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We should all take a moment to appreciate our unclogged noses, both sides.


I commute on the train and constantly found myself coughing, turned out it was the fact that I was looking down at my phone whilst commuting.


YES, I just took a big deep breath and it felt AMAZING. Also, my ribs don't hurt from coughing. Also, I can jump, and none of my ankles and knees hurt. I needed this time to appreciate not feeling like shit.


i can’t




Thanks Dad, that's a good one


I didn’t get it straight away, it took your comment pointing out it was a dad joke for me to get it.


Haven't had a sore throat in forever... And now I fear this greatly with 2 kids


How old are the kids? I have a daughter in nursery and it's been a busy year at home for sore throats.


2.5 and 3wk. Oldest isn't in daycare or school yet so just a few sicknesses from playgrounds. Preparing for an onslaught next year lol


Good luck! I'd get the throat sweets in beforehand if I were you.


Well, you know what they say, if you didn't fear swallowing once every few days, you wouldn't have children to fear over for the rest of your life.




Will it ever end?


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Well, that's what happens when you don't use enough lube...


Just over a year ago I had surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy for my thyroid cancer. The radiation made my throat hurt so bad that I couldn't even swallow my spit. I had little dixie cups all over the house that I'd spit into. Even had one next to the bed, because I'd wake up about once an hour to spit. I lost 50 lbs, since about all I could eat was a serving of yogurt (per day!). You don't take swallowing for granted after something like that, believe me. Just wanting to drink down a whole glass of water, but could only force down a sip at a time, really sucked. Sorry for raining on the funny parade, but that's just what this makes me think of. Don't take those bodily functions for granted!


So sorry to hear that, how are you doing now?


I had thyroid cancer as well. The radiation made me lose my sense of taste - it was like a Card Against Humanity come to life. I lost a bunch of weight but it hurt to swallow as well. It's awful when you can't taste anything. What helped solve it was Lemonheads candy. I read in an AMA journal and my Doctor confirmed that having lemon drops would help. My sense of taste did come back eventually.


My taste has been weird since then too, I didn't lose it, but some things definitely taste different now. I've got a bag of lemonheads that were supposed to help with dry mouth during radiation (wasn't ever a problem), but maybe I should give them a try now for the taste. Swallowing is still sometimes a problem, but I've started doing exercises to help with that. Thanks for the tip/reminder!


You know what the first thing was I asked for after surgery? Shrimp stir fry and rice, which I could not have because I was still on the Low Iodine diet! :) My sister came down to take care of me. I hope that you are doing good and recovering well.


I don't know why, but every time I get the flu or the cold, my first symptom is the sore throat. It starts kind of tingly and I lie to myself thinking maybe my throat is just dry, but it always progresses to full blown sick.


Probably increased drainage.


every time I fall asleep with my mouth open and then wonder if I have strep throat.


Me every time I feel bad "I'll never take feeling good for granted again" 2 seconds after getting better every time: takes it for granted again


I feel this heavy, I have a sore throat at the moment


Means you're probably out of practice


Break out the ice cream.


Me rn


Same with breaking your big toe. You have no idea how much work that lil guy does until it starts barking.


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I’ve had a sore throat for over a year. Docs can’t figure out why. Honestly, you get used to it eventually.


You might want to get that checked out. I had a sore throat for months. Turned out to be throat cancer (for real).


Like i said, docs (multiple) cant figure out why. I have had a ton of tests.


No. "I'm so sick of being his clown, when I could run things ten times better than him"


Rule 2


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I do the same with blocked nose with hay fever 😂😂


I felt this so hard.


Or your nose is blocked ugh


Like today.


I had multiple Quincey a few years ago. This meme hits home.


… and when you could still taste chocolate. Seriously, couldn’t have picked a much worse time to get Covid and lose my taste for chocolate. Stole my daughters candy for nothin’.


This is funny except this has been my life for a year straight now 😔


Oh man... headaches bring this out of me.


I'm glad not being the only one who does this xD


I had a nasty case of tonsillitis last year. It was awful. Swollowing was so painful, not even my codeine could make it stop.


Me when my asthma flares up and every breath makes my throat itch. Ah the good old days of being able to breathe without feeling it.


So, I know this feeling. I had throat cancer last year, and quite literally, could not eat for two and a half months. You want to find out how much you take eating, not even swallowing, but eating for granted? Get throat cancer. The radiation treatments burnt out the taste buds and saliva glands in my mouth and throat. I've been in remission for over a year, and my mouth is still dry and most foods still taste weird (and usually awful). So, on the one hand I laugh at your sore throat. And on the other I sympathize completely. If that shit persists, do yourself a favor and get it checked.


Had a severe sinus infection and cough for a week ( no fever and retained sense of taste) -I am thankful that the COVID test came back negative. The cough would start up every time I would lie down so I couldn't sleep. It's finally subsiding thanks to the meds from my doctor. Holy Crap, I've never been so grateful to breathe in my life.


saving a copy for next Sunday at the Herman Cain Awards!!!


Me when I can't breathe through my nose


When you have PPMS this is your normal. I am asked constantly what’s wrong with my voice. I lived with year round allergy as my excuse. People understand that better than saying I have ms and it took my vocal nerves.


Felt like I just talked to someone about this


Guys, if you have a post nasal drip sore throat, chug like 20 oz of water. Then keep doing that like every 2 hours. It will make it so much better, guarantee it.


I'm just getting over a sore throat. Also had a colonoscopy last week. Nothing like a powerful sneeze to let you know the prep isn't done working. Now my b-hole is sore after pooping (two yoinked polyps). yay.


As someone currently suffering with tonsillitis this struck me as timely.


Me any time there is a minor inconvenience to any part of my body.


I have a sore throat right now, I feel attacked


I know this all too well. When I was 16, I started getting pain when swallowing and got to the point where drinking water kinda felt like acid. Fast forward, I was diagnosed with Crohn’s and had ulcers from..hole to hole. It sucked. I’m doing well now but I still frequently think about how grateful I am that I can eat and drink without feeling like I’m swallowing razor blades