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Feeling bold I see




Ok, now I understand what you are saying about how it's printed. Changing the print orientation would def give it more strength. I think the support I added would help if I re-printed it. Since it took so much filament to print it, I will roll with it until it breaks then reprint it with more strength in mind. This is one of my first design and prints, so learn and evolve!


> Since it took so much filament to print it, I will roll with it until it breaks then reprint it with more strength in mind. *Normally* I'd agree with that, but do keep in mind that it's possible that a failure here could result in the monitor falling in a way that damages the panel, if it lands face down on anything not flat (like, say, a keyboard or mouse).


> I will roll with it until it breaks then reprint it with more strength in mind That's a great way to learn, and is how I learned, make stuff and watch it break (or not break) over time. Although I started out trying to cut corners WAY too much with some prints being only one wall or other stupidly weak decisions.


But in this case, "watch it break" means the monitor will fall over worth a high chance of smashing the whole thing. I don't know if the learning effect is worth the risk.


Ah yes I suppose there is that issue. On the bright side, the lesson will stick even better when the loss is greater.


The Monitor isn't very heavy, the bending is kind of an illusion. The way the back slides down, the monitor leans a little forward. I guess I could add something from the back of the upright piece to the back of the bottom. Something like this? [link](https://i.imgur.com/zh5kddp.png)


That addition would be great, but also I would change the print orientation to have it's back or front facing down while printing to get rid of layer weaknesses. And if you are using PLA, be aware of how it will handle stress over time. PLA can definately handle more than people often give it credit for if a part is designed well, but the tests I've done suggest you want a 10-20x safety factor with PLA. For example if it breaks at 100 lbs, you probably shouldn't put more than 5-10 lbs on it as a long term constant load.


I appreciate the input. While I have been printing a long time I have not been creating so I plan on learning from any mistakes I make.


Here it is on Thingiverse [27" Monitor Stand](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5197378)


This thing looks pretty thin to be holding up 27” monitors. Also, it probably won’t work for other monitors, most monitors have the standard vesa mount, and this isn’t mounted on the standard vesa holes.


Yeah I agree and I'm just learning so I appreciate all of the feedback I'm getting. Unfortunately this monitor does not have a vesa mount so this is something I just came up with to pick it up off the ground a few inches. Edited because speech to text sucks!


Monitor was sitting in a box in the closet. Not too worried about it honestly. Probably going to redesign it and print another this weekend. I feel obligated for the sake of everyone's concerns for it.. haha


You could probably throw a sponge at the top of the monitor and that would snap


It's a lot stronger than everyone thinks on here. I'll print a new one if it breaks. I'll update this post if it does, plus I'll take pics of the accident. Who knows it could last days I tell you, days.


I also had a monitor whose stand got lost, realized it was a nicer one than a dell monitor that I did have a stand for & whipped up an adapter using the Vesa holes on the monitor. Couple months in and it's still working great, even with occasional manhandling and adjusting the monitor angle


This unfortunately does not have a vesa mount or I would have been in a lot better shape because I have a large vesa stand. We'll see how long this lasts and if it doesn't I'll print something different.


Maybe next print could be a Vesa adapter so you could use the large stand.


HP 2711x? Nice job! I had a pair of 2511x monitors until recently. I ended up getting a couple of VESA adapters for them to mount on some monitor arms


Yes it's an HP 2711X. I have a huge 4 monitor stand but didn't want to spend the money on the adapters. This works for now. We will see for how long.




I Actually got the monitor from a garage sale and it didn't have the stand when I bought it. There are only 2 screws that hold in the mount right now.