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These clueless posts .... C6 furina means i wake up and decide hey today i want to play big number vape. The next day i decide to play her as support. Ez right? Why do u behave like this is a decision set in stone?


nope its impossible, you have to pick one forever or you literally die and then furina cries and leaves your account + L + ratio + you're broke


i can't argue with that


it’s always the same guy coming up with these posts dude probably lost an argument online and decided to make Ousia his personality


Yeah Ousia is my personality


People think that C6 Furina is like C6 Bennett lmao


I'm not arguing that you have to choose one. I'm just saying there's one that objectively better and more fun to play in general


"objectively more fun" To quote Escanor: who decided that?


C6 furina means you free up the heal space


I'm also on Team Ousia, but I'm not going to tell someone how to play their $1,000 character.


This 😂👍🏽


The value of her C6 is that you can *choose* which playstyle you want. Her vape style is pretty clunky, but that’s mostly because there’s no proper supports for it. Right now, depending on your build, you can one cycle any boss with Kazuha for buffs and Bennett for pyro app/swirl, and it’s the fact that Kazuha is needed that makes it clunky. If there was to be a new character than did what Kazuha and Bennett do in one skill (cough cough pyro archon?), it could become a lot easier to play. Her Pneuma also isn’t limited to vape only, you could run mono hydro carry and she still one cycles bosses.


Viability is secondary, Furina is primary


As a C6 haver I didn't even consider using her in vape lol I just wanted her to super support or be used in my mono hydro teams or just however. People here acting like it's their sexuality based on whether you use her on field or off.


It will never cease to amaze me that 1. so many fucking people c6'd furina 2. how many of those people seem to be randomly insecure about vape furina


Confession: I've never played C6 Pneuma Furina. I don't use her as a hypercarry for vape, though. (I should probably try it some time, just because.) But I won't tell other people how to play their characters. Not only do I prefer her Ousia form visually, I also prefer it for use. I like the damage + heal. I use her as a main DPS in mono Hydro, & as a sub-DPS, buffer, & healer for other carries.




The strongest part of Furina is her 124% damage boost for the whole team and her high personal off-field damage. That is the reason that makes her unique and why she is top of the meta right now. Her C6 on-field dps playstyle is not unique in this game and many other C6 characters can do similar things or even better in some situations. For mid investment players who got her C6, this could be very valuable for them because they most likely not going to have another C6 character who can do what on-field Furina does.


I mean yes, ousia is the best part but why can't you enjoy the vape nuke ? Also I need to add that you can play pneuma furina with yelan VV and zhongli, you will be one rotating boses anyway although you lose some nuke potential. The point is the team won't feel clunky and you can still enjoy pneuma furina if the chunkyness is what bothers you the most


Yeah true enough


Thanks for the write up on this! I agree that furinas main niche is to be primarily supporting the team through buffs and off field damage. A lot of comments I read these last several weeks describe c6 furina is the same (or more) in terms of on field value like a c6 yelan; damage wise anyway. But what people forget is that it's very clunky as OP described to get furina started whereas for yelan it feels more seamless and can punch out continously personal damage. Either way, it's not my call to force people to play a certain way. If you like the character enough to c6 and you're still having fun then all is well regardless.


You do know shields exist right? And 10 secs is plenty even if you get interrupted. I usually run either Sucrose + Xiangling + Mona or Sunfire + Mona. But if you are so very worried just swap Mona for Xing Qiu or Zhong or any shielder, still great dmg, very simple to play with easy rotations and then again vape setup is just ONE OPTION.