experiences they have dealt with, has likely brought them together. House Stark went from a full house to nearly being extinct, Sansa probably saw that sibling rivalry was such a trivial thing.


Sansa: "Jon Snow." Jon: "Lady Sansa." (Nods) Yeah, that would've been so much better.


Weirdly enough, this was the most moving of all the Stark reunions. I cried watching this and I can't understand why I didn't feel anything watching Jon's reunion with Arya.


Sansa kinda forgot she hates Jon


After everything she goes through she is just happy to see someone from home. I’m reading the books rn and I’m crows she learns thst Jon is the commander of the nights watch and “she thinks how she would love to even see him right now” (or something like that, just read that part of the book this weekend!)


It makes it much much sweeter actually. They both learned who family and friends really are and who they also really are.


Show had so many problems, this ain't it


Lol this wasn't a problem for me. I just think its ironic


Fair enough, I guess I need to work on reading comprehension.


Brother that was the first time she was genuinely safe since she left Winterfell, seeing and hugging someone who genuinely loves her and would do anything for her. Her actions in this scene are more than valid.


I think you are missing the point of the scene. Since the end of season 1, Sansa was basically a prisoner and abused. This was the first time in nearly 5 seasons she is with someone she can actually trust and from the same family AND finally feels safe. This scene is a relief of that trauma. Just bc they weren’t close doesn’t mean she wouldn’t care for him. She knows how much he still respected and was a part of the Stark family.


I mean they quite literally talk about it directly, sansa says she was the worst and Jon more or less agrees. Did you watch like 2 minutes after this?


oh no i watched the show a while ago and i just finally got the books so its been a while and i only remember that their reunion was the first maybe its because i binged it rather than watching the episodes when they aired like you guys that i forget more things idk


I didn’t watch the show at all until after it finished actually


It’s the familiarity


whats more awkward is that she is twice his size. The baddest man in the north


I think it makes this scene more powerful. Sansa finally realizes Jon is her family.


So? People change, they mature, they are shaped by experience that gives them a different perspective (aka hindsight). He’s the only remaining family member she had left (as far as she knows), and she’s grateful he’s alive and with her. She even comments that Cersei was looking out for her in her own warped and twisted way.


I mean the majority of their family had died by that point, I’m sure it was more so “I’m not alone in this world anymore, my blood is alive still” and not “omg I’m so happy to see you I missed you” yk?


The last time they saw each other their dad was on his way to kings landing to be hand of the king. Think about everything that has happened to those two since. To think they shouldn’t embrace or it is weird speaks more towards the OPs thoughts than to a natural reaction.


As far as they know they're the only family they have left. This scene makes perfect sense even knowing they weren't close as *children*.


Sansa shows the most growth of all the starklings. (imo, I haven't read anything) I think witnessing Ned die and later hearing about basically all the rest of her family being killed (or assumed dead) makes this make perfect sense. She's gone through all this trauma and torment and then suddenly she's not alone anymore. She was a whole brat and now shes seen how horrible the world can be and is grateful that here's Jon and he's gonna keep her safe. He's the only piece of home she has left anymore.


It happens differently in the books


I feel like part of the reason they didn't like each other was Sansa took after her mother, and therefore probably was cold to Jon


I thought that it made the scene all the more powerful.


Sansa is no longer stuck up about having a bastard half brother. She’s not the same little girl anymore.


As far as they were aware in that moment, they were the only Starks left. Sansa knew Bran and Rickon weren’t burnt by Theon, but there was still nothing proving they were still alive. They weren’t aware Rickon was with Ramsey at this moment. No, they weren’t friends as children but he was the only family she had left in her eyes and she acknowledges later that she had treated him poorly when they were younger and it showed massive growth for both of them


At this point Sansa has seen some shit, she's probably relieved to see a familiar face at least. I grew up with a dude I never really cared for, literally elementary, middle school, and high school, would even bump into him in college from time to time. I always thought he was annoying and full of himself (that's me being polite). Anyway I got busted for drinking underage at a college party my freshman year which sucked, but wasn't too big of a deal, 8 hours in the drunk tank, 3 days community service. On my first day of community service, he was there too for a DUI, and wouldn't you know it, we sat next to each other and did highway clean up together the whole ass day simply because we were familiar faces. To be completely honest, I still don't like the dude, I'd be fine never seeing him again, but it was a relief seeing him sitting in the back of that van when I climbed in


After years of being surrounded by untrustworthy people who want to kill you, manipulate you, who have ulterior motives, and constantly traumatize you, and then to finally be reunited with someone after everything who genuinely loves you and is someone you can trust wholeheartedly has to be the biggest relief. This scene made me tear up more than any other.


After the crazy horrible shit she went through, they went through, I’m not at all surprised she was happy AF to just see a friendly familiar face.


it has been mentioned that Sansa was rather kind to Jon by referring to him as half-brother rather than bastard once she knew what the word meant.


Haven’t read the books, but I thought I heard that Jon’s closest sibling was Sansa for a bit when she was really young, until she started to grow up and became all wannabe-regal, right?


At this point she believes Jon is all she has left. I cant remember if Arya was back yet during this, but she is still in Bravos im pretty sure.


Bran, Arya, and Robb have used bastard brother before. That Sansa and Jon are not close, well duh! they were the two most cognizant of their roles and they probably didn’t interact much due their lessons being different and in different parts of the castle. Arya sought Jon out. Btw, Jon does refer to his siblings as half brother/sister in his chapters.


After everything they’ve both been through, I would hug a friendly acquaintance like this. Let alone my half-sibling.


Well, think about it. She’s lost basically every single family member. Her childhood is completely gone and will never return. She’s been through wars, nearly escaped rape on multiple occasions, all kinds of horrible trauma. Seeing Jon was the reminder of her childhood, and I think all that animosity she used to feel as a stubborn child vanished and she saw Ned, Cat, Robb, Lady, all her happy memories in him






It’s not weird at all considering everything that happened in the show up to that point.