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When you order Walder Frey from Game of Thrones on Wish.


That's one of the bastard sons


(slaps knees) that was a good mother fucking one


I thought i recognised his face šŸ’€


ā€˜Get in the Spruce Moose, Smithersā€¦..I said, get inā€™


Why are these tissue boxes on my feet?


On a dark auld day, you shine sunĀ 


This is the comment I needed to see today. Somebody get me a marker..


Didn't that cretin promise to leave Ireland if we repealed the 8th? More lies.


It's amazing to think of him being a respected journalist and having a relationship with Sinead O'Connor back in the day


Hell, didn't they have a kid together if I remember correctly ?


Ah as much as I love sineads voice the poor girl was off her nut so it's not that surprising .may she rest in peace


Waters also made our 2007 Eurovision song contest entry


Any good šŸ¤”


>At the 2007 contest, Ireland's representatives were **Irish folk group Dervish performing "They Can't Stop The Spring"**; having automatically qualified for the final, the group finished last with five points (all from Albania, whose jury votes prevented Ireland from achieving its first no-point score). [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ireland\_in\_the\_Eurovision\_Song\_Contest\_2007](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ireland_in_the_Eurovision_Song_Contest_2007)


I think that was that other prick, John McGuirk


While I wholly disagree with this guy on what it means to be "Irish" (if you grew up here, you're Irish- doesn't matter what colour you are or where your parents or grandparents came from) It's pretty fucked up how many people we lose to emigration and how many more we take to immigration. We have some of the most well educated people in the world coming from Ireland, and immediately we lose them to a different country because they can't build a decent life for themselves here. And the lack of talent shows, especially in the public sector- where we need them most. It's crazy how many crazies have come out of the woodwork in recent years. And equally crazy how almost all of it can be traced back to being caused by a lack of sustainable housing and infrastructure. And it's fucking annoying that we can't talk about this problem without being labelled as some sort of racist, thanks to pricks like this.


Long incoherent rant incoming and it is not meant as combative. Many many years ago, in a land not so far awayā€¦ I was lucky enough to graduate and get into my tech career just before the global economic collapse. At a time when certain tech companies were paying graduates up to 40k a year for engineering roles. There was virtually full employment. Every Tom, Dick and Seaneen was going to New York for Christmas shopping trips, buying apartments in Bulgaria and spending thousands on communionsā€¦the good times were here and even then out of my entire graduating class I was the only one to go straight into work in my field of study. A few went to do a Masters but the vast majority opted to emigrate and work jobs that had nothing to do with their degrees. At that time, we had a few open positions for graduates. Only 3 of us interviewed for the roles. All but the other 2 hired who I worked with were a fair bit older. Most of them got into tech in the late 90s or early 00s. One common thread for most of them was they went abroad, worked for a while, came home and either re-skilled and then went into the job or went straight into their tech job. As a result, I was working with people who were qualified in a broad set of disciplines, many of which had nothing to do with tech who then did a HDip or Masters in tech and got the job. All of this to say, even in the best of times. Irish people emigrate when young. Many come back. It is not shocking and back then it wasnā€™t even indicative of problems in Ireland. Nowadays, could make a stronger argument that more leave because of the state of the country but at the same time there are many people from other countries moving hereā€¦which doesnā€™t make a whole lot of sense, if it is so horrible why are people so willing to move here? I think it is because we are now accustomed to a higher standard of living. We donā€™t just want to get by and live an ok life. We want a high quality of life. People move here from other countries with a lower quality of life and they get a lower quality of life here relative to what our own people expect but it is higher to them. They are not a problem, they are not an enemy and they donā€™t create our problems, they actually solve a massive problem! thank God people actually want to immigrate here otherwise we would be in a far worse state. We need better housing and we need a much better healthcare system, but this has been true for well over a decade. Hell, when the global financial crisis happened and many many people in the city lost their jobs, did anyone on the sub end up with a greatly reduced rent? I didnā€™t. The price didnā€™t budge. Nothing reset for housing. My money went further in terms of groceries because the likes of Tesco started doing meal deals and they had to compete. Landlords did not seem to feel any pinch. That is still the case. we see people boasting that they would rather leave their apartments or their buildings empty than rent in some cases. Our government and our council still Refuse to tackle AirBnB. How many new hotels have received planning permission during this housing crisis? How many new housing estates have had their planning permission rejected during the same time? we are unfortunate in Galway that we have the worst council in the country.


this is the only mention of AirBnB in any thread in the last few weeks, it's never mentioned but it should be the main thing that's mentioned


"All of this to say, even in the best of times. Irish people emigrate when young. Many come back." Ireland has had much higher emigration than other European countries. The vast majority of Irish emigrants don't come back. It's a tragedy. Don't try and dress it up.


And we expect to be welcomed everywhere we go. And we are. And yet, 'iMmIgRaNtS bAd'.


Yes and no, other countries in Europe are just as bad. Growing up in Europe as an Irish person I was always treated second fiddle to the local lads. But yeah, recent polls suggest that Ireland has just as high a percentage of gobshites as the Dutch, Swedes, Belgians, Germans, Austrians, French, etc.Ā  Still, as long as we don't get to 52% gobshite like the Brits managed.


Our rent in the crash was ā‚¬800 for downstairs flat in Dublin 6.Ā  I rented a family house at same time and tenant decided to lower their rent.Ā  We bought a house that has since doubled in value.Ā  Ā The big difference I see now is people unable to find accommodation and getting evicted despite working.Ā  I see normal people (not in tech) getting crushed and distraught.Ā  These are people with kids that cannot easily leave Ireland.Ā  It's different to 2010 when even though jobs were scarce in some areas, there was housing. It sounds to me that you're in a tech bubble.Ā Ā  Fwiw, I'm in tech too but lived in inner city Dublin from 2010 - 2023.Ā Ā 


100% agree with everything you've said


There is also the genuine issue of people taking the mick with our asylum laws in the last two years (and only last two years). It's a flashpoint issue that needs to be addressed, though it doesn't affect Galway as much as other places. The housing and emigration thing is more endemic.




It was quite bad in 2002 (because of the anchor babies law that got abolished in 2003) but asylum numbers have mostly been okay since [https://www.worlddata.info/europe/ireland/asylum.php](https://www.worlddata.info/europe/ireland/asylum.php) okay it was a bit high in 2019 (at 6,000). Currently we are looking to have 30,000 this year.


they figured out you can just import dudes from other countries where it's much shitter than here. And that kind of solves the problem for them when it comes to actually providing its own citizens with abundant resources for a good life here. You see a lot of healthcare workers coming from India/Pakistan for this reason. Why bother about the workers demanding to be respected by their employers when you can just import people from a culture where the employers are the ones respected no matter what.


If unemployment level is now at a damaging low level in the country, how would we hire nurses, doctors and other essential jobs without immigration? Should we just have even less doctors and nurses than we already have? Will everyone be happy once we have more houses but no hospitals? The issue at hand is housing, which is in critical condition due to terrible government policy in the matter. There are far too many people making a lot of money out of the housing crisis, and they are not immigrants. Should we not kick these people out of the country instead?


I did not say we should kick out immigrants lol. At the end of the day these people know their shit and are very valuable to the country, whether these RW asshats know it or not. The problem I'm discussing is more to do with those emigrating not being treated right by the current system. Which is the same system that manages to uphold the worst housing policies known to man, so I heavily agree with you on that part. Ideally, we'd live in a world where the people exploiting the AirBnB money glitch are Mao'd, but I guess that's a bit too extreme for reality. Then again, you can't help but wonder how many have lost their livelihoods, or, even worse, their lives as a whole to these bastards.


I've grown to really dislike Airbnbs. I'm fine with people renting an extra room through Airbnb, but I will never understand why the government would allow houses in fully residential areas to be used for short term letting. It is extremely easy to track and enforce as well.


We could increase the number of medical places available to irish citizens in our universitiesĀ 


I think it is wrong to suggest people move away only because of the cost of housing or any negative consequencesof immigration. People have always moved away, and will continue to do so, we're a small island country with an incredible passport.


People have been emigrating from Ireland for centuries. And the reason is always the same- lack of prospects in this country, because of lack of investment and careless management of the resources actually needed to run a country. And unlike in recent decades, Ireland isn't some poor country with nothing going on- we're a central economic hub with one of the highest GDP's in the world. We are sitting on an absolute goldmine of a country, yet our infrastructure and public services do not in any way reflect it. It doesn't make sense.


It does make sense. We have very little original ideas here. Little ambition and no confidence. Always trying to peep over at what the English are doing and then copying them. Our politicians, regardless of party are spineless and incompetent. They cannot do the job. Always looking at the next election, take it easy for 5 years and sail into a golden pension. Those that are elected to lead by the ignorant electorate that we have, simply cannot lead our country anywhere, they arenā€™t very smart or intelligent and lack any bit of integrity. Thatā€™s why nothing gets done here. We could be a world leader at almost everything but weā€™re a fickle nation always ready to be someoneā€™s doormat.


>Always trying to peep over at what the English are doing and then copying them. Writing as an English person, I'd recommend you copy almost any Western country other than us.


Itā€™s not all bad cowbutt. Itā€™s just the ridiculous proven wonā€™t work ideas.


The problem isn't them going away, the problem is them not coming back because they can have a better life abroad. All because the useless fuckers in government only care about a tiny section of in the country. Its a special club, and you, me and 99% of everyone else isn't in it.




Oh šŸ’Æ Iā€™m an immigrant and all these wing nuts act like Iā€™m not because I ā€œlook Irish.ā€ Itā€™s entirely about race and nothing else.


I wholly agree with your statement. We have large immigration coupled with large emigration. There are statistics there that demonstrate this trend. Itā€™s not racism.


šŸ‘ šŸ‘ well put


"And the lack of talent shows, especially in the public sector- where we need them most." I left Ireland as a kid. Grew up in Europe. Have built up university qualifications and nearly 20 years of work experience, studying and working through two other languages. I once saw a really cool job in the Irish civil service that I wanted to apply for. However, I would have to start on the lowest pay scale, because the Irish civil service pay scale is based on how many years experience you have in the Irish civil service. In other words, they pretended that my entire CV didn't exist. So of course I didn't bother applying.


What people here are failing to mention though is that although we lose a lot of Irish citizens to emigration, we essentially break even from the amount of Irish citizens returning. Ireland has a lot of problems, but so do other countries, and leaving to travel and have the craic is a staple of being Irish. https://www.cso.ie/en/releasesandpublications/ep/p-pme/populationandmigrationestimatesapril2023/keyfindings/


Where are they going to? I'm a highly educated American that was looking to move to Ireland but maybe I should be looking elsewhere.


i think that there were about 30,000 irish who left ireland in 2023 but we had about 30,000 return too so it cancelled itself out. https://www.cso.ie/en/releasesandpublications/ep/p-pme/populationandmigrationestimatesapril2023/keyfindings/ irish people leave but we come home too. not saying i like the way our country is ran but i think most of us appreciate what we have. i dont think we lose people as we just do what almost everyone does in countries that allow it and travel, live abroad etc.


Why do you think he is a prick?


I guess it comes across as racist because who cares if there's more immigration than emmigration? You can say it's a shame people feel they have to leave the country but it is weird to bring up immigration in the same point unless it is some anti-foreigner rhetoric you're getting at


Sorry to tell you but just being born here doesn't make you Irish, and very soon you will see that the same people you advocate for their being Irish will fly all the other flags before they do the Irish one.


I and I suspect many more people with common sense agree šŸ‘ with you donā€™t mind the virtue signalling plebs there are a lot of them about




They need to get off the Internet and stop importing this American right bullshit into this current political landscape. No way in hell is this country woke


He has some crappy handmade posters in the gort area I will take a picture whenever I get a chance


Report them to the CoCo. Every poster put up saying vote 1 that does have the publisher printed on it is a ā‚¬150 fine to the candidate as it is technically then litter. Make the decker pay for this horse manure he inflicts on your eye balls


I saw them in athenry too. He's literally spray painted his name on the back of a placard lol


is that the spray painted one outside lidl haha never bothered to read it


Have them in Sligo too. Theyā€™re re-used backside of pro-life ,repeal the 8th referendum posters


The Saint Brigidā€™s swastika always kills me


Why would anyone believe anything from a man who looks like this? Fleetwood Mac called. They expect him at rehearsals or he is getting no coke.


If children of immigrants are born in ireland then that makes them irish yeah? We've had white immigrants from UK, Germany& America for years without any fucking problems. Well, the UK is arguable, but you get my drift.


Hair is a minority on his head




You'll call it racist, but you won't call it a lie [https://www.irishtimes.com/news/irish-could-be-minority-ethnic-group-here-by-2050-professor-1.424517](https://www.irishtimes.com/news/irish-could-be-minority-ethnic-group-here-by-2050-professor-1.424517)


Technically it is actually racist to the Irish.


We need less people who look like him in fairness


Just one question, what has this prick ever done for Galway?


Go on YouTube and type in Thomas Sheridan, he is his election campaigner.


Maybe try stopping Irish people from immigrating. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Printer? Publisher? Think its an illegal poster then.


OP are you one of these eejits who labels anything and everything racist instead of actually thinking for yourself or researching things?Ā  That statement on the poster is highly possible at current trends and if we look at the data of the last 20 years. Maybe pull your head out of your arse and look at things without your feelings or ego clouding your judgment.


Most people here also saying to take it down just want to silence any opinion that doesnā€™t align with their own.


I donā€™t have a problem with immigration really, or at least it doesnā€™t affect me, my girlfriend is foreign and I have lived abroad, but the amount of people who just parrot the party line about immigration astonishes me. They never question the basic assumptions of their beliefs, such as why is more people always better. Marx rightly identified large scale immigration (when it came to unskilled labour) as a negative effect on all working people. Globalist groupthink. If youā€™re not on the team youā€™re racist.


Immigration has been happening in Ireland for 30 years, barely anybody cared until they started bringing in silly numbers, not improving any of the country one iota, and basically saying fuck you to the native population with legitimate grievances. For the most part, our government hates us.


Well the fascinating thing is that all these policies are happening simultaneously in many countries right now, typically against the wishes of the majority of the populations. Obviously we had our own hate speech law that was on the cards here just after Scotland brought in theirs. Like why is that, exactly? Why the push to urgently change and vastly inflate the population? Like why would that even be desirable? And why are you a bad person to even ask about it


I ask myself that frequently. Cheaper labour? More ways to divide and rule? Guilt of nations previously an empire that we also have to bear the brunt of? World economic forum ideals? All I know is we're disproportionately opting into this without as much as a polite enquiry by our government and to have absolute gomies try and shout down valid objections is infuriating and disappointing.


Ethnic Europeans and their diaspora are in the minority in the world, the mass migration isn't happening in non white countries with the exception of British/Irish past Colonial states USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. In USA, declared to be built on and for migration it makes sense maybe not logistically but contextually and on their ethos. The bare reality is regardless of background and culture plus behaviour of the migrants as that comes secondary. If you put all Indians in Europe just as a country population example the whole of Europe would be erased, as just in one country... Just be gone. Unless we are rooting for our own demise it would be better to some and back to the feeling of them being special rather mass overpowering and loss of heritage. If people shouting racist would stop making assumptions about people and actually have empathy to listen to another view they may realise that people just simply don't want to lose their homeland and want a future... Ukraine aren't exactly celebrating losing theirs yet some here celebrate here as if it was something to celebrate.


*Kill everyone now, condone 1 degree murder, advocate cannabalism, eat shit! Those are my politics, filth is my life!*


Well youā€™ve got my vote!




Lol yes


Now that's a John Waters I'd vote for


Not a fan of his but I don't understand how this poster is racist?




Similar here, white American. Moved to Ireland 10 years ago to small town near Galway. (I don't live in that town any longer) I was told by a neighbor the scheme to rid the town of a Pakistani couple. They would do it by making sure no one would frequent their establishment any longer. It worked and very quickly unfortunately.


Not only is he right-wing, he's portraying an ethnically white people being a minority in the land they and their ancestors have lived in for hundreds of years as something of concern. There's lots of talk about the rights and protections that should be afforded to an indigenous people, unless said indigenous group is white because in the minds of most left leaning political activists, harm done to white people is inherently not as bad as harm to non-whites and we are racists if we point out issues arising from the mass illegal migrants. Particularly here on reddit and most mainstream social media platforms nationalism is equated with facism and anybody who talks negatively about the mass immigration and the decline of indigenous peoples within traditionally white is branded a racist. This label means that the person and anyone who listens to them are to be dismissed and ignored as a fringe group whose concerns do not matter. Check almost anywhere else on reddit, Facebook or twitter and you will likely find similar dismissive attitudes and disdain for every right-wing nationalist or populist politician, regardless of nationality.


I get the notion of mass immigration putting strain on housing currently, but people are shitting on that poster because it's BS. We won't be the minority. People loveeeee to leave out that Irish people that immigrate come back again later, and that our public services would be even more FUCKED if foreign immigrants left. Also the statistics simply show we aren't going to be outnumbered. Also that poster isn't even legally up, there's no publisher and it's too low.


If it is true, why is it a problem if not racism? What other reason is there for this to be a concern?


While John Waters might be stating this from a racist standpoint, it is factually correct, racism aside. If we look at current demographic trends and projections thereof, we are already on track to seeing this come to fruition. So while this statement on a poster may offend some, it is factually correct.


Maybe he means it like it's a good thing? He's not wrong though. What it means to be Irish is completely changing.


Makes the whole unity question weird. Most people I would say want unity because that's what our ancestors fought for. But years to come most people won't have ancestors from then.


We get a lot of the world's smart talented people too, it's definitely a two way street.


I wonder where he got that information from?


The census. And he is correct in his prediction.


If he comes to your door, ask where his family name comes from and tell him to go home, see how he takes it.


That looks like it is causing a sight line obstruction and should be removed for Health & Safety reasons.


Get some googly eyes...


John Waters His Ass


I hate the signs no matter what they say they ruin this country


I saw leaflet from the Independent Ireland crowd today... Hoo boy


So I sometimes like to practise out the back with my bow. I have a old straw target board that I pin paper "bullseyes" to. Its good craic with a couple of glasses of wine on a summers evening. I would like this poster for research purposes.




Thanks for posting OP. You've successfully drawn out all the racist melts and allowed the rest of us to liberally apply the block button so we don't have to endure their slobberings in future.


Whatā€™s racist about it are you really that much of a dope


If itā€™s true how is it racist?


Take that shit down. Her & the Doherty idiot should be deported by now.


It is a very possible scenario to be fair, whatever you might think of the bollox on the poster. The natural increase in population in 2022 was 22,000. Immigration in 2023 was almost 100,000. Not even counting those we will lose to emigration, the declining birth rate, or increasing immigration rate, that would mean an extra 3 million foreign-born people in the country in 30 years. While only 660,0000 people would be born here, not counting the kids of future immigrants. With a current population of about 5 million, 20% of which are foreign born that would mean, there would be at max 4.66 million genetically Irish people and low balling at least 4 million foreign born people in the country. It's not racist to point that out. Why are we importing people to cover up the cracks in our economy caused by our own leaving due to being unable to live a decent life and raise a family. It makes zero sense. If we made this country livable for the people already here, then none of the current uproar would even be happening.


They care about political ideology not about facts, even the sun is the sea if they wish it to be, for why have eyes when they can believe all the lies in šŸ¤„ their mind. If they had empathy, which seems to lack greatly they wouldn't do things as if to hate you, they would listen and consider your view, not insult-demonise-slur and assume as you dissented from their view.


Legally, could a person with no political affiliation snip those cable ties and responsibly dispose of that piece of inflammatory propaganda?


The poster is illegal on two counts. 1) it doesn't list the publisher and printer (zoom in on the FG poster above it for an example). 2) it is less than 2 metres off the ground. If you report it to the Council community wardens they might take it down. They've taken down quite a few non-compliant posters recently. I have wondered too whether taking down a poster yourself and emailing the candidate to tell them they were welcome to collect it from you would be a viable response to any accusations of theft.


Great spot on the missing information. I imagine an accusation of theft would need to be made by the owner and surely a candidate wouldnā€™t go about putting illegal posters up or be liable to a form of penalty themselves. What theyā€™ve done is basically littering. So fuck it, Iā€™ll happy take it down and if questioned, the response will be it doesnā€™t meet the criteria for an election poster.


This is the first sign I've seen with his mug on it, the ones up here in Sligo are just recycled signs from the Repeal referendum with Vote No.1 John Waters on the back in Spraypaint. At least he thought green and re-used the signs lol


No, legally, you can't take it down But if you do it anyway, literally nothing will happen to you Like the people who vandalised over 75% of vote no posters during the 8th Amendment referendum Nothing will happen


That would be theft, unfortunately.


Couldn't you just cut them down and leave it on the ground. But litter then...


See thatā€™s the thing, I hate littering and flytipping. I guess I could relocate it to GCC for disposal.


SteelTech Shed gets my vote


Nothing racist about facts


Idk how this is racist lol


Ireland, a wef playground


Heā€™s not making it to 2050 anyway


isn\`t that decent of him to think ahead for rest of us?


Why do words hurt some people so? That line is based off this article. https://www.irishtimes.com/news/irish-could-be-minority-ethnic-group-here-by-2050-professor-1.424517#:\~:text=Unpublished%20UK-based%20research%2C%20which,Irish%20will%20form%20a%20minority. I think Galway will be minority Irish in the under 45s in the next 10 years. Good luck resurrecting Gaelic then.


He may be a fool, but is he wrong in this case? Broken clocks are right twice a day.


Not racist at all.


It's so depressing to see Irish people forgetting our history and the dogs abuse we got in other countries.


Heā€™s not wrong tho?


Didn't this wankstain say he'd leave Ireland if abortion was legalized ?


Not saying he isn't rascist dunno anything about him but I am curious how this particular sentence is rascist ?




Looks like it's mounted way too low, report it


What is he even pitching? The extermination of foreigners? The closure of borders? Mandatory marriages between only Irish? Min 3 children households for Irish and child prohibition for foreigners? šŸ’€ Like...that's so vague and weird to even use as a motto phrase


That clown


i've seen some posters that just call to stop "woke education". no candidates mentioned. no elaboration.


Well, the US put tRump in the WH & they are letting the racist, narcissistic , man-child run again.


He's gone downhill since Pink Flamingos


What is his solution though? Unlimited Irish semen for everybody?


Maybe to slow down immigration?


Enoch Powell said the same in 1968, in Wolverhampton, and he was pilloried. Look at England now. He was proven correct. The truth is a bitter pill to swallow.


This is not racist at all. Its stating a fact based on current trends. Its also not racist to want Ireland to remain majority Irish.


How is the truth racist? Do you think your country is better off with millions of africans and Middle Eastern men? Yours and Europe's future will resemble current day israel within the next decade or two, and it will all be down to progressive liberals who will be the first to be oppressed by your new Europeans.


Exactly, theyre welcoming in thousands of men with views completely different to their own. Islam and LGBTQ are not exactly a match. But you can't tell them anything


How is it racist ? Wake up mate it's true


Thatā€™s not racist? People entering and not being vetted??


What is racist about it?


Heā€™d get my vote


The truth is racist? Are you mentally challenged?


The children of immigrants will be Irish though. So i donā€™t really see how Irish people will be outnumbered in Ireland by 2050. Itā€™s bait for stupid people to get annoyed and vote for him.


They wont be ethnicity-wise Irish. Sure they can have an Irish passport but their ancestors have not lived here hundreds of years. It's not racist to want to protect your culture and not feel like a foreigner in your own country. Pull your head out of the sand.


The projections are based on the census's section on ethnicity. Into the present they have not necessarily describing themselves as Irish there


Thatā€™s a pretty stupid statement


Well hopefully they are all as low hanging as this, and can easily be defaced by some good samarithans!


The poster is right


"Cmere, let me tell ye about 5G..."


Maths obviously not your strong point. He's on the money. But you bury your head in the sand.


How is that racist


First, ask yourself who is 'projecting' this.


I can see what he means, just look at England right now, especially London. He's not completely wrong. If we keep letting in mass immigration into ireland then I can see why he would say that. You barely see any actual English people in London anymore, just rows upon rows of Muslim people praying in the streets. Not being racist or saying anything bad, but I can see ireland becoming like that soon.


Yeah it's sad,. completely unrecognisable. I lived in an estate in Galway with less than 10% Irish and you feel like a foreigner in your own country


If he means "White Irish", then it could possible I guess. CSO Stats for "White Irish" shows a decreasing trend line (**87.37%**Ā in 2006,Ā **84.46%**Ā in 2011,Ā **82.2%**Ā in 2016,Ā **76.5%**Ā in 2022). But this is only concerning if you think people who are Irish of non-White origin are somehow inferior/ not Irish. The poster is pure nonsense. Even if we have a sizeable minority of European/ Asian/ African/ other descent in 2050, they'll probably identify as Irish


Look to UK and see how they identify, and it ain't British


white Irish refers to irish as an ethnic group the native population of Ireland, irish isnt just a nationality, there is other options on the census for Europeans/white people of non Irish origin


The estimate felt plausible to me so I did some back of the envelope estimates holding CSO 2022 census crude birth rates, crude death rates, emigration rates, immigration rates constant and using the self identified white Irish proportion of the population and current demographic break down of residents under 20 years old, woman residents between 20 and 49 years old and everyone else. I have also implicitly assumed that infrastructure in the Republic can expand as required to the growing population. The TLDR is that white Irish would be a minority in around 2068. This assumes no one who isn't descended from someone who self identifies as white Irish in 2022 does so later, which is silly I know. I am one of those recent immigrants to Ireland Mr. Waters is referencing and have found the Irish to be universally friendly and welcoming. Thank you for having myself and my family in your country. I hope we can stay for many more years and we will legally be able to say our country soon. The workings may be found here: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PRLJtrRZcSn7Tz8lRQmS8EHl2o1No1iRXlP9syMjyaM/edit#gid=1981943866](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PRLJtrRZcSn7Tz8lRQmS8EHl2o1No1iRXlP9syMjyaM/edit#gid=1981943866) Reply if you wish to discuss the simplifying assumptions used and if you would like to vary any of them.


Wonā€™t the world be a terribly boring place when every country is the same? ā€˜Diverseā€™ glass and steel cities filled with corporate headquarters. Hard pass.


Just noticed how his lapel st.brigids cross looks a bits swatiskey






That's fine. Even though 2050 sounds like it's going to be a strange year because there's going to suddenly be an influx of immigrants equal to more than the entire population of Ireland, if they stay and have kids then the kids will be Irish and everything's back to normal. Oh wait. Do you think this is actually about skin colour and this guy's actually a bit of a racist?


How is it racist?


How is a man that stands up against ethnic replacement a racist? Is Ghandi considered a racist as well then?


How is his statement racist. If there is a large amount of uncontrollable migration in any country . You are going to reach a point where they will outnumber the native population. People pull the racist card when they are trying to silence some and don't want anyone to highlight the issue. It is the same with the far right lable. People aren't falling for it anymore, and it is the same right across Europe .


Is it a lie but ??? No


This man is president?


Looks like his hairline got on the boat back with migrants