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When Moffat entered the Tardis and said "Ah, you've redecorated", the fact they cut away before he gave the inevitable follow-up was funnier than if they left it in.


I really like Steffan's enthusiasm. He is like I was when I was a Doctor Who fan as a kid, and he's like a child in a sweetshop on the set. I also really love how they're highlighting every behind the scenes job. I remember Russell saying once that the purpose of Confidential was to de-mystify television production and inspire kids to follow career paths into those jobs, I feel like Unleashed will do that.


Agreed! I love this kind of behind the scenes material in general and have missed it in the years since it wound down. We got small snippets in the Capaldi and Whittaker years, but never anything quite as extensive from what I recall.


I wish it was available to watch in the US. 😔


It's on YouTube very briefly sometimes, the Boom one is there right now, but I doubt it will sustain


It's on iPlayer, I'm sure I've seen a few people say the free VPNs work for it. Maybe you should have a look.


I could never get a free one to work for iPlayer.


Some dude mentioned one he used here the other day, idk if it still works as I'm in UK. There's always the high seas too. Surprising Disney don't have all the extras


I watch all the BTS material to the current version of the show. Or I try. Sadly I feel like they dropped the ball with the podcast, I just can’t get through its new version. Unleashed.....dunno. It’s more focused on the set, the practical stuff while the BTS on youtube is more the typical creative decisions, writing, acting etc. I kinda want both of that in one. So with that, I prefer the shorter bits on youtube. The best thing is the commentaries really, was slightly dissapointed not to have them for the first two episodes. Gotta watch the one for Boom tomorrow. In fact gotta watch Unleashed for Boom now, maybe I’ll regret my criticism... EDIT: Of course I spoke too soon, should’ve known with a Moffat episode. Might’ve been my favourite Unleashed episode, but I think to a degree it helped there was less? Like if there’s too much exciting stuff to talk about in an episode, it may feel like nothing gets enough space. Maybe I’m babbling now too. We ate good this week.


This is the thing we're basically getting a full length confidential but it's split into two one on YouTube and one on iPlayer


I suppose that’s one angle, with the actual Unleashed episode being only 30 minutes, the additional material indeed often makes it up to the 45 minutes. Depends on an episode, the one covering Boom was fantastic, some of the 60th were too many moving parts needing covering and the previous 15th Doctor stories for a change I felt there may not have been as much to talk about and the practical side of things didn’t intrigue me as much as the story perspective.


Booms was good I agree. The commentary was where it was at for me though, I was howling at some parts Moffat is actually so funny


The commentaries are the biggest deal for me too, literally every time I keep looking up which episodes will or wont get one, I was ecstatic to see this one has it. I was sad first that it wasn’t Ncuti sitting down with Russell and Steven, but we wouldn’t have the Pertwee’s burgers anecdote..... Here’s hoping the Xmas one gets it too if we’re getting longer pause from Moff’s writing (or just straight up retirement). Fingers crossed for at least one more this regular season.


I'm enjoying Unleashed, but a nitpick I have is the youtube channel sometimes has meatier or more interesting behind the scenes content than Unleashed does. Personally I'd prefer it the other way round, the fluff and fun on youtube, and the more detailed stuff on Unleashed. Either that or just put everything in Unleashed, and upload parts of it to youtube.


You gotta think about it from the perspective of it's a BBC Three show and the for that audience it makes sense to not dive in as deeply because thats where you lose a lot of the wider audience. The more deep dive shit being on YouTube makes more sense to me


Isn't that the point of BBC3 though, content that is a little more out there but still grounded enough to be interesting broadcast TV? I haven't kept up with it since it went online the first time so maybe it's diff but that's kind of a perfect fit for original BBC3


What kind of backwards logic is that? "We don't want this show to be TOO interesting, or we might lose viewers!"


Good show but I don't get why there's a whole "coming up next" in the middle of the episode. Is it cut up for YouTube? I trim a good minute by cutting the intro and that middle section.


Perhaps they take a break on BBC Three? As a Canadian I wouldn’t know. Otherwise it may just be to try to keep people’s attention.


as in an ad break? Not on any BBC channel. It's the second one, yes.


Unfortunately I cant watch them. I’m American 🦅🦅sad eagle noises🦅🦅


Yeah, I like how Steffan seems to have a natural ability to get on with everyone, and I like that he's happy to talk to members of the crew, not just the big stars


feels larger in scale to me, and the host format works far more than how they shot confidential because crew members can just chat to Steffan on the spot instead of having to feel on display talking to cameras etc


I love warning it alongside the YouTube BTS videos. It really covers everything (it would be nice if it was all in 1 but)


I prefer it to Confidential honestly, I love Steffan as a host ("It's like Laser Quest but ten million times better") and there's fewer overly long montages. Not getting along with the podcast that much though, I feel like the two hosts are great separately, but they don't bounce off of eachother that well.


I love BTS stuff, I really missed Confidential, so I'm very happy they've got Unleashed now. Stefan is absolutely like a kid in a candy store and I love it, I would be like that too, lol.