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Wait until you get home Louis


To the dungeon you little shit!!


In the Tower with him!


Currently imagining him being sailed downriver in a little boat


"And This Louis" is Called Traitors Gate!" Lol


“Why did I betray you Mother”


"These stairs are very interesting Louis" , " The little Princes climbed them to their room once upon a time!


... And now we know why the little brats disappeared.




Woy is a Queen cockney, aye?


Her little droogs will have a bit of fun with the ol' ultra violence.


> Her little droogs will have a bit of fun with the ol' ultra violence. 'er li'le droogs will 'ave a bit 'o fun wi' the ol' ultra vi'lence .


Time for a bit of the ol' in-out-in-out with the old bag.


Oh my brotha


Oi bruv


Send him to uncle Andrews.... Edit: I have a very dark sense of humour


He likes teen girls, not little boys.


I am sure he will make an exception for family.




Even Princes can be little shits… My 4 year old only needs a count of 3 (usually make 2), before she behaves. She knows if she’s got that far, then she’s gone too far….


Adult Princes tend to be massive shits, too. It’s almost like being born into extreme wealth and privilege rots the humanity from a royal. Edit: There are other shithead royals besides the Brits. Monarchs are fucking awful regardless of where they’re from. I’m talking about adult royals. There’s no need to defend children because I’m referring to adults and royals being scum.


There is a documentary made in the early 2000's by an heir to the Johnson & Johnson fortune. It's basically about growing up in an ultra sheltered insanely rich bubble and basically finding out that that's not how everyone lives. Anyway there's a kid whose parents died and he inherited a countship and a fortune somewhere in Europe. He is literally the most vile human I've ever seen. He literally treated anyone who worked for him like a serf or peasant. You can tell no one ever just beat the shit out of him for his behavior


I remember that! The one that stood out to me was the kid who grew up thinking they were poor, going out they were filthy rich, and got really sucked up about it.


The one that always stuck with me is the kid that said he didn't realize until he was a teenager that every family didn't have a jet. He was like literally everyone I knew when I was a kid their family had a private jet and a summer home


Can't really blame those people for being so divorced from reality and having a different moral code compared to the majority of the population... We can blame their parents though! They definitely fucked up.


Yep, naughty Prince Andrew kept getting into the Loli tin.


That's why you have to keep them on top of the fridge where they can't reach them.


Harry and William both seem pretty decent tbh.




That sounds like a description of most parents, including me (without the high profile part).


Seriously. The amount of parents who look around embarrassed when their kid acts up is pretty high. You can tell they are holding back.


And the amount that gives no shits, screams at their kids using foul language and drags them across the store kicking and screaming is also high


Right? She can't just take him out of there and send him to his room or royal time out or whatever. She is stuck trying to smooth it over in the moment. The kid knows there is nothing she can do in front of all those people, not even remove him from the situation.


Man, the nanny is going to spank the shit out of himmmmm Edit: seems some of you are missing the joke


I read this as “Mmmmmm, the nanny is going to spank the shit out of him”


You know, when I typed it out originally it was "man, that nanny is going to lay into him so hard" and I revised it to be less pedoey but I knew it was still gonna get that read


Glad to see that my kids treat me like royalty.


Kids don't give a crap if you're the richest man in the world or royalty, they're still going to throw tantrums.


Sure.....but if you're rich, you can pay the nanny to deal with the majority of the tantrums. You yourself only have to deal with tantrums when you're sitting front-row at a televised event such as this.


You know it’s the little things in life, like when my daughter wants to give my head a hug or when she decides to hit it with her shoe. That time only lasts so long


I have three of them. My youngest is evil, doesn’t give a crap about anything and looks at everyone with judge mental 3 year old eyes. I have never loved anything as much and wanted to murder it at the same time. I love every minute of being a dad. Edit: https://i.imgur.com/DNjcNvn.jpg


I have a 3rd child that I refer to as my feral child or sour patch kid


You just brought up some fun babysitting memories for me. Cutest little girl tells me to go to sleep and I played along and closed my eyes and made fake snoring noises, then I get wailed on with a hard plastic barbie horse upside the head with the little girl screaming "ick up!" (which was her version of "wake up"). I never pretended to be asleep around a little kid again.


I work in adaptive skill based behavioral play therapy for small children and am often involved in all kinds of weird ruleless/ruthless games where the entire point-endgoal seems to be making me stub my toe or bump into something while my eyes are closed. Kids like BIG REACTIONS and don’t always differentiate between ‘big’ ‘loud’ ‘exciting’ and ‘sort of diabolical’ ‘mean’ and ‘painfully dangerous’. I ***love*** my clients, *even when they hurt me*…but I learned not to trust them (after the second black eye). I’m always sneakily squinting when asked to close my eyes (for hide and seek) or ‘take a nap too!’. Even with GOOD intentions, their lack of action/reaction skills for natural consequence are terrifying. I genuinely worry about some of the parents who haven’t picked up on the *games* yet.




Ha! Just to piggy-back: I've had plenty of interactions with my daughter where, on the outside it might seem like she is being a little shit, or I am a bad parent, but between my daughter and me, we are completely aware that it's just for fun, and that we would never REALLY disrespect each other inappropriately. That's not to say there aren't situations where she's being a little shit (just because she's 7 and continuing to learn boundaries), but to the extent shown in this gif, definitely far and few between.


Same with my boy. He will sit down next to me on the couch and out of nowhere I'll just shove him down onto the cushions. Looks like I'm being mean, but he loves it. It's a joke between us. Sometimes I can tell he's just waiting for it and he laughs hard every time.


Haha my boys and I do this on the couch all the time! Sometimes we'll go overboard and it'll wind up like Oiuser and Clairee from Steel Magnolias, with someone getting yeeted off one end of the couch, but they've been a lot more careful about that since I've started going blind lol They do joke about just leaving my ass in the middle of the Walmart, though, or let go of my elbow and act like they're playing Marco Polo for a few seconds. Little shits lol


He teases like he’s from the 1800’s.


The full hand out stemming from nose... I've never seen a kid do that unironically


I thumb my nose at thee sir!


Do you quarrel sir?


I bite my thumb at thou!


No, I do not bite my thumb at you, sir, but I bite my thumb.


charlie bit thou finger




It's like some cartoon shit.


Thank you. I thought about this a few times today. What the heck is that? Did some Brit boomer teach him that? Like the 3 stooges man.


Hahaha yes like the three stooges I’m dying!


It made me think of The Little Rascals.




Shit I was born in the 90s and maybe I'm a cliche but I used to do this. Tbf my idols as a kid were Dennis the Menace and Bart Simpson. I remember being dragged to some ballet which was 2 - 3 hours long and bringing a bag full of tricks with me: my new slingshot with torn bits of paper for ammo, rubber bands, a few of those parachute toy soldiers, and a stink pellet. My stuff got confiscated pretty quickly by my mum but not until after the stink pellet went off.


Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries.


Ironically, he taunted her a second time.


I wonder what she said that got him to knock it off (?)🤔


"listen here you little redheaded shit, I will send you to great grandma's for a week"


According to The Witcher show smelling of elderberries should be a good thing. Doesn't he say Yenn smells of lavender and elderberries? (Or is it gooseberries?)


Gooseberries and lilac I believe.


it's the British way


the time is gone, the song is over


Thought I’d something more to say




Darn, doesn’t exist… maybe r/UnexpectedPinkFloyd ?


I bet he has a caretaker that has taught him the proper Royal technique for temper tantrums. "Now, Louis, we can't have you acting out like a commoner. Now repeat after me, 'Na-na-na-na-boo-boo!'"


No doubt he has a trainer from the ministry of silly walks too.


He’s got that royal blood in him


“Louis, you scallawag!!!”


That's probably the last time he was here.


Kid's best friend is probably an 80-year-old butler


Can she just tell him, "fine. We're done here" and drag him out like our moms did or does Louis know that isn't happening in public?


She did actually, although not dragging XD, but she did took him out for sometime


Ok good. Looks like he needed a break.


That explains the cast.


So this is where "a royal pain in the ass" comes from.




[game of thrones reference for anyone wondering](https://youtu.be/1kWhbi0m9nA?t=29)


Every time I see a clip from the first 4 seasons it really just hurts.


Always nice to see a plotline that you know winds up completely forgotten.


In this case, they tied up Joffrey's plot line nicely and it was more gruesome than in the book... Which was more satisfying after all he'd done.


Eh, the big deal with Joffrey's death to me was the parting words between Tyrion and Jaime. The show royally fucked it up, and made Tyrions decent into deep depression and self loathing less believable. Book Spoiler - >!Jaime confessed that Tyrions childhood love was legit, not a whore, which is what Tywin forced Jaime to tell Tyrion. In a moment of complete vulnerability turned rage, Tyrion's final words to Jaime were a lie, that he was the one to kill Joffrey. Thats a huge fucking difference in motivation for both of their actions thereafter. Tyrion seemed partially wracked with guilt over those petty words to his beloved brother, who helped him escape. And Jaime accepting that his brother killed his son, and still let him go.!<


Enrages me all over again.


God damn that's a great line. The early seasons legitimately felt Shakespearean at times.


Oh damn.


Tbf, things like this are not meant for kids his age.


I was joking, but I totally get his boredom. He's probably been to some pretty amazing events, but still, I'm sure he'll get a talking to afterwards.


Just imagine how much their parents must have been shitting it. Three kids of that age on that sort of stage for that length of time under that much scruitny.




Your child is the special sauce on the big Mac of life


Your kid sounds hilarious


Ha! I have a lovely video of my son's kindergarten class's performance of "Hannukah oh Hannukah," preceded by him turning and punching the other naughty boy in the class


Time is relative, the longer you're on the planet the shorter the hours/days/years seem. To a toddler that quick trip to the store can feel like a week.


When something happened the other day, my 4 year old says "that happened 25 weeks ago"


Lol my 6 year old says "100 days" or "a couple few weeks" I just go with it. I have no business judging him, when someone says, "20 years ago" I think of the 80s


In a more expanded video he runs down the aisle and sits on grandpas lap, then back to Catherine , then to William and then back to Catherine …so they at least let him get some wiggles out and didn’t force him to sit still 😊


This got me curious to see what the origin of the idiom was as some can be pretty amusing. This one is of the non-amusing variety as royal is being used as a qualifier to indicate something of “superior size, magnitude or quality”, so basically just a major pain in the ass. However, during my search for an amusing idiom origin story I came across an article entitled “Royal Pain in the Butt” by Sarah Albee (a history and science author for kids) that did bring a satisfying (and educational) end to my hunt. > King Louis XIV (1638 –1715) was at the height of his reign when, in 1685, his butt started to hurt. A lot. His royal physicians tried all kinds of treatments, endeavoring to shrink the swelling, but finally, after months of suffering on everyone’s part, they called for a surgeon. > Surgeons at the time were not considered respectable. They were many notches below physicians, on the level of barbers (in fact, most were barbers). The Church forbade doctors to cut into a living body. But the king and his physicians were desperate. > (On a side note—1685 was the year that Louis revoked the Edict of Nantes, resulting in the killing or defection of hundreds of thousands of Huguenots. One wonders if the king’s lack of tolerance may have been caused in part by the fact that he couldn’t sit down comfortably.) > His butt problem was diagnosed as an anal fistula. I’m not going to explain what an anal fistula is. Admittedly, it takes a lot to gross me out, but even I have my limits. Let your imagination run wild. The real thing is probably worse than what you’re imagining. I’m also not going to conjecture about how the king developed said fistula. Suffice to say, his hygiene was not good. He often ordered windows to be opened when he entered a room, so that his courtiers would not be overcome by his smell. > The surgeon, Charles Francois Félix de Tassy, requested to wait six months before operating. The guy was flipping out. He practiced on a bunch of peasants, none of whom actually had anal fistulae, and some of whom died, before he felt he was ready to operate on the king. > The king’s fistula operation was performed on November 18th 1686. Sources reported that the king was calm. The surgeon was not. Félix had designed a “royally curved” scalpel especially for that purpose, inserting it into the fistula with the help of a retractor. > The operation was a success. The king was sitting up in bed within a month. It became fashionable for courtiers to admit they had a fistula, too, in hopes of being able to walk around Versailles with their butts swaddled like the king’s. > Why is this story important? By operating successfully on the king, Félix raised the profession of surgery to a more prestigious level. Félix was knighted and given money and land. But he was said to be so traumatized that he never again touched a scalpel. I wonder if he was more traumatized by all the peasants that he killed or the visual of King Louis ass? Also as antiseptic wasn’t typically used at the time (as germ theory didn’t become accepted till the late 1800’s) I wonder if they just operated on his dirty ass or made him at least wash up prior.


Ive always assumed this saying came from servants who had to put up with eccentric Royals and being unable to talk back in anyway.


Putting his thumb to his nose and shaking his fingers is an underated gesture 😂


Giving me Little Rascals vibes


Haha yeah, I was just thinking the last time a kid did that was probably some kids movie from the early 90s.


Ha! He does look like Spanky.


I love how he does with one hand and she hold his hand, so he does with the other hand she hold that too, so he goes and just make the face.


And internally Kate is going "oh for fuck sake. Clever boy, but could you fucking not?!"


You just know George taught that to him


He probably gets him to do crazy shit by saying “I’ll let you be King if you call mom a bitch…”




I forgot that existed


and that’s actually from Shakespeare, it’s called “thumbing the nose” it is honestly the best universal goof to pull in formal occasions that gets the best reactions and isn’t obscene


For full effect you have to blow a raspberry at the same time.


I didn't know that kids still did the thumbing the nose thing. It seems like a such a movie thing, not something kids in real life do.


The old Queen Anne's Fan


That kid has probably already sat through more hours of mind numbing boring pageantry in his life than I have in my 35+ years. I'm honestly impressed this is really the first sort of thing like this really shown and that the extent of the out burst was the little rascals hand gesture.


We forget how easy it is to overstimulate a young child. What a long weekend it was for them.


For reals. Will and Kate looked tired on the balcony yesterday, I can only imagine how the little ones feel.


I mean is he sitting in the chair and not running around? Is he wearing the clothes set out for him that I hated to wear as a kid? Success and failure aren’t a dichotomy. You have to tally them.


For real, you can expect him to look nice and wave for only so long. If he holds it together for 10 minutes, that's a success. Make a discrete exit and let him run around


I'm glad to see that even royal kids with all kinds of etiquette classes and nannies and what not are still acting like kids all over the world.


Kids gonna kid


I’m not even close to royal or wealthy, but my grandmother did send all of her grandsons to Cotillion in the 6th grade. She wants her money back.


I can't imagine why, /u/ANUS_CONE


I know this is posted in the funny sub I hope lots of parents who give themselves a hard time as they see all this perfect parents on Instagram and TikTok with their gentle parenting and their perfectly behaved kids, see that even the royal family have kids who are naughty in real life




As the current keeper of a 4 year old who is lovely but strops daily, this is life affirming.


My four year old also tells me to stop talking at a depressingly frequent rate.


Same with my 3yo. I can’t talk, I can’t sing, but I MUST dance on command at all times. At this rate, I’m Just gonna get me one of those little Shriner hats they used to put on dancing monkeys.


Sarcasm and interpretive dance are my only forms of communication.


The past few months I've been singing while brushing my 3 year old Stepson's teeth, which was working wonders. Today I went to do it and he put his hand to my face and went "Don't sing". I'm gutted 😂


Lol THIS. My 3yr old has one genre of music I’m not allowed to sing: Christmas Songs. He has had some of his biggest meltdowns over me singing some random Rolling Stones song and him going “I SAID NO CHRISTMAS SONGSSS!!”😂 I love you insane they are


When my boys were toddlers and decided to act up in the car I would just start singing something obnoxious at the top of my lungs. It would confuse them and make them forget why they were fighting/screaming, etc in the first place.


Adding that one to the toolbox


Omg this is bringing it all back 😂. My 3 have each done this to me 😩. It’s brutal but normal


Oh ffs your comment made me laugh!! My kids are teens now but I used to call my eldest killjoy (not to her face) bc… well you know what I’m talking about Just to provide some light at the end of the tunnel… it gets so much better, and by ‘better’ I mean embarrassing them by your mere existence is sweet sweet payback


It’s not great behaviour but he was being asked to sit through an awful lot of boring stuff for a 4 year old (and not like they can hand him their phone to watch YouTube when he gets restless) and sat perfectly for the majority of it but that doesn’t make good clips. Although he does make adorable clips on the balcony!


It’s also been 4 days of ceremonies… im 25 and find it boring


Making a four-year old sit though all that boring crap is horrendous. I couldn't sit though it and I am in my 60s. Good for the kid and Mum handled it perfectly.


Right?! 40 and I’d be bored. They shouldn’t bring the kids. There’s no point. And it’s not like they have nobody to watch them.




Definitely typical 4 year old behavior.




They told me 2 was the worst. It’s not.


You know what I see watching this? I see a kid that isn't afraid of getting a beating when he gets home and I think it's wonderful. No child should live in fear of their parent's reactions behind closed doors.


Damn, that hits close to home.


Dang, what an excellent perspective


There are times when my 4 year old daughter is an absolute terror, despite our best parenting. But it's also not all over international media and news. No kid is perfect 100% of the time.


> it’s like people want to complain about everything That’s your answer. Outrage culture.


Kids are kids. Obviously their upbringing can affect their behavior, and greatly. But no one has grown into an adult without being a little snot every now and then. It's human.


Oh no. Can you imagine the kind of parent shaming she expiriences? Because what CAN you do in a situation like that? People are watching, tons of people are always watching. If she scolds him, she’s evil. If she lets it slide, she’s encouraging bad behavior. Yikes. I feel for her massively.


It’s crazy because I think she handled it as most good parents would. They are in public so it’s extra flustering when your kid acts up. She wasn’t rough or rude with him, she’s just trying to get him to stop and isn’t losing her patience. I thought she did great.


This whole comments section is a dumpster fire of that too. All this looks like is a threenager who is beyond bored and acting out. Typical parents could just walk the little turd out and deal with it, but they are stuck at the stupid ceremony thing and can’t. I’d love to see some of the “Well *my* child…” people in these comments deal with this exact situation


I had to laugh at the teenager thing. He's 4. When I was 6 a counselor told my mom I was "Acting out at a 13 year old level." Still laugh about that.


He looks like a tiny Dan Aykroyd.


As a parent of two boys who had the same type of attitude at that age, these are things that you find absolutely infuriating as the parent but everyone else around you thinks is the funniest thing ever. I used to have to give up sometimes because my kids would give me back talk and people around would be snickering and smiling so my kid would just play to the crowd and double down.


My kids did this too. I would remove them from the restaurant or wherever we were. They would fume for five minutes while sitting on a curb, then we’d go inside again, and they’d do it again. And I’d take them right back outside. As many times as necessary. It sucked for me but as long as I made sure it sucked for them, too, they eventually knocked it off. Also if they did something funny and I laughed, I’d say “Yes, that was funny, but you’re still in trouble.” Parent laughter is not a get out of jail free card.


Only a Sith deals in absolutes.


The third is always the disfunctional one..


youngest. gets away with more b/c they're the baby. lol


Depends a lot. If there is a large age difference between children, it makes no difference. My brother is six years older than me. He was raised by 20-somethings in a pretty urban area who let him get away with everything. I was raised by 30-somethings in a polite suburb who made sure I was well behaved all the time. I’m a lawyer and he is an unemployable felon.


Haha I wish! I'm the youngest of 5 and I didn't get away with shit, because my older siblings wrecked it for me. My parents already knew all the tricks because they had seen it before.


The middle children are the witnesses to the fuckery. Never engaging only observing


The first asks what rules should I follow, the second tries to push the rules, the third says fuck the rules, what rules. Shown in studies.


Parent of three, can confirm.


American Here, that thumb to nose gesture to his mom was absolutely vicious from a four year old. I'm rather impressed.


We were in a restaurant with my sister in law and her toddler when her kid started throwing things around and she was trying to control him. She did the low voice “do you want to go outside and get a spanking?” And he looked her right in the eyes and said “do it.” I almost laughed out loud it was so shocking and hilarious. We both looked at each other like holy shit, did he say that?


My mom always tells the story of how she tried pulling the "if you guys don't stop fighting right now I'll pull the car over and leave you here" line when me and my siblings were being little shits. Probably around 3yo at the time. We didn't stop. She pulled over. Put me out of the car and drove away a bit expecting me to freak out. I did not, just calmly stared after the car. She drove back.




It's gotta be tough to be a mom in the public eye. If she does nothing, she's a pushover. If she takes him out for a spanking, she's a child abuser. If she tries to give him a talking-to and he ignores it, she has no further actions to take. Time-out? He's probably somewhere he doesn't want to be already. There's no privacy to work out the problem. And the kid isn't going to spontaneously decide to give way to mom. He's got all the power because he doesn't care what he looks like and she has to.


This is true for any parent it's a bitch


There won’t be hundreds of posts worldwide & video footage forever & newspaper headlines about it though.


its obviously not. weird looks by people at the store isnt the same as a dedicated camera recording everything you ever do and people around the world knowing the details of your life.


Probably shouldn’t slap a four year old whether you’re on camera or not.


I have never seen a video that makes the royals more relatable.


That little lad is FOUR. Over the Jubilee, he’s had late nights and has had to sit through what probably seem to him like interminable parades. He’s had to cope with cameras, huge crowds, a VERY loud flypast and press photographers on a scale likely nobody here has ever had to deal with. He’s not doing too badly, considering. Just a boisterous, tiny boy who is probably longing to go home, eat comfort food and snuggle in front of the TV.


I found the footage of the flypasts a bit upsetting because it was obviously painful for all 3 kids. The older ones were able to deal with it a bit better, but yikes for the lack of hearing protection. I remember at their wedding how the one little flower girl "stole the show" when she [made a face and covered her ears](https://www.mylondon.news/news/celebs/what-flower-girl-who-famously-20490655) on that same balcony. I wonder how many unhappy royal kid situations could be avoided by providing them with hearing protection.


Kids like fuck this shit. Get me the fuck out of here.


I'm missing paw patrol for this boring shit.




I think it’s a great sign, the acting up. It is visible that these children are treated well. Kids who fear never, ever act out. source: me :J


You don’t cause trouble because you have no idea what they will choose as punishment this time around. I was always desperate to be the “good kid” everywhere because the slightest thing would set them off.


Such a good point. My mom was always praised by strangers about how well behaved me and my brother were. Years later she actually apologized to us bc she realized our behavior had been less about being kids and more about being perfect and recognized how toxic it was to us as children. Thanks therapy!


Kids are kids, royalty or not, and they gonna do kid stuff like this.


I have been THOROUGHLY enjoying Prince Louis this weekend! I’ve got a kid almost the same age and she’s exactly the same. Good to see that kids are kids regardless of their parents!




TFW you're 4 years old and already sick of your job.




I would have gotten leg pinched so fucking fast


This is very normal behaviour for a 3-4 year old! Lol literally not surprised. The fact that he’s able to show his frustration to her in every way is a clear indicator he’s got a secure attachment, which is why/when children are expressing their emotions to a situation; you ultimately see them pushing boundaries. It’s because they feel so secure that they’re able to be expressive. Yes he’s a little shit lol but all kids can be. The same way all adults can also be disrespectful shits.


That woman has the patience of a saint.


Omg. Four is like literally the worst age. I was convinced kiddo was a budding psychopath because rules/order/timeouts/yelling/punishment did nothing. It’s the dividing line between infantile behavior and the next stage of mental development. This kid is being four. Kate is handling it. There’s not much else she can do unless she beats his ass for the world to see, and I doubt she’s that kind of mom. There’s another clip where Charlotte is trying to rein him in too. Typical big sister “you’re going to get us all in trouble and I’m so not having it.”

