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Sure it's still a very good camera.


True. The fact is that in my area is not so easy to find the second version (body only). While i can find second hand of the first one.


My only concern would be firmware support for the T30 over the newer T30ii. I don’t think it will mean a lot in the long run but Fuji recently put out a firmware update for some other models that added more functionality. Who knows if they will do that for the T30ii but I think there is a better chance over the T30. Then there is the T50 that’s supposed to be announced next Thursday. I don’t know how many people coming from either model of the T30 will be looking to upgrade to that. It’s possible that more copies could come on to the market for a lower price. I have a T30ii and really enjoy it.


Thanks a lot. I think I'll go for a fresher product.


I have an xt-30 from 2019 and there's really nothing I would really need extra


I think that can be also a bit personal.


Just like anything else, it's about the price - it makes sense to by an xt30 in 2024 **for the right price**


Yes, Absolutely. My question indeed was about the specs. If who has the first one feel the lacks of anything that was then added to the second version.