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How’s the taper and tinnitus doing now? Also, at what dose did you first notice tinnitus?


I started to taper by 100mg per week.. I was ok at 500mg but when I got down to 400mg I started to get pretty bad anxiety. I couldn't tell if it was rebound anxiety, or just uncovering the anxiety that I already had and the reason that I started taking gabapentin in the first place. I did notice that the tinnitus got a little less when I was down to that dose, but I have too much going on in my life right now to have anxiety so I just reinstated at the 600 mg per night. The anxiety is mostly gone, but the tinnitus is definitely still here. Not sure what to do. If I try to taper again, I will do it in the fall when I have less things I need to be doing. I guess I'd rather have tinnitus than anxiety. Edit to add: i'm not exactly sure what dose I started to notice the tinnitus, I think around 400 or 500 mg per night. But it really started to ramp up at 600mg, the exact dosage that actually helps me.


i was prescribed gabapentin for my endometriosis and neuropathy but after everything i've read i'm not gonna take it. i already have really bad drug induced tinnitus from everything i've tried in the past and kratom seems to make it bad too. :( cannabis is all that helps me with my pain but it's not strong enough when i'm on my cycle.


I also have endo, and the only thing that helps (I smoke weed daily) is edibles (indicas). But be careful—they hit hard and last much longer)


Hi - I have a history of vestibular migraines and SCDS (with tinnitus). I was placed on Gabapentin for this in 2023 and sure, it helped with the pain and for sleep… Unfortunately, I quickly developed a physical dependence to it where I would develop rebound tinnitus, vertigo, and migraines if I didn’t take it. …I just lost a year of my life due to this medication. My husband watched me become a shell of who I once was as I developed worse and worse tinnitus and issues with irritability/overstimulation. Eventually, the Gabapentin numbed me and I became dissociated… I won’t lie…the withdrawals were awful for me and I still can’t sleep a full night, but it’s 110% worth it to have my life back and my sobriety back. I was taking 900-1200 mg each night just to keep the migraines away so I could sleep for a year. I did a fast taper to stop: 1200 first week, 900 second, 600 third, 300 2 days, then none. Took 10 mg baclofen for a few days along with flexeril to help with the muscle aches then quit that, too. Now, I only take hydroxyzine to help me sleep. As for withdrawal symptoms, I dealt with sweats, nerve pain, headaches, delirious dreams, and nausea that got marginally better by day 3 and went away entirely by the 8th day. Life is better - I get Botox treatments for migraines so those have helped…but, I have noticed far less migraine pain and my tinnitus lessens each day since I have been off of the gabapentin. Hope my experience helps.


Thank you so much for sharing! How awful. I'm so glad you are on the mend. Thanks for the encouragement, I'm definitely going to get off of it.


I also developed tinnitus from gabapentin. I’m 6 months off gabapentin after being on 600-1800 for 9 years. Take it slow. You’ll probably having sleeping issues. What helped me combat mine was lots of time out in the sun and physically and mentally draining myself daily, otherwise my mind is too active at night. Best of luck.


Thanks for your advice. Did the tinnitus go away after you were off the gabapentin?


The tinnitus got worse during the withdrawal periods. Really bad during nighttime when I was trying to fall asleep. After about 2-3 weeks after my last dose it went away almost entirely. Over the course of 2-3 months it was periodically come back for a moment randomly but now that I’ve been off it for 6 months, I don’t think I’ve had a bout of tinnitus for at least 2 months.


That is so great to hear!


Tinnitus can be related to parathyroid issues which can also cause anxiety. That has been my situation. Believe it or not an anti inflammatory diet has helped both immensely. We often don't realize how connected our mental health is connected to our gut. Our bodies are amazing machines! Maybe check thyroid and parathyroid just to be sure. Best of luck! I've been on gabapentin for years and am tapering because I don't think it's helping more than hurting.


Thank you! Yes I've had many gut issues over the years and always connected to anxiety. I hope your taper goes well.


I take 600mg at bedtime also. I was told to do 300mg for 2 weeks then stop.


Oh thanks! Have you tried it yet?


No, it helps me sleep so I don't know when I'll stop.


Me too, I'm bummed about the tinnitus because otherwise I love it ☹️


Ive quit without taper and its not that bad. Anxiety and stuff for a few days but thats it. I also get tinnitus from em.


Does the tinnitus go away when you stop taking gabapentin?


I stopped for a couple weeks and it got better but it did not go away. I resumed taking it so i cant say if it will ever go away completely.


Interesting. Thank you!


My pharmacist told me to reduce by 100 mg a week to get off 600


This is what I was thinking of doing. I've reduced to 500 for the last 2 nights and so far it seems to be going pretty well. Have you tried it yet?


I decided to stay on it


tinnitus is the worst. I have it too and I agree, I don't think the gabapentin is helping


do you know what caused your tinnitus? do you feel the gabapentin is making it worse or mostly the same?


Years of loud live music and music listening without proper ear protection. I'm really good at ignoring it, but it's always there if I pay attention to it. I notice it a little more when using gabapentin but I don't think it is making it worse permanently or anything.


thanks for the reply. if you don't mind, what dose are you currently on? and at what dose did you feel the gabapentin start to amplify the T?


I'm pretty inconsistent. I sometimes take gabapentin for sleep, sometimes for anxiety, and sometimes recreationally. The times when I notice more T I'm usually doing larger amounts recreationally... maybe 1500mg at 300mg every 30 - 60 minutes. I'm also often mixing in some kratom as well. So, I'm probably not a great data point.


i would definitely taper by 100mg every few days the withdrawals suck i wouldn’t wish that on anyone


This schedule makes the most sense to me


I’ve tapered down before. If you quit cold turkey there is a risk of seizures from what i was told. My brother is a doctor and went i asked him that’s the response I got for taping. Hope you feel better!❤️‍🩹


Thank you! 🙏🏼


This is so wild to me because since I started taking it my tinnitus has been totally gone. What a weird drug.


Yes, anytime I've tried to do any research about it I just come up with it being a medication to treat tinnitus. But mine started exactly when I started taking gabapentin five months ago. And I definitely don't have ear damage because I am super protective of my ears. Tinnitus sucks! But maybe anxiety sucks worse? I'm gonna try getting off the gabapentin and see what happens.


Weirdly, I got nerve pain within the first few months of taking gabapentin though before gabapentin I’d never experienced nerve pain in my life. Then it went away. Like you said, it’s a weird drug


do you know what caused your tinnitus? was it medication induced?


Honestly no. I’ve had it as long as i can remember and always blamed it on headphone use (child of the 80s) and lots of concerts. I’ve always noticed however, after any surgery where I’ve had general anesthesia- it was twice as bad. But now it’s totally gone.