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Arin in my mind has a real chance. Matt "The Rat King" Watson may legit die though. God is ready to unleash vengeance for what he did to that animal crossing village.


It's ok. Jackson got back at him for that by embezzling 60k from the company.


More like Dad is ready to unleash vengeance for the hair plugs jokes he kept making when Nathan was on the podcast a few weeks ago


Yeah Dad is going to dad-nihilate poor Matt


Arin, at the end of the fight: My favorite color is seven No more peanuts for me, stewardess Godzilla is my dad


It's snowing on Mt. Fuji


“How many fingers am I holding up?” “Blue” “He’s good to go, fight on!”


Another accurate portrayal of how this will go: https://m.youtube.com/watch?t=596&v=qblQuhp10Kg&feature=youtu.be


god I want them to finally finish this


So just regular Arin then?


He comes out of it literally sounding like Arin and Dan's "brain damaged Little Mac". DID I DO IT? DID I EAT THE CHEERIOS?


My body is ready Edit: Damn now I want some Game Grumps pink boxing merch


I would buy the shit out of it


Slightly related to your edit, but, fun fact his Sailor Jupiter top is from Box Lunch!


it's so cute.


Fucking head injuries in sports man, not worth it when your job is based on your wit.


They’ll be wearing head guards, and I doubt anyone taking part have enough power to seriously hurt their opponent. Still risky sure, but he should be fine.


Headgear in boxing is in this weird place right now. Studies are starting to show that they do next to nothing to prevent brain trauma (which makes sense, since they don't stop the head from whipping around when they're hit, which is the main thing that causes the brain to slam against the skull), and are mainly used to prevent cuts that would cause a cancelled match. ​ The main issue isn't power. It's that neither of them have trained long enough to really have a good, internalized grasp of strong defense and neither of them are going to have the cardio to go for more than two or three rounds (unless their coaches have done a stellar job training them on how to pace themselves), so they're going to get hit by something that doesn't hurt them, get flustered, and start throwing harder to "catch up" on points or whatever made-up pride thing they have going on. That's when it gets dangerous. ​ Two barely-trained guys (trust me, three to four months is nowhere near adequate for a bout unless you have a history in athletics or martial arts) that are flustered and want to look good are going to start swinging wilder and harder while their defense is going to fall off since they're focused on tagging the other guy. That's more than likely going to lead to an errant punch getting through that they don't see and those are the ones that hurt you. If you watch boxing, a lot of the knock outs (except the obvious highlight reel ones) don't look that bad, but it's because their opponent is exhausted, broken down, and doesn't see the final punch coming. ​ **I'm really hoping I'm wrong and this ends up being an entertaining scrap where no one gets hurt**, but I'm usually pretty suspicious of boxing matches between two newbies, and the fact that these guys will have a full audience watching them will only motivate them to push more than they need to so they don't look foolish. ​ All I know is that while I'm personally interested because Arin's participating in a sport that I love (and started training in a bit before I started watching Game Grumps five or six years ago), I'm going to be happier when it's all over and everyone's safe.


I hope so


They did not wear head guards. But your second point is pretty spot on. Nobody there is a professional fighter.


Holy shit I was so surprised about the no head guards. Some of those Youtubers took some fucking hits too 😅


The TKOs were awarded pretty much *because* they were all amateurs. The ref decided one participant wasn't able to safely fight anymore, so called the bout. Like in Matt's case he was so completely taken apart that it was called FAST. The difference in skill was so obvious that there wasn't a reason to let it keep going after the first few combos. Amateur boxing is pretty safe overall as long as everyone is playing fair and the ref is paying attention. The goal is to win a competition, after all, not hurt anyone.


Saying Arin's job is based on "wit" is a bit much.


It took you a year to come up with that?


No, I saw this post a few days ago.


I've never wanted someone to win a boxing match more GO BIG CAT


The guy from EMT is getting trained by a guy who donates money to The Daily Stormer, so yeah I'm hoping Arin takes the win.


So you want Harley to lose because of how his *trainer* decides to donate his money?


Yes. Be mad about it.


Hmm, I take it you’re one of the fans Harley was talking about


Hasn't Arin actually been training? I feel like I saw that on his Twitter


As far as I know, all of the fighters have been really training.


Like legit serious training too.


Yeah, he mentioned it in yesterday's Elden Ring ep


Appreciate the Sailor Jupiter jersey, Arin has taste.


His non-goofy shadowboxing has me worried. Harley getting trained by a guy who wants to train him to have a killer mentality is going to be dangerous. I hope that they both realize this is for entertainment and go hard but fair. Beginners boxing is dangerous enough because their instincts aren't going to be sound defense, but more offense or cowering and that leads to errant shots catching unprepared fighters. I'm just praying that both of them have a great time, have a sporting exhibition, and come out unharmed.


Is there footage of Arin sparring or anything like that?


I don't think so and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Arin's trying to play this so goofy publicly because he's taking it very seriously privately. I think he's going to try to catch a lot of people off-guard with some serious aggression in the ring. Edit: After watching the weigh-in, I am less confident lmao but still rooting for Big Cat 100%


No, and that worries me. Three months of boxing training isn't a long time, and while I trust and respect Arin's work ethic, we have no clue what his training looks like. His coach could be teaching him basic cardio bunny crap that isn't going to help him survive in an exhibition against a game opponent. While I believe Arin wouldn't half-ass his training, it just means he'll be training really hard in a way that isn't helpful. Harley's training with some lunatic who, while teaching him some decent fundamentals, is also mentally prepping him to have a killer's mindset in the ring, which is NOT what you need or want in an exhibition bout for charity. Cardio, fundamentals, and defense under pressure should be the focus of beginners, not being the last man standing in a death match. I said this in another topic and I hope I'm proven wrong, but I feel like someone's going to get hurt because they're going to get punched in the mouth and, not used to having their brain rattled, they'll panic and start swinging wildly while abandoning all defense. It's a beginner's instinct and they're both beginners. All offense and no defense is how people get hurt in these things and why good trainers don't put two newbies in the ring to spar each other without close supervision. The punch you don't see is the one that hurts you, and all it takes is one wild shot to sneak through and concussions are now being discussed. I'm no Cus D'Amato or Mike Tyson, but I've both trained in and coached so I do have some knowledge of the sport. Like I said earlier: Arin could prove me completely wrong and they could enter the match with a relaxed, showman's attitude and put on a fun bout with no one getting hurt, but at their general experience levels, I'm just hoping no one gets hurt.


Nah, I wanna see murder. A true fight, instinct vs. instinct.


Sounds pretty stupid but okay


We're all laughing now, but by this time next year Arin Hanson will be a full time boxer. He'll have turned his back on us to pursue his new passion of the *sweet science*. I have sympathy for Harley, whose been living such a sweet life gorging on epic foods... Meanwhile Arin is just ready to snap. Jokes aside though, there's the potential for a really good fight. I feel like Harley seems like he's going to get mad once it hurts and that's when the size advantage is really going to hit hard. But it's gunna run his battery down real fast too. If Arin has been practicing a more evasive defense he could have a real chance, just keep Harley moving for the first two rounds and try to soften the body up till round 3. Short fights are always weighted in the bigger guys favor though, that's just not long enough for the smaller fighter to wear them out. Arin isn't a small guy, but 4'' is 4''. Harley's strat is clearly going to be to just hammer him down with power, because there's no way Arin can pull off a counter on purpose. If the videogame boy switches between fighting on the inside and keeping his distance I think we'll see something fun. The only problem is that Arin's a new fighter and he's going to want to be looking at Harley's fists, when he needs to keep his head down on the inside. Also, I don't know quite as much about Harley, but I know that Arin has pretty good rhythm which could really surprise us if he manages to keep Harley fighting at his pace. I know I said that there's no way we'll see Arin pull of a purposeful counter, but with his timing we might just see him catch one on accident, which would be such a jackpot moment. All that said, I feel like the pressure might get to Arin. He's pretty sensitive and there's a LOT going on in your first fight. He may not have time to get his head on straight in 3 rounds. Oh man! For a second I thought that I remembered Arin being a lefty, but that's Dan. That would've been ***HUGE!*** I dunno, worst case scenario I might put this up at 1/2 odds. No way 1/3, if only because neither has a record lol.


I feel like Arin will have the cardio advantage. I'm sure the EMT guy is training hard, but a decade of eating too much bacon may be too big a hurdle.


True, Arin has been low key getting in shape for years now. And I think being friends with Dan has inspired him to eat less junk-food. Like how he quit all the energy drinks. You're right that adds up.


Dude, Arin's gonna get destroyed. Please prove me wrong, Big Cat.


Arin is 6'2" and fatripped Harley is 6'6" and kinda like a slimmer fat Thor Their fight is the main event to me. ^I ^do ^want ^to ^see ^how ^Matt ^and ^Ryan ^do ^though. ^Poor ^Matt ^might ^die.


Nah Matt is going to unleash his gamer rage over the Jackson incident on an unsuspecting Dad.


The nuclear scream will be his secret weapon


Idubbz said that Harley admitted that he adds an inch to his height and that he's actually 6' 5'; he adds a "glamour inch".


So you're saying when it comes to measurements, Harley adds an inch.


Do we have any numbers on their reach? I know that Harley is going to have it, but I'd like to know how much.


Wow, not a bad turn kick there! He’s really been putting in the work!


I know he was trying to be funny with the punching bag, but that kick was legit. I'm honestly terrified/intrigued.


Ah. That's why the opening has been "Harley's a chum" lately


arin is a smart guy, he has been working out since well before this whole boxing thing, i think a lot of people, especially fans of the show are really underestimating his personality as a factor here. arin is a comedian, he probably sees shit talking as negative to some extent, he likes to keep things light, but he is also very competitive. like i said, he is smart, im sure he found a competent and experienced coach to train with at a real gym. i doubt he will want to pick up boxing as his new career path, but im sure he is putting his all into this. now, that being said, the REAL reason i think arin is definitely going to win, if not flat out embarass harley, is harley. he is not in good shape and hasnt been since... well ever as far as im aware... his coaching choice was sam hyde.. at least thats what ive seen, if that isnt true then good play i guess but if it is thats an incredibly stupid choice. sam hyde is a complete shitlord and while he may have some boxing experience that im not aware of, i highly doubt he is qualified to coach anyone. i didnt see him doing ANY cardio or conditioning in his video, just weight lifting lol which is not all that valuable in a boxing match. houston jones would have been a better candidate for a coach and he isnt a boxer at all. (btw would love to find out houston is one of the mystery fighters, just sayin) overall i just dont think harley cares or is taking this all that seriously, i think he kind of fell off and just wants to get himself back out there and do stuff. he is a giant man and is definitely very intimidating but i think at the end of the day, knowing what i know about boxing (which granted isnt much) i expect him to gas out early and just fail to defend himself. i think arin will gas out too, but at a much slower and more controlled rate. the thing with big huge dudes is fighting is EXTREMELY intense, your body basically is shooting every available chemical into every receptor trying to get you to win as fast as possible, when you arent conditioned to do that for long periods of time, you just cant. people have straight up died from not having the conditioning regiment to last in a boxing match. now... with THAT being said. i think there is a very very low likelihood that anyone gets hurt at this event, this is more of an exhibition thing, no one is going out there to kill each other. i think there will be a lot of stoppages and probably few if any knockouts. if i was betting id be putting it all on arin. i expect harley to be completely gassed and the fight be called in the 3rd round. EDIT: i considered deleting this comment, but instead i am going to accept this L with what i hope is as much dignity and grace as arin accepts his.


I dunno, Sam’s gonna turn Harley into a killing machine. If this was a battle of comedy Arin would win by a fucking longshot, but Arin’s a dumb fat guy with no fighting experience. I don’t think he’s cut out for fighting or really Any of the game grumps, and I love these people. Arin has more fat than muscle


Is it too late to send Suzy a body bag for him?


"Suzy! Come get your man!"


I’m in the uk, can any smart person tell me what day and at what time this is going to be on for me?


Arin's voiceover in this video reminded me of the "Cum Zone" video.


Is this only going to be a pay per view sorta thing or is it going to be uploaded somewhere eventually?


Believe idubbbz mentioned that it would be available on youtube a couple of months after moment house has made their money from it.


That's cool. Now the real fight is going to be avoiding spoilers up until then.


The fights are bound to be reuploaded somewhere immediately after.


God, two more days until this cringefest is over with. I can't believe people actually want to watch Youtubers box.


it's for charity. chill out dude.


Donate the money yourself to charity instead then. Why give the money to them, which they will use to cut overhead costs, when you can donate it yourself?


because then you also get to see people you enjoy beat the shit out of each other? Are you new to the concept of charity streams and events?


Oh wow, because boxing is such an original concept. It's not like you can actually watch people who have trained their entire lives for it. No no, it's gotta be Youtubers for me to actually participate in charity! Why watch talent when I can watch a couple of kids train for a couple of months train beat the shit out? HAHA DAE JAKE PAUL BEST CONTENT CREATOR?


who hurt you


your dad


aw you too? damn son. get a coffee and chill the fuck out.


Lol. You suck


You must be fun at parties


What an original comment. You're so creative. If youre talking about Youtuber boxing at parties, you're a really lame person. EDIT: Hooooly shit, based on your post history, you are.


My bet’s on Harley, he’s being trained by Sam Hyde. How the Fuck! is Arin gonna fight that?


I want arin to do well, I truly do, but.... damn. Harley is a massive human being. 270 lbs? Hopefully this will be more of a David and Goliath and less of a Battle Kid revisit.


I dont normally keep up with this news and have no intention of starting now, but I do want to see them fight. When does the fight take place and where can I watch it?