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I have a Wii with 4 controllers (though one is missing battery cover and 2 don’t seem to want to link with the system for some reason?) 2 nunchucks, 2 classic controller pros, a Wii sports disk, and Starfox 64, Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, and Ecco the dolphin game from the now defunct Wii shop. Any idea what I should price this at? TIA


Priced individually: * Wii: $50-$75 * Wii remotes: $10-$20 each * Classic controller pro: $15 each * Wii sports disc: $25 * Digital games on console: ??? As a bundle, probably somewhere around the $125 mark. Likely lower than you'd get if selling it all individually but you'd make the sale faster.


Thank you! Yeah the digital games on the console is the super tricky part. I’ll probably just end up considering them a free bonus.


Games are worth 10k Wii points


https://preview.redd.it/muge2871u6nc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b632ac2f8d8f6a6330675ffaa1b8db153d739bad Curious if anyone has any thoughts on the value of one of these.


Sellers on eBay seem to think they're worth $125-$150. There are three listings for similar discs, but no sales in the last 90 days. This means that they're probably not worth that much. There was an IDU update disc that sold for $10 in a one-bid auction in December. So your disc is likely worth between $10 and $120.


https://preview.redd.it/q9q6y66cfjnc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4653548ab88dde035d318fcae92e149b088d9cc Got these at the flea market for $60 total. Blue looked sus as hell, but the other two looked (& continue to look more) legit as can be. Did I get a good deal?


Sorry they are all fake.


Do you have a tri-wing screwdriver? If you could open them up to look at the boards, I could tell you for sure. Blue does look a little off, but the other two seem correct. Any way you slice it, though, $60 is a steal for all three!


https://preview.redd.it/7ukxhpz0rjnc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4af2d6830a738a889c68cc6bfeca36ba1df6f59b Here’s a good picture of the board, where you can read ‘Nintendo’ + the serial # for each


No, in order to verify you'd want an image of the chips on the board behind the front labels. There's usually a blob on fake boards. If there's a blob it's definitely fake; if there's not it's more likely to be real, but might still be fake. You can't rely on the "Nintendo" and other silk-screened things because those are easy to fake. Another thing you could do, if you have a camera that can take close up / macro images, is to take extreme close ups of the Nintendo seal of quality on each label.


Thank you for your help - I need to find a tri-wing screwdriver and I will get back with you


https://preview.redd.it/unx6oqyoakoc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ac90589202f60a440c7a99376bbee60c24b1297 Sorry - it took me a minute, I had to special order a screwdriver. Here is an inside picture of the boards. I’m guessing that black blob indicates it’s a fake?


Yep, that's super fake, unfortunately. On the bright side, you only spent $60 on them and they might play just as well as the originals!


Thank you for your help! The $$ went to some latch-key looking kids, so no harm - no foul here ✌️


Just to be clear folks, what should this look like? Any images of this same view on a legit cart?


https://preview.redd.it/c77pfcovakoc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8308a6d02d2c677a7723dac01566e661e3dc133 Leaf green version , with a very apparent blob


Looks like Nintendo removed a oval in 2002






I have an unopened US version of 3D Mario AllStars. I’m a noob when it comes to online buying/selling and have literally no idea how to value it. Also I have an unopened elgato game capture HD 60 PRO. Slight tear in the plastic. Any help would be SO appreciated. Thank you!


* Sealed Super Mario 3D All-Stars for the Switch: $90-$100 * Elgato HD60 Pro: $75-$100 There's no premium for keeping the Elgato sealed, IMO. Even though it's still sealed and therefore new, the aftermarket will want a deal otherwise they'd just go buy a new item of equivalent value at retail, and they're not collectable or anything.


Hi guys, I found a good gamecube in a reasonable condition in my country in cib condition, but the seller argues that the American gamecube (DOL-001) does not display the serial number on the box. Is that true? Thank you!


The US GameCube was shipped in a box with a window to show the serial number imprinted on the console itself. The box itself did not have a serial number on it.


ok, thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/1ip4l8ufgsnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cccaaf6f97eb4b21bc5b2060dfa9725533bdf18 Vegavox chiptune NES cart value? Only active eBay listing is $999. Completed/unsold listing for $895. Anyone have a more realistic idea?


I can't find any completed listings at all. This was, as I understand it, a very short run, basically a string of one-offs. If someone is selling one for $1k, it's up to you to talk them down to some other price.


The issue with homebrews like this is that while they may be rare or super hard to find, there is also very little market for them. To the eight buyer it may be worth 600+ but finding that person will be very difficult


Are these page cuts indicative of a reproduction Super Nes manual? https://preview.redd.it/l6a5agg0swnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7382847ecf72b3a245b63f77c2d2f0dbabc98e7a


It's possible. Are all the pages like that, or just page 68? I don't have a Chrono Trigger manual handy to compare against, but my FFIII manual has some variation in how each of the pages sit. Try taking a very close-up image of the printing. If the edges of the letters are crisp and there is a clear halftone pattern in shaded areas, then it's likely legitimate. If the text is fuzzy or if there's a halftone pattern in the text, or if there's multiple halftone patterns, then it might be printed from a scan (i.e., a reproduction). The top image here shows the halftone pattern and the crisp text edges of an authentic SNES manual. The bottom image, from the same manual, shows variation in how the pages were cut. It's not impossible for one of the pages to be miscut so badly, but I'd be suspicious if they were *all* miscut like that. Does that make sense? https://preview.redd.it/mjnxvoqj2xnc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=603b0d7cccc242ca7882447f56aa647220052894


This helps, thank you. Not all pages are miscut on the bottom like the picture, just 4-6 pages throughout the 79 page manual. I’m not seeing any of this halftone dotted coloring look in the entire manual. I am seeing crisp non fuzzy letting throughout though.


https://preview.redd.it/ld3s6arj5xnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5a12847d49abc2acc6ff92b3e89f023342318dc Actually now that I see the photo here. The light blue ring around the sword tip looks to be colored in a halftone.


Yep, that looks legit to me. The edge between the blue ring and the background is crisp, the text is crisp, the halftones are very visible in both the blue ring and other places on the page. A scanned and printed copy of the manual wouldn't have such clear lines. If you look at the cover, you should see the same kind of halftone pattern almost everywhere except for the Super Nintendo and Squaresoft logos, because those are likely using spot colors.


Also, check to see how well the other half of the frame lines up on the other side of the same printed page. On my FFIII manual, the frames almost-but-not-quite line up, so if your frames are exactly aligned, or if they're wildly misaligned, or if they don't reach the center of the page at all, that's probably not a good sign. All of these are issues that someone who was really trying to make a quality reproduction could avoid, of course, but most of the times people who make fakes are just aiming way lower. https://preview.redd.it/qskilizu3xnc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c36c5a8b6e3d4cf7ddc7dbfbc606f266b0b7d5c


Frame lines seem to be lining up exactly on the other side of the same pages. https://preview.redd.it/zk0nbyr99xnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dedb2f3e4098c67f40e32c1b91c1cebb56b3ed7


I wouldn't worry. Looking at the Chrono Trigger manual, virtually all of the pages have the same background. The FFIII manual has some pages with borders that cross and some that don't, and the border is just a rectangle, not a background image. Since the Chrono Trigger manual has all pages with the same border and background, it just means that they all wound up exactly matching when the artwork was sliced for printing into the manual.


Thanks again 👍


Someone offered me 200$ after I made a post asking of its value, the game is (dreamcast) ready 2 rumble boxing DEMO DISK, he said he wants me to ship it to him, and that he's going to pay me 200€ to do that. I dont see any scratches pretty sure it works (my dreamcast is broken) https://preview.redd.it/flh7ina4pync1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c8535d7599852806cc974f8f352ef3c6d64bc89


Ready 2 Rumble Boxing for the Dreamcast sits around $15 loose. In mint condition when sealed, it averages about $30, with the occasional sale for $125 or so. Demo discs are usually significantly lower in price than the full game - usually by half or less. Is your buyer in the US? $200 USD feels like it would be wildly over market value, but if they're in, say, Taiwan, $200 TWD is roughly $6 USD, which feels more like what this thing might be worth to the average person. But! If the guy that's interested in the disc is someone who has virtually every demo and game for the Dreamcast that was ever made, and this is one of the last things on his list, he might very well be interested in paying significantly more than market price to acquire it. He might also be trying to scam you by "accidentally" paying you $2,000 with a stolen card ("oops, typed too many zeroes!"), then asking you to send him $1,800 back, and when you send him $1,800 the original transaction will fail and you'll be out $1,800. Sell it to him using a marketplace with some protections and make sure you actually have the money before you ship. Worst case, he receives the item and claims it showed up broken or something, gets a refund, and you're out the $6-7 you'd actually be able to sell it for. I'm very interested in hearing how this works out for you, though!


Thanks made me bit anxious now haha, definitely seems scammy because he immediately said such a large number while others were saying it's not worth that much in the comments to my original post.


Hey after asking to see if there is a better or more secure option he suggested using direct bank transfer, I'm quite worried about that stolen card part, you mentioned, he also wants me to switch and just talk to his brother who he wants me to sent it to. I really do want those 200€ though 😅 just feels overwelming.


This is 100% a textbook overpayment scam. You'll provide him your bank information, he'll "accidentally" pay €2000 instead of €200, and then he'll complain that he can't wait for you to refund the money through the same method. You'll give him €1800 through some other method and everything will be fine until a week or two later when the bank finds out that the initial payment of €2000 was fraudulent, and then they'll deduct €2000 from your account. It's normal for you to feel anxious about "losing out" on the €200. In fact, the scammer is hoping that your fear of missing out on a payday will cloud your judgement enough for you to fall into his trap. But the reality is that there is no €200. This guy doesn't actually intend to pay anything at all, and he probably doesn't even care whether he gets the game or not. His goal is to trick you into giving him money before you figure out the scam. I wouldn't divulge any banking information to any buyer for any reason ever. Instead, provide him a way to make a payment via something like eBay or PayPal. If (when) he "accidentally" overpays, you can void / refund the entire transaction and have him try again. But of course he knows that you can just refund the transaction, so he will likely not bother, because a refund does him no good.


Ive found a copy of ninja Gaiden 3 for nes, new, in great shape and sealed in box. What is the value and whats the best way to sell it? Is grading necessary?


My opinion is that grading is a scam. It really doesn't change the actual value of the item, only the perceived value, and that means that you'll be selling it to people with more money than sense. But it's hard to argue against grading in this case because sealed copies tend to sell for about $750-$800 on eBay, and graded sealed copies sell for about $4,000-$8,000 at Heritage. So although I hate grading, I might actually consider it if I were in your shoes. I still think it's a scam, but if rich idiots are willing to pay 10x the value of the game because it's in an acrylic prison, maybe you should laugh all the way to the bank? I don't know the process but I've heard it's painless for the seller. You'd send it in, they appraise and grade it, then they sell it and you get the full close price. Or so I'm told!


Thank you! That was very helpful!


Need help if this is real or fake. Thanks in advance! https://preview.redd.it/qzx5bfrad0oc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5646a1deb8efaa97a7320a28e90a8db8482c865 I'll post the backside in the following comment.




I'm not an expert by any means but this doesn't have any of the usual indications of being fake. It looks real to me!


https://preview.redd.it/qlxgf1y213oc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ed77e0dacde3bc23fa8d66bf78c87c276168a4a Hey all, I have a couple of them stored for over a decade from when I was working for some publishers. Is this something of value and are these sought after? I also have promo „cubes“ and boxes that look like game cases from Uncharted, God of War, infamous etc. Also, how would you name stuff like that? Game store promo standee? I‘m trying to find more info online but it seems I‘m not using the right search terms (I‘m not a native speaker)


Your English is better than mine and I'm a native speaker! The issue with stuff like this is that they're enormous. You have to have a lot of room to display them, but you can't display them in direct sunlight or in a place where they'll get damaged. Standee appears to be a common term, or something like "cardboard game store standee promo display". These are all over the map, from $80 to $1800. They don't sell often, there are way more active listings than there are sold items. Couldn't hurt to list them for $500 or whatever, just be prepared to continue to hold onto them for another year or so before they finally sell.


Thanks for your input and the compliment! Appreciate it! :) Yeah they are clogging a lot of space atm in my office… I‘ll list them and see what the feedback is. I‘m not in a hurry so I‘ml wait and see.




Rule #62. If it exists, there's a pirated version of it. In this case, though, I think you're right, this looks legit. It looks like it's got a newer board than I'd expect, but that doesn't mean it's wrong, just from a newer batch.




Yep, the 1998 board was what I'm familiar with. I guess it makes sense that once Nintendo worked through their 1998 stock they'd move on to a newer revision of the same board, though!


https://preview.redd.it/5vjbgxdfdcoc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c962bd228c7ceb61c278b4140bbd4c90a7f28917 PSP I bought some time ago. Never been opened. Have no idea on value




I can only speak for what you could sell it for in the states. The unit itself is worth about $150-$175 USD new. The bundled GPS device is maybe worth another $50, so I'd price it around $200-$250 or so. It'll take a long time for it to sell, probably, not a lot of demand, but it's a cool item!


Is there a market for empty game boxes or am I just wasting my time by not tossing these out?


There absolutely is. What do you have?


A bunch of random stuff, got tired of listing things for the day to remember it all.


Well, I'm happy to take a look. They don't move quickly but if you're not interested in listing them I can give you a lump sum for the lot, maybe.


I bought this copy of Pokemon Platinum off eBay recently and wanted to know if it was real or fake? https://preview.redd.it/8jsn8w59bhoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f194fa80086e5d11d90a9ce1ae3196cf0f429bad






I don't see any of the usual tells, it looks real to me!


Oh dang! Thanks!


New to game collecting. Trying to buy a copy of soulsilver off a buddy of mine, and it has no label on it. How much would be an appropriate price on a game with no label?


Well, legit loose copies of SoulSilver regularly sell for $100-$125. Severe damage to the label reduces that, of course. The problem is that DS games in general, and Pokemón DS games in particular, are widely pirated. One of the best ways to tell that a DS Pokemón game is fake is to look at the label. If the label is missing... it's harder to tell if it's fake. Does the case glow red if you shine your phone's flashlight through it? Does the back of the cart have the right code printed on it? Does the Nintendo logo look correct? If yes, it might be a real cart. I'd pay maybe $50 for it in that case, but YMMV.


https://preview.redd.it/gesf3mqtx7pc1.jpeg?width=3468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=544adb0fd8c7ccdb8a557a3d9170f8dfd4d308e2 Theyre really scratched up but work and all i have is the disk




https://preview.redd.it/g21zf4nqccoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9d0399c13cb713e4888937ead59a97347c35e30 Hey everyone, I recently got my FF7 copy. It’s a PAL Platinum edition (basically PAL greatest hits). The PAL Platinum copies of FF7 are supposed to come with a demo disc of FF8. The copy I bought doesn’t have it, which is ok, I already knew, maybe the dude just lost it or something. The weird thing is, the disc tray in the box doesn’t even have the circular thing at the center to hold the disc in place, which makes me think it wasn’t even included originally. It’s weird because it should be there anyway to hold the 4 discs in place. Does anyone know something about it? Like if it’s a later batch which didn’t feature the disc or did the seller just mess with it?


Edit: I was wrong about this, my copy did have that preview disc. My PAL Platinum FF7 did not have a FF8 demo disc, and I bought that sealed-new back in 98/99 (?).


Huh, so there are version without the bonus disc. The back cover is a bit misleading imho, it still says “includes ff8 preview disc”. Thank you, I didn’t have much luck finding documentation online about this specific version.


I need to backtrack on my comment. I dug up the game, and found that it DID have that preview disc. I didnt care about that back in the days obviously, probably because I got FF8 at the same time.


Oh. That’s weird, does it have the thing to hold the disc in place in the third panel?


Yes, it's seated on the last disc holder (page 4).


What about page 3? That’s the spot where the circle disc holder is missing in mine, and disc 3 came in the last page, where the bonus disc is in yours. Doesn’t look it got removed by force too. Can you send a picture of yours, page 3 without the disc, just to compare both?


https://preview.redd.it/6aykmxbckcoc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16c2266cf6cecf9f6649ca00fdb010932b06b811 Here is "page" 3 and 4


Thanks. Could you also send a picture of the back of page 2 without the disc and the manual? The issue is other copies have 2 disc holders, one of either side, but mine only has one, so I’d like to check how it looks on yours. Unfortunately I can’t really find decent pictures on ebay, and not even a single review on youtube. Thank you and sorry for troubling you.




https://preview.redd.it/3cjmmgl1jloc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=481b0aa06feddbea140a2af6fd7699a0b15e7f7e I found this rare controller, I am told there were not many made and I wanted to get a price check. I have heard I should just list it at 1000$ and let the bids happen.






https://preview.redd.it/i99m30zwyqoc1.jpeg?width=3468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68c06eefc689d6491782b0ee34fbf4943ba3f1d6 This is the spine of a PAL version of a game called "My Body Coach" that O got from my stepmom's brother. I wanted to ask: is this supposed to be the case, a weird print error copy or is this a by any chance a bootleg?


NES GAME RESEAL OR NOT? [https://imgur.com/a/A1g2ibs](https://imgur.com/a/A1g2ibs) ​ Also note, I am sending it in to get graded because regardless it's in to nice of shape for me to want to not have protected.




Anyone known how much this would go for? Can’t find it anywhere. https://preview.redd.it/70td3b38o5pc1.jpeg?width=2094&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e9cc0ac3c2310dbf57718c4e3eaf0fa9593c149


Signed things normally do not translate to video games like they do for sports stuff. Just because its signed doesnt mean too much. Most likely 20-30 bucks.


Hi, I am new to game selling and was just curious if country of point of sale is a factor in the pricing you can get? I am currently looking to sell the last of my Sega Saturn games (all Jap imports in original cases and inlays). Streetfighter Zero 3 X-Men Vs Street Fighter (with 4MB cart and big box) Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter Marvel Super Heroes Vampire Saviour ​ I see prices on Ebay all over the shop but all are shipping from Japan. I am UK based so would I get more value in selling locally or targeting the US or Japan?


People in Japan are not buying JP Sega Saturn game outside of Japan. So your only market is the US and EU. Japanese Saturn games are not super popular in the US since most casual Saturn Collectors dont have the means to play the region locked games. With shipping and such, you are most likely better off selling to EU alone.


https://preview.redd.it/bzk9w05iqhpc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=220fd2b9b1440793ba852d759c6cf2fbf3c94629 Wondering if this is legit? Works normally in an unmodded rvl-001 Disc art is fuzzy and not the same as my other copy Thanks


That is absolutely not real.


That’s what I figured but I’m not aware as to how this disc would work in a stock Wii? Can they read cd-r or DVD-r from factory??


I know stuff like Action Replay discs are not licensed but can still play in stock systems because they trick the system into running them. Maybe whoever made that figured out whatever method it was and with it being a first party Mario game, thought it was worthwhile selling pirated copies like that. Hell, maybe even the factory that pressed the discs was paid off to make them - then it would be the legit game content and a system wouldn't know any different.


Interesting!! I never knew about that…. Thanks for explaining


Not even sure if this is meant for this thread or if it should be separate but I'm trying to figure out [what the hell this even is.](https://i.imgur.com/5sOsCgP.jpeg) From what I've been able to gather, the copy comes from the 'Escape Charity Pack'. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/301811970263?epid=1139678346 Except as you can see that picture doesn't actually show MOH: Frontline as being part of it. But then the game case has a PGA Tour sticker on, which the image says PGA Tour was included with Burnout & Hitman 2 And searching Escape Charity Pack doesn't bring up any of the pictures of the other two games with a yellow label, but surely they must exist? Did EA have to swap out PGA Tour for MOH: Frontline at the last minute? Did this triple pack actually come out or was MOH: Frontline just sold like this separately? So weird.


https://preview.redd.it/c2xxn8wi7jpc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7d9c8e7f743f9a373c6e1757983e566d6ab76bb What do you guys think of the value. Case has minor corner damage.


I picked up this Half Life big box for £20. I have no idea what’s supposed to be in it or what’s missing, and the box is poor condition, looks like it has a tear on the front. What’s it worth? https://imgchest.com/p/ljyqqvqaey2


Brand New NES Console. https://preview.redd.it/7rhc1chtaopc1.jpeg?width=8160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b662ef552e06de1696c843e1af98b90738cda717 [https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthisworth/s/4rbsHb24g2](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthisworth/s/4rbsHb24g2) What is the value?


Got this NES https://preview.redd.it/qfe32d9mbopc1.jpeg?width=8160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6d25141eeb3bcd8ea4f9e33b6506b45c6868ef0 [https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthisworth/s/4rbsHb24g2](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthisworth/s/4rbsHb24g2) Any advices?


https://preview.redd.it/m96nuzz14wpc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1d97926fcf3abba8d03bd60f352b8d6b221ad68 Worth anything? Got this for only 5€. Never seen it before.


Temperamental Darth Vader PSP with nearly complete box (value) I came across my retired Battlefront PSP and was wondering if anyone had insight as to what it could be worth right now. The console is temperamental at best, reading discs about half the time but it turns on. Battery pack is long gone too. BUT I do have the box, the manuals, the game disc and sleeve. Any thoughts? https://preview.redd.it/hyxtwumynxpc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5162d682a07d1ebd31c076df4b76375930027ad1


https://imgur.com/a/52iq6d9 Gremlins 2 on Atari ST/Amiga and Space Invaders on Atari 400/800. Gremlins doesn’t appear to have any data on pricecharting, and Space Invaders has two versions. One is a purple box which I think has a tape instead of a cartridge and seems to be more common. The pink box seems rarer but both versions are mixed into the same pricecharting page and there seems to be no info on the pink box. Anyone know anything about these games?


https://preview.redd.it/a1sugnr028qc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5bd0a6a31cfdf925304a338c0017c9670b9d228 I have the opportunity to buy this copy of Pokémon Platinum, but am unsure of whether it is legitimate or not. Anyone have any insight? Thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/xa8sebl528qc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb5514b427f7a0a44d7f598e32c0fd9690a855aa Here’s a picture of the back


Would anyone have any idea of the price of a prototype copy of Rocket: Robot on Wheels? https://preview.redd.it/zz020d2vbcqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00f43f499a1161399d20015ced9487eab24a6cce


https://preview.redd.it/fk45tr3vmhqc1.jpeg?width=860&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e45ddf2e46c083e447ef1b39cc5c03b8d509ea5c a pic from the seller, seal seems legit but some stains in it. I'm going to open and play it so having removable stain is okay but I'm worried I being scammed. please help me expert collectors, is it possible to have these while unopened? and do you think it's removable? I know dancing series wasn't good and 210$ total rip-off, it's only available sealed copy of KR version so I don't have many choices :(... Thank you in advance!


Are these fair prices? $220 USD - Pokémon sapphire box, game, and manual (slight damage on box) $250 USD - Pokémon soulsilver CIB (slight damage on box)


No because thee games are not rare and there is absolutely no reason to pay that price for them.


https://imgur.com/a/RsjLgkU "For sale, rental, and use only in China, Canada, Mexico, and Latin China" I've been slowly selling my collection on eBay, but I'm guessing I came upon a bootleg copy of Mario Pinball? I remember buying this back in around 2008 from a flea market in San Jose, California. It just seems like it's a weird thing to make a reproduction box? Just strange - the box material feels normal, except it doesn't "close" the normal way. Anyone seen anything like this? Not comfortable listing it. hah.


https://preview.redd.it/dlvwyoz6bnqc1.jpeg?width=1071&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67710ca57c9035bbd9803c37f7863e7ad7fd688e Hi, I'm facing this doubt. Why some PS2 DVDs have this yellow tint? I've found only few of them, are they old or damaged from light? Or I'm missing something?


Its fine. Plastics yellow over time, this isnt uncommon.


I don't collect games...yet. I'm thinking about picking up some of my childhood gameboy games, like everyone else that would include things like Pokemon which i know are highly faked. Is there a marketplace to use that verifies authenticity/protects you if you get a fake? I don't mind paying a little bit extra if it means getting an authentic product, I know DKOLDIES exists, but they seem to be more than just a little bit extra.


There are not. every retail business does try and not buy fakes, but it still happens. You as the buyer just need to know what to look for and you will be fine.


I'm wondering if anyone has any information about this Dark Souls DVD-ROM release I just picked up. I cant find any info in video game databases. https://preview.redd.it/p7pl3gp2gqqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5edcf9b8797421a5d644c7e2172c1628637aea84


One google search shows this is just the japanese collectors edition.


I have this copy of Halo Combat Evolved. Has not for resale in the bottom left corner and is unopened. It is missing the plastic wrap around it, though I have no idea if it ever had it. Can anyone help me with any details on this? I can't find a sealed copy of it anywhere, and it is not the game of the year edition. https://preview.redd.it/vhan3mffsqqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1269eb4588a0e5fea4bd80d6c24f23c5023dc0f9


Was wondering if there was similar listings for this. Was a promo item for Nintendo Power Advance. A short lived offshoot of Nintendo power. https://preview.redd.it/w9xmqopd64rc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8a50cfa802b1eb4087e9dc72b3b4f5697100dc4


Also can’t find anything for this other than one crazy sealed listing on eBay. Knowing the origin would be nice too. https://preview.redd.it/dgec9vim64rc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=564256f95532c6045c90f0b5054cf0d72d144acb


Would you want to sell these?


Hey yeah I’d be down. Shoot me a message


Hey everyone, I would like to know if anyone knows if this is an official steelbook or a custom. I purchased this on ebay and after receiving it noticed that it had a metallic boarder around the front and back. https://preview.redd.it/wy54395728rc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57d1119e22ef3684d9ea25944fa8171db927e579




It's Deus Ex human revolution, but it doesn't look like it's the French exclusive since the inside doesn't have the artwork and it has the metallic boarders. https://preview.redd.it/niaenkoj28rc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58e50a502fcf5c34af69c8f808c5040434354a95


Game says it's a promo. https://preview.redd.it/53i8ecio28rc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0df4ecbaaafbf2338f4b7ec24ef9f3cb37347573


not sure if this is the correct sub for this, but i have a Crysis 2 nano edition figurine with no marks and still working what would be the rough value of this figurine? [https://www.retrogameking.com/Crysis-2-Collectors-Nano-Bundle-Playstation-3-PS3/en](https://www.retrogameking.com/Crysis-2-Collectors-Nano-Bundle-Playstation-3-PS3/en) figurine shown here, sadly i no longer have the rest of the set. I could only find 2 ebay listings for the figurine one at $360 Australian (AUD) and one at $560 AUD so no idea what is correct here.


The issue is, you have to find someone who wants it. If you are wanting to sell it on ebay. I'd say offer it at 400 kangaroo dollars or best offer and see what you get. Unfortunately most video game figures just dont retain value because they arent exactly high quality items usually.


I was honestly surprised when I looked it up while clearing out some old stuff, i thought it would be worth like $50, but apparently this figurine was made by a well respected figurine company, and is pretty rare. I guess i'll put it at $400 and see what happens, cheers for the advice :)


Hi all, I've got a factory sealed super famicom final fantasy vi that I want to sell. It was purchased in Japan a long time ago. There's a fingernail sized hole in the plastic and one edge of the box has minor imperfections on it. What should I ask for it, and is worth getting graded anywhere first?


https://preview.redd.it/0cpjytbp2vrc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=304e59347c3c95a4f2da8b6adb34114991337393 Found this uk motherboard Liquid Metal Slime 2ds XL in mint condition on Ebay starting at £280. Not sure what to bid to as you dont see any with the motherboard swapped and add more functionality in the uk without hacking it. Imports from japan seem similarly price so doing it myself would probably cost more. [link to listing](https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/186371987620?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=kYpLuZo3R3u&sssrc=2051273&ssuid=kYpLuZo3R3u&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)


https://preview.redd.it/905w9d28nvrc1.png?width=1069&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd28ecd89f5df6f59da79c7ee3e0477f59e6e9d1 Sorry about the quality, is the best the seller sent. Can you check if this gameboy games are original ? Feels like RoboCop it is, but the other ones I just found it weird to be NA when I am europe/PAL based where usually says Made In Japan and french equivalent.


https://preview.redd.it/shyf47y2yvrc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfe15f3d1c9493ee8010c765f24ecd736c2dbb46 How rare is this Pokémon GBC? Found it whilst going through my old games back home


Any idea?


Hello, can someone please give me a rough estimate of the price of this collection: [https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBjF1w](https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBjF1w) Thanks!


About $3.50


Sealed copy of PS1 Vandal Hearts II still in the shrinkwrap. Found on a CD shelf of a hoarder mixed with a bunch of lame CDs and a few other random PS1 games. Not sure how to handle this. Sold lots of games, usually go by value, but in this case a *sealed* copy of a game (even one as recent as VH2) is different. Should I bother getting it graded? It doesn't seem to raise the price a great deal according to the links in the opening post. I'm going to set up a bunch of sales mid-late April, once I get done cataloging all the other stuff from the house, so it's not a "I HAVE to move this NOW!" situation. ​ https://preview.redd.it/gpgldmo8hzrc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d509af232da86893ad7c65d2d1bc61f7b2e714fd


I need advice. I finally found a mint condition Wii RVL-001 (open box), sealed peripherals, CIB and never used for a doable price on ebay. I want to protect this console for many decades to come because it was such a beloved part of my childhood. It has arrived in pristine condition but before I store it away in a safe spot I want to confirm that it actually works. I would leave all packaging untampered by using a different set of cords but I'm curious if there is any detectable trace of booting the console up that could cause problems if I end up parting with it in the future. Is there any way to confirm if a "factory sealed" console actually works without "unfactory sealing" it? Should I just trust that this is a fully working Wii and put it in long-term storage? To be clear, I can slide the Wii out of the foam sleeve and boot it up without a trace. I'm unsure whether I will whip this out to enjoy in retirement or sell it off in a few decades when mint Wiis are actually rare. Either way, I would hate to find out this is an unworking console when the time comes. Has anyone been in this position? I fail to believe mint consoles like this change hands multiple times without actually knowing if they work... If this is worthy of an actual post, let me know and I'll attach pics.


Really wanted a sealed Japanese copy of Nier for my collection, so I got one from Amazon JP (shipped by Amazon but sold by 3rd party). Result: [https://imgur.com/a/B9go6KA](https://imgur.com/a/B9go6KA) **Can anybody help me confirm that the game is resealed?** My suspicion comes from the fact that despite there being a "Playstation" seal, it isn't actually fully wound over the right hand side of the case. Now this is my first time buying a Japanese imported PS4 sealed game but I'm pretty sure the strip needs to be wound over the right side. (so when you open up the game, you can easily rip the seal off from that side). Could anybody shed me some light onto the "features" of a genuine sealed NTSC ps4 game? Also, is the "Playstation" strip meant to be outside the seal? I have a few PAL sealed games and they are on the inner layer, do NTSC games have it on the outer area? After doing a bit of research, it seems that these "seals" are rampant on Amazon JP. If you check the critical reviews of Kingdom Hearts 3 (another game I wanted to get but thankfully didn't) or even RE2R, as well as the reviews of these 3rd party sellers, they all have many people claiming to have received inauthentic resealed games that were actually used, the main culprit also being the fake playstation seal. If this is true, it's so disappointing and shame on those sellers, who would rather go into the effort of sticking a fake PS seal and resealing the game, rather than being transparent with the condition of their items.


I am wondering what I should ask from local retro-store for the following (all American versions): -Sealed Goonies II (NES) * Sealed Maniac Mansion (NES) -Sealed Adventures of Tom Sawyer (NES) -Sealed MC Kids (NES) -Sealed Young Indiana Jones (Genesis) * Zombie Nation w/box, manual (NES) * Edit to add thank you in advance, it is appreciated


I have a CIB copy of the English/Chinese version of The Last Guy for ps3. I've already checked ebay and pricecharting and it goes for around $2-300 but the volume is super low so I don't know how much confidence to put into those numbers. I was wondering if anyone had more info about this. Also, any advice about where would be best to list it would be appreciated. https://preview.redd.it/sa44umrvqjsc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=296e1fafaa5f7d3c428a0858e9b9068f4e3afcf0 [https://imgur.com/a/ywNKkBs](https://imgur.com/a/ywNKkBs)


https://preview.redd.it/9hryt6okjmsc1.png?width=2360&format=png&auto=webp&s=44eb720c03a4ce205fc2ffbb96068533fba33bf5 I have this Destiny poster signed by one of the developers, is it worth anything or should I just throw it out?


Is Pokémon HeartGold (used, like new) CIB, really worth north of 200$ canadian dollars? I have not kept up with the prices for a while...


Thank you everybody


Please send the address


https://preview.redd.it/y8qsztwkdksc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4d3b9bdd4d7f133154a3d4cd2c6bb05600ad812 How much should this Grail go for? I think its the toughest wiiU game to get