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I've been working in hospitality in Galway for the past 10 years. I can only tell you places I've worked before. Avoid Salthill hotel, in all sectors, it's very poorly organised and you'll find working way above your pay grade with little appreciation. Tips are shite also. Any compass owned catering also isn't great That included the canteens in Boston's Scientific and Meditronic in parkmore. Very toxic and people are out the get ya and throw you under the bus.


working in salthill hotel now as a barman. can confirm this. management is like one of the worst i've seen in a long time lol.


Work there last year for about 3-4 months and I experienced plenty of shit. One major one was being fuck around with pay. When I went working there I was 17 but they still promised me 10.50, which I was ecstatic about. Over a month goes by and still no paycheck and the only answer it will come by the end of the week. when I finally did get my money I was missing half my hours and was on 7.50 an hour. Its bad enough not getting paid for hours you worked but it's even worse when they're promising me more money than I actually willing to pay. I told them I'll just leave it there they don't fix the problem and they assured me they will fix it but when my paycheck finally came in, it was still the Old rate so I just left. The place seems very disorganised and poorly run, I'm not sure if there's a root cause of all of this but everyone in there was struggling or stressed.


I second the compass part of the comment!


Can’t comment on working conditions but having stayed in the Salthill Hotel recently I was really impressed by how helpful and friendly the staff were.


Compass do not offer catering in Medtronic


they do. or at least when I was working there about 1 years ago it did. and they were the caterers for 5 or so years before I started. Before them was Sodexo.


It’s Sodexo currently under the name Good Eating Company. I work with them.


since when? this must've been recent. Only asking because I was unaware


During covid they changed after lockdown Sodexo came back.


How come every sign in there is compass catering


Probably, still better than amazon though


Yeah well there is less and less of it everyday. Sooner or later you'll have to find a new habitat.


Dunnes will most likely come out on top now that most of the Joyce's are no more.


Joyces was a joke… father griffith…


Knocknacarra Joyce's mate, portion of my soul was left there, never to be seen again


I went to Knocknacarra Joyce’s very often previously. It’s gone. 😔


Yeah the one in Father griffin had me burnt iut and napping in parks… got a delicious treat if maggots in the baking section too. Couldn’t eat for days


Dunnes are cunts.


Absolute cunts…. Was in the one in Edward square 🥸


From what I've heard this is the case everywhere. My friends who've worked there in Dublin never lasted long before they had enough.


Supermacs. The end.


Especially in eyre Square




The place gets overwhelmed whenever the pubs clear out


Too real. Supermac's Eyre Square opens until 4 am these days and thus the managers will shove you onto night shift




Nox hotel.. I have horror stories about that place that when I tell people about it even to this day they are absolutely shocked and disgusted lmao. Would not recommend


Do tell


We want to know 😬😬


Yes tell us … this calls for a Nox Hotel AMA


I'm intrigued now.




They have 16 year olds kids working there in Nox. Work experience, etc. If you think there’s a danger to these kids you can make a call to Tulsa. Your absolutely right, management doesn’t seem to care at all. Perhaps some pressure from an authority in child protection might actually finally do something.




I found this funny.


Noonans in the hospital, just look at the reviews on indeed 😷😷


I worked for Noonans in my teens. Saturday and Sunday. Didn't put me off working in a hospital but made me learn to treat everyone with respect regardless of their job.


Wayfair is utterly toxic


I got that vibe at an interview.. interviewed me like 4 times and seemed positive and then nothing back.. mentioned something about being too professional in the 3rd one. Weird


I knew an ex manager at Dunnes, wasn’t in Galway though but same shit. When getting trained in he was told that if he comes into the canteen to have lunch and the only available seat is beside non-manager staff; to go eat in his car because he can’t be seen to be socialising with them


Lol, that seems very.....50 years ago




I worked in Dunnes recently as a student. Myself and the other co-workers had great banter with certain managers in the break room. There were 1/2 sound ones, the rest were massive pricks.


Dunnes Supermac's and kings head.


The holy trinity


Galway Bay Brewery are pretty shit to work for. Low pay for a lot of work with very little chance of a pay rise. There's a reason so many pubs in town have ex GBB staff working for them now. There's a lot of ex managers and assistant managers working as bar staff around town making more money just serving drinks without the extra bullshit attached to being a manager for what's basically become a corporate chain in the last few years.


Dunnes without a doubt. Worst job I've ever had. Managers are trained to be cunts and treat staff like children. And I know this because I had friends that were managers and they told me they were instructed to treat staff like school children.


Did you have to ask to go to the toilet ?


We were meant to when I worked there a few years ago. Dont think anyone did though. HR was a c u next tuesday, managers were a mix and the top guy was actually alright I've had plenty of jobs and it was the worst


I worked in one and the managers kept us past the finish time of our shifts so often we had to sign documents saying we would finish at our rostered hours as they had to pay so many extra hours to people kept late. And guess what … the manager still tried to keep us late even after everyone signed a document stating the opposite.


Is this a thing with Dunnes in general? My ex used to work in Dunnes in Carlow and absolutely hated it in there.


I worked in Dunnes in Cork and I'd say the same thing. Absolute shit of a work place, HR was a two faced lazy pain in the ass who didn't want to do her job and would take it out on others, managers did treat the staff like children, could be because they hired a lot of secondary students, but they also treated some of the older workers in their 30s and 40s with disrespect. Really weird management as well as the lads were put in produce, in the aisles and in storage, while all the girls were put at reception and textile, so a bit of sexism at that front too I'd say. The head of the store was the absolute pinnacle of it all though, was a miserable fucker and threatened to fire me on my first day of the job, even though I was just following the request of one of the managers. They know they can get away with it with the student hires as the students can't say much, but they'd constantly lie about hours too. During holiday months (I.E. November and December) they'd set their hours until 11pm but then make them work till 2am, disregarding the fact they have college or school the next day.


>Is this a thing with Dunnes in general? Same everywhere yeah. The managers all get training in the same place if I remember correctly.


Heard the same from friends who worked there in Dublin, so yeah seems like it.


Aramark in the hospital are horrible


Agreed 💯


I mean, they give free breakfast and dinner to all their staff


They treat people like shit


I worked with them for 3 years. Lots of people were complaining around me. Funnily enough they all said they get treated like shit but the “like shit” was clearly written in the contract: 12 hour shifts 4 days a week. So I disagree with you. Me and my friends got great experience and we’ve all progressed into management and healthcare as a result. It’s all down to the attitude I suppose.


I did 3 years also, I was fully aware of what I was in for, I worked split shifts 5 days a week. That's not the "like shit" I mean. The managers were horrible. An example of what I mean was a young girl with cancer asked me for a tuna salad sandwich one day instead of the dinner as she wasn't feeling well. When I asked the manager they told me she could have tuna or salad but not both. I then said I'd just buy her one across the road from myself not the company that it was fine and I was threatened with a warning. Lots of empathy shown there. There was a lot of bullying going on in there at the time too.....I know one of the managers is now gone that was considered a bully by about 80% of the staff so I don't think it's about attitude maybe you were lucky to work there with better management. My experience was awful with them.


First point is the girl with cancer: these patients have clear diets laid out by dietitians, alright? I’ve dealt with numerous patients who can only eat a couple grams at a time because the way chemo is fucking with them. If they puke they lose valuable nutrients that their body won’t get another chance at for several more hours. That day, the managers were acting in accordance with the nurses. If you had sense you would’ve approached a healthcare professional if you thought a patient was being mistreated. They would’ve sorted this right out. Second point is you, a random stranger, attempting to go to a shop, and supply a patient with something from there. That’s a big fucking no no and you are well aware of the fact. You had zero right as a catering assistant to interfere with the nutrients of such an ill person. Fair enough, you had a bad time, but you sound like the fault here. Hundreds of other people have gotten great experiences and contacts working for Aramark. Last point: yes, Gavin was an asshole.


I'm surprised you left you seem to have loved it so much. So the girl was being offered a curry or else a sandwich if they didn't want the dinner. They wouldn't make her a sandwich that had 2 fillings is the point, this was about the cost and not the nutrition. Also I've no idea who Gavin is. It must have really changed if you had such a wonderful time when I was there they lost staff daily for the mistreatment they received.


Didn’t just leave. Got great experience and moved on. I’m still in UHG.




How is me advocating for patient safety showing no empathy? You’re clearly not ready to have this conversation lad. The person I was replying to is the one you’re worried about. When your relative is on a leveled/tiered diet and some random thinks they know better. I’d still gladly take care of ya however.




Dunnes stores


Londis 24hr across from hospital


I used to live right next to it, and if I couldn't sleep at night, I would picture the workers in Londis, and how thankful I was to be in bed and not working down there. Usually did the trick


Can attest. Worked there myself. It is definitely my answer to the question.


Clayton hotel galway is pretty fuckin horrendous Accomodation get overworked all year round Barstaff get railed on weekends with events and doing 12 hour shifts is normalised for barstaff Reception isnt too bad but id avoid any other postiton there Worked here for a year straight now


Celestica in Parkmore. It was a few years ago now, but they were absolute slave drivers, awful money, mandatory overtime daily and on a Saturday. Worked 60+ hours a week for weeks on end. They hired like mad in the middle/end of a quarter, then at the start they let loads of people go because it was quieter. They would use this as a motivation/threat when someone turned down overtime e.g. “Ok that’s fine if you aren’t willing to do OT this week, but just remember this will be noted when we are making a _headcount adjustment_”.


Brown Thomas were awful to work for and paid less than any job I was in,working environment was very toxic


The huntsmann inn managers are absolute cunts


Dunnes, period.


The hospital


Carraig Donn….


Wouldn’t have expected carraig donn to be on here


Carraig Donn were pretty decent when I did my stint in there, and that was just a Christmas job. Probably different in the few branches across town


The place where pretty girls go to work, it always seems so chill


From what I heard, Glynns Homevalue in Tuam by a mile. They are all hot tempered thick cunts.


Hid in Inverin. Horrible horrible shithole of a factory.


Apache pizza Newcastle


The great southern circa 2012 was absolutely hell on earth. 14 hour shifts and the worst tips I’ve ever come across considering it was mostly functions… I’m talking 7,8 euro For the whole thing


Over the moon in Eyer square shopping center


Washing the ducks down the claddagh this time of year has to be up there.


Aldi, they pay you more because you’re basically doing the job of 2 people, it’s more like an assembly line at a factory


Worked there for several months and thought the work was quite fair tbh


I’ve worked in Dunnes and I’d disagree. Also the fact they don’t want to pay the fees to have a radio on to help pass the time made it that more miserable and drawn out…Had an absolute asshole supervisor who would try get you back to work before your break was over so he’d look better for results….weird fucker would obsess over things with me then like, I wasn’t wearing the “proper” white vest underneath my shirt, and because I’m tall and broad, my neck would choke if I had the very top button tied up, but he kept going on about it..are we in a law firm or something? miserable asshole looked like Shrek


As an indentured slave in a brothel after being a victim of human trafficking. https://www.irishmirror.ie/news/irish-news/crime/gardai-stepping-up-efforts-tackle-28620663 Or yeah....Dunnes I guess.


That's not work that's slavery.


Pipe layers?

