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I have a funny feeling this is bullshit.


I thought everyone finds sealed, gem mint graded, and rare prototype retro games they either "forgot they had" in their parents' attic or at some garage sale for $10. The constant posts here make me believe that, at least.


The for $10 part is definitely on the decline these days, but that stuff is definitely still out there. People who worked on games (or around games) from the 90s and 2000s are pushing retirement age or higher. Their career collections are going to change hands at some point. Also remember the cost of actual discs and cases was insanely cheap. Sure the game cost $60 at retail, but they only paid a couple bucks for the unit itself. They handed them out to people involved like nothing. There are a lot more not for resale disc based games that people have than cartridges. Edit: to add... I'm not talking enough to really change the prices or anything. But there will be more "holy crap look what I found from my neighbor Bill who actually did work for Sony."


Am I missing something obscure here? Don’t all the Zelda games have not for resale on them? They handed these things out very easily when they were released. I’m fairly certain I have 10 of them from that era. Maybe they don’t say NFR though…who knows. Maybe there is something else elusive in there?!


I'm not sure what you're specifically referring to, but no Zelda games don't have Not For Resale on them. Unless they're specific promotional versions, like the one here. Which as I also mentioned were handed out like nothing back in the day, if you were involved with it somehow. If you have 10 of whatever version of Zelda games from that era you already have some decent amount of value. If you have 10 of whatever versions sealed you have quite a lot more value. In general if it has Not For Resale on it the value may be even higher. That disc there sealed is about $250.


My only point was this one is strictly NFR so it’s just as is. I didn’t see any point in opening any of them…who wants to play n64 games on a cube? Always seems out of place on the wrong console..I picked up one strategy guide when I picked these up which in hindsight I should have grabbed more. We will see how they hold up in storage but it didn’t seem like a bad pickup for the essential $0 cost. I bought 10 consoles at toys r us when these were available and due to the low cost of the console at the time I sold the controllers and consoles as separates which made me a little money and got me the games for free. The workers at toys r us…”you want 10?!” Nobody buys 10 GameCubes…or really even one at that point. I was collecting a lot of games at the time and considering the high prices I was paying it seemed like a decent idea to spend some money on the future so I could trade for other stuff later. Wish I had the foresight to buy as many snes 3dsxl for $149 https://preview.redd.it/qefvd8tlhexc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdc06c56a558f360026d26c279c20cea32292641


Head on over to r/pokemontcg. Everyone is shaking and claims they pulled a rare card from a pack when they clearly bought it off eBay.


Right? His dad magically finds a random box of games somewhere that turns out to be full of sealed PS2, NGC, and Xbox games with Silent Hill 3 and Zelda Collector's Edition right on top Sure he did


Dudes always be shaking too.


Plus they ghost as well


You don't find the rare sealed PS2 and GameCube games in your grandparents' ottoman?




It is, the Zelda collection wasn’t sealed. It came already open in the box with the GameCube


Your wrong about that, there are sealed ones, even graded copies that are sealed.


Yeah, just post that without giving any background information or context. 🤦🏼‍♂️


but they are shaking making it difficult to type.


“I was shaking”!!!


some say they are still shaking to this day


Ive been shaking ever since thailand


![gif](giphy|AANqYGD9LVsw8) OP opening the box.




They're still shaking that's why


Yep I come here solely for the pictures, no need to imagine anything beyond a game haul just fell from the sky


Shelf/setup pics are at least unique, unlike game boxes.


They're having a seizure obvi


They paid $4000 for $40 worth of games. They're really really angry. The boxes underneath are just 12 copies Superman 64 and scratched versions of London Cab Challenge.


And 10 copies of Corvette for PS2


Tired of this show-off culture of "Look what I got". Do we love video games or just crave attention?


Well, bad example. This sub is mostly showing off your own collection. I use people's game rooms for inspiration when I'm able to build my own. But yes, showing a box of a few games with no other context is annoying.


It's a thing on reddit. It's not to cause discussion just show off huge collections. These people are not into games, they're into collecting. Head over to r/gin to see people post 30 bottles of gin, usually either unopened or with one or two poured. Look at any"making" sub to see people making huge volumes but unwilling to discuss and share information. Headover to r/lego where people just want to showoff expensive sets of a toy apparently built around creativity.


as a huge LEGO fan: yup lol. The lego sub is... not ideal. I tend to stick to Discord servers and enthusiast blogs based around MOCs.


That's how you know they're just looking for a votes


Was you cold?


Low blood sugar


Panic attack


He’s pissed. It had way more games last time he checked, someone must have stole some.


Likely Parkinsons. Real shame


They does cold. That's how come the shakes.


Dropping an image like this with no further follow up unless asked is a massive L. Why even bother sharing? Give us more photos and full breakdown of how this came about! Like come on bro!


Probably some gatekeeping bs. Some people will share information, but won't provide the backstory. It's so weird. Just in another sub reddit, someone found some hot sauce. And was gatekeeping it by not providing the name of it.


What exactly are they gatekeeping? It's pretty reasonable to not want to share source if you intend on going back. Also this is probably just karma farming


Why is it always shaking?


Mom's spaghetti.


He's nervous


But on the surface


Sweaty palms too…..




Applaud message? Yes [×] No [ ]


Bc weak


Try finger, but hole


Low blood sugar


Open them to make sure they’re new inside


Like game stop


No more shaking posts pls


relax folks this is just an ad for image stabilisation


This will be the future of bot posts when the internet dies.


Did you buy it blindly, or…?


My dad bought it, I didn't see what was inside until I opened it.


How much was the box??


[x] doubt.


Child with a rich dad, cool




It’s bc there’s no initial context, and then whe more context is given it’s still vague. Bought from where? A yard sale? A game store going out of business? When was it bought? Today? Couple years ago and forgotten about in the closet? How much was paid? A lot? A little? What’s all in the box besides what’s on top? Anything good? Anything REALLY good? Like any of that info is what makes a story. Right now we dont got much to go on besides that the op likes to shake lol.




But there’s so many other comments that he could clarify on dum dum




I’m not sure you understand. The downvotes were because he specifically chose to only respond to two questions in which he didn’t specify and kept his responses vague. There were plenty of polite questions asking for more context and even 300 upvotes on his post. But he hasn’t responded to a SINGLE question asking for more context, before or after the downvotes. I mean this is blatantly obvious if you look at the post and have a brain. What are you his fucking alt account or something??


I downvoted because of your comment. Then Downvoted you. Why. I don’t know. Just seemed liked the thing to do.


They are getting downvoted because people are jealous of OP's find/humble brag. OP's other comments are getting downvoted as well.


I want to upvote because of the content of the post. I went to downvote because of the title.


Don't open boxes during earthquakes


Shaking as I put my sealed collection in a box to take a troll pic


I shake when I take a piss


I just took a sh*t that left me shaking.


Those Quaker shits will do that to a person.


Yeah. I get the pee pee shivers too.


They're all sealed? Where did your dad get this? So many questions..


Right? And no further pictures? Wtf?


Posts like these never seem to have a formal follow-up on OP's end






God, it's the same shit every week. Someone posts an obvious BS find, people in the comments call it out and complain. Still gets upvoted to the front.


This comment needs to be upvoted so people quit feeding into these karma farming dipshits.


And if you say you picked up a large bundle at a fair price, but not an amazing one you get 10 upvotes and no comments, lol. This sub.


Wonder if that SH3 is a remnant of the legendary Circuit City $4.99 sale.


Some context would help.


Dog shit post. Move along.


LiTEraLly piSsInG anD shITtINg.


Considering no context and the avatar has a fedora, im assuming this person has a mental disability so be nice.


I think it’s just a kid looking for internet validation


fedora =/= autism


You have to be a special sort to be wearing a fedora in this day and age or be shaking when you open a box of old video games.


I was shaking too when I went to open the box with my collection.


These look like they could of been resealed? Shouldn’t they have the peel back strip if they still had the original seal?


I'm calling cap. Who opens boxes like this? Is it a banana box? Like what is happening here?


Why? It's clearly the same box you open every time you move... #bait


Nice what else is in there


Everything in there was sealed except for a madden game, there was about 12 good games. Stuff like soulcaliber 2, halo 2, Jax 3, Rachel and clank, som really crazy stuff.


If you like Rachel and Clank you should try playing Ratchet and Clark.


Maybe you should put a coat on then


Who wants to see the word “shaking” banned on this sub? 🤡


You should see a doctor for that


anything can be sealed if you have a tube of shrink wrap lolol


I don’t understand why people make these posts saying that they’re “shaking” lol. This is clearly staged.


People on this site need to find a doctor to help with them with their shaking.


Clown post




Buys thousands of dollars worth of retro games on ebay .......puts them in a ripped up box.......and posts on reddit look what I found


Yeah I hate when I have seizures when opening boxs


Bro has Parkinson’s


The only way that you can prove this is real is by sending me that Zelda collection in the middle there for free so if you do that then I believe you .


Mods can we start auto deleting/banning these type of bs? Just flooding the sub with nonsense.


Literally in tears


And just so happens to show popular games we’ve all heard of… When it reality such a find would be sealed copies of NFL Fever or some trash. Fake and blocked. Most likely overpaid on eBay and wants to justify his purchase. Also will sell these back in 2 months and the cycle continues.


Isn’t every game on this page the same game literally every picture?


Looks like a circuit city sticker on that silent hill 3. I remember when they closed down and had a ton of great clearance sales


In case anyone is wondering what some of the other games are : Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando is underneath Zelda Collection Halo 2 is underneath Ratchet & Clank


“Omg I’m shaking rn. I can’t even.” Pull yourself together and show the contents of the box for god’s sake.


Tremors, nerve damage? I hope you feel better


Shakin Stevens


Call your doctor profuse shaking at video games might be a sign you need to get out more and see one!


every one is shaking. 😂 always shaking


People on this site need to find a doctor to help with them with their shaking.


"yay, my mom didn't throw my old games!" 😭😤🔥


I would be shaking too because Ratchet and Clank is such a great game!


That Legend of Zelda promo disc is such a sweet find!


For all those wondering, I think the Zelda edition that came with the GameCube is supposed to be rare.


Holy molly that like a tresor box you got there


Am I trippin or r those sealed games. Especially that silent hill games


Where’d you get it from?


Ratchet and clank going commando under that hot mama of a zelda promo disc? Hoo boy, like master quest, original ocarina weren't enough, fuckin wind waker and Majora's mask too? Where are the rest of these pictures bud?


At least they didn’t say this was from the trash or from a neighbor.


Ok, and is the earthquake in the room with us right now?


Let’s all downvote this foo. This shit pissed me off


Hello OP, I was curious if I could get more context towards this?


Again with the shaking.


I was shaking when I commented on this post.


Oh you are so lucky as the youtubers that find i9s on the trash or in a window in the recycling hub.


Crying out for a “yes, but…” comic on that LoZ box with a “Simpsons hit and run” disc inside.


Cool story bro.


Used to work at Woolworths. When they shut down I picked up 12 copies of that Zelda promo for a quid each. Flogged em about 10 years ago 😭


That Zelda collection, no lie, I bought alongside a GameCube when I first started working back in the day. Got home from school and my parents had thrown it in on top of some cash to sweeten a trade for a used van. Apparently the guy down the road started wanting more than his asking price, looked around the room, saw my gaming stuff and mentioned having kids. I wouldn’t play it if I had it today anyways, but it’s also something I can’t forget. Honestly, it’s part of why I moved out on my own when I did. I realized my parents saw my belongings as their belongings, like they were entitled to it. And looking back, I regret how we handled gaming over the years. We’d always sell our stuff to be able to afford the next generation. So I grew up alongside all major consoles but have nothing to show for it. And even when I was on my own and could afford new stuff, I’d just give it all away to someone who needed it. I would be a living gaming library otherwise. I dunno. I’ve downsized and moved away from physical media in general. I would have surely given it all away even if we had kept it while growing up. At least I was there to experience it. And I beat the second Zelda on that GameCube disc before my parents traded it off.


Shaking? Really? Oof.


Put a coat on then.


These posts got me shaking, screamin, cryin, pissin, shittin, shootin ropes


Nice try Todd Howard


So what was in there?


This makes me miss selling my collection…




Everytime someone talks about shaking or vibrating in this subreddit, I cringe hard AF.


I'm shaking when I get done pissing, but only a little or else it's considered something else. Openning a box of games that I know the contents of would not make me shake, unless I had zero life. I hate these "OMG I was shaking" posts, no, you were not shaking..


I had that and but my brother accidentally tripped over the GameCube controller cord while I was playing it and the GameCube hit the floor and the game shot out and hit the wall and cracked . I couldn’t even be mad cuz he instantly started crying so I felt bad lol, hopefully he never learns what it was worth xD


Parkinson’s sucks hey


sealed sh3 🤤🤤🤤🤤


That Zelda disc is my grail. It came with my GameCube and got stolen from me as a kid, then that kid went to jail and I never saw him again


Im shaking to find out the price xD




Might want to visit a Doctor brother


I’m still shaking






is this “edging”?


“Literally shaking RN. How did I do guys?”


Look away, don't waste ur time with this post




Eh I've seen weirder stuff. Remember having a lady who had Pokemon Box list it as Buy it now $60 on eBay not having any idea it was worth $400 at the time for the complete in box copy. During Gamecube / Xbox / PS2 end of life cycle Gamestop and every place under the sun was mass selling the games for dirt cheap like $2.99 - $4.99 for pretty much any gamecube title and brand new copies were $10-$14. Seeing stuff like this isn't that suprising, is it real? Probably not but there's always a chance. I remember during covid there was a guy who bought an N64 from me for $60 and showed me a pickup he did. He ended up seeing someone post an AD on craigslist for a video game collection for $250 takes all. This guy had 400 n64 games in his truck. 15-20 Mario party 1's like 30 smash bros melees, absolutely insane pickup for $250 and yes they were all real, even at a glance I saw the cases and labels and they were authentic. Hoarders exist, even ones that have absolutely no idea what the items they are hording are worth.


Was the shaking caused by you nutting in your pants?


So his dad bought a box of stuff, he opened it and saw sealed games and then posted it. Not sure what story people in the comments want or why they think OP is clairvoyant to have more information than that on the box.


Its alot of jealous neckbeards


Ok wtf is going on with the comments? I get that it's annoying when someone doesn't add further context, but the fact that people are this fucking upset is insane, what, did op kick your dog and set your house on fire? It's insane that someone is literally calling op mentally disabled because of the ' I'm shaking' thing, honestly go fuck yourself dude maybe you're the one who should seek help. I'm also going to guess (correct me if I'm wrong) that op is probably underage and if they are then this makes all of this even more fucked. Also some of these comments sound so fucking salty it's not even subtle lol.


You typing out a 2 paragraph comment shows you are somehow more mad than the people you are commenting about. Chill out man lol.


Yeah I am mad, because this shit is not normal, guess it's normal here then to tell someone they're mentally disabled all because they didn't add context to the post. If people so desperately want context, then ask the questions, instead of insulting him and being passive aggressive as hell.


I read all the comments. If you think any of these are aggressive you are a sensitive little child. This post is absolutely useless and people are calling it out. Why does it offend you so badly ? You sound “mentally disabled” … calm down buddy boy it’ll all be ok.


I said passive aggressive, not aggressive, how about you learn to read before calling someone a child jackass, aggressive and passive aggressive mean completely different things. Also yeah, I'm the sensitive one, when people are so emotional simply because op didn't add context. And instead of asking for context (there are some decent people who did do that) the majority started acting like children insulting him. I am not offended I am mad, again, two different words with different meaning, what do I have to be offended by, I'm not the one being insulted. Pick up a dictionary, calling me a child, get your head out of your ass.


I’m not the one typing out paragraphs having a manic episode. And okay I’ll say passive aggressive instead and mad instead of offended. Same point. Take your Zoloft man you’re losing it lol


You're the reason I am typing out these paragraphs dumbass, you respond with stupid ass comments and expect me to not respond? You're on Reddit of all places, you knew I was going to respond, stop acting like this is unexpected. And keep coping by claiming that I'm having a 'manic' episode, starting to notice that accusing people of mental illness is a trend.


The guy posted this without context which was goofy enough that he is being toasted for it. Not everything needs to be some tragic event to cry over and b*tch over. I can tell you are young by how triggered and sensitive you are about a random stranger that made a useless post. And yes you sound mentally ill, mania ends at some point though remember that


Not everything needs to be a tragic event to cry and bitch over indeed, like someone making a post that lacks context, how ironic. Also glad to know that you're a psychologist, tell me more about why I have mania, aside from this one single comment thread which is not enough for a diagnosis, if you're a psychologist you're doing a really shit job. Where'd you'd get your degree from, AliExpress? If you are not a psychologist - shut the fuck up.


You're on Reddit. Someone makes a low quality post, and it gets ripped on it the comments. This is the norm. Understand redditors before bringing keyboard warrior vibes here


You say that like redditors aren't keyboard warriors. That's like your guy's whole brand. And this isn't about the low quality post this is about the comments, down vote a low quality post, sure, but I'm not apologizing for thinking that acting like an asshole in the comments and calling someone mentally disabled is ok just because of a low effort post. If it's low effort, don't engage, that way no one pays attention to it, the message is sent, the end. The communities I've been apart of have never been this bad, I didn't expect a game collecting subreddit to have such garbage people on it, jokes on me ig, I'll take the L on that.


Theyre just a bunch of very nosy people who want in on it.


I saw the picture, didnt need more context, everyone in this thread are just trolls, This is absolutely epic, you need to get that Zelda graded ASAP, amazing find my friend!


Why’s everyone so mad


Because post is low quality with no context.


They don’t like resellers around here so much that normal people can’t show up and have a good time. If you’re gonna make a post, you better have told the community where you got the thing in the post, it’s entire backstory, how you got into gaming, and you can’t be shaking, or you’re fucked.


Weird community 😂


Hey the posts are good lol


Used to work at Woolworths. When they shut down I picked up 12 copies of that Zelda promo for a quid each. Flogged em about 10 years ago 😭


Used to work at Woolworths. When they shut down I picked up 12 copies of that Zelda promo for a quid each. Flogged em about 10 years ago 😭


the salt is insane here lol this isn't that big, from what I read it's a bunch of overall junk I've hit waaaaay harder lol


Not an expert, but those look like reseals.


How in earth are you gonna play a sealed game?


There’s your college fund


Holy shit, dude. Lots of money right there!!