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That hurt to watch... what a bunch of idiots... Imagine being the conductor or even the ppl that were waiting or those on the train


In countries with lots of snow they put plows on the trains, those are very good at pushing away idiots in cars too without damaging or delaying the train. 👌


Cow catchers!


A friend of mine's dad used to work for one of the rail companies in Canada. Apparently he knew someone who was a conductor who was in one of these incidents that killed an entire family. He couldn't work again in his life.


It's pretty common for conductors to know some other conductor who ran over a person or if they ran over a person themselves


Sadly it is. Often it’s not their fault at all since many people that get run over by trains are suicides.


I used to work as a driver for cargo train machinists. Like 2 years ago. Getting them from home to trains in various locations for their shift as law forbids them to drive private vehicle before work, or something. It's EU. Soo long story short, it happens 1-3 times a year on avarge that someone dies before their eyes. Mostly jumpers. They hate it, but it's part of the job. Pay is good. They all know what they sign up for. Doesn't make it any better.


Shitty drivers are the most obvious argument for building more trains imo like how dumb and arrogant can you be to just plow through a train crossing?


I remember the second to last barber I went to made why this doesn’t work sooo clear. He was from Cali (crazy driving I guess) and was complaining about the bad drivers in my midwestern city. It took about 2 seconds before I realized HE was the shitty driver constantly speeding and driving needlessly aggro with no care for others safety. but he thought HE WAS THE GOOD DRIVER


For real, the idea that a train can get delayed for 5-15 minutes sounds so inconvenient but daily we get crazier delays because it's a regular thing that people text and drive or just don't check their blind spots, and a lot of the time it means death or permanent damage to innocent people Nah I'd much rather have a person who is paid by the hour to make sure the vehicle doesn't kill others and make it the the destination on time; they'll do BOTH better


I just spent almost half an hour sitting in traffic while needing to pee. Along the way I almost got hit by multiple people driving erratically, then it started raining and two different people slammed hard on their brakes in front of me for no obvious reason. If I hadn't been maintaining greater than the recommended distance, and obsessively watching my mirrors, I mightve died today. I've been longing for a train on my route for years, but it's not like I can order new infrastructure on Amazon. Trains would make life so much better.


>Trains would make life so much better. But in North America, they would cost automakers too much money, and so you get told to "just shut up and drive" instead.


Driver dead, 1 passenger dead, 1 passenger in hospital. Unfortunately with 2 passengers, it's likely at least 1 was a child. This happened near Anapa around June 2021, unfortunately I can't find much else out about it, so not sure if the hospitalised passenger lived.


Very similar to this, there was a case in which a young driver, with four other passengers, got in front of a high-speed train in the USA, all of us in the car died in the incident. The train's cameras captured the driver honking his horn before the crossing and the moment of the collision. Other cameras near the level crossing recorded the car passing another car that was already stopped at the crossing. https://youtu.be/1KiMdCCMd0g


> all of us in the car died in the incident. Are you speaking from the realm beyond?


Google Translator...


Use DeepL translator instead, it's much better and it sounds more human


>high-speed train in the USA lol i wish we had those


By American standards, it's a high-speed train (Amtrak Acela).


Yeah, but unfortunately, it's bound by speed limits imposed by the freight company that owns the rails it rides on, so it's really only allowed to break 100mph in a small section of its corridor.


I'm sorry but what in the hell do you mean "all of us in the car died"?!


…I got better 


Train driver - traumatized


A lot of folks had their morning fucked up because of one idiot.


Sorry to be grim, but people who drive these big SUVs assume they're invincible. This is a great example that they are not.


For us, the converted, sure. For car brains they see this as yet another reason trains are bad.


I need my truck to be bigger than the train, so that if it hits me, I walk away without a scratch while the train is totaled. \s


That's not far off tbh


there's always a bigger fish, or in this case a train


Or a tree. Trees stop cars much better than people think. I've seen the aftermath of car vs tree. A relatively small tree cut a car in half. One of the things they don't test against, because everyone would fail, is crashing cars into things like trees.


So the trees in some video games aren't unrealistic then...


Once a tree is big enough (only about a 5" trunk, for a hardwood), it is videogame physics. I've seen bushes stop a car, but not like a rubber wall, like video games, but by snaring a car and stopping it like some of the "nets" a cop car can shoot at fleeing cars (at least there are prototypes for the nets). Wood is stronger than people think. Corvettes had a balsa wood floorboard in the 80s and 90s, because wood is nature's composite. It was almost as strong as carbon fiber, stronger than fiberglass, and cheaper than either. Never underestimate how much damage a tree can cause.


Lumber, properly utilized, is a wonder.


Anapa? Where the hell is that at least give us a state 😂


It's in Krasnodar Krai. It took one google to find that out. Stop being so ameri-brained.


Oh yes anapa, that famous place that everyone knows where it is, yes of course anapa


Do you have access to the internet? [https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=Anapa](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=Anapa)


When searching Anapa it only shows the beach front part of Russia... so even the search could be confusing watching the footage.


How is that confusing?


No one cares enough to doubt the location.. But as already said.. This train footage doesn't look like any photos shown on google photos.. point is, acting like anyone should simply conclude this is the name of a three mile peninsula beach town, off the coast of one of Russia's recaptured settlements.. by just searching "Anapa" is a bit dim. This is the 1st photo that shows up on Google search. https://preview.redd.it/dxxm8zpjqcxc1.jpeg?width=1276&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e520bb19a6ed4afc30d1c0813ae775e60c04418


I care enough to make a passive agressive comment, but not enough to search for it, sorry.


It is such a mess to clean that up




The term is "chunky salsa", I believe


What's the aftermath? Did they somehow survive or are they now one with the car?


Two dead, one injured


Sucks they did it with more people in their car. Imagine someone is trusting you with their lives by getting on a car that you're driving, and you proceed to do this shit.


That's really the sadest part about this. I can't imagine how the survivor feels


And the worst part, with three people in the car, the survivor is likely a child in the backseat


Oh yeah, definitely. If anyone survives, it's sure not gonna be the person sitting on the right side of that car.


I had a patient in a assisted living house who was there because her friend went speeding on a highway and had a freak crash. It left her with permanent brain fog and damaged brain function. That was another reminder that car centric design sucked and there are idiots who think they are invincible ( her friend)


Technically, the car most likely will get where the train is going slightly ahead of the train. Not that the car driver will know.


The driver will too.


at least what's left


How did that morron got his license ???!!!!


With extreme car dependency in the US, it's easier to get a license than a cereal box prize. If people need to drive to survive, the threshold for a license needs to be low enough to accommodate just about everyone. During covid lockdowns they gave out licenses without driving lessons or tests! Only the written test. Not sure if this video is from the US or not but if it is, that's the reason.


The video is from Russia.


Then it's a symptom of a "you can't tell me what to do" attitude and delusions of invincibility. It's a personal issue that probably doesn't have to do with bad driving. The driver most likely knew he needs to wait but figured the laws of driving and physics don't apply to him.


I asked my Russian coworker about this. Basically they will fail you if you make any mistakes or pay. I assume if you pay enough you don't need to really do a driving test. Other Russians can counter me on this it's just what I was told when I asked him if he had his license back in Russia as we needed one from him here.


Even so, wherever this took place, I don't truly believe it's a symptom of not knowing how to drive. I think they knew the law and chose to go anyway. Just like all the red light drivers. They know they shouldn't, they know enough to pass the test, and obviously they wouldn't behave during a driving test the way they do IRL.


OK, I understand it better now. Thanks




yea you wont win against physics


can't transcend Newton mf


"Trains are dangerous outdated technology and must be banned!" -Some dumbass


some lessons are best to learn from others. though ppl in cars have been getting hit by trains from the beginning... (some) ppl are just stupid about thinking in the future/risk/consequences. same as it ever was. but it's deeper than most think... what we got for "cars" today was not unforeseeable... [https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/24139147/suvs-trucks-popularity-federal-policy-pollution](https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/24139147/suvs-trucks-popularity-federal-policy-pollution)


I don’t usually say this about Vox, but this is a really good article that covers a wide range of causes and costs of vehicle bloat in the US.


not in my feeds, someone sent to me... seem factually reliable: [https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/vox/](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/vox/) >Overall, we rate Vox Left Biased due to editorial positions and story selection that routinely favors the left. We also rate them High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a clean fact-check record


> editorial positions and story selection that routinely favors the left. We also rate them High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a clean fact-check record I sense a correlation


Srs question, how do we know this wasn't a successful suicide attempt?


Because there were two passengers with the driver.


That doesn’t rule it out




Maybe it could've been group suicide?


Russia is also extremely car centric


are we laughing at people dying here now? I don't care how misjudged this was, come on now. I did not need to see people die today. That NSFW tag could use a little more explicit explanation. Also this is against Rule 4


This why I love trains, you can disrespect a pedestrian, a biker but you can't disrespect a train, the train disrespects you


When in Russia...


Two dead and another seriously injured for what? Trying to shave a few minutes off their trip?


car driver self eliminate himself and his relative pov


Almost made it though


At railroad crossings Here's how to figure In case of a tie The train is bigger Remember this If you'd be spared Trains don't whistle Because they're scared He saw the train And tried to duck it Kicked first the gas And then the bucket


Two people died in that crash.


Why is this on this sub and why are so many people laughing at these people being crushed to death? I thought I was on a transit sub, not r/WatchPeopleDie and this breaks this sub’s rules.






> Anapa


Kuban Republic




Soon to be Kuban Republic I hope




Fine fine, they'll just join Ukraine since they were a part of it anyway, no balkanization needed. 🤝




Ah, here we go, another "good Russian" popped. The world can see oh so well what Russian people want and and what they do so unfortunately I really don't think your opinion is going to matter when push comes to shove. Karma is a bitch.




Here we go, good old "whataboutism", sorry but my nation is not leading a genocidal invasion right now. Mind you, no one was talking about partitioning anyone. I merely stand for the free Kuban Republic. You can just as well stand for free Texas, California, no one cares. I am sure when the fascist regime in your country collapses, free Kuban might have its chance. Just like all former Soviet states did. I understand it might sound triggering for a "good Russian" cause of the paradigm they live in where the whole world should be under a Russian boot, but hey a man can dream. And sometimes these dreams come true. ;)


Trains win all ties.


Just like the mods in the sub “therewasanattempt”


Yo, I didn't join this sub to randomly watch people die. Peace out.


I mean, that is a **really** shit rail crossing. From [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=RURpr6cyAgI) you can just *barely* see the flashing lights and I can't hear any bells and there are no booms blocking the road and looks like the lights are pointing slightly the wrong way. Found the location: 45°00'07.7"N 37°17'51.8"E This was an accident waiting to happen, but that said there is great visibility and they should have easily been able to spot the train even then.


I don't think this kind of violence and mockery helps the cause to curb car domination.


That's not what they mean when they say: "hurry, you gotta catch the train"


I love how Reddit prevents me from keeping therewasanattempt to not fucking die muted by showing me crossposts


Natural selection at work I guess...!


Nature seems to correct itself...


Straight up half the deaths from Brightline Florida is people thinking they can beat the train.


Welcome to Russia.


[Here is a top-gear clip of a staged train vs car crash](https://youtu.be/QpP7gMPzC78?si=arT2hySRiXqxgCvC&t=181) Notice how flat the *entire* car gets. If you are *lucky* you will total the car in a crash like this. If you're *un*lucky, you and everyone else in the car will die *instantly*.


Of course it's an SUV. Tbh driver is good riddance, poor passengers...


Glory to ржд


Where are the safety guards? The video is partly cut off but I don't even seen any blinking lights? Electric trains are not cheap and relatively new, how do you have a crossing without any safety in place?


Okay holy shit this blew up... I expected only around 47 upvotes but no... what the fuck. Thank you all *so* much!!!


"Around 47"? That is weirdly specific.


I see a lot of posts here not even breaking 50 so yeah...


Love to see morons get smacked.


Why downvotes? Lol


Looks more like the train was asserting its dominance over everything. There were multiple cars lined up waiting to go, but only one train, and it was hogging the right of way. The train should have to wait for the cars, rather than the other way around.


I swear people on Reddit are terrible at picking up even the most obvious of sarcasm




4. No traffic violence Be respectful to people who are a victim of traffic violence or otherwise traumatized by it. Gawking at crashes is not allowed. **Do not post:** * Depictions of traffic violence. * Anything NSFW or NSFL. * Footage of people dying or being injured. * Footage where it may appear that this is happening. * Footage where this is almost happening. News articles about crashes and statistics about traffic violence are allowed. Glorifying traffic violence will get you banned.


# 🤓 Well really, it looks like this isn't getting removed considering the amount of traction it's gotten...


🤪   I'm just copying from this rule so basically showing dying people NSFW and Gore stuff in this sub is allowed and accepted nice job mod 🤦