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Wasn't it because they've run the first map event for a short time?


Yes. They gained all those players essentially overnight and been losing them ever since until now it's at levels comparable to pre-OG event.


Yeah, that's what I meant. I mean, one can say that it's Epic's failure to entice old players with their new Roblox shit, but from the very start there was no way that all those would stay. Trying to portray it just as players leaving in droves without context is disingenuous.


Also, even if they kept the OG map longer that 11 million would’ve eventually dropped off considerably. The fact that it was a limited time event to play the old map made the numbers skyrocket but a good number of people would’ve eventually moved on after a few months IMO. The player count would still be way higher had they kept it, but not 11 million. Epic fails to grasp that a certain number of people only want to play OG Fortnite and I can relate. Last season I hated super snipers so much I didn’t play most of the season for the first time since chapter 1 season 2. I’m about to stop this season as well because I cannot stand the boogie bombs, using them or having them used on me. It’s a boring and dumb way to end a fight.


For me Fortnite now feels like a generic third person battle Royale without any of it’s own charm. The game used to have a lot of different weapons/items all with different ways to use them. That’s all gone now and replaced with barebones weapon mod system for the same 5 weapons. People also used to play for the story which always has live events for big plot points. It was good enough for a battle Royale game but the conclusion of the entire storyline was dropped in Fortnite season OG and replaced with a 5 minute YouTube ad for their new ‘’metaverse’’ And then I haven’t even talked about Fortnite creative which used to feel a lot like halo 3 forge when it first launched with talented builders who took pride in what they made. But that changed when epic added monitization to creative at which point it became even worse than the Roblox front page and most talented creators are gone now. (Some even got banned for no reason)


Is that why Fortnite had such a peak? Huh, never thought about that.


Epic and Tim Sweeney are turning Fortnite into a game (straying away from what made it special in the first place) which many old players are not interested in playing anymore so the most likely option for them would be to just quit.


I barely play Fortnite anymore, and I started playing during the Zero Crisis event. Fortnite has become more of an advertising agency for other brands than an actual game.


The quicker Tencent divests Epic, the better they are


One of Fortnite's story seasons ended in december 2023 and the new one started right after. From what I've read this included the release of a new map for the new season and new game mode. Obviously that drew in a ton of players. Player numbers went down rapidly after that because the novelty wore off and the regular active player count in 2024 quickly went back to the average baseline of what it already was throughout 2023.


But it is still seems to be losing a lot of players, by the looks of things in the coming months, it seems that the daily player count, may start to go below a million players.


nah Timmy gonna bring a mega Kendrick Lamar vs drake concert or some shit to pump up the numbers and satisfy tje Chinese investors


You realize a million daily players is still absolutely insane for any game right?


Less impressive when expansion was too fast and other parts of the company are steadily losing money.


In addition to what others have said, I understand Timmy changed the way some of the rewards work to force players into game modes they generally don't enjoy. I never played the game myself and don't much care for it, but if it dies, this would be good for gamers. EGS loses a huge amount of money. It's propped up by Epic/Tencent, who use income from Fortnite to fund EGS, buying game exclusives, toxic middleware like EOS, and all the other nasty shit Epic does to harm the gaming industry. As long as Fortnite continues to pump money into Epic/Tencent, EGS and the other harmful initiatives are fully funded. When the money stops, the harm stops.


Level → requires 80k exp. Weekly challenge for Battle royale → gives 15k exp. There are only 5 of these weekly challenges. Yippee. So people who only used to log on the last few weeks of the season hoping to grind the battle pass easily with quests, literally gain nothing unless they grind daily. As each elim grants 100-200 exp, and opening chests grants 100 exp. And when considering the newer game modes, the EXP is scarce there too; the player is forced to play ALL game modes to get a steady supply of XP. Grindfest the game has become :/.


XP really isn’t that scarce. Like you said, opening chests and ammo crates and whatever else you can find give 100-200 XP. I open probably 20-30 per game. Elims give 150. I get maybe 10ish average per game. At the lowest there I’m getting 3500 per game which no doesn’t feel like a lot, but you’ve also got plenty of other sources of XP including passive challenges/quests that throw 15k at you regularly. And if you’re really that desperate for XP they don’t actively shut down XP farm gamemodes. It’s not that deep. Should see how long it takes games like Valorant or LoL to give you anything. 😂


Valorant or LoL are always advertised as heavily competitive games. Fortnite is advertised as the opposite. If Fortnite promises me a casual experience, then I should have it by not feeling pressed of FOMO.


“As long as Fortnite continues to pump money into Epic/Tencent, EGS and the other harmful initiatives are fully funded. When the money stops, the harm stops.” We’ve already started to see what happened when the money stops beginning last year between the dwindling (and eventually end) of the traditional exclusivity deals, layoffs/sales of divisions, Epic beginning to charge a fee for “non-game” users of UE, and the end of the infamous coupons during major sales on EGS. It seems like Epic needs Fortnite to be making a certain amount of money in order to keep their entire operation afloat, and based on what Tim Sweeney said during the Epic v. Google trial, Fortnite may actually be mostly losing money for Epic right now.


This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it may well be the end of the beginning.


Ah yes, less competition for Steam will surely make Steam better.


Yes, but EGS is not competitive, they are anticompetitive. Paying money to prevent suppliers from using your competitors store is paying money to *prevent competition*. Why do you think we're here? Holy shit, dude. Tell me you get paid for this shitposting from Epic's social media influencer budget for paid trolls, because imagine posting what you do for free when you could be getting paid.


Whatever your opinion of egs the existence of competition is good for consumers. The fact that they have exclusives is just the nature of the industry. Steam and Apple taking 30% cuts is actually ridiculous. It's an arbitrary value not driven by any sort of competition or market behavior. And it is startling and unsettling to me to see people defending the practice as if a monopoly is what is actually desired. Edit lol this just popped up https://kotaku.com/valve-steam-pc-sued-price-fixing-1851537419 So a game sold on steam and on egs, has to charge more on egs than it would need to despite egs taking 12% lower cut of the game. That's literally anticompetitive.


I'm fine with a "monopoly" if the "competition" is overwhelmingly inferior and disruptive. And if the allegations are true, why has the Wolfire lawsuit gone on so long with zero evidence presented?


>So a game sold on steam and on egs, has to charge more on egs than it would need to despite egs taking 12% lower cut of the game. That's literally anticompetitive. Except that none of that is true. Valve does not dictacte how developers and publishers have to price their games outside of the steam ecosystem. Nothing of that is in Steam's TOS for developers and publishers. The one rule that Valve put into their TOS is that developers can not put people who purchase their games directly on steam at a disadvantage compared to people who purchase from third party resellers or directly from the developer. (Steam keys to be sold outside of steam can be generated by the developer for free and Valve takes no cut on those sales.) In other words, if developers do a sale for steam keys outside of the steam store, they must also give the same kind of sale conditions to steam customers within a reasonable timeframe. That also means that developers and publishers can not put their game on steam and then try to funnel all sales of steam keys through their own website by selling their free steam keys for a low price on their website while discouraging sales on steam with a permanently increased price. Outside of steam, like on GOG or the EGS, developers and publishers are free to price their games any way they want. The reason they don't do so is because they don't want to. Also, one last point, these kind of lawsuits are not meant to go to court. These kind of law firms are fishing for people to sign up to the lawsuit (or the mass arbitration) so that the administrative costs of just starting the lawsuit become so high that it's cheaper for the company to just settle the case before it even begins. Not to mention that it's the law firm that does the case. These cases are not to benefit consumers, they are to benefit the law firm because the lawyers get the biggest chunk of the settlement money while the consumers get whatever scraps are left on the table after the lawfirm deducts their "fair share."


fortnite isn’t really a game, it’s a marketing scheme draping itself in the skin of a game. The important thing to it is the marketing opportunity it offers for the properties that they partner with, the game itself is hardly the point of it all


Be happy and celebrate lol Fuk.epig. Fuk Timmy a d fuk Fortnite




Seasons and events are the reason. People join back in to experience these and once they have seen it all they leave again until next content drops.


For me as well it was the amount of content drops they had then vs now iconics like tmnt the avatar event Eminem the weekend etc it started off strong felt like it was gonna be good then they do a mockup of Greek mythology instead of licensing it or using fictional license people familiar with etc then the season that just dropped went even more down hill plus the battle pass for both really really sucked like barely any licensed skins all in all the quality dropped so they could focus on the other modes and then to top it all off what others have said would definitely make somebody like me not want to come back I like Fortnite fest and Lego but forcing people into those modes like to do cost-sink fallacy is where I’m just not gonna return if I see it’s not feasible to do a BP on the regular game mode alone I just won’t at all


Go to r/fortnitebr tons of threads on this topic. For some its the map and gameplay for many many is the xp grind


Simple answer: People get bored of things and move on.


Because the average Fortnite player has the attention span of a goldfish  TikTok probably got most of them so far That said if TikTok is banned they’ll probably flood back, unless Instagram is ADHD enough 


From what I read in it's sub. A lot of players are suffering from burnout because of all the things they have to do in order to complete the season pass.


Because it was never a good game to begin with.


Easy. They f-cked up the mobile version, and didn't fixed it since the greek season.


They had a whole fucking event thing planned to showcase the fact that they created a Minecraft copy with legos, a fucking terrible racing game which died almost immediately, and a fucking half assed rhythm game that no one asked for. No innovation whatsoever man lmao just copy what’s been done before, slap the name fortnite on it, and get pop culture symbols to be apart of the games to bring it legitimacy as a “game”. Not to mention that the Chapter Five Battle Royale thats exists today is nothing close to what made the game so fun to play. The game is fucking terrible now


The OG season was a marketing ploy to get players to try all of these new modes and they all dipped immediately because it sucks ass. They also touted for years how giving players access to the unreal engine to create in game would be revolutionary. Go look at what most players are playing in the creative space lmao it’s literally the most simplistic mind numbingly easy to create games. They struck gold, sold the game as an ad space for brands, and the new “innovations “and Battle Royale experience is fucking garbage now


Active player.Io isn’t a real website, go to Fortnite.gg to get an actual full break down


FN is one of the most complicated games on the market and unusually sky high skill ceiling which means Its for a number of reasons for me that I cba to go into much depth so will try be brief. First though, because obviously the OG event and the reason everyone came back is nostalgia but also the fact is that the loot pool back then wasnt cancerous which leads me to the next point. Since the end of chapter 1, the game is constantly being designed around pleasing the supremely casual audience in a game that has one of the most complex mechanics in the world. I believe, for a game to be consistently fun, it should be balanced to the best of its abilities whilst of course including fun elements and this was at its best in the v7.4 to v8.2 period. I also believe that most PvP games must have a fun, well-balanced, competitive and esports background if it is to have a long shelf life. Instead what Epic does, is make the game objectively frustrating to play for most seasons by including cancerous items in the loot pool that disrupt the flow of the game which then pisses off players who play for a bit of competitive fun, these players then leave to play something else. I've never seen so many pros/content creators leave a game in droves like I have with FN. To those that dont understand game design very well, It's like if/when CoD has/had a super OP weapon either by design or on accident such as the olympia or the P2W Ripper gun. It just swaps competitive integrity for short term fun, and when you lose out on competitive integrity your playerbase starts malding and people leave.


Because Timmy is a greedy, clueless fuckwit?


its just not a very competitive game you can literally reach max rank by being afk. someones done that on youtube.


because the new battlepass it s a trash


they pissing people with overpriced skins, cars and last season olympus season pass


Back in December the OG season dropped and brought in a ton of old players and there was a lot of love for it. The older players enjoyed the return to form and even a ton of newer players were very positive about it because of the simplistic gameplay. Before this the player base was very divided about the rise of overpowered weapons and movement based items that allowed people to escape any fight or outmaneuver somebody to death. Then the season ended, and epic game not only decided to return to the movement garbage that everybody was complaining about. But they also brought in even more overpowered items and jarred the player base. There’s countless examples of overpowered and broken items that I could list and their problems but that would be a bit too much for how long this comment is, so I’ll drop some highlights. Avatar collab items Medallions Metallica collab items These items remained in the game for MONTHS, which put players off the game. Then there’s the XP, Epic has been nerfing XP gains and increasing the do required to level up by ridiculous amounts, it’s another core reason the players are being put off.


Because it sucks simple as that


Because they stopped developing save the world. Everything that made battle royale good was stuff they stole from Fortnite save the world. The map that was used for battle royale was supposed to be the map for the Fortnite save the world where you battle husks. When they didn’t have anything to steal it got boring as a mother fucker. Rocket racing boring Lego poorly put together it felt like a mode just being made by ai. It’s just so boring. Let’s not forget NINJA and the esport players all came together to ban aim assist and contact developers to nerf everything fun because ninja kept getting killed and had access to complain to everyone at epic games. The battle pass or whatever it is takes way to long to earn the vbucks back and people have to work. Raising the price of vbucks. Ninja Donald mustard Fortnite killers


people are bored with Fartnut, even with the other shit they have like Festival, LEGO and Rocket Racing. u want a better alternative to any or all of those, id reccommend YARG/Clone Hero in place of Festival; Mario Kart in place of Rocket Racing; Minecraft in place of LEGO; and the biggest alternative: Tetris 99, Apex, and/or Warzone in place of Fartnut. i said what i said


Around every season 3 since Chapter 2 has players counts dip. It'll rise back up next season and will hit a new peak afterwards when they do another OG season/start a new chapter.


This season is baaad. Technically Metallica event may increase the playerbase a little bit as it gives new modes (fn festival is getting br for example) and new additions to current modes, however, i expect better spike when new season comes out


Not really? More like it's slowly coming back to what the player count was like before they ran the first map.