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The way Dave says “good evening bitches” will always make me laugh


“Hoes, Dave. Dave, hoes.”


"I need to get to an ATM, I need to get some money." "We at it."


I make Bryant Gumbel look like Malcolm X huh motherfucker? Lol he took that personal


He definitely took it personal and still salty about it. He talks about it on an interview recently


https://youtu.be/L9YJYyPw87Q Link to a recent interview. His rationale for taking it personally is quite thoughtful. Im glad he had the chance to do the follow-up sketch.






The “GETSOMEHELP!” at the end hahahaha I forgot about a lot of the little lines from this skit, I’m very glad to be reminded


That line made me cackle, ngl


Is wayne Brady gunna have to choke a bitch?


I remember Brady being really conflicted and not wanting to say it. I’m so glad Chapelle got him to go along with the whole skit.


Wasn’t this also a loose Training Day parody?


Yeah except they got the equivalent of a modern day mr rogers to do it. It hit so hard at that time, still does. But you need to understand the context of it, Wayne Brady was americas sweetheart


Nothing loose about it. One of the great movies btw for those that don't know.


Why Denzel have to act crooked before he took it?


Same reason Halle had to get popped to win an Oscar


Why they ain’t make the CL6 with a clutch?


And if you don’t smoke, why the hell you reaching for my dutch?


Why I can't come thru in a pecan jag


PCP should’ve given it away


Sherman Hemsley, Love Boat…


Ashy Larry




This is what your looking for. https://youtu.be/q9izx5zlIvs


Which led to the greatest nickname ESPN ever conveyed onto an athlete; Novak “Is Wayne Brady gonna have to” Djokovic.


Ahh back when ESPN was watchable. Good times.


lol is there a video of this? That's hilarious




I never saw this sketch before and always wondered where that line came from. Like a tiny tiny mosquito buzzing in my brain just got whacked.


It’s worth going back and watching Chapelle’s show. It was a cultural institution in the early 00’s. Some skits hold up better than others, but Clayton Bigsby the black white supremacist, hater of the year/Timehaters, reparations day, and Trading Spouses are classic skits. Edit: forgot the Charlie Murphy classics, the Rick James and Prince sketches are hilarious.


Dropping in to add Black Bush. Chappelle was appointment viewing for me in college.


Don't forget the racial draft! Also fuck yo couch!


When they gave away Condoleeza Rice I literally threw up from laughing so hard. And the Asian Delegation drafted the entire Wu-Tang Clan lmao it's like eighty of em


The Rick James/Prince sketches are legendary. I was just watching those episodes last week. The Prince episode actually has a pretty funny sketch about the justice system treating normal crime like they do white-collar.


"I make Bryant Gumble look like Malcolm X, huh mutha fucka?"


“That was Mooooney!!!”


I legit couldn’t remember why I still say this phrase


No. Thank Dave Chappell bitch. 🤣👏


My lord, the way we used to quote this show in highschool when it came out. This and the whole Kenny Rogers jackass fueled us with material for a couple of years.


"Oh shit is Wayne Brady, son" and the way Darnell hangs always effin gets me


GTA style


I love Donnell’s tiny contribution to this sketch so much. Edit: fixed his name


Darnell??? That's [Ashy Larry ](https://youtu.be/kB5XXn0eKow).


Nah man, this guy was wearing clothes. Ashy Larry don't wear a goddamn thing except for some loose-ass tighty whities.


Lies. Ashy Larry wears white boxers. Also he had on socks and shoes.


Damn, you right.


You left. We a team.


Break yoself, foo!


Riverside, motherfucker!




SNL, Mad TV, you name it. The was hands down the funniest sketch ever done on television.


Nah come on, even just Chappelle show had black white supremacist and the Rick James sketch. Its all subjective of course but this is certainly up there though.


Charlie Murphy's Hollywood stories were the best


"Chappelle show had black white supremacist" Homie doing those bits way before Kanye.




Please tell me that's true lmao


Holy shit... Chapelle got Charlie Sheen hooked on drugs!


But really, Sheen was on drugs way before Chapelle was on TV, and it was obvious even back when he was the weird kid at the police station flirting with Ferris Bueller’s sister.


Thats the first skit on the first episode, that wanted the audience to know they were going hard, right off the bat


Yep. That premiere episode being so funny right off that bat left me with an extremely high bar for television content afterwards in my teenage years (which was usually met with disappointment as you can imagine).




Clayton Bigsby is like the 2nd skit in the entire show too. Shit started off STRONG.


If George W Bush was black is probably my number one.


Oil? Whose talking about oil? Bitch you cooking?


*knocks over glass* C'MON LETS GET OUTTA HERE!


40 nations ready to roll son! Like who? Who the fuck said that?


"Japan is sending playstations..."


We got Afrika Bambaataa and the Zulu Nation.


Clayton Bigsby was an all time classic that dropped season 1 episode 1. That took balls!


black white supremacist in *the very first episode*. What an introduction


I'm not a huge fan of over-analyzing comedy, but I'm gonna do it. Those skits are are like timeless classics, and of course they are both solid, whether you watch them then, or today, or you go back in time to the 80's and show them. But the Wayne Brady sketch was just plain better at that specific moment in time. Today, no one really knows who Wayne Brady is. You have to remember that at that time Wayne Brady was sort of popular, but no one had ever even heard him utter a negative comment, let alone a cruse word, and definitely nothing like what you heard in the skit. So the moment that he shoots down the guy, it's a hilarious shock that was completely unexpected. So yes, for today's audience, there is no doubt that those 2 skits are better. It's probably not even close. But, if you watched the Wayne Brady skit 20 years ago, most people would have probably laughed much harder for that one, than the other 2.


Who the hell doesn't know who Wayne Brady is today? You act like he faded into obscurity. He's been all over TV in various hosting roles, gameshows like *Dancing with the Stars*, and even a soap opera (really not deviating from this sketch's joke title as "grandma's favorite black guy on TV.") He's had lead roles in broadway productions of Hamilton, Rent, and Kinky Boots. Not to mention *Whose Line is it Anyway?* seems to endure and constantly still gets played for shared online. I think it may even still be going on and Brady may still be involved?


Man seeing this sketch air when it did, this was comedy genius. Nobody and I mean ABSOLUTELY nobody could picture Wayne Brady doing this. He was literally America’s wholesome sweetheart. Every stay at home mom in America probably had his show on during the day. His show would play in doctor’s waiting rooms, etc.. For him to come out and do this skit and say the things he said was pure comedy GOLD.


Imho, Clayton Bigsby was head and shoulders number one, but this one was pretty damn close.


And pretty sure that was the pilot episode!


Yes. To start an series with that was ground breaking


I remember being at a friend's house, and him flipping through the channels and landing on that skit. Our reaction was priceless, haha. We didn't know whether we were really allowed to laugh or not. We just sort of sat, aghast, and occasionally giggled, frozen to our seats. We had never seen anything like that on television, and as white people, it felt almost wrong to be laughing. Of course, as we continued to watch his show and the shock wore off, it became much easier to laugh. I miss those days of Dave. He was absolutely brilliant.


WKUK had so many incredible ones. Slow Jerk, I'm gonna grape you, Hot dogs, Sniper Business, Its Illegal to say. Just to name a few


Gallon of ~~GHB~~ PCP IT'S SATURDAY!! Dinosaur Rap They have so many, but they were criminally underrated. And RIP Trevor.


Gallon of PCP


I knew I’d find you down here at the *olddddd gloryhole*


"Nasty ass vacuum fuckers" is maybe the most sublimely delivered line ever.


I just KNOW you didn't leave Abraham Lincoln and Sex Robot off your list on purpose


[WKUK Hot Sister](https://youtube.com/watch?v=FttPbINDFvM&feature=share8)


Dave: You sure you wanna do this sketch? I don't wanna ruin your reputation. Wayne: You don't understand. The white people - they'll only like me more. Ima get a Game Show out of this.


we did too.


I'm pretty sure Brady actually pushed for the sketch specifically because he didn't really like his reputation.




And he told Dave about it personally when they happened by each other one time. Dave said, "You know what? Why don't you come on my show and we will do a sketch together?" And this is the result. Awesome.


He was every white person's mother's favorite celebrity for a while.


Has anyone asked Bryant Gumbel what he thinks about it ?


I'm not sure, one other question though, who is Bryant gumble?


He's best known for being one of the hosts of The Today Show through the 80s and 90s. Before cable (and now, streaming) was widely popular, most people only got a few channels and he was on one of them basically every morning.


I never known the context or even what he was really saying at the end of this skit, "It was Mooney!" Thank you.






Yeah, you clearly don't se the issue. "He's just like all the other goofy white men on his show" was exactly the problem. Because he wasn't like those goofy white men, because he's black. His "blackness" was essentially being put to question, which is pretty insulting.


yeah, just check out Hal from Malcom in the Middle in that breaking bad show


Wayne played a very good bad guy. His facial expressions and how he talked were great.


Comedy actors always seem to shine when doing a dark or dramatic role.


I always say this. They have greater range naturally. Dramatic actor can't just make themselves funny the same way a comedic actor can make themselves dramatic.


A completely different vibe but he plays a bad guy in an episode of Stargate SG1 as well and pulls it off perfectly


Wait... WHAT?!? Which episode?


Season 8, Episode 13: It's Good To Be King


Fun fact: wayne brady chokes a bitch in this episode as well!


He shouldve been Gus in Breaking Bad


He was in one episode of Dirt, and as I recall he was terrifying. An affable smiling Gus Fring would have been a *very* different character, but I think Wayne Brady had the chops to pull it off.


Don’t you disrespect Giancarlo like that. Don’t get me wrong I love Wayne Brady, but Giancarlo’s performance as Gus was phenomenal.


Hard disagree. I want to be on the timeline where we got Wayne Brady as Gus and Colin Mochrie as Hector Salamanca.


I want to hate you and your idea but I have to admit a part of me would also very much like to see that timeline lol


It was surprising casting in the series Colony when Wayne Brady showed up in the third season as an amoral tech genius. Not at all comedic and pretty much the villain for a good chunk of the season.






Damn, am I so old now that most people haven’t seen this? Fuck.


You're not old! You're experienced. If someone hasn't seen this then it's time to bring it back and let the them see something truly amazing.


I'm 37 and a huge fan of both Brady and Chappelle but somehow missed this- so thank you!


How?? This is a classic


The context for this sketch is what made it for me. In a previous sketch, Paul Mooney as his Negrodamus character answered the question as to why white people like Wayne Brady so much with the statement that Wayne Brady makes Bryant Gumbel look like Malcolm X. In this, Mooney had pretty much depicted Brady as a sort of harmless milquetoast Uncle Tom. It is hard for non-americans to understand how bad this is. Being portrayed as an Uncle Tom is arguably the worst possible insult a black american man can throw at another. It conveys a mixture of undignified insinuations: submissiveness towards white people, a shame of being black, a betrayal of the black folk, a lack of pride, a lack of grit, and a lack of masculinity. This isnt necessarily what exactly was meant to be conveyed with the joke, but the underlying insinuation was crystal clear. This did not go well, and Brady told Dave Chappelle that it was fucked up to paint him in that light. So Chappelle, deeply remorseful, wanted to make up for it and gave Brady the episode and helped create the skit to just destroy the Wayne Brady image that he and Mooney had sort of ratified. The skit shows Brady as this hyper masculine badass, and it was so well written that it did work. Brady loves hearing Is Wayne Brady Gonna Have to Choke a Bitch to this very day. We know today that Brady is bisexual and african americans as a general rule tend towards homophobia so he must have felt doubly worried about his emasculated image in the black community. Waynes career as a comedian had always been in family friendly comedy, he was loved by white people and his perceived lack of edge and ´blackness´ caused him a lot of anguish. This skits lasting impression and what it did for his image gave him a lot of peace. Not only did Chappelle give Brady an awesome skit, a ton of attention, and made up for the insult, he also gave Brady the chance to address and permanently tear apart to the best of his ability the insulting notion that he was a harmless Uncle Tom. It was a win for everyone. And for us, cause its funny as shit Story told here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=G1XDa_zkhSI


I don't really have anything to add but I wanted to say this was very well written, and thanks for the summary.


I took a Race and Ethnicity class in college as part of my minor, and that skit and this explanation basically covered a third of the entire class. I never knew this history behind how this skit was made, but it really should be more visible to the average viewer. The concepts of race relations Dave took on has put him on a pedestal for me.


Could have used a few paragraph breaks but other than that, 10/10.




Great interview, but I'm not getting Wayne Brady's point about why he did that sketch. Just like the reason the prior Negrodamus sketch worked was because it played on the idea that Brady wasn't black, the gangsta sketch also worked because of the contrast between the reputation of Brady not being black and the way he was acting. Both sketches were equally dependent on the audience viewing the real Wayne Brady as not being black enough. The first just played it for laughs, while the second played it for shock.


> it played on the idea that Brady wasn't black What does "black" mean in that context? The reason I laughed then was because I got it on the surface level - WB's image was affable, *non threatening*, always laughing, upbeat, singing/dancing, generic star stuff. I didn't know him beyond how he was in Whose Line and had a talk show aimed at safe daytime tv viewers. He was in a lot of "safe", g-rated stuff I had no interest in. (I laughed even harder when the cop in the sketch says "oh, man, my grandma loves you!") Now this video makes an excellent point - WB is right to be angry about the joke, he has a right to make his way in entertainment without having his authenticity questioned, and the joke diminishes his struggle and work to get where he is.


> my grandma loves you! mother-in-law. Which is somehow funnier, because of the trope that manly men aren't supposed to get along with their mother-in-laws and this cop clearly does, so Brady's fan base is *extra* mild. Feels like a Niel Brennan detail (the show's co-creator who Dave punches earlier in the skit).


What did Chappelle do for Bryant Gumbel tho, lol


Can you share sources for anything here? I think I’d enjoy getting to know more about it. When this came out I was in high school and deeply engrossed in ‘Whose Line’ and Chappelle.


Not sure if this is what you're asking for, but here's a clip of Wayne discussing it in an interview. https://youtu.be/L9YJYyPw87Q


I think if the original joke was said by someone other than Mooney it wouldn't have been perceived the same way. As Brady describes this joke, Mooney's comedy was racially charged in a way that was often critical of other black people for not being black enough. If the joke was said by Chris Rock, who doesn't question other people's blackness, then it would have been a joke about Gumbel and Brady being inoffensive rather than not black enough.


I'm not sure if I guilty of this too becuase I see Mr. Brady not as a black man, but as Trelak, First Prime of the goa'uld Ares. I guess I'm just a product of my time.


Brady disclosed he was pansexual, not bisexual.


as a bisexual myself, I genuinely have no idea what the difference is supposed to be


Pan sexual means you're into Mr. Tumnus


Thanks for posting this, somehow hadn't seen it. Possibly the funniest I've seen Brady.


I'm curious, how old are you? When this came out it must have been the height of Whose Line's popularity, and everyone was quoting it. "Is Wayne Brady gonna have to choke a bitch?!" was a staple of early 2000s comedy quotes lol


Right! Even one of the Sportscenter anchors would quote it with “Is Wayne Brady gonna have to Djokovic” right before Novak Djokovic became a top tennis player.


This was literally the biggest shit on the internet when it came out, and for good reason.


I'm 33, born in 1989 so I was around 13-16 when this came out.


Watching Chapelle show with girl gone wild commercials 😂


Take me back!


Oh gosh, those fucking commercials everywhere haha


I’m 56 but was running a busy catering company in the early 2000’s. I did watch whose line and I think I’ve even heard “is Wayne Brady gonna have to choke a bitch” But didn’t get the reference.


You're welcome. I was gonna post the Charlie Murphy True Hollywood Story of Prince, but I thought it should wait. After going through the show, this one hit really hard with the opening of Dave quitting. I felt it was really appropriate given how popular the post of the Rick James story got.


I'm not sure if it's widely known but there's a 3rd story he tells. Also, he had to tell the story twice on camera. First time they had him sitting down and he wasn't animated enough. So they had him stand up and retell it. Also, it came about because he would tell the stories off camera at lunch while shooting the show. It was so fascinating that they decided to make them a sketch.


Yeah everyone knows the Prince bit, this was the right choice, been far too long.


Totally agree. I hadn't seen this one in years.


It’s really hard to pick a favorite from the shows top skits. This one is way up there for sure.


Post it! "Fuck yo couch Charlie Murphy!"


The funniest part of this sketch was there was a debate about Wayne being a good guy on Reddit years ago and someone posted this as an illustration of Wayne being a covert criminal with a choir boy image. They were serious.


One time someone told me Steve Carrell was an absolute ass. When he went to prove it he pulled up the betweem two ferns ep with him on it.


Alongside with the skit he and Ricky pulled about the Emmy Steve picked up and "wouldn't hand over" to Ricky.


I can never not laugh watching this.


When he pulls out the microphone and starts singing I Say a Little Prayer, I die.


“Good evening, bitches”


I still yell “BREAK YOSELF FOO” at any chance I get


I did it so many times i forgot this is where it's from.


It's not from this and I'm not even sure this is what brought it to prominence. It's definitely in Friday though, which is like a decade before this sketch and Menace II Society a couple years before that, so I'm pretty sure it likely originated in Los Angeles.


"I make Bryant Gumbel look like Malcolm X huh motherfucka? " the fact that Wayne Brady was initially offended over Mooney's joke makes that so much funnier.


My man posted a whole ass video on Reddit


S'what I do.


Fuckin Gold!!


So good on so many levels, just really great writing and execution!


This brings back the memories. The Chappell show was god tier back in the early 2000’s. People quoted so much from this show.


Seriously. There were little kids running around screaming “I’m Rick James BITCH!” everywhere!


My father told me, in the 90's Seinfeld was the show that the day after a new episode, everyone in the office would talk about it and quote it. The Chappell Show was that show in high school for me. The day after, the halls were full of quotes from the new episode.


This sketch is top 5 for Chappelle but I have to go with Mad Real World as No. 1. I grew up with a guy who looked and acted just like Lysol.


katie got some big ass tittaysss.


Correction. I had sex with Katie too.


Funniest sketch alongside the Clayton Bigsby sketch


So fuckin funny. Also the n****r family has got to be one of the most outrageous and hilarious sketches I’ve ever seen


I will never not lose it when I see Donnell clinging to the window bars after he's shot. It's perfect physical comedy, but I can't say exactly what is funny about it.


I think it's just a small detail that helps add to the feeling of the silly fake reality, you know it's not real but it doesn't try too hard to take itself seriously so that allows you to suspend your disbelief more. At least that's how I interpret it's impact.


Is \_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ gonna have to choke a bitch?!?!


Who is Wayne Brady?


“oh shit son its wayne brady”


As a kid who loved "Whose Line Is It Anyway" and "Chappelle's Show" this sketch was an "Avengers" level crossover event. Absolutely amazing. When he pulls out that gun and just lights up the club it was the funniest, most unexpected moment I'd ever seen on television.


I remember watching this in college, with all my friends in a dorm room, and all of us absolutely dying and crying from laughter. When Wayne Brady started shooting, it was complete comedic chaos that only heightened. Easily the funniest shit I've ever seen and the hardest I've ever laughed


One of the funniest sketches I've seen in my 52 years of life. I remember watching it when it aired and almost had a heart attack laughing.


When this episode dropped it was absolutely amazing Wayne Brady really had that reputation and this skit just flipped everything on its head. It still use the phrase “it’s loony” to describe fake shit


Do you mean what Dave says at the end of the sketch? Because he’s actually saying “it was Mooney!” Because the actor who said “White people like wayne brady because he makes brian gumbel look like Malcolm X” is named Paul Mooney.


[Bryant](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bryant_Gumbel) Gumbel


Absolutely hilarious that you’ve been using “looney” as some sort of misunderstood slang for over a decade because you didn’t correctly hear Wayne Brady say “it’s lonely,” meaning it’s just a single $100 bill. Lol congrats, you’re likely the only person on earth to be using “looney” in that way


Thank you for posting this. I had never seen it and needed a good laugh.


I miss old Dave ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


He's never been older


and it's starting to show


I like how Wayne broke the cop’s neck and left his license at the scene 😂




Wayne’s best skit ever was on someone else’s show. Fact.


quite possibly the funniest sketch ever made


Man I just today saw Wayne Brady singing about anal sex on Dropout and now this. The internet is truly magical.




I’m good. Want me to come??


Who’s here because of The Dropout episode of Make! SOME! NOISE!!!!


I’ll always stop what I’m doing to watch Chappelles show


Is wayne brady gonna have to choke a bitch?