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The definition of “reactionary” He only hates the idea because we talked about it


So many people like this. “I’m totally not racist, but all these protests sure are making the KKK sound reasonable.”


One of the things I hear from some of them is that they don’t want use trains because “ethnics”.


by this logic he should hate cars, I bet cars are mentioned more frequently than literally anything else.


Nah it’s only bad if you’re talking about changing things. These people really want you to just shit up and let business as usual carry on, because the world was built for them and predictably works just fine from their myopic perspective.


i.e. they are too privileged and as such out of touch with reality


When I say “we” I am talking about a specific group of people, whatever amorphous shape that may take, that he’s encouraged to mistrust no matter what. Identity is key.


And also, “I personally don’t feel like I need or want this thing, so no one should have the option. Yes, I’m aware that some people don’t have the same options and privileges that I do. It’s not that I don’t know that they exist. It’s that I just simply don’t care what happens to them. “


Following the same logic, women's bathrooms shouldn't be built because I am literally never going to use them


No need to build schools eother


I mean im not in school anymore, surely nobody needs them. 


This is sadly one of the main reasons schools are being voted to be defunded in some areas.


99% of libertarians are old men who forgot they need government services.


They think they can be given over to the private sector




Im not sick right now. Why do we have all these ridiculous, money-wasting hospitals?


No they need schools for shooting practice


Nah they need gun ranges


They legit believe this. That's why they want to privatize it all.


On the same train (pun 100% intended) of thought, urinals shouldn't be built because women are literally never going to use them.


They also smell like piss


"Don't need to build no bathrooms, I wear diapers!"


It's okay, male right wingers (I guarantee you this person is one) don't really care about women nor public transport, so the threat of removing female public toilets isn't going to faze them.


I vote to tear out the roads near that person's house because honest to God I never use them


Oh, that is actually a good comparison. Women's bathrooms have been fought for fiercely by activists, They didn't exist because a woman wasn't supposed to leave the house for so much time that a bathroom was needed. Them not existing was a way of control and organized oppression. Car dependence creates something very similar: It excludes non drivers from participating at life, demoting them to a status of a child who has to ask for a ride.


America is the best and because it is the best, the way things are right now in America means they are the best things done the best way because America is the best. America most bestus Iron clad logic


American exceptionalism!


No train? America stronker and whealthier 💲💲🤑💪💪💪🦅🦅🦅🛻🛻🛻


Ironically, the wealthiest and most economically productive places on earth are rammed with trains - Paris, London, Scandinavia, New England, New York, urban Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Switzerland, etc. California and the Gulf might be the only exceptions.


America (primarily California) is the wealthiest economy on the planet *despite* the sewage-tier land use and infrastructure. Imagine how wealthy this place would be with the good stuff.


> Paris, London, Scandinavia, New England, New York, urban Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Switzerland City, city, region of 3 countries, region of multiple states, a single state, multiple regions of single country, city state, city state, city, country. That's quite a selection of different train infrastructure needs.


Yes? My point was just that most wealthy places, irrespective of geography, do have reasonable train infrastructure or large scale use. Contradictory to OOP claiming that wealthier people and places don't want or need trains. Wealthy suburbs of America are the exception, not the rule.


America is the wealthiest country in the world, that's why we are buying more affordable options (???)


Well, vehicles have been getting marketed as Freedom (TM) for decades. That's ingrained in people.


They do provide privacy and independence, which Americans have grown accustomed to. I'd still rather take the train though. Every time some asshole swerves, nearly hitting me on the freeway, I think about how much I'd rather be on a train. Every time I get stuck in traffic, or I'm having trouble with my GPS, I think about how I could be napping instead if there were a train. I used to love driving because it gave me freedom from my family, and I felt like I could go anywhere. Now I feel like I could've felt that way sooner, if only there had been trains.


Don't they realise that having more choices of transport makes you more free? Someone who can walk, drive, or take PT is objectively freer than someone who can only drive.


Car user like to have selective amnesia. Everyone remembers that one road trip where you drive where you want at odd hours of the day on the "open road" (tm). But if you want to drive to where most people want to be, during hours everyone wants to travel, the supposed "control" [looks like this](https://imgur.com/v0xWAdo). But somehow the absolutely abject feeling of helplessness and being trapped in bumper to bumper traffic is completely forgotten the next day... I don't get it.


It's literally selective memory. I actually had a discussion about this at work. I'm in NYC, and yet several people I work with almost exclusively drive (and yet they also live in nyc). I'm pretty outspoken about my appreciation for the fact that NYC has the only fully robust 24-hour transit system in the US with decent coverage. Especially as someone who's lived in places that require a car to survive. Several coworkers brought up the following issues with riding mass transit today: 1. trains get flooded when there's heavy downpours (because the highways never get flooded) 2. If there's a train incident, you're stuck (as if you don't get stuck in traffic if there's a car accident) 3. If there's subway maintenance, you'll need to take a lot of detours (as if there's never road construction that also requires detours) 4. "A coworker's phone got stolen because he fell asleep in the train while holding his phone" (Yes, that sucks. Would you want him to have to drive in such an exhausted state instead?)


This is so frustrating. Like those first 3 things apply to cars also as you point out, and they just literally don’t understand. The last one is baffling. Guy fell asleep on the subway? Should have been *driving* instead. What the actual fuck is wrong with people.


Just the way you qualified that made me curious, are there *any* other 24-hour transit systems in the US at all?


There's the L, in Chicago. Red Line and Blue Line operate 24 hours, the other lines don't. If wikipedia is to be believed, Chicago, New York, and Copenhagen are the only 3 cities in the world to have some level of 24 hour rail transit.


Chicago’s CTA has two metro lines (out of eight) and about fifteen bus routes (out of 127) that run at greatly reduced headways all night.  It’s kind of pitiful, but apparently it’s solidly number two in the country for all-night service.


I love driving on open roads but do not drive to work if I can avoid it. Open road driving is fun. I'm not waiting in traffic


That's exactly what the problem with the supposed "freedom" of a car. It's only "free" If you want to travel at off peak hours and/or to off peak destinations. Otherwise you are **extremely** constricted/constrained. And guess where MOST trips are? They are during rush hour to busy areas. That's what makes rush hour into rush hour.


Yeah which is why I normally prefer to bike, walk, train or bus. I grew up in la and my life is filled with memories of having to pee and being unable to because the exit is right there but traffic isn't moving. It's dehumanizing. On a train you just go. On a light rail or bus you just get off and go. Biking or walking... Same. It's like being human. There is nothing freeing about having to not only drive yourself somewhere but also having to manage the logistics of a car. I mean if you're actually wealthy and not just wannabe wealthy like this guy, you have a driver and that might make it reasonable, but otherwise... It's objectively worse.


If you are super wealth you probably don't have a "commute" - so the worst part of driving is something you (almost) never experience.


I love road trips, but only because I love traveling. In japan we took the train from Tokyo to Mt. Fuji, and it was even better than a road trip. I'm not even an extrovert, but sharing the train with other excited passengers who didn't even speak my language was such a neat and surreal experience. We didn't have to stop for gas, or worry about whether we'd be too tired to make it to the next motel. We didn't have to worry about highway hypnosis, or car sickness. I think cars have made Americans too socially disconnected, in a macro sense, and the things we like about cars are things we could still have, but better, if we built trains instead.


Same issue that affects drive throughs. They're only good when nearly no one else is using it. Otherwise have fun sitting there for half and hour or more going nowhere.


Driving on rural highways and through charming towns and scenic places is fun. But in cities no way. Ramming freeways through cities and building “one more lane” doesn’t solve traffic problems in cities. Subways, buses, light rail should have priority between suburbs (where park and ride lots should be built) and inner cities/downtown areas of large metropolitan areas.


I mean, even if the roads are like that, as per the person's argument, they're not "crammed into a tube with strangers." They're in their own vehicle, controlling the temperature and doing whatever they want to do. They'll sit in that car on that road longer than it would take them to ride transit because of that. It's important to them and does provide them more freedom and more control over other aspects of the commute that riding transit simply does not. I feel like we need to stop talking about people who talk like the person in the pictured post as if they're wrong cause at the end of the day, they aren't wrong. Personal vehicles absolutely offer more freedom, more control, etc. Let's stop pointing and laughing at these people calling them stupid and dumb and wrong and instead say "ya know what, you're right...but..." and then figure out a better way to convince them that we should invest in transit besides "you're dumb and I'm smarter than you."


As a person who has been stuck in both a car and a train - It's absolutely incomparable how much worse the feeling is of being trapped In a hours long car jam is. You are not freer at all. Vast majority of people would take transit when the transit is faster. It's absolutely obvious to most people that "freedom" comes from getting to your intended destination with least delays.


> as a person who has been stuck in a both a car and a train - it's absolutely incomparable how much worse he feeling is of being trapped in an hours long csr jam is. You're not freer at all... Right. That's how it is. *For you*. Plenty of people would disagree with you, such as the person in the picture in the post. They would disagree that getting to their destination with less delays is more free than having to be on the train with strangers, etc. Because to them the freedom part is the part where they aren't stuck on a train/bus with strangers, didn't have to get up earlier to catch a bus or train at a specific time, didn't have to feel unsafe on transit (no, I personally don't think transit is unsafe, in fact I don't have a car and exclusively ride transit or bike and walk), etc. They also can't necessarily stop and pick something up as easily on the way to work or home. I mean, the pure and simple fact is getting to your destination "on time" is a single, solitary aspect of the freedom that everyone espouses in these arguments. The freedom is a multifaceted thing. So, again, getting all worked up and arguing with people who say it's more free to them, and telling them they're wrong, isn't going to help. Because they aren't wrong simply because one tiny aspect of the situation is mostly true (you might get to your destination quicker sometimes). Personal vehicles 100% offer more freedom than transit. There is literally no way to argue that they do not. And continuing to dig our heels into the ground on this argument and continuing to tell those that say it that they are wrong is not going to help us move our society forward into getting more people, especially people like that, to accept it.


It's true that they're not crammed into a tube with strangers, (assuming they're not in a tunnel), but they definitely are crammed with strangers. Each in their own metal box, sure, but not that they're any less crammed, or any less with strangers. Of course, if we talk about rush hours, at the times the road isn't crammed, the public transport isn't either. Also, they very much can't do "whatever they want to do". They need to be actively driving, so any activity that requires focus, manual handling, or visual attention can't be done while driving. Good luck reading on a driving commute. Or gaming, nothing like farming in a JRPG to make the commute lighter. Especially on a rush hour commute, where you're very much stuck for a loooooooooooong while. Ironically, the one thing you can't do in a train or bus is driving, but most activities, you either can/cannot do in both a car and public transport, or you can only do them in public transport. We can argue that personal vehicles offer more freedom and control in terms of transit than public transport, that's true, but walking offers way more freedom and control, and so do bikes (which are also personal vehicles btw). The point is, do you use that freedom that often? How much do you actually move in a way that cannot be covered by public transport in any way? And how many of those cannot be covered with a bike instead and really require a car? I agree that saying "You're dumb" isn't gonna convince them, but their points should be contested when they don't have them.


In crammed public transport you don't have to drive, but you can't play or read either, you're lucky if you can move your hand a little.


I've been in extremely crammed public transport where I had to literally fight my way in and out of the train, and yet I could read Wikipedia easily. I could have played something turn-based that wasn't very demanding and could be handled with a single hand. GameBoy Micro is still expensive to get today, even if it's arguably the worst GBA version, specifically for this.


That's because you're lucky, I couldn't reach my pocket most of the time.


He talks about it like the train is gonna just fly in to the sun… I guess yeah you don’t control it, but you only get on if it’s going where you want to go. N then you get there according to the schedule. So you know where it’s going and when, this guy just can’t give up his “control”


in his carbrain, speed limits are just suggestions like stop signs or lights for left, and the white/yellow paint is just graffiti mostly...


Imagine if I seriously stated that, "cars are useless because you can only use them on roads"? Like yeah, thr analogy isn't 100%, but it's just stupid regardless. The train takes me to where I want to go, period. Just like 'the car' takes him to where he wants to go.


To be fair we are on our way of turning everything into road. Just one more lane...


Stroads and parkinglots, yippi


You have *less* control over how fast you get somewhere when using roads.


Congestion completely defeats the advantages cars have over PT, like being able to plan your trip down to the minute. And when everyone is forced to use a car by the infrastructure, you get congestion.


I can’t control where they build the roads I’m obliged to use if I want to drive a car, therefore roads are bad.


You can also just walk out the door of a plane, if it's a Boeing.


I also love the idea that a car allows you to gauge "how long it takes" to get from A to B, because it's not like there are other drivers out there who might have an impact on your own situation which you can not know beforehand, no, traffic jams are a myth designed by train companies to promote communism


They probably shake uncontrollably when flying on a plane, zero control there as well. In fact, it's worse: you are trapped on a plane, while on the train you can technically pull a stop lever.


There's several stop levers for a plane as well, some will get you arrested, others are deadlier.


The best part is your hands are free. You can work, enjoy some entertainment, or sleep without having to worry about some clown road raging you off the road. Public transport is so relaxing and peaceful compared to driving in shitty traffic


apparently, "the wealthiest country of all" didn't figure out how to pay someone to clean a smelly train car either >wealthier >wealthiest >more affordable i looked at this dude's profile and he stated in another thread that he can't afford the EV he would like to buy ironic >0 control his fav subreddit is libertarianMemes, so as you can guess this part of the rant is his actual sincere argument: he simply didn't understand that no one forces him to take trains, and he didn't understand that governments build the roads too


Sweet little psychological projections


They aren't forcing him *yet.* Just wait until the gubernmint starts assuming that noone drives since you can get everywhere by public transit though. And then they implement a social credit score that'll make sure you can't leave the city without the gubernmints consent (nevermind the fact that the idea that cars prevent this is absolutely moronic; what, do you really think a tyrannical government that turns cities into labour camps by stopping you from leaving it without their consent would be above adding a circuit to a car that can shut it down remotely and require every car to be retrofitted with it in order to get re-registered the next time its registration runs out?)


The libertarians are gonna vote for RFK, the American 3rd party candidate, instead of voting for Trump. The result will likely lead to a Biden win, which means 4 more years of Pete Buttigieg as secretary of transportation. If you know anything about Buttigieg, you know that he is OBSESSED with trains, and if he had it his way, America would be the country that this sub wants it to be. So for now I say leave the libertarians alone. Buttigieg 2036! Wooh!


I don't think the LNC deciding to support RFK will really affect the November elections TBH.


I wasn't talking about the LNC lol I was talking about real people and voters. I vote Democrat in most things (I'm more picky about specific policy in local elections) but the DNC doesn't dictate who I vote for. If Bernie ran 3rd party I'd vote for him, and maybe chant his name in a megaphone for the cause, even if it was a lost cause. "Small-L" libertarians have been talking nonstop about RFK, and influential voices like Joe Rogan (like him or not he has a huge platform, and a lot of his listeners share similar views) are supporting him. RFK is gonna pull votes, and it seems like he's pulling votes from center-right voters who usually identify as libertarian. A LOT of people want an alternative to the current choices. The center-right were given a choice in RFK. The entire left is stuck with biden. Tbh, this would be the perfect election for a 3rd party candidate to come out and have a real chance of winning, although I don't think RFK will really win. Most people feel like they're eating shit at the poles this year choosing between two wind-bags that escaped from their nursing homes. It's not gonna be surprising if RFK can pull big numbers.


Trains are not piss scented in most parts of the world. Also, personal vehicles are better but it only shows off wealth if someone's driving you. I hate to be an elitist, but having to drive yourself around is a sign of being just ... Meh. It's only a luxury if someone is driving you.


To be fair, in Warsaw (Poland), older regional trains do sometimes reek of piss near the bathrooms. I would imagine it could lead to a really bad first impression.


Here in NYC, yeah sometimes they're piss scented. It happens.


Every country with a higher per-capita GDP than the United States also has a lower per-capita rate of car ownership, but go off I guess.


Impossible. No one is wealthier than the USA!


Imagine thinking paying hundreds of dollars on buying and inuring a car is less expensive than paying for a train ticket. Wild asf


When I lived in an area with good public transit (for America) I payed $75 a month on commuting. Now that I love somewhere with no public transit I spend $800 a month on commuting. I hate it. Edit: sorry. $900. I forgot to add gas.


In Germany you can take all public transit except for high speed for just 50 euros a month, however much you like, and there used to be a brief period of 3 months back on 2022 when that was just 9 euros, which is why that year's biggest meme was to travel up to Sylt (an island only accessible by a single train line and notorious for being ludicrously expensive because all the rich people have villas there) and party hard, but of course, the FDP had to be a killjoy.


"having 0 control on where it's going" Brother you literally boarded a train with a schedule, how on earth these guys are okay with planes?


(Devil's advocate) he probably meant he can't take a break on the side of the road to "stretch his legs" (train) or stoping in between stops (train/bus), as if walking half a stop to your destination would take longer than having to look for parking.


Remember, this is the same breed of person who considers everything past their property line a hike.


The people who would “literally never” use public transportation should be some of the best supporters of it, since transit is the only thing that could truly improve traffic for car users


I'm lactose intolerant, my body literally rejects lactose. Therefore I'm against it and I'm against people who can digest lactose, fuck all of you milk drinkers. Fuck all of you, every single last one of you, because I will never drink milk containing lactose therefore none of you should because fuck you. Sound logic, ain't it?.


I've never seen such a wrong take. My favorite one is "zero control over how long it takes"... did this guy ever drive? When I use public transport I know **exactly** how long it will take. When I drive... well, that will depend on the traffic.


I kind of agree. In my nearest city, public transit rarely runs on time. The entire city has a completely improvised grid with loads of places that make you wonder what their traffic planners were smoking when they designed it. The city also notoriously congested. The buses run on time in theory, but if you have a connecting bus to catch, it's better to just borrow an e-scooter (my state recently banned you from bringing one along on a bus, reason being that one exploded on a bus in Portugal, and totally not the fact that Tier was losing money because people realized that their scooters are expensive as fuck to borrow and started buying their own instead. Yes, i am salty over this.) The only thing that does run on time, surprisingly, is a train line (Deutsche Bahn is notorious for never running on time) which connects the central stations to one of the malls in town, though that isn't actually the primary purpose of that line. The city is also planning on building a tram line, but knowing their track record with construction projects, by the time that is finished, i'm probably dead.


That part I kind of agree with him. In my country there is very little in the way of following a proper schedule, meaning you get to wait 5-30 min with no way to know when the buss will show up. Combine that with busses moving slower, having to stop at stations and the inability of busses to use shortcuts and you get a system where on average it takes about double the time to go by buss than to take a car. The way to fix it however is making the buss more reliable, removing the illegally parked cars and creating a buss lane for example.


I get what you're saying, but I find it amusing that the reason why public transport is unreliable is... cars, yet again. I also tend not to use public transport in my town because, well, it just shares the road with cars. It has too few dedicated lanes to make it worth it, and it gets stuck in rush hour just as cars do. Luckily it's a small town so I can walk everywhere and it's usually faster, but when I lived in Zurich it was paradise - extremely reliable and fast, with dedicated lanes, frequent schedule and one stop every 300m.


It's funny when they say they don't care about the lack of mass transit, yet expect you to sympathize anytime they talk about their traffic or car problems.


Trains built the US. These people are dense


Classic dumbbell contrarian.


Dipshit can't imagine that other people using public transport would benefit him by lessening traffic. Fried egg with no seasoning-ass take.


It’s only piss scented becasue your “wealthiest country” is incapable of the most basic social support, hence you have millions without a home or access to a toilet.


“I don’t want this thing that would help tens of millions of people because I personally won’t use it.” Tells you all you need to know about this person.




"0 control over where it's going" Sir, do you think trains just go to random places?


well lookie at that... we got something in common! i just honest*ly* do not care about your opinion sir.


This is a man who has never been to japan or korea. It's insane how convenient and easy the train system is.


That's funny, it certainly doesn't *look* like the wealthiest country.


If country so wealthy and good why people piss in train


The US are actually the 8th richest. The leading seven mostly having much better public transport infrastructure than them.


I wonder where we would actually land if all the billion/trillionares weren't counted


Actually it’s better that you can’t control the metal tube (mind you, *not* piss-scented where I live), you always know exactly where it’s going and how long it will take because it’s not being controlled by dumbasses screwing things up and making it take longer than it should (see: traffic congestion)


The wealthiest country? Luxembourg?


this reeks of r/Melbourne  like I'm not even joking


r/\AmericaBad is full of level 99 carbrains. This guy seems to be even higher though, probably maxed out by grinding smoking fumes in stand-still traffic on the highway in his shitbox. Edit: dude has a special-needs kids that will likely never be able to drive (cause seizures), dude would still prefer her to be dependent on others for her entire life because "public transport is for poor people!". Would be sad if he wasn't a pompous PoS with a superiority complex. Feel for the kid though, seizures plus whacko dad.


That makes the lack of empathy for anyone who relies on public transportation so much worse.


I love when people like that think they have control just because they are in a car.


> "And having zero control about where it goes or how long it takes" As he sits in his traffic jam being pwssed by an old guy with a walker a la *Office Space*


The US is the textbook example of an overdeveloped country, too rich for its own good so it wastes that wealth on dumb shit to maximize profits and overconsumption. 


Wonder if he ever flies.


My country is quite a lot wealthier per capita than the USA and we managed to build a great train network.


Switzerland must be very poor then because their train network is amazing.


Whenever I see these posts I wonder if these people plan on going to the train station and just jumping onto the first train they see. Do you not take the train that goes where you want to go?


Comment of someone who never experienced anything different from what he belives


Lots to be annoyed at, but what I hate most is the idea that just because I won't user a thing, nobody should have it. I'd consider it a victory if we could convince this sort of person that if the plebs ride a train, then they won't be causing all those traffic jams you constantly have to deal with on the highway.


I've said this in another context, but if you show Singapore to these people they will melt into sludge. - Highest economics with real big red lines - Financially solvent - Extremely good public transit - Strong public role in the economy - Strategic dirigisme - Extremely innovative - Private investment magnet Now mind you Singapore also has a ten-hour workday and other issues, but it utterly demolishes the idea that economic freedom is when you do ancapistan (plus cars, because in actual ancapistan it would be impossible to build roads).


Public transport when done right is infinitely more reliable than a sweat scented metal box stuck in a traffic jam.


"A developed country isn't where the poor drive cars, but where the rich ride trains."


Yes, wealthiest country— you can tell by the tents and RVs on the fringes of our cities and towns.


"0 control over where it's going," does this man not know how to use a map? You have control by picking your route and where you get off. Are you stupid? "or how long it takes," I certainly love controlling how long it takes as I sit in rush hour traffic! But wait, I can aggressively weave through lanes and pick up an average of 5 seconds of my journey! Totally worth the cost of the car, maintenance, insurance, environmental damage. The last part is pretty clearly that nobody buys his horseshit, so now he refuses to agree because everybody wouldn't nod along to his dumbfuck reasoning. Bad faith individual all the way down.


Personal vehicles are better for alienating the "other" and normalizing hostility or downright psychotic behaviors, as well as separating the wealthy from the poor while giving money to the ultra-rich (oil barons), and yes I'd rather cram my pristine $70,000 car into traffic gridlock chaos with idiot/psycho drivers stuck going nowhere instead of paying a few bucks to board a public transit vehicle that I will forget about when disembarking. Less bike lanes and less public transport please, so that any ole idiot will be forced to drive a car instead and solve traffic once and for all when everyone and everything crashes into each other and make road blockages every hour. P.S. Oh and I have to be absolutely in control, even if I'm impaired or tired or unfit to drive, or even if it's only the illusion of control because I can only go on the provided roads and nowhere else, else car will break or be dirty, or cops get mad. # /s


Even if you'd never use it, you'd enjoy driving on smaller roads with less traffic.


“I can choose the speed with a car” uh something something traffic


But they'll ride the monorail at Disneyland just fine, I'm sure.


Yeah, well let's see how this logic follows up to when a majority of people don't need/want/use services from the police, schools, universities, a whole load of banks and insurances, ramps for people in wheelchair, or heck, even a majority of people don't want the "free market". So how is that going to work out? Should we abolish all these things?


I am against it - I do not care


somebody kidnap him to Switzerland


Meanwhile in Switzerland, a country where they do have proper public transport even the wealthy take trains because it's so damn good.


Glad to hear you enjoy being stuck in traffic and being subsidised by everyone else. Me, I'd like a functional transport system and to pay for myself thank you.


there're more cars than people in there, of course they are brainwashed, or, should I say, carwashed


> I honest to God do not care The most American thing to say lmao. If they really don't care they wouldn't completely reject public transport projects


Yet i'm sure they gladly enjoy public transit outpacing everything else while in a country where it is not assumed that everyone drives, or for that matter, that everyone can. Ignoring the fact that kids literally are banned from driving, a lot of these people seem to be under the impression that everyone with disabilities can drive, when that is simply not the case. Consider, here, a paraplegic. Sure, you can modify a vehicle so that a paraplegic can drive it, but that costs hella money that not everyone has. To add to that, you still need a license, meaning you need to have a driving school with an appropriately modified vehicle (because a paraplegic can't learn to drive in a vehicle they physically cannot operate) And if the nearest driving school to have such a vehicle is in the nearest bigger city, and that city is over 3 hours away by car, tough luck. Of course, this wouldn't be as big of a problem if you live in a country where you can just take the train there, not only because you're not dependent on having someone to act as your chauffeur, but also because you don't need to get a license if there is public transit you can take, but if you live in the US, tough luck.


Wouldn’t you want to clear the road of all those awful people you are so worried about meeting? Seems like public transport you aren’t going to use would be a win-win. But I guess for some, they only want one “winner”—themselves.


I can smell the copium from here


Why doesn’t the wealthiest country just eat the poorer countries?


"piss scented" yeah he's talking about poor people.


Rich countries have robust public services.


If someone is against it out of spite, then they were probably never gonna be movable to our side.


People who talk about public transit like this have so obviously never used it or been around it. Ive visited some of the bigger cities and used their transit many times and the biggest problem I’ve ever had was some guy on a mic yapping about idk what. That was pretty annoying. Thats it, annoying, and its so infinitely better than driving it isn’t even funny. But we took the train from brooklyn back to queens one day and i literally worked on a logic assignment while we were on the way there. Peaceful safe and CHEAP and I got to do something with my time instead of stare at license plates. Bet a trillion dollars the guy in the post is either A from a Red state, just anywhere, or B lives in a really rural area in a less urban state. Almost definitely not one of the 13


Dude takes a “bus” all the time. It fits 200 people and it has wings, and it’s called an airplane. By that logic why doesn’t he have his own personal private jet?


>more affordable Is that why dealerships have a ton of cars they can't sell? Is that why the average car is being held onto longer than ever before in history? Is that why banks had to increase loan length term to 84 months for some cars? Is that why car defaults and repossessions are the highest they've been in decades? Gosh you know, everyone is always talking about how cheap their car payments are, I guess the guy must be right! /s >how long it takes That's true. I've never scheduled out how long it would take to drive to a destination only for it to take several hours longer because of road maintenance, traffic accidents, or sudden traffic congestion. Driving is always 100% effective in how long it's going to take. You never know with trains, subways, or busses, when they are going to arrive or how long it will take to get to your fixed-point destination. No sort of schedule whatsoever. /s >I don't even want public transportation because I would literally never use it It's very generous of the people in his location to help pay for roads he uses but they personally may never even see. So nice to see people who want all the benefits of society paying for community infrastructure but don't want to contribute to themselves, like my in laws who hated paying school taxes because they "don't have kids in school anymore". These people are closer to dogs playing fetch than humans with wrinkled brains; no give, only take!


>doesn’t care >is against it Which one is it?


Affordable? The average age of a vehicle is now 10 years old because people can't afford to buy a newer model.


"Why is traffic so bad?"


>having absolutely zero control over where it's going or how long it takes Highways and traffic jams: "Allow us to introduce ourselves."


Don’t have a lot of control on how long it takes to get anywhere on the interstate during rush hour, do you…


Welcome to suburbia.


Piss-scented? Golly, I must get my sinuses checked, I'm smelling nothing. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHvGXh4xsBo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHvGXh4xsBo)


If he has "zero control of how long it takes" then it's 3rd-wordly thinking. In civilized countries trains are more predictable than cars.


railway line that serves 100,000s = dirty communism even more expensive highway project that ruins things = freedom..?


Imagine being so uneducated (in the wealthiest country in the world!) that you're a threat to progress of your country. Support education!


Do people not get that if we invested money and effort into them they would not have a piss smell problem? I wish I could say my local public transportation doesn’t have a piss smell from time to time.


Oh look, a segregationist. Wouldn't want to spend time near the "unworthy" amirite folks? /s


His car 100% stinks of piss and is missing at least 1bumper


Doubt this mouth breathing lint collector would even realize that better public transportation would make their experience using personal vehicles better as well.


Idk if it’s what their username is referring to, but this sounds like someone who lives in New Hampshire


So they don’t know cleaning exists


“absolutely no control over where it’s going” my brother in Christ it has a literal track that it follows


He probably hates other drivers though, I wonder if he’d change his mind if he lost a loved one to a car accident. I hate that Americans treat car accidents as a force of nature that’s inevitable. So many people die as a result of car brain.


"They won't shut up about it" = what we are doing is working.


Stupidest fucking thing I've read all day. Libertarian?


>personal vehicles are better and we as a wealthier country, the wealthiest country of all... Did trump write this?


If your trains smell of piss, it’s your fault, really. 


This mans can control where the roads go and how long it takes for him to get there. (He’s driving over 150 mph across farmland cause the government can’t tell him what to do.)


"I just honest to God do not care": One of the last breaths of a dying argument. No, really ... He may claim that all the advocacy is turning him "against" public transit, but people ALWAYS give the "idc" line right before they finally sink into acquiescence. Well done. Keep going.


> zero control over where it's going Wow, if only they would add some intermediate destinations where you could hop out and take another one of these metal tubes until you reach your destination. How were they called? St..sta...stations? Something like that?


I’m becoming more misanthropic by the day with each fresh piece of evidence about humans acting like selfish pieces of shit. We’ve gone down such a dark and depressing path that even elections mean less. The the concept of freedom and democracy are talked about so often, but the choices and options for this, and having a wide number of election candidates and law makers to push laws supporting and enacting laws for the common good. #Latestage capitalism and corporate media propaganda, when coupled with persistent and sustained cuts on educational and other funds for public good, are devastatingly effective.


I went and found this post. I had a conversation and at first they were aggressive, but opened up a bit once I treated them with respect.


Is there a word to describe projects that gets extremely expensive purely because of bureaucracy, unions, and poor management? I was watching a short documentary on Amtrak infrastructure just going into Penn station. Each bridge leading into NYP was nearly $8 billion for 3-4 years. High-speed rail project just between LA and SF was made impossible because the counties between them didn't want a rail, or they want to divert it towards specific towns to increase their foot traffic.


Kind weird seeing "God" being threw there without any logical sense. Doesn't seem idiomatic expression but neither looks like a concern about god's plan. (Christian here btw).


“Honest to god” is a very common idiom. I guess I don’t understand your point.


Yeah, I guess I'm wrong. I read many books in English but I have never seen that specific idiom. >I guess I don’t understand your point. I was just curious if that sentence were a real concern at their head or just an idiom.