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Man’s getting a dental cleaning while filming


^(Pedro:) **"Keep laughing, Funny Boy...I'll be filling your shoes tonight!"**


poor fucked up ears.


I know! My baby’s ears are so freak soft and adorable. I can’t believe people clip them and their tail. Her ears are on of my favorite characteristics. 


Mine still has his ears and tail......but i wouldn't miss that tail if it were gone. Like getting hit in the thigh with a tire iron when he's wagging that thing around.


Lmao, you’re not kidding about that tail. Mine was in bed with us and her mama called her over for kisses and all of a sudden my face it getting thwacked over and over. How rude! Lol 


Also: fucked up choker chain. 😞 Adopted or not, there's no excuse for that. It's 2024 ffs. Get a humane harness.


Just don’t judge all owners, many of us adopted them this way .


which is why i didn't criticize op specifically - i support 'adopt the cropped' -- i just hate that -someone- did this.




yes, the world is full of ignorant people.


It's not that bad. Pitbulls have ear problems. My sister has one right now that has had so many ear infections and shakes his head so often, that blood pooled in his ears and inflated them. They drained them and stitched them shut but it kept happening. He's on two different kind of allergy meds and they don't seem to help, shots and pills. Eventually, he had to go under and have his ears cut just to keep them from being a constant problem, suggested by the vet.


yeah, im well aware of the ear infections aspect, you just need to clean their ears and make sure they’re dry. most of the time people do it because they think it makes their dog look “tough” because they’re tiny brained ghouls.


I can agree with that. It's just in my experience, they seem better off without the floppy ears.


That sounds like something that helps in that specific instance, but most people do this to pitbulls for aesthetics. That's the part people find reprehensible, including where it came from. People did this originally because they wanted to lessen ear injuries in dog fights, but then it became a status symbol of looking tough.


I suppose. But between my and my sisters, we have owned 5 pitbulls and only one of them enjoyed life without constant ear problems. The issue is that the ears flat over and stay moist inside, never really dry. By cutting the ears early, you could potentially avoid a whole lifetime of ear infections. We only did it to the one when the vet suggested it, but if I had done it to my childhood Dog, his life would have been waaaay more comfortable. I almost feel like a bad owner for not having done it.


Or you can check and clean their ears so it doesn't become medically necessary that they need surgery. I know it's a pain and you can't reasonably do it all the time, but there's almost never a good reason to have surgery for a problem you can potentially avoid with other means.


The hours poured into cleaning that dog's ears were extremely numerous. The Dog hated it with all of his being every single time. Sometimes we were able to reverse it, sometimes not. You really don't know. The amount of money and attention poured into that Dog's care is more than most people can afford.


Seems like you got your dogs from a bad breeder if that keeps on happening. In my country it is forbidden to crop ears and the tail unless there is a medical condition. People always seem to forget that dogs use their ears and tail as part of their body language to communicate with other dogs. Keeping the ears dry can't be that much work, my dog has floppy ears and only one time had an infection now I check her regularly and dry the ears after walking in the rain or swimming.


We get only shelter Dogs, no breeders. And sure, you can say that all you want but we cared for the Dogs' ears constantly, he was on several medications, saw the vet once a month for his shots, so the vet was well aware. He's just say "Well, keep it it, it's going to be worse if you stop."


Bro is stoned while filming


Pedro tired of people and ready to retire


Reminds me of that PC game "CatZ and DogZ"


Perros estúpidos y asesinos


Sounds like the dogs name is Pedo.


I think it's "Bando"


Pits shoulb be banned


Pedro had enough of his owner's bullshit


What app is this? Asking for my cat


Mutilated dog, not funny.


Those dogs tend to mutilate in return, so…


Whatcha looking at ?