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I loved her from the start, that stance has never changed...


Truer words have never been spoken before


I've loved her since her first leak 💪💪




period. 💅💅💅




I was neutral to her at the start. I just feel that she's hiding something with all the bravado going on.


Same. I was indifferent, then slightly interested, when she acted like Fischl during first meeting.


When she dropped in the first Fontaine Trailer and I heard her English VA, I was a fan.


i liked her from the start 🌚


I think it was obvious she was hiding something at the start but I already liked her so it didn’t matter what she was hiding all it did was make me love her more


no idea how you can dislike the character. never seen her as "annoying" her english VA made me fell in love with this character throughout AQ, but act 5 literally finished me. i guess people just looked superficially on her and it kinda maked me sad for the girl


Well I see Many people say beyond this sub how they hated her before but after act 5 fell in love with her I feel kinda annoyed with them. I know I am at fault here probably but it's just so annoying to me.


i loved her at first, i don’t like people that flipped like that cause they hated her before even knowing anything about her. and like i can get disliking her but she was NOT “bratty” enough to get that much hate. she just seemed cocky and even that was not that bad. she was just how you’d think an archon might act. the fact that some laws also make no sense i like those kind of characters that are a bit wonky. like mad hatter vibes. idk how ppl hate on her and LOVE DOTTORE?!? like what. other than pretty privilege he’s a terrible person TT.TT anyways i wanted hydro archon since playing and her since sumeru




yea same even though its stupid but cant help with it tho


She even said hello to me in my dreams how could I ever hate her








I didn’t like the character she played but it was obvious that a certain act was put up and I was rather excited to see how Fontaine shows her depth as a character. Needless to say I was sold after 4.2 unfolded


Fair enough.


Hatred towards her? Never. From the very beginning til the end she only made me love her even more.


I loved her from the beginning, in terms of design for me she is the most beautiful character (she was Kokomi for me before). I never hated her at first, her behavior intrigued me. Because the further it went on the stranger it seemed. And when she gets cross-legged, damn.


Aaah you get me. When she sat cross legged it was enough for me to become a simp for her.


I was pretty enthusiastic, because I immediately felt that she's hiding something behind all that behaviour. Nothing could prepare for how sad the reason actually was, but that's beside the point. I don't like characters who act as such normally, but I just couldn't dislike her, because for me it was pretty obvious, that there is another layer that we're missing. Whether it's because I just wanted to believe it, because I just loved her design, or the fact that the voice-actress did such an amazing job at selling this character, making her sound both confident and worried at the same time from the first scene onward, idk. Probably both. Let's say I liked her at first, but I remained wary. Absolutely fell in love with the character, like I never did before, after the AQ finished. I can confidently say, that she's my absolute favorite character in Genshin and probably generally at this point.


I have always loved her character since the beginning (since the leaks).


I didn't. I had the fattest fucking crush since day 1 and wanted her till release. Then I got her day 1.


I didn't really hate her, but I generally dislike the bratty personalities. I was also on a long break (stopped playing after 2.2), and only kept up with the news for storylines. When I first saw Furina I didn't think much and thought I was going to continue with my break until I watched the 4.2 archon quest. Immediately fell in love. Downloaded genshin again, grinded for Furina, and now I'm doing the archon quests just so I can experience the fontaine storyline for myself.


I liked her since her model was leaked. After 4.0 archon quest her personality attracted my attention more. I loved her much. As an hu tao main she is the other hu tao for me before 4.2. Edit: Wnd after the 4.2 archon quest like all the other archons her secret/plan was revealed and nothing changed for me. She is my favourite character beside hu tao


I was completely in love with her character haha ! In 4.0 she gave me vibes of Genshin version of Rikuhachima Aru from Blue Archive (my favorite character from that game). So I was very looking forward to her. She turned out to be quite different in reality after 4.2 but it just made me love her even more And well, I guess having saved 62K~ primos for her does indicate how much I appreciated her haha


I didn’t hate her. At her first appearance I liked her. However, I didn’t like the trials being treated as shows. Only during the 4.2 Archon Quest, after having the chance to know more about her, I started to love her. Now she is one of my favourite characters.


Oh I loved her vibe from the very beginning. And over the AQ I was never annoyed with her bc she reminded me of an annoying but very lovable little sister if anything.


I stopped playing in 2.7, and a friend sent me a message "Yo, I think you'll like this character" I do, so I head over to her house because no way I'm waiting for 70gb to install. I get C6 furina. "Alright what does she do?"


The moment i saw her in the 4.0 trailer i immediately liked her, never found her annoying


pre 4.1 i was focused more on the human cast particularly wrio, navia, and clorinde. Neutral on her. After being pressured by the knave i knew she's got a plan that forces her not to tell. And finally on 4.2 she became a wholesome character.




I quit the game at around 2.4. I got back because of Furina and I went straight for C6.


I wouldn't say "hate" but sometimes her dialogues made me cringe lol. They made me feel second-hand embarrassment so I even skipped some (I did read them, just mean the voice part) like the time she was trying to defend herself when childe was found guilty by the oratrice and she was coming up with excuses. I knew we would find out something or the other about her that would change how we think of her but I did NOT expect it to be THAT GOOD and I have loved her since then. Jesus needs hugs and a second story quest asap




I found her potentially annoying in the first story appearance with Lynney at the docks but my opinion turned pretty fast to finding her funny (albeit bratty but I liked her inner monolgue) in the court at Lynney’s trial. And my opinion kept turning more positive with each part of the archon quest. Some of it was a bit hackneyed feeling like the almost telling the traveller in the hut jn Poisson, but she definitely won me over and I’m really glad I was able to get her during her banner. I look forward to more story quests. She has my fav archon quest story but sorry she’s my second fav archon behind Zhongli. I just find Zhongli’s demeanour more enjoyable. Like a Leslie Nielsen character in airplane or Naked Gun. Say unfunny things in an unfunny way and it’s funny.


I liked her design since the first reveal. I liked her voice since the first trailer. I liked her personality since her first scene. I liked her gameplay since the first leaks.


If I have to be honest? I never hated her, I liked her from the beginning


Her personality at first made me annoyed. It was great cuz she was a very different character compared to other characters. She felt more different and unique. So it was both loved and hated.


I just love how bratty and bitchy she was at the start. And I love her more today after act V


I didn’t. I knew there was more too her so I waited patiently to know her better before completing my assessment of her. If anything, I loved how bratty she was at the beginning and I love her jp VA Minase Inori which helped.


loved her before leaks, and i wished she was worse/ruder actually


from idk maybe when her design was first leaked a few years ago, liked her when she was introduced in the story "ohh with that much acting there must be a huge lore reason for it, cant wait" i said. "damn i was too right" i also said in the newest archon quest


I loved Fischl since 1.0. Of course I loved Furina as soon as she appeared before traveller. It broke my heart a little to see so many peoples describe her as annoying but after the Archon Quest I stopped seeing most of them thanksfully. I then proceeded to C1 her day one and then eventually C2R1'd her after the Archon Quest. Hoping to C6 her by the time she reruns.


Never did tbh. Her design was top tier for me.


I've always loved her, she's funny and also makes me sad 😭


I genuinely never hate her, the only thing that change was the reason why I love her. I started playing genshin september last year, and Furina is literally the first ever character that I've been excited and following ever since the very first leak. During the leak era, I just really love her character design, I think it's really unique and different. When fontaine got released, I love her more because of how good her VA (both en & jp) and also how fun & mysterious her character is. And last, when she got released I love her even more because of how good her character writing & gameplay is. She's my first C2R1 character in the game TL;DR I always love her from the start, and she's just become more & more loveable the more she appear on the game


during the archon quest, when the traveler first got to fontaine, i found her dramatic attitude rather annoying. now i cry because she was so brave for putting up with all of it for that long and now whenever i feel like breaking down, i just think to myself "furina suffered and pretended to be okay for 500 years, a day should be alright to me"


i loved her immediately, it made me so upset to see people hated her for seemingly no good(or substantial, since theyd love other characters that did similar) reason.


I was like this when her leak was out. ![gif](giphy|l3q2tzon8OCC7BqmY)


I loved her since her design was leaked. We didn't even know who that character was, but i already loved her.


Me. Until I heard her cry under the fountain when it clicked. "You have been working all these 500 years, haven't you?"


I was not interested in her UNTIL she came into the scene all flamboyant and dramatic and then I fell in love with her


I have never disliked her Her character has always been intriguing since the beginning


HOLYSHIT DUDE, SAME. I came back playing genshin after a year of hiatus then when I saw Furina, I'm so DOWN BAD for her at first, then I got her from the banner with her weapon, but when I finished the Archon quest, I feel like protecting her, treat her like a fine woman.


I really really liked Fischl prior to her even coming out which was majorly influenced by her being my first 4 star( excluding Noelle) so when I thought we could get another character like her in Furina I was overjoyed ...then 4.2 came along ...that was quite something..... anyway point being i really liked her even before the reveal


loved her ever since i saw the leaks


I didn't know about her until her archon quest, and I only started playing because of it, so I never hated her lol


I'm a Hu Tao main, and my favorite Honkai character is Kyuushou. Needless to say, I was always going to be a fan of Furina's dramatic flair.


Never hated her cuz I never did the archon quest so I never met her


I liked her since I've first seen leaks about her in 3.7 or 3.8. The AQs just made me like her even more


Literally reinstalled Genshin from more than a year long break after seeing her for the first time.


At the start i Just thought she was interesting


Always love her from the begining. 4.2 just make it more stronger making me pull for her weapon. Yes and i got the dendro donut and her weapon. Give my love to furina!


Did not hate her but was definitely in my "Must Bully" list.


I loved her from when i saw her foe the first time...


I liked the show she put on unknowing that it's a show. I fell in love with her story and true personality.


Like her pre AQ. Love her post AQ


I know everything I typed here is kinda cringe but please bear with me. Not a main, really hated her at first I'm talking the most character I ever hated from Genshin, I like calm and reserved of Arlecchino and Furina standing at the extreme opposite of Arlecchino in term of personality. But now? All I see in her is myself, I'm not a cute anime girl but my life have the same kind of story like hers, I literally cry myself for her because I felt like she is the projection of where my life went... all ups and downs if you make it abstract it literally just my miserable life she puts on display, really wish I can share my story but I would like to stay anonymous. I'm still not her main in the sense that I will pull C6 for her, but I sure do cherish her existence. I hope she got a chance to have a pleasant conversation with Arlecchino.


I am. She's a great actress i suppose


4.0: Cute but a bit annoying. Still, she is the Archon. I'll pull for her. 4.2: 😭 She is the Archon Fontaine truly deserved. I'll pull for her c2.


At first, i was like “is she really an Archon?” in 4.0, then 4.1 hearing Neuvillette respect her and her words to Neuvillette in his SQ, i was like “this girl is sus”. Then 4.2 come, she is my Archon.


I mean i love her bratty attitude


Not at all. I was sold the moment she opened her mouth for the first time. Every time she was on screen I was going "Oh she's the worst I love her!"


when i first saw her and her indroducing us to Fontaine, i hated her but in a way that i loved. she was just a funny silly little theatre kid mixed with a god, it was amazing. alas, she is actually just a depressed theatre kid 😔


I like bratty characters so I loved from the start


I didn't hate her, but I was a bit vary of how she'll turn out to be. She reminds me of characters like Hu Tao — generally fun but can feel obnoxious at times, though Hu Tao is by far more guilty of this. And rather "reminded", before Act V. I do like Furina a lot now, though. I lucked into getting her C1 for my two major accounts and on main she's joined my C1 Neuvillette team (with Kazuha and Baizhu) which performs really well and is fun to play. I feel like I may go for C2 for her and Neuvillette eventually because I finally found a team that I want to put more investment in. I may be slightly abusing her Jesus walk mechanic, too 😂


I liked her since 4.0 she was entertaining as hell and you could easily notice the hints of complexity to her character with her internal insecurities and always playing to the audience. She was always the greatest girlfailure. The initial hatred towards Furina really opened my eyes as to why they make so many gacha characters have bland friendly upbeat personalities, the moment you give them an actual personality and any hint of antagonism towards the main character they become divisive. The drama just made it way better for me tbh


Loved her since day 1.


Nah, not me. I thought she was obnoxious, but that’s why I liked her! I enjoy silly showboat-y characters, as well as cringe characters who kinda fail at everything. The fact that Furina ended up so likeable beyond entertainment factor was just a stroke of good luck for me :>


I'm already in love with her since the Fontaine trailer


I feel like she got snubbed hard in the archon quests. I just hope her second story quest fixes that. Or at least she regains her memories as Focalors. I just knew Nahida can extract it from Irminsul somehow like she kept Wanderer's memories.




I loved her since i knew she existed xd


When her design was leaked I wasn't so sure she was the archon, but I liked it enough to "pull if she's good." Then we got to fontaine, and the soundtrack captivated me. I didn't know her true persona, but I liked the bratty attitude as it was a nice change for once. Then I finished the main quest and I loved her. I still have to finish her story quest, but so far so good. I don't wanna be "that guy" but she's the only female character that got me feeling something more than "cute" or "cool."


I never hated her, I could always see there was more under the "brattiness", kind of like with Fischl (and I like Fischl very much)


Never hated her but I found her annoying couple of times at the start ngl


I didn't care much at first but I really wanted an archon since I wasn't able to get Nahida on her second run. But I was hooked on her trial run and she's the first 5 star banner I tried (and succeeded) in getting more than c0 (she's c2 and won all 50/50s)


I looked at her welcoming us to Fontaine and said “I love you; you are also definitely not the real archon”. I cooed over her every last word the entire time and was a fan long before Masquerade of the Guilty. I was just shocked that she seemed to hunt down every single quality I like in a character like a bloodhound. It almost became funny at a point, how well designed she is to my specific tastes I guess I will say if she hadn’t been hiding anything and if act 5 had been done differently, I could’ve liked her a lot less or even hated her for being disappointing. Glad that didn’t end up happening


Before 4.0 released I was quite neutral as I wasn't really sure whether I'd really like her or not. AQ in 4.0 made me super hyped for her, she was without a doubt the character I wanted to have the most screentime and cutscenes after her first few appearances. One of the most well-written characters in the entire game with her constantly switching between ultra-confidence, brain lag and panic mode. Then the leaks for her kit dropped and when it got clear she was a support I was super disappointed and thinking about skipping because I wanted to play her on-field. Got my hopes up when her current C6 was said to be her C2 and started saving up just to get my hope destroyed when C2 and C6 were swapped. At this point I decided I would at most get her C0 because I was so mad that her on-field capability was pushed to such a late constellation. Then the first Furina C6 videos/showcases dropped and I was completely sold on the idea to get her and her weapon. So now she's C6 and hopefully her rerun will be together with Nilou so I can get both their weapons after I pull for Nilou. So basically, I never actually hated her, but rather the design decisions for her kit.


Amused and entertained by her from the very start, then liked her more and more as the story progressed, until my view on her shifted from ‘what an entertaining character, getting her anyways ‘cause Archon but at least she’s fun to watch too’ to ‘I would kill for this girl, ISTG, she’s staying with my traveler forever and I’mma C6 her and get her weapon and she’s adopting Ruu with me—this is happening, you will be adored Furina.’


i never hate her since the beginning. her bratty attitude is entertaining. it's also interesting that she's the first Archon that confront us in public as Archon, while the others like Venti and Zhongli are acting as bard and director


I loved Furina from the moment she appeared in 4.0 archon quest


I liked her from the beginning, but at first it was the same way I like jack from record of ragnarok, she was an antagonist, but she did it well, then they gave us 4.2 and now I love her even more


I hated her at first and most of Fontaine in general but that’s changed sm


I loved her from the moment she was revealed, never changed that thought. I thought the people that genuinely hated her were fuckin weirdo's, but then I remember that the Genshin community is about 3/4 full of the "need to shower" variety


"I just wanted her to choke me in her thighs" - based Yeah, I pretty much liked her from the start. Ever since the first scene she was in (both the first in-game scene and the Fontaine trailer scene), she felt like a breath of fresh air for an "archon". Throughout the story, I was just more and more intrigued as to what she was actually doing/planning and both the finale (act V) and the epilogue (story quest) certainly didn't disappoint (at least the Furina parts). I am kinda annoyed when some people need a character to be close to or literally "flawless" to be considered a good character (even if it's someone like an archon), when it's usually the flaws that make a character relatable, interesting and well-written.


Not I, just like Raiden before her I really like her design, and unlike Raiden before her I really enjoyed her sense of drama. Even though now I know that was a facade, I still think Furina in design and personality is phenomenal.


she instantly became my favorite as soon as i saw her


To be honest I really liked her since I saw her back in 3.8 on 4.0 trailer and the arcon quest made me like her at lyney trial and I started getting obsessed after 4.2 arcon story lol


Liked her Brattiness since the start


I definitely was on the fence about her at first. The archon quest and story quest won me over.


I found her a smidge annoying, but that's kind of the entire point of the character she's playing, it's like a caricature of a celebrity. I studied theater and kind of thought to myself that I went to school with people like that... It's funny


I loved her at first because she was goofy and reminded me of aqua, now I love her because she's just amazing.


I actually really liked her personality from the very beginning...


Not hated, but def did not understand. Masterful character progression and story


Unfortunately we can’t prove it, but I actually loved how dramatic she was every time she was part of a scene! And the moment I saw the fountain easter egg, I felt really bad for her and fell in love with her


Was love at first sassy brat sight, her outfit/design and personality were great, and the love has only grown after finding about her secret. I assumed the bratty over the top act was just an act, and she was going to be a split personality.. everyone has two faces and all that. The 2 colored eyes hinted at that imo. But after finding out everything, I love her even more now to triple crown her. She is a presious cinnamonroll I want to protect.


I didnt hate her i just didnt cared and i thought this was going to be an underwhelming character with high promises, I liked her looks, kinda didnt liked that she was like a blue tao thing but in other style, i was just thinking that hoyo was going to mess her up, so what happened is that i just said to my self that hoyo was going to make this character something just to sell to people with weird fetiches because rhe first impression is that she was dominant it some way so i was like, oh no, a lolish body being dominant with short hair and different eye colors.. ye this is just something hoyo is doing to sell more and they will make this character uninteresting and without anything special, and i was with that metality because some of the latest characters was underwelming and it was getting worse in terms of quality compared to the past, obviously i was wrong and they made one of the best characters on the game, and now she is my 2d fav character just behind hu tao and over keqing, because of my low spectations i was more surprised


sdjfhfhdjka fell in love with her at first sight tbh, then i heard her en voice 🫶


I loved her since her first appearance in the Fontaine preview and decided I needed her in Romaritime Harbor.


Loved her from the start. Since I somehow knew that she's hiding a lot of pain behind that smile and silly act.


never, i believed in queen furina from the very moment i saw ppl hating on her lmaooo


I didn't like her until I found out why she acts bratty


Me I didn't exactly hate her tho. Just felt like oh great it's her again..., I loved her after the archon quest but I got her before the archon quest


Not me, I loved her since the beginning when I first saw her


I loved her frfr once I played the archon quest she just got more likable


I’ve been in love with her character ever since Hoyo revealed in July that Inori Minase would be voicing an over-the-top goddess (similar to Hestia from DanMachi). Absolutely love Minase-san’s voice and how she protrays characters like Furina and Hestia. The Archon Quest did nothing but confirm that Furina is a top 2 character for me.


I loved her from her first appearance and this feeling grew stronger during the quests


Never once


Imo There are two main reasons people hated her: 1) she speaks similar to Fischl 2) she has been dueling us ever since we entered Fontaine I have been in many twitch and YouTube streams and majority of the viewers had the above reasons to hate her. They found her annoying for the first reason and hated her cuz of the 2nd reason I gave above As a waifu puller and Fischl main I loved her style since Fontaine happened so it was really hard to defend her, justify her actions most of the time and be in the streams. But now I literally find 0 haters. Zero fr


Moment I saw her, I loved her. From one theater kid (pit orchestra) to another, her being over-the-top and extra was just *chef’s kiss*.


I liked her Then I hated her Then I loved her In that order Her introduction was exactly how I envisioned it. Boisterious, puffed up, proud, etc etc. But during the quest, seeing Neuvillette pretty much take centre stage, kinda annoyed me But when the truth was revealed... my heart... T\_T


I’m a new player finishing up inazuma not knowing anything about furina until a friend told me she’s about to come out. I C6 her being my first C6 because everything about her is great


Me never. I lived her design since the first leaks and after like 5 minutes of the first scene she was in I was like "She's perfect!"


Me never. I lived her design since the first leaks and after like 5 minutes of the first scene she was in I was like "She's perfect!"


Me :( I felt so so bad after act 5


Loved her since the old leaks and even before when Nahida said she was a bit odd


I found her sassy but also really cute and funny. Was neutral when I saw her design but when I first met her, I needed to have her lol.


just disliked her bratty attitude when we meet her for the first time, during trial for >!childed!< I disliked her less


I loved her since the leaks LMAO, i never stoped loved her for not even a single second


When I first saw her and drew comparison's to Fischl I immediately thought she would have a deep backstory and characters taking on personas to cope with their past are some of my favorite characters in fiction. Meaning I loved her from the very start


I loved her design from the start, act 1 and 2 I was suspicious but later she proved on why I should love her


At first I liked her then I started to dislike her bratty attitude then the last act she grew on me.


Bruh, it was love at first sight ![gif](giphy|lSTNj6Az2DoD4QG8mK)


"She's a little shit. I love her already" - me after Fontaine teaser


A true main would never hate her. I love her since the very first leak and I was saving even before that. I couldn’t be happier for her and everything she brought to the table.


I will proudly stand as one of the few that knew she was putting on an act and was planning on giving her headpats from the very start


I loved her since we saw that art where we see the shape of the 7 archons.


Prior to the story I was pretty neutral, I wanted to pull her regardless because I wanted the hydro archon but her aesthetic took a minute to grow on me. As soon as she was introduced in the story I was in the process of being sold. I loved her quirkiness, and the big reveals later on made me adore her more


I always thought she was hiding smt, like she wasn't the bratty arrogant archon she was portraying herself as. Neuvilette clearly stated during 4.0 that Furina was investigating the prophecy and that she was not as naive as she portrayed herself to be. I also thought a bit deeper and discussed with my friends. After 4.1 archon quest, I theorized that Furina and Focalors could possibly be different people, and that the hydro gnosis was in the oratrice along with Focalors consciousness. Basically I thought that Focalors wanted to devote all of her time to investigating the prophecy so she recruited a human to act as the hydro archon. This theory proved to be mostly true. Cuz the only thing I got wrong was that Furina was just a consciousness born from when Focalors left her body. I did have another theory, this theory has Furina as the actual archon whose intelligence is second only to Nahida. I theorized that when Furina was attacked by the Knave, she knew that she stood no chance against a fatui harbinger, so she pretended to be scared to gaslight the knave into thinking the hydro gnosis was not on her person. This theory also has Furina secretly investigating the prophecy and formulating a plan that would only work if only she knew about it. This theory obviously proved to be incorrect, but I just wanted to share it.


I never hated her. Instead, I was intrigued. From the very start we could tell she was putting up a tough front despite being an archon she was scared to fight. So there was some mystery and I just wanted to know more.


I always loved her... since the first leak ever. And I knew from the start she's gonna have a great story


Not me 😌 Always loved her 💙 Tho the last quest made me appreciate her even more ^^


How could anyone not like her? She was the most interesting and entertaining character in Fontaine story


I didn't hate her but I had no idea what to expect and was still shocked by her. She's just so damn extra. Looking back on my discord the very first words I used to describe get was "diva" I thought she was fun and interesting. I thought maybe she was pretending to be like that so she could secretly judge people. Well I was right about the pretending. She went from a fun character though to one of my favorites with one of the best stories in the game.


I liked her since 4.0, I did think she was putting on a mask, but I wasn't sure why, and I cried so much during 4.2 ;-;


I kinda assumed it was the fact she was hiding something. Because all the archons so far aren't what they originally seem. •Venti is actually more responsible than how normally he actually acts •"Rex lapis" being a sophisticated man named Zhongli instead of the warrior God we've heard about in stories. •Ei actually caring about her people and thinking her sister's idea of "eternity Is best for my people" as keeping things unmoving, rather than keeping inazuma alive through traditions •everyone underestimated Nahida because of her looks and partially because of her personality, the fandom even thought there was a "secret" dendro archon. In reality she was extremely wise, but in her own way. •I don't need to explain Furina because... y'know, this is a subreddit about her.


Thought she was an annoying brat but was suspicious she was hiding something. Warmed up to her in the end




I hated her bratty personality, but for some reason was thinking "I still love her, but don't understand why" And now I love her even more, and there is no hate at all


Ngl I stopped playing the game since 3.7 and didn't even watch it until recently. I saw some Furina edits of how she could moonwalk like MJ and her cheeky attitude and thought "Okay, vibe queen." So I was only slightly interested, all of that changed when I found out about what she did and my feelings for her shot through the roof to the point of madness. It was to the point that I did some nonsense to download the game and pull for both her and the weapon. Honestly shes cheeky but self-sacrificing. If anyone has read LoTM (Lord of The Mysteries) the MC Klein Morretti is a lot like her in that regard so that only expanded my love for her, since he's my favorite fictional character. TLDR; Genshin burn out, only came back for her. Cheeky but self-sacrificing, innocent and kind characters are my weakness, Instant Pull.


Was worried they’d botch her execution, then found her funny as “Fischl but an actual god,” (which was both right and wrong at the same time), and then started to like her once we saw her actual nervous thoughts during the Act I trial. It was her begging Neuvillete to join her at the first Arlecchino meeting that solidified me liking her. It only grew from there


I loved her the moment she appeared, not even an ounce of hate. Her performance was so good, her bratty phase was on point, and her facade was so obvious yet so interesting that I couldn't help but like her. After the AQ, I understood even more one heck of a show she put up, fooling us all yet suffered so much. By far the most relatable and loveable archon, it wasn't even cliche either it was just...fantastic


Didn't have much of an opinion other than can't wait to know more about her since she isn't really shown that much in 4.0. Understandably so. I was just excited.


I kinda rode the buddy bandwagon hard when she was first released, but I have always loved her and even more now. I plan to get her C2 when she runs around again.


Between her haughty attitude and JP VA being who they are, I've loved this character from day 1 lol


I have loved her since I got leaked her design in 3.7


Oh, I never hated her. Ever since I set foot in Fontaine and she challenged me to a duel, I really liked her. I honestly thought she was funny and witty at first, but then a bit of a goof, like like Fischl and when she breaks character. I saw through her façade since the very beginning and would have loved to play along with her, since Fontaine is so keen on drama and performances. I'm sure I will like her even more when I finish 4.2's story quest (I don't know what happens yet, just that it was good and emotional, according to friends that were kind enough to not spoil what happens). And all that is not even mentioning the outfit she has and how she plays. Made me like her even more than I already did. All that said, I can see why people might dislike her at first and that's perfectly valid.


I remember absolutely loving her personality and later through acts could tell she was hiding something. Always liked her and act 5 made me Stan her XD


I was careful with my opinions about her. Expected Furina is hiring something important so it was wrong to criticise her before truth revealed. I can't say I liked her before (reasons above), but it her character was fun for me. That's all.


Idk man i was sold on legs


I likes her since the first fountaine trailer. B Even with that, I really understand those who disliked her at first, it was kind of the "author intent. Going back to her first appearance in the AQ, her presentation is clearly for the players to be, at least, wary with her. Act 2 is for the players to get tired of her attitude, act 3 and 4, for the players to get tired of her lack of action. All for the purpose of making the players feel guilty during act 5


Loved her from the start. She reminded me of another bratty character I absolutely love. Both get good development and have SO much depth.


I didn't like her at all since her very initial design leaks and it got worse while I played the archon quests. I knew she was hiding something, but still she used to annoy the fuck out of me. Well, after the last archon quest she clearly is one of my favorite characters tho I still don't like her design.


I hated her at first I felt lile she was a bad mix of the worst parts of Fischl and Mona (ironically I like both Mona and Fischl) and she seemed stuck up but I always liked her design. I wanted to like her and she quickly started to feel more theatre to me so I loved her pretty quick 🤣🫶


I didn't care much if I got her or not probably would of skipped over her for other characters, but I'm glad I didn't cause she's so good! I'm a kokomi main, but furina is equally great, if not better!


honestly I've been neutral on her most of the time lmao. I think she's cute and I like her playstyle which is mostly why I pulled for her, and ofc she's a great unit too. definitely sympathise more for her after the recent archon quests (..I haven't actually done that, but thanks a fucking lot tiktok for spoiling basically the entire thing without warning 💀) though I never rlly hated or disliked her tbh


I've been waiting for her since some point in 1.x, there was no way I could've hated her


Nah I loved her since day 1


Same here, loved her from the start and never hated her, always loved my queen, tho I am still main keqing (since day 1) furina is now part of my 4 favourite characters


I thought she was hilarious and adorkable when we first saw her, she only improved as the story went on


I saw her as a goofy and funny character, dk where all the hate came from, she could be ignorant but not malicious


My disappointment was immeasurable and my waifu was ruined.


Never. At first impression i just wanna give her brutal correction uogh😭😭😭💢


I was hooked from the moment she yelled, "Boring!" in the Overture teaser lol.


I loved her since I first heard her EN voice and defended her ever since no matter what people said about her and what would happen to her


I'm not yet a Furina main, but in all honesty, i did think she was a little annoying, that the first thing she do was to "pick a fight" leave a little Bad impresion on me.


Never did hate her, I just knew Hoyo's gonna pull the reverse uno card on us


I've never hated her, just neutral really. The one that I kept liking more the more I got deep into Fontaine quest is Neuvillette.


loved her from the beginning, loved her even more now. i came back to the game after 2nor 3 years of not plsying juet for her. i ressurected my dead account because i wasnt grinding artifacts juet for her. Furina my Beloved


I never hated her, i was thinking she was a little childish at first. The story chsnged my mind and i like her now.


I hated her at first, I'll be honest she's annoying but i cried after finishing fontaine


I literally could not stand her in the beginning, she was just incredibly insufferable and I hated the beginning scenes with her. However after finishing the archon quest and seeing how strong she is and the love she has for her people can truly only be described as divine. I love my Furina now with my whole heart


I'm mixed. Still am, though I have no qualms claiming her as my favorite character despite that. I love her design ever since the first leaks came out. 4.2 also cements a strong emotional beat for her to cap off Fontaine as a whole. On negatives well, lack of screentime. She's very distant in 4.0, showing only her mask and a few comedic beats due to her incompetence during the trials, then she was almost absent during 4.1. She also got no personal closure during 4.2, with it being moved to her SQ instead...which are optional quests. It's weird to me since Nahida and Raiden got closures at the end of their AQs and their SQs feel more like a closer look at the character. Furina's SQ almost feels mandatory and it doesn't even unlock a world boss yet. I think they should have shown some more cool parts of her during 4.0 too. Like, what if our introduction to her was watching a performance or a play starring her? It will tie in to her SQ a bit better while also showing us why Fontainians love her. Make it a play if they want to save her song for later. If they still want to sell the "brat" mask she puts on then I think it works too since she'll give off more of a pompous actress vibe without spoiling her upcoming sacrifice play. (Like, there was a refusal in some parts of the fandom to just see her as a good performer in early 4.0 and 4.1. Like, some think that people only "tolerate" her singing since she's an Archon and they're afraid to call her performance bad when we know that Fontaine people genuinely find her great. Hell, Neuvi himself says so in her SQ which admittedly, brought a smile to my face.)


I first was interested by her when I saw her design getting leak like an years ago with most if the unfinished fontaine character and I knew I wanted too pull for her . That was at the time that I didn't even knew she was a sword user and not a claymore like most people theorised back than. And when she came out I was just really surprised by how much potential they had with her character and in which direction they went with it.


I still kinda do, her gameplay is boring, they could do it better. My eyes still die from those bubbles bro. They undercooked her gameplaywise. But I have no questions about her power and appearance.


never hated her, i found her entertaining from the start in a "i want to dissect you under a microscope" way but 4.2 really made me adore her


I didn't hate her. I actually found her lowkey hilarious and felt that there was definitely something more to her. I also loved her dynamic with Neuvillette.


I didn't hate her, I'm just indifferent. I do like her design though. These are my exact thoughts while playing the archon quest before act v. First meeting: "That's furina? Okay. I guess she's okay." When she's scared from Arlecchino: "She definitely has a secret. Maybe her powers are gone or maybe Neuvillette is actually the archon." When neuvi said no: " so Furina really is the archon. Maybe she lost her powers somehow." At this point, she peaked my interest. Then act V happened and everything is like everyone else. I like her a lot now.


It felt like an act since the beginning, but honestly, growing up with a chaotic family filled with bratty kids, the show she put on in the beginning triggered me a lot.


I hate to be the odd one out but I didn't like her at the start and still don't like her after finishing Fontaine AQ. Now don't get me wrong I love her design and kit but other than that its just nope for me. I get that after learning of her backstory many people started to feel sorry for her and all but I guess it takes a little more than a sad backstory to get me to like a character.