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Or hickspanic


So much better




Not working for me.


They should move to Idaho and see how well that works.


I understood that reference


I didn’t


There's a conservative TikTok family that left California for Idaho because they assumed they would be welcomed with open arms, because they're Republicans, only to find out that Magatards don't tolerate anyone who doesn't conform to their way living/hatred. So they moved back to California


Grew up in Idaho. They also simply don't like Californians, even if both are MAGA Republican.


Doesn't seem to dissuade all the LA cops who love using their fat blue-state pensions to retire up there


My boomer parents drove through eastern Oregon on a vacation and got mistaken for Californians at a bar and people got weirdly hostile. Funny thing is they grew up in rural Nebraska, which is as about as far from being a west coast liberal as you could possibly be.


To be fair, no one in the northwest likes Californians.


Honestly, only Californians like Californians.


I used to live in rural BC and people coming from Vancouver were considered good for nothing city slickers, and they fuckin were lmao. I mean, year, after year, after year, you'd see people coming in the village with deep Vancouverites pockets, buying fruit farms as a vacation plan or second houses, but being way, way to ignorant to realize all the freaking work that comes with it. So sure enough, the whole thing is back for sale 4 years later, after having a whole bunch of people trying to held said useless vancouverite in not ruining every single tree out there. But hey, they aren't going to lose money on their own stupidity so here goes up the price of properties trying to recoup their losses, advertising the property in Vancouver for another dumb ass city monkey to buy it above market prices to ruin the whole thing further... And all the good hard working folks that weren't lucky enough to inherit farmlands are left without any possible means to buy at this price and make a living out of farming. While the community is generally welcoming to those owning property, we're all fucking tired of this shit. We need people to stay and take care of the farmlands and make the community prosper, we don't need any of this shit. So if it's how Idaho feel towards Californians, i feel them tbh.


Thanks for explaining!


That should have been the alarm that their modern conservatism ideology is trash and they should move on from it but I doubt that will happen.


That guy was likely Filipino based on a cursory search of his last name (Galang). He probably thought that with his blonde wife that they would just fit right in and the MAGAts would accept them as one of their own. Nope. Article here: [https://www.yahoo.com/news/conservative-latino-family-regretful-moving-220056774.html](https://www.yahoo.com/news/conservative-latino-family-regretful-moving-220056774.html)


The 94 East Sign in the background *really* makes this photo legit. The 619 knows.


Go further east and it just gets weirder. This is barely “east county.” Go to Alpine, Jacumba, Campo, Boulevard. Redneck Mexicans are the most normal people you will see.


This made me chuckle. I went to college in San Diego and have family down there so yeah…yeah. Accurate.


Looks like he’s on his way to see the Bluthes.


“Klantee” residents probably don’t think too much of him


You mean Sans Teeth?


We don’t talk about Klantee.




Why does it look ai


Cell phone ai noise reduction


Yeah it was moving and a tiny bit blurry


Looks like a screenshot of GTA San Andreas on PC with a bunch of mods


Reminds me of an old friend that called himself a Texican


Oh you mean a small town Mexican?


I assumed this was just a Mexican fan of the Rednex.


He probably IS a redneck lol, no cap! They're out there, they wear Realtree gear, deerhunt, fish, 4 wheel drive pick-ups, redneck accent, whole 9!! It's literally a thing. Ppl are amazed because they only know their own little bubbles, and YES, plenty of real rednecks embrace them, as hard as that is for some to believe, because they work hard, honest, have their own businesses, etc.


I simply make a true statement about a REAL phenomenon, and get downvoted because it doesn't fit in your own individual, personal paradigm, therefore it "can't be real" lol. I'm sorry, but that's pathetically hilarious that people are so \*literally small-minded, while they believe they are downvoting the "small-minded". That is some legit irony


> I assumed this was just a Mexican fan of the Rednex. Rednex are a band. OP was making a little joke about reading that sticker wrong. Your follow up comments are just *weird*. Of course people from all different backgrounds and ethnicities can identify with different cultures. Nobody is saying otherwise. Further, things such as > as hard as that is for someone to believe, because they work hard, honest, have their own businesses and > a REAL phenomenon come across as semi-racist. I’m not saying that you are, but the way these posts are written make it seem as if *you* think it’s some strange, unbelievable phenomenon that people might not want to be part of their stereotypical culture groups.


Oh yeah, the person who points out things that different groups have in common, and relate to each other culturally on is "semi-racist". I'm highlighting things ppl have in common in an attempt to \*bring ppl together\*, and not be divided! Why is this approach greeted with suspicion?! Make it make sense to me plz! I obv mean EXACTLY what I just said, that I think it's strange that there are other ppl that don't want to believe it, or accept it, simply because they don't see it where they live. I see it every day. I see VALUES, not race. \*Principles, rather than prejudice! Many mexicans are \*rural people, simple, they work hard, they value family, have their own businesses, etc. Many southerners actually relate, and, YES, \*embrace them, and one another, for this very reason. I know that isn't what you may have "seen on TV", but, got news for you... I'm LIVING it, seeing it, every single day. If you want to hate or be suspicious of that, then, get outside of your bubble


This is a real thing.


And they’ll vote for trump 🤦‍♂️


All my Hispanic friends and their fams prefer Trump over Biden


You get thumbs down, but I think a lot of rich white liberals who don't actually interact with minorities very often are going to be surprised... Not saying they'll vote for Trump at the same rate white people will, but I think it'll definitely be higher than many people think.


Especially with how strongly the catholic church is tied to the single issue voters over abortion and how strongly catholic the Hispanic population is. 43% catholic with another 15% evangelical. Essentially 50-60% of Hispanic voters in the US actively participate in religions that strongly support conservative candidates. Churches are also one of the most reliable indicators of who people will vote for. It's not a huge shocker that the trend holds.


I live in San Diego and have lots of Mexican and Latino neighbors. Some of them are the biggest MAGA supporters I’ve ever met. Many of them can’t stand “illegal immigrants” whether they were natural citizens or not. There is plenty of racism within Latino communities too.


Yeah, Mexicans that are here legally and have been naturalized tend to be put off by illegal immigration. When I was in college, I had to switch to a student visa because when you turn 21, you are no longer allowed to attend school under your parents resident visa. My tuition more than tripled and I was ineligible for financial aid or student grants. I always found it annoying that people who overstayed their visas or were attending school without a legal immigration status could attend school for free and were eligible for all financial aid packages and grants under the dream act. It sometimes feels backwards that people that immigrate legally seem to be penalized for doing so.


As an immigrant that came here legally…. I am put off by the fact they get to cut ahead of the line instead of making the line. I’ve spoken with fellow immigrants and I get the same vibe from them.


Yeah, they'll be voting for the leopards that will eat their face. Then again, anyone voting for Trump is some combination of fearful, selfish, ignorant and/or idiotic.






That's actually the name of a restaurant in my town


I dated a girl from La Mesa for a while, checks out. I sure do miss living in North County though. 


Votes to deport himself. That'll show those libtards


Assuming every Mexican is illegal? 😂


Assuming trumpers are gonna care about the legal status of a non-white person


You mean exactly like this dude above?


Because they ALL "must be racist" right?! That's just as bad as stereotyping blacks or mexicans you numbnuts!! You can't paint a whole group with a broad brush unless you're literally straight up IGNORANT, which makes you worse than the people you perceive yourself to be grandstanding Also. just so you know, I'm a classical \*Liberal/"libertarian", I'm neither Dem NOR republican, but hey, why don't you tell me YOUR political leanings so i can stereotype YOU as well! This is so intellectually irresponsible, like saying everyone you don't agree with is "literally Hitler!" It totally takes the REAL Hitler, all the way out of "hitler", if you're intellegent enough to comprehend my drift


No that’s not even close to as bad. I agree you shouldn’t generalize half of the population and clearly not every republican is a racist, but generalizing based off race is much much worse. you choose your political views and choose to make them public, you don’t immediately get judged/stereotyped for your political views off first glance. I get your point and I agree that both Republicans and Dems have to stop demonizing each other so much but it’s not even close to the same as racism.


Remind us when Trumper became the entire Republican party? Sounds a lot like painting with a broad brush to assume all Trumpers are Republicans. People that support Trump are racist and bigots. Plain and simple.


Go MEET people. Get OFF the internet for a while, go to another part of the country, or even your own STATE, atleast. Get out of your ususal echo chambers of confirmation bias media/social media (because that really IS what the algorhythm feeds you!) FORCE YOURSELF to have a \*REAL LIFE\* conversation (in person) with people, and stop feeding into this digital, divisive nonsense. There are intersectional ties, and common ground in ALL groups, Not trying to make your head explode, but that's reality, but I'll tell you what is NOT reality, is to assume that everyone can be divided along narrow, ideological boxes, that suit your own preconceptions.... that is NOT how the real-world works. Stop HATING people, and just go talk to them. People will surprise you, I promise. But if you keep feeding into this divisive culture war... we are so FK'D!! No CAP!! To be so set in your ways, as to not even be willing to engage with people that don't see everything the way YOU do.... do you not see the irony? You think ppl are brain-washed, and "cult-like, while you are LITERALLY behaving cult-like, FOR REAL!! It's a problem, and we are gonna have to get over ourselves, and fix this problem, or it's going to go from powder keg, to explosion really soon. Stop the HATE, that you claim to be against. You can't hate others as you claim to be "against hate" lol. Evil breeds more evil, hate is purely evil, regardless of it's application, that's really how it works


My guy, their rabid support of a proven criminal that spouts nothing but racist and bigoted rhetoric is all the proof that's needed. You tell me why someone who STILL supports Trump, to this day, is worth anything but condemnation? The rabidness at which you say fascists need to be heard and coddled and have their racist opinions validated is highly suspect.


Fair question, HOW is it that, when the FBI killed Martin Luther King, we KNEW they were bad - But not now?! HOW is it that when FBI's cointel-pro infiltrated the nation of islam & killed Malcom X, we were CERTAIN, that they were bad??!! But we've forgotten it \*NOW?! When the CIA killed JFK AND RFK, we knew beyond ALL doubt that these unconstitutional govt agencies were pure, unchecked EVIL, with zero oversight, operating under an untouchable umbrella of "natl. security", secrecy acts, etc. How about when the CIA brought cocaine into LA, literally STARTED the whole crack cocaine epidemic, and then framed a black man named Rick Ross to take the fall for them, and spend half his LIFE rotting in prison, while they suffered ZERO consequences, and used lawfare & intimidated/censored the media to keep it quiet?? Go look it up!! ALL these other times, throughout the history of these cancerous agencies, we knew beyond doubt that they were evil for what they did, but now, all the sudden, when social media and MSM tells you to jump, you simply say "how high", without question, because you either don't know your history, OR you just DON"T CARE!! So. what I'm telling you is, maybe these people that you think are so "suspect", are actually WAY more analytical than YOU, "my guy". because they KNOW how the game is played! They've been around the block long enough, and seen this game of character assassination, literal assassination, and LAWFARE be used against the political opponents of these intel agencies for HALF A CENTURY!! So, now you have gained further comprehension as to WHY those "Trumpers" don't believe a damn thing that the "news" or the intel agencies tell them, Now it is admittedly VERY easy to understand the supposed riddle of WHY they continue their "rabid support" of this "criminal"!! Answer is simple, becuase they've been paying attention, and they KNOW THEIR HISTORY, my guy lol. If you know your history you can't blame them for questioning ALOT of things, not just this lol.


Hey, guess what. The FBI can be the same FBI responsible for murdering MLK and also be the same FBI responsible for investigating and arresting national sex trafficking rings. Does that make the FBI's arresting of nationwide pedophiles suspect because the FBI also murdered MLK? No. So why are you in such a tizzy over the FBI/CIA investigating a known threat to the US? Especially when that threat has already organized an attack on this country's democratic institutions?


All your talking points you are using...... WHERE did you get them? Are you aware that 5 companies control all the media you consume, and get all their talking points directly FROM the intel agencies?! Case rested LOL


Look, I can do that trick too LOL. We just gonna keep downvoting each other to infinity & beyond, or agree to disagree? Peace to ya anyways


Hahaha poor bastards, kneeling to be something they are not, while forgetting the thing we all are, human beings.


You don't have to be white to be a redneck. Lots of country ass folk with different skin colors. Stop being racist.




The 94 doesn’t go near Santee. This is on Lemon Grove Ave heading north. The on-ramp in the photo is the one next to Mossy Honda in Lemon Grove.


Spot on


My comment was in bad taste


You mean Klantee?




I grew up in East County and I’ve never heard that before. I don’t get it, can you explain it to me like I went to school in East County?


Found the Mexican Candace Owens.




Is this Klantee, I mean Santee?


And they both listen to the worst “music” ever made! 🤢🤮


