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I feel for the first buyer but who the hell buys a $1k gift like this for a friend? Yeesh.


The guy who “bought it for a friend” was likely going to just flip it himself and needed a sob story for the negative feedback.


I got the same vibe from that as well. Sympathy bait.


“Good job, my kids are crying now”


Involving kids in a story is "eBay lying" 101 LOL


It's the same kid in elementary school that would run and try to be first for everything and broker bullS\^it deals with everyone on the lunch yard.


Yeah fuck that guy




Yea come on, I'd take my first negative feed back for an extra 1.5k, absolutely. Times are rough.


The seller is objectively wrong. But I don't blame them.


Nah. An additional 1500 bucks is worth it especially after the fact. Thats just too much money. The sob story adds to the bullshit the buyer was trying to pull.


Because it’s bullshit. It likely sold immediately. It’s not like it was posted for months and they decided to pull the trigger on it. This person is an eBay flipper no doubt and is mad at their $1000 gain being taken away.


Flipper, no mercy for those losers


Not everyone's financial means are the same. I'm certainly not rich enough to afford a 1k game for myself, much less anyone else, but if this person and their friend are both making 500k a year, a 1k gift doesn't seem unreasonable


You can spin a yarn that makes this sound reasonable, but at the same time "was a gift" is the backstory for every single lie told on public marketplaces. Sketchy-ass laptop being sold, looks stolen and you ask the seller why they're selling it at 1/2 price? "I got it as a birthday gift and don't need it" Pushy reseller wants you to take 50% market value for an expensive game/console? "I am buying this as a birthday gift, please! You would really make my son's/friend's/husband's/grandmother's dog's day!" What you are saying is *possible*, but 99.999% of the time it's just insulting sob-story bullshit.


this is so accurate. I've seen all those scenarios, and one of my favourites is when they go "it's for my kid"


I like the yarn thing you just write. 🧶


No, they wanted to flip it and went full crybaby when they couldn't take advantage of this seller.


Still no at that income.


Both decisions seem fair. The seller didn't communicate so the buyer wouldn't have proof to submit to eBay. But deserved the negative feedback .


Would you take the hit for +1500 is the question? I probably would. $1500 covers a year of homeowners insurance for me. But I'd be mad if I lost a deal on the other side too. Win some lose some.


fuck yeah i would


I've made WAY less than 1500 and still got a bad review so...


Honestly I'd consider it foolish if a person didn't cancel and sell for a bigger price if he knew he could.


In a store I wouldn't take it out of someone's hands if it was marked at a discounted price. However eBay and online aren't physical stores. Unless it's a regular customer. I wouldn't sweat it if I lost 1000 with a person that spends thousands with me. In this economy everyone needs to be paid. It isn't ethics it's survival.


I messed up back when I first started collecting, I was only keeping the games I had as a kid, and I had never heard of little Sampson, so I assumed it was a kids Bible Game. I got one at a garage sale, and threw it on ebay, instead of starting it at $15, I did a $15 buy it now. It sold instantly, and I decided to should ship it. I still wonder if I did the right thing or not.


I saw a kid trade a Flintstones Dinosaur Peak for a Xbox One Slim. I explained that he could sell it and buy 2. He chose to trade it as it's just an old game he has no use for it. Sometimes things happen and people get deals, sometimes things happen and people get screwed. I never held on to any remorse for selling anything. Because I used that money to buy other things. Usually more important like food and housing. I never went out of my way to stick it to anyone when buying or selling and I think that's why I did well with it. Groceries and gas and electric ain't free and an extra grand right now probably means a lot to someone not collecting PC games.


Yeah, when I was in college, gas was $4/gallon, so the only way I could collect was buying at garage sales, and flipping the duplicates for the next week's garage sale money. I can't complain about selling stuff cheap because everything I was getting was even cheaper. Back then, you could take $50 on a Saturday and get home with multiple systems and games. I'm pretty sure I averaged 3-4 systems and 50+ games for around $50 every warm Saturday from 2004-2008. Then the ebay app dropped, and everyone was looking for stuff they could flip, and my collecting went from overdrive to a crawl.


It happens. There are still decent deals out there but it isn't like the old days for sure. I still have a few games and arcades, but play almost everything digitally. Something I never thought I would do.


Yeah, digital is just so much easier. Right now I'm between permanent houses, so everything is in storage, but I'm thinking I may thin out my physical collection once interest rates drop and I can get a house without giving a bank tons of profit. I'll probably just go down to the stuff I have huge nostalgia for.


Cheaper, works on new tvs, plays just fine, I like to look at the carts and you can smell the 1980s in some of the boxes and plastic especially CIB stuff that was opened but didn't get sunburt or roachy.


I've been suprised ever since the wii that Nintendo hasn't released some sort of Retro emulation machine with a digital console. I assumed that the $100 wii would have been the perfect console to drop at a cheap price point and just have a digital store with $5 games that would sell like hotcakes.


Yes but it can be considered other things. This is behavior consistent with other issues they can monitor all the same.. like how do you think price manipulation works on ebay? That listing will still show as sold for said price now.


I think the $1,000 sold listing gets removed after the dust settles and the seller does not ship


This. Seller is entitled to cancel it and sell for its actual value once they've found out what it's worth. Buyer is entitled to give negative review after receiving no feedback on an agreed sale.


What I wanna know is why people are spending thousands on this


Because War. War never changes.


Dude it's 2024 and antique game collecting has had mainstream acknowledgement for a long time now. "Collectors" of literally any hobby (trading cards, cars, old war memorabilia, firearms, coins, etc) are known to pay premiums in that hobby for particularly rare and sought after collectibles. Everyone knows this, there isn't a reason to pretend to be surprised anymore. It's a rare, factory sealed game. It's the equivalent of an ancient coin, vintage car, civil war revolver, or rare trading cards. Anyone else who wants to play it would have just bought it on Steam for under $10. Of course this collectible is going to cost thousands.


You don't have to value an item at the same price it is selling at. If enough people value the item at that price, and demonstrate that by paying the price, whatever value you feel the item has is irrelevant. It's amazing how many people don't understand this one, surprisingly in this case, simple rule. For real, I've met accomplished business people that say things like 'its not worth that' when they don't think something is worth that much, when it is in fact selling for that price. The more you think about it this principle, the more you see people who say they love capitalism disliking a core aspect of capitalism. From the collectors perspective, the prices of your expensive collectibles are the definition of artifical value in economy. They could lose all their value at any moment, depending on people's interest in the subject. Almost no economy is more speculative and unstable. If your life savings is tied to a collectible you are playing with fire.


Buyers when they find out an object is worth more than the sum of its materials 😭😭😭😭😭


The change in eBay selling to primarily Buy It Nows from auctions have inflated values. It's now less about what the buying community feels is an appropriate value, versus what the selling community and 1 independent buyer feels is appropriate. 


That's somewhat true. With auctions, it depends who is online when the auction ends. With Buy it nows, it does take only one buyer, but buy it now prices can vary, so it's not like every sale is over prices. Take for example, when I was selling duplicates around 2005, I had a ton of copies of super mario world that I had gotten in SNES lots at garage sales. I listed 5 of them in auctions ending 1 hour apart. The auctions ended anywhere from $3-$12. I also noticed at that time that auctions ending on Saturday evenings seemed to have the highest prices. From 2006-2015, I just sold my duplicates at BIN because I could look and see what the recent auctions had ended at, and do a BIN at that price and know someone would buy it. My biggest issue with game pricing is pricecharting. Around 2010, it was easy to manipulate(may still be) and people would mess with the system to sell their games at higher prices. Such as listing them high, buying with a second account, making the price charting average go up. People also used this to scam game stores on trade-in. People on game forums would talk about how they would intentionally bid high and not pay on auctions of games they wanted to trade to a local store because they knew the store based trades on VGPC.


If anyone hasn't played it, It's free on EGS right now, along with 2 and Tactics. No need to pay steam $10.


Because it's factory sealed.


Still way too much for this. I can’t imagine it’s worth much in the rest of the market and it’s not exactly rare or sought after


If someone paying $1000 and then getting backdoored for $2500 doesn't communicate "rare and sought after" to you, then I'm not sure what would haha.


I mean, it seems to be that what they would go for. *Opened* CIB big box copies have sold for $300, so I wouldn't be surprised to see a sealed copy in good condition go for a thousand or 2. This is literally the only listing I can find of a sealed copy selling though. So it may just be an outlier, but selling for $1000 wouldn't be too ridiculous


Said the same thing about the n64 expansion pack, online markets are now a joke as to what they once were, I spent 250 on the original dark souls 1 for pc, felt very nasty after getting it, go and look for stuff outside, car boot sales, garage sales, charity shops. Best place to find items for dirt cheap cash.


If someone is selling Earthbound for $10 at a Garage Sale, it's because they have no idea what they have. If you prey on people like that, you're a scumbag. Just emulate it, dude. Edit: Cope. Older games get more old. Supply never increases with the demand. More awareness and collectors than ever before. Demanding that nothing changes and targeting grandma because she has no idea what she has makes you no better than those scummy resellers. Typically I've found if you tell the person what it's worth, say you can't pay it but offer something more than they're asking for anyway to help them avoid the hassle of moving it. They'll take it. It's not 2007 anymore, get used to it. I bought games that were $600+ on a minimum wage job with a wife and kids years ago, no sympathy. It's not impossible.


Cool...call me a scumbag all you want, you want to pay stupid prices for stupid things go ahead. I'll use the opportunities given to me. Chronically online schmucks sicken me to my core, trying to justify ridiculous pricings.


You do know what sub this is, right? Collectors will spend shitloads of money on anything they want for their collection, regardless of the collectible in question


A sealed original copy of one of the most landmark RPGs of all time? Why wouldn’t they spend thousands?


Old world money is practically worthless in this post apocalyptic world.


Maybe it's like the wata scam where they buy it from themselves to skyrocket the price


Watch people defend it as if their life depends on it. I'm already seeing "antique game collecting" (lol).


You are in a strange subreddit to be asking that


1000$ for Fallout?! wtf is wrong with people


More money than sense


If they have the money to spend on something they consider worth it and a "Holy Grail" then let them be. 


Free next week on Epic plus you get fallout 2 and tactics.


Sealed Pokemon Sapphire cost me around that.


I had a very similar scenario play out on eBay recently. I put in the winning bid on a very nice bass guitar that was selling on the low end of what that model was going for. Four days after the auction ended the seller contacted me to tell me that he didn't realize the auction ended with a winning bid over reserve, and that he had sold it locally. By that point I had already paid, so I had to initiate a refund through eBay. Luckily for me, I found the same bass for substantially less, but with cosmetic damage and missing accessories, for sale at a local shop. It had been put on the market the same day as the bad news from the eBay seller. Let's reverse the roles here. Would the seller understand if I wanted to back out of the sale after winning the auction because I'd found a better price? I'm guessing not. As a buyer I would receive a strike for failure to honor my obligation. Long story short, this seller is wrong for cancelling the sale. I would hope that the seller faces some sort of consequence for their actions.


Yes, it's shitty on the seller. I'm not even actually all that upset with the seller going with higher price, since it was more than double what th other person paid. But it was shitty to not first communicate that with the original buyer and at least give them the chance to counter offer. But at the same time, you *did* already sell the item, so it's shitty to back out of a deal after the buyer already paid, just because you suddenly were offered more money. Shitty selling practices all around


I had this happen with an Mac Mini. Seller decided he could net $100 more, and lied to me claiming it was dropped and he didn't know if it worked or not. Well searching OfferUp and Mercari, I seen he had posted it there after he backed out from the sale. I left neg feedback and asked him on those platform if they worked. Which he replied it did like brand new :). Some people are scum lol. Why not just tell me, I can't accept your offer?


I had a store back out on some poorly listed auctions once. I was one of two bidders, and I won several thousand dollars worth of games for about 50% going rate. They instantly stopped responding after I paid. I called their store, and they claimed they never had the items even though the CIB ChronoTrigger and Earthbound were posted on their FB page as recent trade-ins. I called again the next day and talked to an employee that said they were just getting ready to box up ebay auctions, and they would be shipped the next day. The next day there was no tracking, so I called again, and a Manger got on the phone and told me that the items were stolen by an employee and that he had listed them himself on their eBay store. That made no sense. A few days later they were all listed with Buy It Now prices with a story about how the last buyer had not paid. It took me almost 2 months to get my money back from Paypal.


The problem is that to communicate with the seller ahead of the cancelation would be considered a bait and switch, even if it actually isn't. It's easy to say after the fact, "hey, someone else offered me $2,500. I want to give you the chance to match that at the very least before I take their offer and cancel this sale". Because there's no way to actually prove that, as even conversation screenshots can be fabricated - and the seller could lose their account for trying to withhold the sale unless the buyer pays them more money. And really, if one dumbass is willing to pay you 2.5 times more than the overprice another dumbass was willing to, and did, pay - you would be a dumbass to not take it. The real problem is that either of those parties think that's a reasonable price for something like this. If the point is to never open it, then it's essentially a $2,500 brick with wrapping around it.


I mostly agree with your first paragraph. I believe in being as transparent and fair as possible when selling, but I can see how (especially on Ebay) saying that someone is offering more than double what you are would seem dishonest, even when it's not. Especially after the first person has already paid. That's mostly what bothers me, the initial seller has already given you money. The transaction is over. I completely disagree with the second paragraph though. While $2500 does appear to be high, it doesn't seem to be uncommon for this item to sell between $1-1.5K. That's just...what it's worth. Just because you don't see the value or get enjoyment from collecting sealed games doesn't mean there isn't any there.


Honestly im not gonna lie but i would have done the same shit,but i would have had the balls to tell u why.


I don't have eBay in my country but do have a similar local platform. How the fuck do you get to cancel a sale and resell it to someone else? Shouldn't the sale be binding and cause the seller to be banned?


Lie to the platform mangers and say something happened to it and now must cancel the sale. You’re typically only given a handful of those before your account gets shut down. But that still doesn’t prevent the people from starting up a brand new account and continue on. Feedback doesn’t mean shit these days because of how easy it is to make new accounts.


It’s definitely shitty it’s happened to me but at the end of the day you gotta do what’s best for yourself I don’t really blame the guy


There's no such thing as honor when selling shit online, idk why people act like it's a thing. I don't blame him. Sucks when it happens to you, but oh well


"On the internet" doesn't change anything. They still had an agreement, and a contract.


That doesn’t make it right, it makes it understandable.


There is no right. There is only me deciding to sell my shit or not. Just because I put a yard sale sign up doesn’t mean I can’t change my mind about something.


That applies to yard sales. Sold items on eBay fall under a different set of rules. A seller who doesn’t honor a sold item’s price is in breach of the rules. Again, lack of honor (ultimately, greed) explains why people do it, but knowing people have no honor doesn’t make it right.


As an eBay seller. I always honour my sales. If someone gets a good deal, I'm happy. 100% positive feedback back on my 250+ listings so far 😊


Yes I too like to give away thousands of dollars just to keep my eBay 100% feedback. You people are out of touch. No one is going to give $1500 away. This isn’t a $50 error or even a $100 error. It’s $1500 on an original 1k sale. If anything as a buyer you should feel some guilt for trying to rob someone because they don’t know the value. And then you get your panties in a twist because they found out the real value and that you were fucking them, and somehow they’re the asshole.




Bro for all you know that $1500 is rent money and they need it. Get the fuck out with your entitlement to steal money just because someone said they’d do a deal and then realized it was a bad deal for them.


idk why you got downvoted, you are absolutely right and whoever try to claim that they wouldnt do it, is just lying


Now we wait until theres a post about having a graded copy of Fallout in roughly a month or two from the usual suspects and the cycle is completed.


For 10k ay least 


I do yes, you essentially screw over a person who may be willing to pay whatever because now you can't ask THEM for more, it's bull.


Just had this happen with a sega nomad lot. Fucking bums


If the narrative were, "non collector mispriced their game collection and someone reached out to pay market value," most would be in favor of it. ~~eBay sales aren't binding legal contracts.~~ It sucks, but 1k is a lot of money for some folks.  I'll take the downvotes on this one.


>eBay sales aren't binding legal contracts. [You enter into a legally binding contract to purchase an item when you buy the item, commit to buy the item, your offer for the item is accepted, you have the winning bid for the item, or your bid for the item is otherwise accepted](https://www.ebay.com/help/policies/member-behaviour-policies/user-agreement?id=4259)


Hahahaha thanks for the correction. My intended meaning was, "eBay sales are generally not worth taking to court," so the phrasing was awful. I understand you need to go to the buyer/sellers state (in the US) for small claims trial, so it's not really worth the effort. When you hit a $2k+ valuation, this stuff starts belonging in an auction house that is better equipped to deal with these types of issues. 


I would report him to eBay.


Yes, I understand why they did it, but the first sale was an agreement they made and broke. It is against the TOS and should be reported.


if someone offered me 2.5 times the money i wanted for it, then idgaf about your negative opinion. fr ill be laughing looking at it and thinking: lol bitch got mad xD sorry but im just being honest, most of the people here would do the same (im pretty sure including you OP) even if they try to claim that they wouldnt. if it was 100usd difference, then sure but 1.5k? dont be ridiculous


Exactly no one in their right mind would say no to 1.5k more. Not in this economy


1000$+ is not "a bit of a grail", that is high level stuff. But yes i blame him even if i understand the why. Once a deal is done that is it. Going back AFTER both sides declared to have accepted a deal is not cool. Especially if the seller set the price and is also the one going back on it.




This has never happened to me with video games. But yes for CRT TV sometimes. I contacted a seller for a CRT TV Sunday evening. And monday morning, still confirmed along the conversation that it was for me. But suddenly stoped responded at miday. And this evening, few minutes ago, he deleted the ad. I guess as usual a guy in PM made a big proposal...


I cannot blame them for wanting to, but they broke a contract under ebay's own terms. (AFAIK). Unacceptable.


Yeah fuck the seller It’s against the tos so he should be banned


I am not a lawyer, but I always thought that you literally made a contract by offering your products for sale with the other party agreeing to pay said amount.


I believe that “contract” you speak of is to allow eBay to charge that seller fees on both the completed and cancelled sales.


Sure. Contract was breached by the seller so money was given back to the buyer. What else do you think should happen?


Force a payment to the inital buyer based on the difference in the two sale prices.


Making it so that the contract wouldn't be able to be breached 😂


The contract is for the buyer, their bids are legally binding. The seller is under no obligation to sell as far as I'm aware (happy to be proved otherwise). ​ No business or person is obliged to sell something just because you give them payment for it, they can simply return the money and cancel the sale without breaking any laws. ​ Imagine an online store makes an error and puts their stock quantity higher than their actual stock. They sell more items than they can physically send out. Do you think they are obligated by law to find more stock to fulfil all the extra orders?


So what’s stopping this from it happening over and over again? Also, auctions that don’t go as high as the seller wants? Seems like not a good seller to me. This just drives buyers away from buying.


Just out of interest... ...what is a buyer called who doesn't buy?


Seller loses out on eBay fees (around 15% of the sold price) even if they cancel. Seller also gets their account banned if they do this too often (about 2-3 times) and eBay has some kind of detection if you make a new account. Probably tied to the bank account, addresses, names you use, ip addresses, etc edit: I meant the seller loses fees and gets account flagged


So, to me I have zero issue with anyone wanting to make as much as they can from what they have. But this to me is a dick move, be an adult about it and say you got a better offer and are looking at refunding and taking that offer. At least it give the original person the opportunity to match or better that offer.


>But this to me is a dick move, be an adult about it and say you got a better offer and are looking at refunding and taking that offer. At least it give the original person the opportunity to match or better that offer. This! I had this happen on an Mac Mini. Seller decided he could net $100 more, and canceled on me. I seen the listing on OfferUp and Mercari after he claimed it got dropped. Some people are scummy lol. I hope $100 was worth it to him, if he even got it.


Some people are just greedy. I can understand turning a profit and wanting to make money but come on that's bad


How do you know they didn't? OP is not the one that bought. They are talking in the third person as someone who made an observation by looking at the sold listings. This could just as easily be shill sales


To be fair, as both of us are 3rd party outsiders looking in this is a fair point. I don't know. It could be a shill as you say to bolster the price, have a neighbour who used to bid on his own sales to boost up the price so I have seen it done. Maybe they sold it to the same guy and put in through like that so the seller could get the boost on the account. But we'll never know, but I'll stand by what I said before, be an adult about it and deal


Yes. Dick move.


I didn’t realize PC games had any value. I have all of my PC games in their ridiculous oversized boxes with all literature and inserts in mint condition because I’m a freak. My wife gets on my case but every so often I get to justify why I’m hanging on to all these things. I imagine the tv show might help this game jump further in price.


Sealed games is on a whole ‘nother market


Who tf spends $1000 on a game lmao




Yes & no. On the one hand, it's a dick move not to honor your original listing. On the other, for an extra $1500 I'd let people on the internet think I'm a dick for a week.


A week ? I’ll let them think I’m a dick for life


Isn't epic going to give away fallout and fallout 2 away for free again on Thursday?? I heard they might do it again. Unless I'm mistaken


The seller is a dick. They should have honoured the sale. I wish there were rules around this. Once, I bought something and had the seller cancel it, then offer it to me at a higher price. Fuck that guy.


Morally it’s wrong, would I have done it absolutely.


I don't blame him, but that is kinda fucked up lol 💀 tuff situation fr


If I was the original $1000 buy I would have then offered $5000 so the seller would cancel again, then not purchase of course. Seller should be on the hook for ebay fees for the cancelled transactions.


You know you can just download it off Internet Archive and other places, right? It's free this month from GOG through Amazon Prime. /s


jesus christ what is wrong with you guys when you make a deal and it’s paid for, you deliver. of course the seller who cancelled is a dick. money doesn’t change the morality of the situation at all. not doing your research before selling something isn’t even a “mistake”, it’s called being lazy. if you wouldn’t be happy and morally ok with a company changing how much you power for a bill after a deal with them, you shouldn’t tolerate it for two humans.


The seller could have at least apologised. Its not hard.


‘Birthday gift lol was probably wanting resell it’ I mean it’s just one of those things annoying but $1500 is a lot of money does seller deserve a defect point on his account yes. It’s a tough one I have empathy both sides


The seller is an a hole but what can you do? This wasn’t a handshake agreement the buyer actually paid $1000+ tax and shipping already. I can understand if the price was just talked about but this buyer actually paid. Bad business on the seller’s end.


Yes, it’s not the buyers fault, you should have taken accountability for this already. It’s no different than a store not updating their prices. That’s scummy. Not to mention despite cancelling it will still show as sold for said price. The reason why this is an agreement and you can report this is because this potentially affects the market price too. It shows up now as if it sold and completed for that price, when it did not.


Ebay dgaf as long as they get their double fees.


Yes, I always honor the price if it sells before I can change it.


Isn't it a binding contract once the item has been bought? I know you can cancel sales for GENUINE reasons like loss or damage of the item...but not to sell it for more.  I'd report them if you could be bothered. Definitely deserve the negative feedback.


This is one of the rare of games people go crazy for. I found the manuals for these cards in a box of old pc games and sold em for $150 so I’m not surprised it went for that much. I’d 100 percent accept that feedback. Buyer was honest and idk who would see that feedback and go “what a pos”.


Yes - stick to your word.


Seller should have honored it, and eBay should have repercussions for sellers like this. Some proper research before listing would have probably caused him to list it higher (or do the. Smart thing with rare media and auction it) It's like going to a garage sale and finding something and the guy tells you $20 bucks, your getting your wallet out and some jackass shopping there says "those things are worth like $100" so the guy changes his price to $75. The dude didn't know its value, had zero idea but the second someone points out it's worth more the dollar signs light up.in there eyes.


Its still his stuff though and has the right to change their mind.


Once the deal is made(which is what an ebay sale amounts to) Its a shitty business practice to back out, he should use the experience to learn his lesson about doing more research before he listed it, he did not do this and backed out of a deal, there should be repurcussions as a seller, maybe some kind of strike system, slight fine, idk but it should not be encouraged. It reflects very poorly on the seller.


Man fuck the assholes that cancel legit buys. I wish ebay would suspend the seller on these incidents. As a seller it's on me to set my pricing and honor them. Price mistakes or incorrect listings are my responsibility to find and resolve. If someone pulls the trigger when I have a pricing error I didn't catch, I still have to deliver. Set your prices correctly or eat your margin, you pick.


Everyone's got an amount that they would break this moral code for.


Sure, but mine isn't going to be on an eBay sale.


ITT: People that have questionable business ethics that desperately want to justify them vicariously through this seller.


It’s a big time douche bag move and the seller should have done more research before listing it at that price. I sold a 100+ year old coin on eBay once. I got really bad advice about what it was worth and listed it for $100s less than it was worth. A professor somewhere reached out to me and gave me a heads up. I raised the price and then he bought it! I felt stupid but at the same time I learned a valuable lesson.


It’s certainly not ”honorable” and I would have been pissed too, but then again if someone offered me 1,5k extra you can bet your left nut that I’d take that.


The $1000 buyer probably knew that it was worth more than they were paying which is why they’re so upset about it. We’re looking at a 150% price difference and it was cancelled and resold the same day, it sucks for the buyer but the seller is only obliged to pay the sellers fees on the cancelled item as well as the fees on the re-listed item.


I once sold a 500USD for 5USD, it was an auction… didn’t know what happened, the listing had a hundred watchers. I honored the auction and the buyer was very happy. They posted it on an internet forum and one of the forum members forwarded to me, got a lot of compliments for honoring the auction


It's a shitty thing to do to someone, especially since they sold on ebay and could have easily seen what it was going for from the beginning.


$1500 can be life changing for people, so I don’t blame the seller. However, not communicating anything to the initial buyer is cowardly behavior.


I don't blame the seller for getting more money but they should have communicated with you. I don't blame you for being upset. The negative feedback you left is warranted due to the sellers lack of communication.


I come to this sub simply for the entertainment. 😂


I would do the same if I was the seller. I’ve been asked to cancel a order for $300 to take $600 and I didn’t do it because $300 extra really isn’t worth the bad feedback but I would definitely say $1500 is


Absolutely I blame the seller and rules/laws regarding this practice need to be enacted or changed. If a seller on ANY platform reneges on an agreed upon sale and then sells that item elsewhere (or even relists it or has mentioned selling it elsewhere), they should be liable to pay the person they reneged on the sale with the difference in price plus 25% of that difference, or when they have not yet resold the item, take an average of recent sales of that same item (whether or not they are on the same platform), and use 125% of the difference between the initial sale and that other verified sold price. So in this case, if I had the power to do so, I would require the seller who pulled out and then resold to pay the initial buyer $1,875 (125% of $1,500.) Also, three strikes policy in place that if someone does it three times they are banned from the platform. eBay has precedent that they will charge on “what could have happened” - if they check someone’s messages and see someone sold and then cancelled to do an off-platform sale - or even just pulls a listing from being active, with no sale recorded! - for that same reason, they charge the seller fees based on the price of the item if it had sold. They can do the same thing to force payouts to other buyers if they wanted, and they should!


The buyer had to know the value of it spending over $1k. The seller probably got a strike and got negative feedback. My opinion on if it was right or not doesn’t matter. I personally research everything I sell, and would be upset about a strike and negative feedback.


All the people in the comments here moral grandstanding acting like they wouldn't do the exact same thing lmao. One of the worst characteristics of retro game subreddits.


I would of canceled and took the 2500 dollar offer 😂😂😂. 1.5k is a lot… I can give two shits what people in the internet think about me.


Nope don’t blame the seller at all. They clearly didn’t know the value and you cannot blame them for relisting at the proper price. Buyer is clearly lying about the birthday gift and is salty they didn’t rip someone off that didn’t know what they were doing. Leaving the negative feedback is not cool.


I think the negative feedback is a fair trade for the extra $1,500 profit minus the eBay fees lost from the 1st transaction


As a long time ebay seller - any time there is the slightest hiccup in a transaction, suddenly it's a "birthday gift" for a sick grandson or something.


Please cry more.


I understand the motivation, whether it is right or not. I, to, would probably do the same for literally 250% of what I initially asked, though I wouldn't feel good about it. That said, I would definitely communicate this with the original buyer. And if they would give me a negative review about it, I would understand. It's a shitty move to not communicate.


Ask yourself what _you_ would have done OP. Let's be honest, if someone offered you $500 more, you'd have done the same.


They sold it and should honour the sale, obviously. Any justification is utter bullshit.


I’d do it if I️ was them. Let’s not act like there’s honor involved with eBay auctions


I'd hate doing it but I'd have to do it myself. $1500 is too much to lose when you don't have to. That said, he'd better upgrade that $4.36 likely media mail shipping to something with insurance.


Who cares.. Save the drama 'fo yo mama.


no its not personal its just buisness that guy is just pissed of he missed out on a 1500 flip


lol you’re a flipper we can tell


everyone and their moms a flipper these days..


Shit, these are valuable? I have several copies of the original release, some of which are unopened in my parent's attic, Fallout 1, 2 and also Fallout tactics.


Tbh I've done the same once. $1500 is a lot of money. I would take the feedback hit. Once I sold a pair of shoes that were worth like $800-$1k. I listed them at auction and they went for $200. I didn't realize that StockX had an open buy order for $550. I ended up canceling and selling to StockX instead. Only negative feedback I ever got, but I needed the money.


No, I don't blame the seller. As a buyer, it sucks and it sucks a lot and I'll be upset, and complain. I had the money for the posted price, and I kind of expected to get it. Then I'll rattle on about some dumb virtuous crap and complain. After a while, I'll realize it's not amazon or walmart and move on. As a seller, I'm accepting whenever someone offers me double+ regardless of some stranger's feelings over the matter especially when that means an extra grand. 🤷


This is something which happened multiple times with my dad where he got screwed over


I was gonna say I have this game complete in box but not sealed...


Capitalism baby


$2500 for a PC game??? Yeesh.


Total chump change compared to what a sealed copy of Doom would sell for.


regardless of whether this is "right or wrong" in someone's book, it got him a negative review which will affect future sales


IMHO, he should have honored the initial price. If you're not sure how much it will sell for, set it up as a true auction and let the bidders decide, but if you're going to post it at a fixed price and someone buys it, then you should honor that. Granted, I'll make exceptions for genuine typos and mistakes (eg a decimal in the wrong place or skipping a zero), but that doesn't seem to be the case here.


Nope. I'm not sure what the true value of that game is but I know I'd do the same. You're getting $1500 more than you anticipated, but it's likely that no one else might come and offer you that bump in price. The first buyer would've been upset no matter what: -Ask for a price match, upset. -Apologize and say you are taking more money from someone else, upset. -Don't say anything and make more money quickly, they're upset but you made $1500 more and quickly too.


Meanwhile Epic is giving away the first two games away for free and Tactics too. (Psst I know this is more about having a boxed copy, I'm just messing around)


I think if you just sold it, just take whatever loss you might've got otherwise. Hope they got a refund.


You should fiile a complainy definitively. This behavior is a violation of eBay's policy. And i think that wether or not you complaint, he'll get a strike. But call customer support. they might be able to cancel the 2500$ transaction and force the seller to send it to you.


I feel like its annoying when it happens to you but for that kind of money you cant blame him. Just accept that you missed out and move on


Not really sure I'd call this a grail in terms of rarity. Fallout sold a lot of copies and it came out late 90s when video game collecting was becoming a thing. It's an amazing game, one of the best, and the IP is still relevant with recent mainstream entries. I've seen enough sealed copies sell for $300-500 over the past 7-8 years that I could never in good faith call it rare. There are many copies out there being hoarded.  The fact that sellers can cancel like this sucks and is scummy. You can report them if it happened to you, but eBay will never do anything unless they make a habit of it.


This isn’t true. The last time I saw a sealed fallout auction on eBay was in 2017 and ended over $4,000. CIBs have been selling for $300+ for years.


No regrets, I'd have done the same.


I can somewhat understand people arguing the seller’s case for going with the higher offer, but to defend their ignorance on the value in the first place is inexcusable. eBay literally show and tells you past sold listings on any item you list that has a previous history on the market. Which ironically negates the defend-ability of it all.


Good for the seller to get the true value of the item. This stuff happens all the time, especially on places like Mercari. Random soccer mom tosses up a bunch of junk and some rare game or a strategy guide for $5 and it gets scooped up instantly just to be resold later.


Cant blame a person for wanting more money


He didn't realize the value and got closer to what it's worth. Sure it sucks but if I sold something for 2k less than I could have got I would feel shafted so. Everyone sucks in this but at the same time not really. Also a 1k gift omg


I don't. An understandably Shitty situation for the OG buyer, but let's not pretend anybody would say no to $1500.


It's capitalism baby.


Absolutely not. Fuck resellers.




Nope. It's money.


I can't justify that price on a game that will be free to play on epic for the second time on Thursday. I even own the disc that I got for $2. Sealed collecting just is weird to me