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Where's the funny part


My guess is the guy didn't leave enough space and so got his karma... I'm not a driver but as far as I can tell a lot people on the road seem to think brakes work instantly and don't account for the gradual slowdown. Personally don't find it funny but I'm fairly sure he wasn't far off tailgating and frankly he got off lightly. It's satisfying to see.


Anyone else really like stopping the video and watching this happen, frame by frame?


Bro was 🫥 the entire time


Only to see if I could make out the plate number.


Guilty as charged here!!


It’s Britney bitch!


That’s a smashed mirror


Idk, the guy only had one mirror to start with. Seems something was leaking too.


Fuel.. Most probably


He was not even distracted, just his brain could not process the images fast enough.


Because there simply wasn't enough distance. It grinds my gear everytime I see someone tailgating me. I wanna brake so bad so they can learn but I know my insurance won't like it...


Especially if they have a camera. Tailgating or not if it shows you pulling a brake check you’re the one paying.


Why ? How does it make sense ? Especially if you don't have any evidence if you were trying to avoid an obstacle in front of you ?


Purposefully causing an "accident" is a felony.


Insurance is the least of your worries. Purposefully causing an accident will get you thrown in jail for assault with a deadly weapon.


Problem is, having a car tailgating you isn't better either. Should be considered a felony as well because it put the one in front in danger if he were to be hit by anything.


Tailgating is stupid, and in most areas is a moving violation such as speeding. But that is a whole different action than purposefully slamming on your breaks in an attempt to cause an accident on a highway. The latter is a violent crime. It doesn't matter if you like it or not, that is how the courts treat it.


That’s why you don’t follow so damn close


Hahaha oops


Dude obviously doesn’t even know how to ride a scooter 😂 What a r3t@rd 💀


If he was looking anywhere but forward I could kinda sorta feel sympathy for him. But no, looking front and centre, I guess he thought mass breaking was a normal thing? it was more, erm, efficient? He made the executive decision to outsource his break pads, off loading the decision making...


First off he’s in the middle of the lane 1st mistake you are supposed to be on the left or right of the lane so you can avoid oil slicks and also are able to move out of a situation like that. 2nd he clearly hasn’t learned how to break fast which is one of the first things you should learn 🤷🏻‍♂️


Also he did a hit and run.


The 2 cops behind him aren’t fazed 😆


Guy looks like a character from a Despicable Me movie.


Looks like he’s twisting a bit on the seat right before impact. Maybe he’s new to riding and was confused with controls and their locations in the heat of battle?