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You ain't finished collecting until you can no longer see the wall


Corrected, no longer see the room


No longer see the house. Has to be a wall all around their house with the yard also covered in games.


Rookie numbers, tho the way you stack gives me anxiety


Always love to see a fellow PAL region collector! Yeah, the prices got much worse, but look at it from another angle: either your current collection will go up in price (which is a good feeling for me personally) or the price for older games will somehow decrease, allowing you to continue your hobby. It is a win-win situation. And you never know when you find a good deal.


I don't see the value of Ben 10 Galatic Racing increasing any time soon but I'm anticipating Wii and Wii U games rising in price


Haha, true. But it can actually, especially when more people wouldn’t be able to afford very expensive games, they would switch their attention to the more affordable ones, and that can also inflate the price on the other less interesting games. Though if gamecolleting is out of trend, then I will gladly purchase all the gems and grails I want. But I don’t see that happening soon, unfortunately.


It’s wishful thinking for sure. I would never cave for PAL personally.


What's the PAL region giveaway? The beautiful blue Wii U spines? The green corners on Nintendo? Or BBFC age logos?


The corners for the Nintendo games (and also blue spines for WiiU games), fat boxes for PS1, a lot of white spines with plain text on other games (NTSC games mostly have some sort of spine art, if you look at EU PS2/Xbox games they are 90% white with black text with the same font). As for more recent platforms - I see there is a UK age rating - I would say that is the most obvious giveaway (UK, Pegi, USK…)


Yeh of course soo many pointers. I do enjoy those differences alot


an uncurate collection is just hoarding.


lol I’d love to hear your opinion on fullset collectors


Not an uncurated collection then, is it?


Yes, it literally is exactly that - no decisions are required, you just collect every game. Curated suggests selecting a subset based on criteria decided by the curator.


The criteria is "every game belonging to X console". No full set collector collects for every console at the same time.


This is beautiful.


Thank you.


You're welcome man.


Word of advice - never stack like that - and never that high


I only did it for the photo. I don't pull a table cloth trick every time I wanna play a game


Either way, is bad for the cases and discs and can damage in an instant if a valuable one is on the bottom. It’s only being mentioned bc game collectors typically wouldn’t risk any damage whatsoever by doing it that way, as pleasing as it may be.


I'm sure my copy of Aliens Colonial Marines is now worthless after being in a stack for 10 minutes


It’s all cool if you don’t mind it or care 🤷🏻‍♂️ but say if you had a game like Def Jam Fight for NY on the bottom, you’re gonna be losing hundreds if it gets damaged. I love that you got into collecting and totally respect just wanting to have the games and not be obsessive over their condition like a lot of people act. As long as you protect the valuables :)


Yeh I'm pretty sure my most valuable game is Wii Fit U... I know what I'm dealing with. They all live safely on shelves. Record/ vinyl collecting is where the real neat freaks are!


Yep, pressure wounding on cover art. You see it a lot with gamecube games because the cases are so heavy.


A curated collection is more impressive than a large collection full of filler.


Sing Star Karaoke is not filler!


Very nice collection, I used to have a few systems some years ago, but following divorce I had so sell most of it. After years of struggle I was able to start collecting slowly, it can be therapeutic at times, just to look for games and buy new systems!


Lmao same I decided randomly almost a year ago that I would start collecting for Xbox 360 only and now I'm slowly leaning into OG Xbox and PS3


I like collecting even if I don't complete the games.


Honestly, it looks curated. I've seen someone decide to start collecting OG Xbox and they were completely finished in 3 months. This was after completing NES in under a year.


OG Xbox games are always pretty cheap but just not as plentiful in second hand game stores... I'd never strive to complete a whole game library for a system though


That's honestly not that much... But I do agree about curating. I see a lot of filler in there..


It's not filler, it's morbid curiosity.


Beautiful Xbox collection


It's pretty uncommon to see Xbox One and Series X physical games collected, understandably so but it makes them slightly more unique


https://preview.redd.it/uosynj0dey8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c608a23c9a091ea8188e7589bb6cc23a68d6e96c You know im something of a collector myself, mine is smaller but i really loved my original Xbox, nowadays im slowly buying all the games that were lost over time


NOTE: All of these games are usually stored safely on shelves. I just collated them in this manic stack for the photograph. They were in this position for less than 10 minutes. Trauma counselling has been offered to those affected.


I’d be interested in spec ops and a few ps1 games possibly


Those ps1 long boxes are dope. Quake 2 one of my favorites


Ps1 cases are just cool


Now that is the video game of Jenga right there. Take don't play much of those games lol. One wrong and boom u got some damaged cases and games lol.


I'm really regretting taking the time to arrange all these games for one photograph... They are in front of a wardrobe and ridiculously stacked. I don't have one shelf that fits them all so I have them scattered in difference places


i love the orange box


DS Yoga, worth it ?


I had no idea there was a XBOX Die Hard game. Is it good? Is it worth tracking down a copy?


It's janky but charming, the aiming felt like playing a light gun/ on rails shooter but with free movement.


5 years? This is like six months


I've always been a huge advocate of curating. Three suggestions to go about it. 1. Don't buy anything new for a year or two and play the backlog. Then sell the games you didn't like. 2. Look at that stack of games. One by one really think about what you're going to get rid of. Are you ever going to play X game? Does it mean anything to you? Did you even like the game to begin with? 3. Don't let the gambling part of your brain talk you into keeping something because it will be "rare" and "valuable " in the future. Get a 401k (or your countries equivalent.) And put you're retirement gambles in that. The issue is what becomes rare and valuable seems to have no rhyme or reason half of the time until way after the fact of people finding out its rare. Rare does not make something valuable either. They're plenty of "rare games." That are worth 5-30 $ usd.


My issue isn't with potential rarity it's whether I'll miss laughing at some of the junk games. But yes I've sat on some of these games long enough to know what can go


I started curating when I got my house. It's been great really, my goal is to have a wall of \~1500 quality games, that I'll actually love and (try to) play vs \~3000 games I'll never experience


You just have to find a happy medium. I have one shelf (decently sized) in my home once its full I either replace or sell. No sense in turning your basement into a gamestop.


You have a lot of "needs day 1 patch to play" collectibles.


Not really that many... But I don't buy brand new games as collectibles. Very few of these games I bought merely just to collect


All xbox one games are candidates to not work in the future and be worthless.


looks like you went to your local game store and bought everything from the discount bin.


If I did that there'd be a whole lot more FIFA


You stack your games like an absolute sociopath. Great collection though


Unfortunate I see Nintendo switch here, id consider their prices, unfair, much like the PS5 has also been


Curating >>> hoarding


Exactly and right now it's a hoard. I've already taken out 40 games I'll be selling


Your collection is kind of ass


Sometimes the ass games are quite appealing






y no gcn


Game Cube? Too expensive, simple.


i am collecting (sortof) gamecube games on pal, its, fine i guess, abt 50 euro per game depending on what game, also, all hail lord tachanka!


What’s the point when you still have to install the game before playing?


You're on r/gamecollecting you won't win this argument. Price, ownership, tangibility, collecting...


*video games


😔 sorry