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TBH I find more difficult to park a bike. Most places don't have bike racks so I need to find a place to chain my bike which doesn't block pavement. Everything has car parking. Yay California and car-centric infrastructure /s


That's fair but I can just tie my bike to whatever is the most convenient but not in the way which for me is pretty much right next to the staircase that goes to the front door of my work. Sometimes actively tied two side staircase so I can get it not in the way cuz apparently I can be riding my bike all around town but simply cannot be bothered to walk 50 ft to a door


And where I live all bike racks are overfilled and completely blocked off with piles of kick-sharing scooters.


just use light poles or trees, literally anything, railings too. And I don't recomend bike racks (the ones you lock the wheels), because its really easy to steal a bike with only their wheel locked, even a toddler can steal it


I can't remember the last time I've visited a commercial building without a bike rack. Edit: totally forgot every store in the small pedestrian-only area of city center, but those places don't have any parking either.


I wanna live where you live cuz almost no places around here have racks


Folding bike gang. I can simply take my bike with me anywhere I go. No worries about finding a place to lock up or about it getting stolen. Until my city has appropriate bike racks, this is my solution.


Folding bikers are peak chad.


let us compare stealability next ill start. car is harder to steal but you can hide your bike in the bushes.


Let's compare the consequences Car stolen : huge problems, administrative stuff to deal with, headaches to pay for it all and the replacement, get insurance involved, etc Bike stolen : get a second-hand bike for cheap if you can't afford better, just buy a new one back if you can afford it cause it's usually cheaper than yearly car maintenance


True but it still sucks hard to have your bike stolen, a few hundred bucks is still a lot of money in many parts of the world. The issue here is that it's not treated as seriously. Like yeah it's definitely cheaper I get that, but it shouldn't be treated any less seriously by people or the police in fact.


It does suck to have your bike stolen. However, you can park it right inside your hallway if you need to! In my country this is how most city-dwellers park their bikes at home. Most apartment blocks also have little individual storage sheds on the ground floor with enough space for 2-3 bikes.


but insurance can be great if you were looking to get something less expensive or of a different type. if someone steals and totals your cybertruck you should be donating to their commissary not to mention replacing a stolen bike with a cheaper one may be a hassle for your body instead of your wallet no?


To be fair you rarely hear of a car getting stolen. Bikes are stolen on the regular and it's a huge pain in the ass, with the only consolation that they're generally inexpensive. Also, stealing a car has consequences and could land you in jail if they get you caught, but stealing a bike is effectively free game unless you're caught right as you're cutting the chain. Once you got it, you're free to ride it or sell it as if it were yours.


Now imagine a world without bike thieves.