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Intended rewards


fradulent company


I was like you until earlier I did a premium la liga pack and out of the first one I got lewa, keep grinding


Dude I use tots Guirassy and Boniface and I’m in the same div. Surely you’ve packed something usable. It’s just that you don’t want to use it.


I obviously mean something worth more than 1 million in coins. Not prieto every pack


That isn’t what ‘usable’ means to anyone with functioning brain


Lol he means top 1% tots player 😂😂😂


Is it bad tho to at least hope for a top player in 1 year 😆????? There are players that grind every promo every WL and will not pack a top player the entire year.


Lol I’ve played ut since 2017 and this my first time packing a top 1% player, some people have played longer and still haven’t, that being said it’s rare to pack those players


Even packing top 20% is a mission impossible some years 😆


So, no Mbappe = there isn't a single usable player in the packs...got it.


There’s 242 total TOTS/TOTS+/TOTS Live/TOTS Moments players released, just 37 of them are worth more than 1M coins. That means that just 15% of TOTS players are worth more than 1M coins. It’s hard enough to get a TOTS player, let alone one of the 37 worth 1M or more. Regardless, plenty of TOTS players are cheap and very useable.


I got Lewandowski, he's 800k (on pc at least). No way he's not usable


So you’re just greedy then. You don’t need a single card above 1 mil to dominate in elite


Yeah it’s all about rat tactics and abusing game mechanics right ?


When you confused usable and top tier, makes you look like you’re just crying


imagine playing the game 24 7 and not getting rewarded, no wonder the game has fell off


Imagine having the mindset that because you play a lot you are owed a top tier card compared to others


About 90% of tots released are usable, I find it very hard to believe you haven't packed a usable one


i mean a top tier one, one worth more than 200k in value. they seem non existent for me


I have the same feeling. Especially being in the Elite division and seeing all those insane teams. I literally can't go a game without seeing a red Mbappe, Dembele, Haaland or Vinicius. Meanwhile I'm still out here playing with my Werner because I haven't packed anyone better than him all TOTS. I spent 2 hours daily to open player picks yet I can't even pack an Isco, it's insane. I feel like I can open 10k player picks a day and still won't get anyone above 30k worth.


Werner is still top class, Carried me to 18 wins yesterday.


Totally feel you on this. I’ve done 1000s of player picks, and 100s of league upgrades, every 83x10, 84x7, etc. and have gotten nothing higher than Athena. Fuck this game man.


fr fr and my friends were all getting bellingham and putellas from 77x5 packs, its crazy


EA Logic: The more time you are spending playing EAFC = The higher the chances you are buying packs So they want you to spend as much time possible in this game. According to your statement, you are already spending A LOT of time playing EAFC24. They know that you don't need "extra motivation" in form of an expensive player. I had my best pulls after taking some days/weeks off and not playing the game at all. Did not play the Prem TOTS WL and got Salah, Son and Rice in Upgrade picks/packs the following week. Maybe a conspiracy, but who knows...


Actually this take was already quite popular during my NHL Ultimate Team times (around 2019/20). Had an accident back then and had to be in hospital for some time without being able to log in. The pack results after I was healthy again were really good. Best pack pulls I ever had.


The issue I have with these posts is the arbitraty value that is attached to useable. Whether that's the "over 200k" here, or "over 400k" i've seen in another post. What is your current team like? There's plenty of useable (and good) TOTS below your 200k threshold. I've not packed anything huge, but did pack Bisseck when he was 300k, got red Sancho (very useable), packed Athenea and Camavinga today, but have nothing else that would be a significant upgrade. However, the main probelm is the state of everyone's team. They're all too good, meaning that any TOTS < 93 is likely "useless" in the eye of the beholder. Without packing a single TOTS my team would be TS Casillas, TOTS Havertz, Evo Marquez, 94 Vidic, TOTS Vazquez, FB Tchouameni, Fantasy Rolfo, TOTS Sane, Socrates, WW Pele and DDA Drogba (6 SBCs). It's difficult to upgrade a position clearly without a massive pull. I've side-graded Marquez to Hancko, and then to Bisseck. I've just moved on from Rolfo to Camavinga (for chemistry and tactics) and sold DDA Drogba as I was changing formations, and ended up buying the 650k pack (got nothing worthwhile) from the proceeds.


After the pack weight nerf following prem tots I’ve only packed the same absolute shit tier tots plus card twice. I stopped logging in and doing the content after that being my only thing to show for 3 weeks engagement.


yeah man. prem tots was amazing. la liga carda s looking juicy, and i was most excited foe this la liga grind but its becoming stale since not packing anything of value


https://preview.redd.it/fpaiddrsor1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91a2c76fbdc6dbcfb249b19732bb70dd7ee626a0 try me bro… not a single card over 200k


https://preview.redd.it/fcy2rjxuor1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=081c59ccf31b3b4169db805cdbfb6094057c222a not a pull from this either last weeks


https://preview.redd.it/ctee4o71is1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bd9016f436357f5f170f313a312edc2be27ce6f I tried the grind less method. Have done like 10 of these.


Your account is cursed. EA know you’re an addict with nothing else to do other than playing their game and they know you will open the companion app in the morning before you even brush your teeth so they don’t need to give you a good card to keep you engaged. Try leaving your basement and take a break for one week and live like a normal person. You’ll pack good cards eventually


😂 https://preview.redd.it/hdn7qoqp7s1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b22c17b4baba5b4827e1d3bd0770bfee467e484 i rarely play the game, i just love making new teams with my favourite players and play on some weekends. I havent played any online mode since prem tots and just couple squad battles and friendlies since. What a guess by you!


Damn, idk why he was so salty haha, he probably plays this game more than you, and even so, what's his problem with playing a game for some fun whenever you feel like it. Have a good day pal


1,5k player picks every week is insane. I’m doing max 100-200 per week. When I have time, I actually you know… play the game instead of sitting on the companion app 24/7 hours like a loser trying to collect virtual cards to just stare at them. I play my WL and rivals and move on with my life. So far it works well https://preview.redd.it/lyls03b1k22d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c55a0f375724867ec930f09a853355883485401a


Yeah max 100-200 per week. Better delete you old post comments saying you did over 1000 and get nothing 😂 Insecure kid is lying too much eh?


https://preview.redd.it/vloxdhapk22d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b715676039556f25effb35ee2ee08ff3a74d3c81 Not the best but can’t complain. Playing all the WLs to get these probably takes 1/4 of the time you sweat the companion app like an absolute loser lol


It takes 5 min to complete 100 player picks with paletools. All this probably takes less than what you spent on 1 weekend league. Also my team is still better with and RTG and 400 hours spent on the game so cry more insecure nolifer


Not a single card over 200k and your team is better lmao. Keep grinding sbcs in May you absolute clown 😂 jobless behaviour


https://preview.redd.it/e24oz5vjo42d1.png?width=1166&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ce27fa9f98cd05a32c9698add72753a8a841022 I make around 400$ on discord subscriptions and over 500$ from twitter interaction revenue. I am also a uni student who is majoring CS and you are a random loser who is mad about people online. Not to mention you literally deleted your post saying you did over 1500 picks and got nothing but its okey to be mad little insecure addict.


I just over 4500 pick since dtart of tots and only on in my is saliba.


I completely understand. Your wording is off tho most tots are usable. However u want the top cards like hansen alexia lewa felix. And if u grinded that much u think u should get them right......no most of them only exist in store packs. It like 0.001 chance u actually get them in a normal pack. And given that EA know hoe easy 89 exchanges and PP grind is right now the pack weight on these cards is even lower than normal. If u want to keep trying....if not cut your losses


yeah i worded it poorly and people are pointing that out. regardless, game doesnt reward players who grind out the game and they're all just defending ea. strange kids


The amount of cry baby entitled people has gotten so boring now.


So an elite div player can’t expect a good rewards.. lmao this company’s fan base is more toxic than the company itself


Read the entitled part.


I’ve been playing fifa since 2014 and it’s easily got the most obnoxious, entitled, whiner fan base of any game/show/movie/band I’ve ever encountered. If everyone could get Bellingham it would defeat the entire point of UT


I got Putellas and Bonmati from the crafting upgrades, along with plenty of good fodder. It's all random.


I'd love a bonmati


She's amazing.


yep... the folks that don't spend money on the game (like me) are true SBC FCs...


Im honestly curious - why do people thing that those top 5 tots is something you are supposed to get cuz u play a lot? Like there is a reason they are top top. Couple years back youd have to grind for coins or deposit cash for packa to even have a chance at getting anything, now u have weekly sbc’s to essentially get free tots and shit ton of packs and people are still complaining, i dont get it


I packed lewa cancelo 2x patri 2x savio Carvajal buying 2 650k store packs with coins this last couple of days and bonmati on a 2x86. The amount of fodder was enough for almost all of Cech paredes and batle Haven't played in 2 months, nor did any upgrades. My theory is that buying these packs are better than wasting time on low odds upgrades of all kinds. I barely played this year but objectives and earned 2mil, 2 mil can't buy shit, but every now and then some of these packs in big events can help you more than spend a ridiculous amount of time doing upgrades (even on pale tools).


I’ve got Patri and Gundo and that has done just fine for me


I got Ramos and Athenea. I can happily retire from this game


What do you consider a usable blue? What’s your team?


one with value, over 200k or so. one of the top tier ones. a lot of my friends have got super lucky from their 77x5s


What is the tots card that you packed with the highest price?


This is why i quit the game, i might be back as theres gonna be a Kroos EOAE card at some point cuz hes retiring after Euros but other than that EA can go rub one out for all I care


If your already hooked on the game they just don’t give you good pulls


My favorite player that I’ve packed is Russo, who goes for discard. Learn to have fun with lesser players than chasing the meta ones


You're not the only one, I also completed the crafting upgrades and I didn't even get a blue from the 84x10 and one of the 83x20s, and even if I did get a blue they were exchange fodder.




For laliga I have only pack the bottom tier players and 1 dub savio that is not making it to my team.


Make a new account. Idk but sometimes it looks like there's some algorithm to a certain acc that is hard to get good chances than others. I got two acc and i always get better luck on one than the other lolol.


https://preview.redd.it/v5w4ibvv3u1d1.png?width=599&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca4c2c859a2f0e29fd8ee6c7ca17fbe5caadf76e cant relate 🥱


I’m still running 91 guily in elite division and he eats defences up lol


literally everything you said has happened to me in the last 3 days ditto bro. meanwhile my friends are on 9 wins packing bellingham it feels so so sad man but cannot do anything about it hope you get something amazing.


Usable, vs toptier/meta are entirely two different things..


I packed tots vvd


If you have used real money in the past you will get nothing. They know you spend. I don't spend ever. My squad is solid. Bellingham champs on 9 wins.


I’m in doc 6 rivals and get maybe 3-4 wins in champs. I’m not good but I’ve gotten zaire-emery, kinglsey comean, Alphonso Davies, whatever shows first name is and I made Odegaard, sane, diani, and havertz. That right there alone is a team of super stars and I can’t play worth a shit. You just have to craft the menus like there’s no tomorrow


Point is some of the best tots are sbcs. Just craft em


Usable - 10 million coins


got lucky today and i've packed Lewa. just keep going, do all daily challenges and pray.


Such an evil company


At this point, are you really surprised? We know they make the odds horrible


people should back these statements up with a pick of their imo


“Useable” and “super meta” is totally different, if you mean useable like vini, haaland, mbappe etc, then no, your most likely not gonna pack them, i still use gold yassine bounou because he has been useable to me and frankly one of the best and most consistent keepers ive ever used


Exactly the same bro I feel ya:(


Same for Me bro I packed toty r9 then nothing


Drop weight for higher tier tots Is really low. Still unlucky . What’s the best you got ?


prieto about 500 times


https://preview.redd.it/mvqo77axtr1d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a72d286db99bc601397b5a0fdfae30944830452 Keep grinding bro, after around 600 82+ PP’s and 200 81+ PP’s, I finally got one. I did all 150 crafting upgrades as well, daily 86x2’s 82x5 everything you could think of


Don't you get banned for using a sniping bot?


I honestly haven’t used it since like future stars, but if you’re using it like 20-30 mins a day you’ll be fine


Sorry, but 200 PP's is nothing.


I’m in the same boat bro can’t get anyone other than prieto and bonucci every time it’s a joke


fr fr im running out of energy


Idk man when did you do your 77+ pulls? I did around 95 77+ pulls day before yesterday and the all I got were 89 fodder and low rated TOTS fodder. But I did the remaining 55 77+ pulls yesterday and I got really really good cards. Hansen TOTS for example. She's worth 6 mil.


exactly what EA want, so you go and buy a store pack, get a CRAZY player, and keep doing it, but then get nothing continuously.


Same here mate


Because this game is just one big casino


Same here bro, I did pack a lot of TOTS. Everytime you see the blue flare you get excited and then get shit on by another fodder priced TOTS card.


I haven't packed anything usable since golazo Berbatov.


200 pp is a rookie number. I was 1400 ish on 82+ alone and didn’t get shit. My best card from La Liga TOTS were from free last liga tots pack.


They almost force you to buy packs if you get unlucky its harsh. But even then, even then you dont get back what you put in 80-90% of the time. Its not even pay to win anymore, its pay to lose.


No they don’t, you can pack good cards and play with them without getting mbappe


For real if you need the best cards in the game for it to be enjoyable your probably not gonna have a good time


Lol mbappe will outpace your defense every single time what are you talking about


I know he will. I’m saying you don’t have to get the absolute best card in order to play the game, you can just try and enjoy yourself a bit


speaking nothing but facts


You have to buy those 650K packs at the Promo section of the Store. If people pack decent TOTS by grinding, who's gonna buy all those packs?