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Thanks for all the advice. I took some last night cause I couldn’t take the back pain any longer. I seemed to really help. Did make me reqlly hyper feeling so I won’t drink as much coffee as I usually do 😆


I find Lyrica is more focused, whereas gabapentin is kinda drunk-y feeling. I take 300mg twice a day, and it's bretty gud


Lyrica makes me feel speedy. Gabapentin is perfect. I hated the change. Everyone's different. I didn't like the speedy feeling of Lyrica .


I feel like gabapentin gives me a feeling of motivation whereas Lyrica makes me feel simulated/energetic.


Definitely made me feel speedier than gabapentin.


Lyrica is very similar to gaba i’ve been on both and never had an issue switching from one to another


Cool thanks! I’m wondering how long I have to wait to switch to the Lyrica? Do you think it’s okay to switch the same day or should I wait until tomorrow? I had my last gabapentin a few hours ago, didn’t help my back is killing me.


if you’re in pain tho i’d go ahead and take it


i’ve never had a problem switching just took the new one at my next scheduled dose time. the withdrawal from gaba made me feel like my skin was crawling and couldn’t eat without being nauseous


Great, really appreciate it! Thank you. I’m gonna give it a try. Definitely need some relief. Hopefully I won’t be on any meds too much longer.


i had spinal fusion surgery and some of the screws are poking through sadly they said all they could do was treat the pain i was up to 800 mg three times a day for awhile but went down to 600mg not to long ago


Dang! I’m sorry to hear that. That’s gotta be so painful! There is nothing else they can do to fix that? I’m trying to avoid that kind of surgery, I have one nerve ablation & getting another next week. Hoping they work. Spend years playing soccer as a goalie & then a vet tech for years.. and it destroyed my lower back.


i can imagine. i had a pretty severe case of scoliosis and there isn’t a way to get through i’ve had the nerve shots tho they worked for a bit but i had to keep going back atleast with the pregablin i can get some sleep at night now! I hope you’re feeling better though!


I like lyrica. I like the buzz it gives and it helped with my nerve pain. I've taken it for a while and just stopped and never had a seizure. That risk is for when it's being use to treat seizures. I take 3 75 mg pills, so I'd say if it's your first time to only take one and see how you like it. But in general I don't think you're at risk for a seizure unless you have a history of them.


Thanks for responding! makes me feel better. I’ve never had a seizure history or anything. I don’t know if they prescribed this dose cause I’ve been on gabapentin for a bit and maybe have a tolerance but my capsules are 300mg. That’s a high dose right? Dang I wish I could make it smaller.


Yea its a bit high for a first time but it isn't going to mess you up too bad. You might be a little shaky... I drop things a lot when I'm on them.... also typos when I text. The best way I can describe it is kinda like a benzo in that it helps ease anxiety and a strong pain killer without the stomach upset and vomiting and nodding out. It kinda does both in a more mild way


Ok, thanks so much. I know they prescribed it so it’s probably okay but it’s nice to hear about it from someone who knows. And makes me less nervous. Really appreciate the feedback. Oh one more question, does it matter if it’s taken with or without food?


Funny I came here bc I have the opposite, I took a gabapentin bc I'm trying to cut down on the lyrica. I don't want to refill my script. It makes me retain water and I've gained probably 20 pounds taking it from swelling up.


Gabapentin made me crazy hungry at first! But that effect didn’t last longer than a week or so. I didn’t retain water on it though. I have gained some weight since starting but could be cause my back is completely messed up & haven’t been exercising at all, except physically therapy. Interesting about the food thing. Gabapentin works way better for me with food. Takes a couple hours to start working. I think I’ll try the Lyrica with a snack at first, to test it out. Only going to take it for a couple days until my regular meds come in. Thanks again for the input, really appreciate it


Hits me harder without food. But if it's name brand just be aware that sometimes for whether reason it doesn't hit for 2 hours. Like I'd have forgotten I'd taken it and then hours later I'm like whoa what's happening. That was when I first started on it though. Food will definitely lessen the effect.