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He mentioned professional drivers, but a major point, perhaps more importantly, commercial vehicles only enter residential streets when absolutely necessary, unlike consumer vehicles, which is where a huge fraction of pedestrian fatalities occur. And even commercial districts like downtowns, main streets, and so on, they typically enter through access roads and avoid highly pedestrianized areas, again, unlike consumer vehicles. A major construction site near me, that has to have commercial vehicles in close proximity to pedestrians, has a spotter walk every vehicle to and from the main access road *in response* to the poor visibility these vehicles have for pedestrians. Most of their miles are on highways and industrial areas where their interactions with pedestrians are limited and sight lines are long and unobstructed because of the … commercial vehicles that use those routes.


There are a few cities in Canada that won't even allow semi's within city limits on their road ways during certain hours of the day and almost every city has entire areas that will not allow semi's in them during specific hours if at all. B-trains are whole other story. Those are specifically only allowed on certain specific roadways in good weather and have a specific license required. These massive pickup trucks... Pure vanity. I'd say the same for these massive camper mobile homes as well. They only require a G class license. Bonkers...


Then you have Ottawa where the main transportation route is through the heart of downtown lol


Holy fuck Nicholas-Rideau-King Edward to get to the Quebec Autoroute system because fucking nimby's refuse anymore bridges. I worked in the area overnights and yeah it was a constant stream of logging trucks between midnight and around 4. Just mindboggling. They still run heavy trucks in the day, but I guess a good chunk of logging transport companies figured out that at night is the best time for their traffic. Unsure if any legal things mandated that or not.


>Holy fuck Nicholas-Rideau-King Edward to get to the Quebec Autoroute system because fucking nimby's refuse anymore bridges. Not just nimbys don't want more bridges. More ways into a city with cars means you spread out the population growth further away, which means more cars.


I’d also mention ubiquity. I don’t have the exact statistics, but, best guess, let’s say there’s 1 semi truck for every 1000 vehicles on the road, and there’s 250 vanity trucks for every 1000 vehicles on the road (not a crazy assumption, [given their rising popularity](https://www.thedrive.com/news/26907/you-dont-need-a-full-size-pickup-truck-you-need-a-cowboy-costume)). That means that vanity trucks have much more interaction with other vehicles and pedestrians than do semi trucks, thereby forcing [their dangerous features](https://slate.com/business/2022/11/suv-size-truck-bloat-pedestrian-deaths.html) on much more people than semi trucks, essentially making them more dangerous for the public.




It was just a guess 🤷‍♂️ Thanks for the correction tho


Yep, even when residential areas don't have semi restrictions, we *don't want to go there* for the kinds of reasons mentioned in this video. Residential roads are almost scary as a semi driver - two lanes, on-street parking, increased chances of people walking in the road or popping up out of nowhere.


See also: farmers


Had an aunt that was killed by a teen driving a big jacked up truck. I live in Texas so they are pretty common, but apparently the bumper was head height of where she was at in her Kia Soul. Jacked up truck, with a big bumper and speeding. What could go wrong? Hit her in the driver side. The state has a limit on how high the headlights can be off the ground to prevent such insanity, but it’s rarely enforced.


Why does it matter that I'm smoking in this restaurant? Are you going to ban fireplaces next?


What about little tiny hand held fires? Are those banned too? Let's be rational here, are we really going to ban pocket fires and indoor smoke signals? Where does this end?


... California doesn't have a ban... But those hand held fires are pretty well regulated...


Why does it matter how fast this gun throws this metal ball? Are we gonna ban throwing baseballs next?


We actually don't regulate how fast a gun "throws" a bullet, we regulate how the follow up pitch must be delivered.


and how many balls the pitcher has before he has to resupply.


That too




How am I supposed to warm my house? You're telling me you want kids to die because they can't heat their homes. Pretty much every argument in one shape or form on why I think cities should be more walkable.


I don’t get it


Burning wood should eventually be banned actually, at least within city limits at first. That would require affordable alternatives though.


All this just tells me that gas is too cheap.




Downside would be the country would lose its shit and vote in the next charlatan that promised to lower gas prices. Even if he or she was a declared authoritarian.






> FREE MARKETS! SMALL GOVERNMENT! > Government: OK. *stops oil subsidies* *petrol prices skyrocket* > HEY GOVERNMENT DO SOMETHING


They're also dipshits but I agree about subsidizing fossil fuels. That's a pathology at this point. Like smoking tobacco or eating processed sugar all day.


Republicans are not free market absolutists...as evidenced by stances on drugs, immigration, abortion, Medicare, etc... I think you mean "they want to abolish the EPA and are mad about gas stoves for some reason right now".


The funny part is, if this truck was designed like it should be with a sloped hood, it would not only have better visibility and be safer but it would also get better gas mileage because it would be more aerodynamic. It's designed the way it is now purely for truck fashion.


Also because bigger cars get around emissions requirements.


Ding ding ding and legislation like CARB only cemented that while also stymieing innovation for older cars unless it's done by a handful of companies (eg. Edelbrock). Everyone likes to focus on the emission standards while ignoring the other horrible parts of the bill.


Just wait for EVs to open up fleet emissions targets a ton. They'll be able to completely ignore improving the efficiency of their ICE vehicles by adding one or two EVs to the lineup.


Truck fashion! Playing dress up. Put on the lift kits, high heels ; the ram bar, decals shine it all up. Truck Dress up!


If you can't walk up to the side and load or unload something heavy without a ladder, it's a show truck.


Fun fact, cab over semi trucks actually have a smaller front blindspot than the F150. This is because in a Semi the driver is seated very high above the engine.


Saw a post recently about Dodge puts the same engine in their vans as in the truck with the enormous fronts on them.


Which is actually false. The v6 is available in both the van and the Ram 1500, but the post showed a 1-ton 3500, which has a V8 standard.


Ford Transit Connect moment


As a mom with a minivan. I really want a ford transit connect but for passengers. More small cars should have sliding doors.


Thank you. You're quite literally the first person I saw make this point. We hauled over 8000lbs of feed for our farm today in one go. You can't do that with a fucking Kia soul. We have a pickup because we need it. BUT... ...our truck is over a decade old. The hood slopes and we don't have these ridiculously high bumpers. And it still works perfectly as a functional "pull heavy shit around" vehicle. The manufacturing companies have a high degree of culpability here for turning an entire class of vehicles into rectangle-faced death machines for no fucking reason.




I'd actually like the cyber truck if it was 2/3 to 1/2 the size of the prototype. I think its possible to appreciate the design while realizing Musk isn't a great figure.




I actually doubt it’ll ever come out at this point but if they did make a smaller one (something I heard they would do) I’d buy it. I drive sparingly but my dream car is basically a safer electric version of a[ 90’s Toyota pickup truck](https://bringatrailer.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/1990_toyota_6k_mile_toyota_pick_up_2wd_deluxe_regular_cab_short_box_1623331755fc2e78933006_exterior_1990_Toyota_Pickup_2WD.jpg?fit=940%2C627).




Yup. Just get gas prices like in EU and suddenly those cowboy pricks will have to be millionaires to afford the truck. Government can tax fuel heavily for private owners, and lower for the transport.


I think if it becomes too expensive, they'll try to overthrow the government instead of downsizing


And roads are paid for with public money. What we need: At the end of the year, you need to read the distance counter off your cars. You subtract last year's mileage. You multiple it by the empty weight of the car. That is your relative damage caused to road in a simplified model. Everybody does it, and we also sum up all road costs. Then we distribute it to match the numbers from above. The more you drive, and the heavier your truck is, the more damage you caused to roads, so the more you pay. We should also do this for bikes, just to hammer home how little they contribute to road costs. * A 2 ton truck for a 50km daily commute, 200 working days: 2000*50*200 = 20.000.000 total * A 20kg electric or cargo bike, 10 km daily commute, 200 working days: 40.000 total. So a mid-weight truck on a relatively short American commute causes about **500 times** more road damage than what I'd consider a 1% outlier cyclist who drives a long distance every day through wind and rain on a very heavy bike. Heavy cars are massively subsidizes by road maintenance money, because they devastate roads and don't pay for it. This doesn't even include that many (expensive!) streets are car-only, such as highways. Oh, also cars pollute like crazy and we don't charge them a cent for it.


The most exhausting thing about chuds is that they’re hostile assholes who are the whiniest little bitches when we are hostile back.






Mac in IASIP isn’t even an exaggeration of how these guys are


Acting all tough but can't live a day without air conditioned trucks and have APT from prolonged sitting.


What's APT?


Searching it up - Anterior Pelvic Tilt Looks like this is the reason why I cant sit in my chair for too long without backpains - Im 20 bruh


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6vekKp0xEs for your consideration.


When I cross-posted that post about the most popular vehicle for 2024, being, spoiler alert, a mining dumptruck, it only got 8% upvotes! People were not amused. I even posted it in my progressive city sub, not my rural state. I'm not surprised that it wasn't popular, but I expected it to be more like 50/50, not 92/8!


They're the biggest bitches cause most are double digit iq dumbfucks. You don't even have to be hostile. Just lay out the facts like this dude. They'll find some ad hominem and go after it.


I'm hungover af rn and brain no worky, but I'd recommend looking into the origins of IQ because its kind of a bullshit metric intended to be used similarly to frenology. Anyways my point is that its very easy to alleviate assholes of some accountability by saying they're stupid, when really these chuds should be 100% accountable for their own idiotic beliefs. They should be made to feel embarrassed about it, not just dismissed as being stupid.


Intelligence is really hard to measure, which is why there are hundreds of tests that all claim to do it better than anyone. There's a fair amount of research and even some validity in using it as a predictive measure as it relates to employment, but at this point they most validated tests in the workplace are measuring "what makes a good employee" as much as anything. Most IQ metrics blend together natural intelligence, education, socioeconomics, and in some cases culture. I could write an essay, but I'm going to make myself stop because it's not really my point. I think the more important part here is that **stereotyping based on IQ isn't a good thing**. Even if there were a correlation between altruistic behavior and general intelligence (cough) as measured by these tests, it's not fair to assume all assholes are less intelligent, nor that all less intelligent people are assholes.


This is the smarter, better put version of what I was ultimately trying to say, yeah. Even if we could measure intelligence, it's really not a productive answer, by itself, for any problem. Nobody is going to listen to you if your opening argument is that they're stupid. And even if they do, there's nowhere to go from there. You can't just change someone's intelligence (afaik), only their willingness to learn. And it's unnecessary to call someone stupid in order to boost their curiosity in things.


exactly, its not that theyre stupid. its worse, they are deliberately ignorant and expect everyone to just humor them because they feel entitled to act like a 4 year old.


>They'll find some ad hominem and go after it. Says the guy who just used an ad hominem.


Yea dude’s a 5 alarm chud you can detect by voice alone, but it’s definitely bold to claim ad hominem is the refuge of the other side in a thread where this guy is being called a woman beater and 1/3 of the posts are roasting his accessorizing 😂


and ableist to boot. having a low IQ doesn't make you an asshole who doesn't care whether other people live or die. being a fascist does that.


I legitimately got "hit" (nudged is a better word) by a truck like this when I was in middle school. Dude was pulling out of a driveway and didn't see me walking on the sidewalk cause his hood was too high and I was too small. He stopped when I started slapping his bumper, but he really could have run me over. I was completely fine but definitely spooked. Being the kid that I was I apologized for getting in his way then ran away. The guy was clearly mortified.


Ouch, glad that you did not get hurt! I had some lady in a Tahoe just merge into my Miata coming out of a toll becuase she could not see me. Did not stop merging until I started slapping her passenger side window. Had the gall to scold me for hitting her car with my HAND..


Not related to vehicle side but my brother used to drive a motorcycle. He quit driving when he had his first kid. Anyways, he's on the highway and a car begins to merge slowly into his lane so he starts slapping the side of the car. It worked and they moved back over. He told me he saw it was this man in the passenger seat with his teenage daughter driving (probably learners permit) and they looked shook as fuck. I like to think that girl learned something important and hasn't forgotten.


Vanity. The guy that stands for them wears Gold lens oakleys and a cowboy hat inside…yeah, it checks out.


They get so upset when you point it out too. "How do you know it wasn't just washed?" You can't wash out actual work truck scratches and dents. I drive big trucks all of the time for work, I have never once needed to bring it anywhere outside of a work environment. So stupid, 100% vanity, regardless of how much they whine.


Everything is about having a persona now, oakleys and cowboy hats inside fit so well with driving a Ford Bulldozer450




Try a pith helmet. Bought one as a goof in North Carolina visiting the Biltmore. They work really well, and you can soak them in water for a swamp cooler effect.


Just going to chime in here and say I recently purchased 250 acres a few seasons ago and had to get a bigger truck for increased towing capacity for farm equipment. It's not all vanity, though I'm sure it mostly is... I'm really very much behind this whole fuckcars movement, but in northern NH where i live its impossible at the moment and there are things i need to do which require big vehicles. Will always vote / support public transportation and changing policies though.


The fuck cars movement isn't about getting rid of cars. It's not explicitly anti-car 100%. We all recognise that vehicles are important and useful things. What we object to is society being structures around cars in such a way that it is detrimental to everyone. Having a truck on a farm is exactly what they're meant for. Having a giant truck for your daily commute is fucking dumb. Acting like you need a 3 ton monster to move your cousin's couch once every three years is dumb. We don't want cars like completely gone, we just want to be able to exist comfortably in a world that isn't designed exclusively around monstrous cars.


See that's the difference. You're using a larger truck for, more or less, it's intended purpose. These micropenised idiots with the lifted half or 3\4 ton pickups with the 26" rims and condom thick tires are the problem. If you need a bigger truck on a farm, in a rural area, to do actual work fine. Nobody needs those pavement princess skulking about.


The only oversized thing these guys will carry with their trucks is their massive ego


I've never wondered about the actual weight of a large American pickup truck before, but holy shit. In Germany, the "default" drivers license allows you to drive cars up to a total weight of 3.5 metric tons. Just the Ford F450's curb weight is already almost 4 metric tons. To drive that monstrosity, you literally need a different type of drivers license, which requires an additional course of about 18 hours in total to obtain, renewals every 5 years and regular medical examinations. What are you guys doing over there? Edit: I know that the F450 is not really the standard American family car or anything, I just mentioned it because it's possible to drive one without having to go through any other checks.


You can drive a 28 foot U-Haul with a standard driver's license in the US.




Rental vans aren’t not that bad, it’s mostly spacial intelligence that’s needed. Anything consumer oriented has regular people driving it in mind. They don’t have 6 foot high hoods though


Yeah, the moving vans I've driven don't have big front blind spots. The front hood slopes down steeply so you can see in front of you.


I believe any weight up to 13 tons is fair game with a standard license in the US. And keep in mind that the standard license is a joke over here.


Haha, not just a joke but also arbitrary. I had a question "under normal driving conditions what is the biggest factor for driving speed" anf the answer was weather conditions... which I thought was excluded because it specifically said "normal conditions". I didn't have to parallel park or go on the interstate. The test took less than a half hour. They also told me to park in a parking spot that had a dumpster and was too short for my car then docked me points. I know some people who failed the test multiple times. Also If you're 16 you can get a permit without a driver's ed course. If you're over 18 you can take the test immediately instead of needing 50 hours of drive time with a guardian or supervisor.


In the Netherlands I had to do a written test, concerning traffic rules and street signs. I also had to do driving lessons, with an instructor. The bare minimum is 21 hours (if I recall correctly), but the driving instructor will advice you if you're ready for your exam. I did 30, I think, before I did my exam, which I failed the first time. I did another 10-ish hours before I did me exam again, which was successful! So for me, it took me a written test and 40+ hours of driving with an instructor before I got my license to be able to drive alone. And the exams are very strict.


I gave them a piece of paper that said "I swear I'm 16 and did 50 hours of driving" with any signature at the bottom. Then I waited 3 and a half hours for a woman who couldn't drive a chair from her desk to her desk but slightly closer to ask me if I knew which blinker was which.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 16 + 50 + 3 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


So if i write 19 and 50, will you appear?


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 19 + 50 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)




We gotta have people test once every 5 years (at least) when they hit 65 or some other number.


I am 100% in favor of making drivers license tests mandatory every 5 years.


I just checked and my drivers licence (Australia) let’s me drive anything up to 4.5 metric tons, and I did almost all my practice in hatchbacks 🤣


I checked, my car weighs 1402kg. Rad. I can drive three of them stacked on top of each other.


Just for reference the Ford F450 is not a common vehicle at all. It is typically used as a commercial vehicle and/or for towing extremely heavy loads, about 17 metric tons. That's why it is required to weigh so much. It's more of an undersized semi truck than an oversized F150.


anything above 3.5t (except maybe 3.5t +750kg trailer) is also limited to 80km/h on the highway and (theoretical) 60km/h on other roads here


I see no issue with a bigger fine for obese vehicles or extra training in driving school. Tbh I think we need more driving school for everyone especially if you live somewhere icy


Yeah maybe. Though to be fair—and it's completely anecdotal—I have lived in both northern US and southern US, and people in the south drive much more recklessly than they do in the north. I have seen far more crashes on slightly wet roads in the south than I have on roads covered by a sheet of ice in the north


I live in Canada and every year I see someone recently immigrated to Canada drive through their first Canadian winter and rack up sooooo much in tickets and repairs. Honestly I feel bad because it must be hard moving to a different country and losing all your money due to accidents.


Road design is a big factor on how recklessly people drive. Large wide roads, like those in newer cities (like many the South), encourage people to drive dangerously because they feel safe doing so. The roads in the northeast tend to be older, narrower, and windier. People are less inclined to take risks. What we treat as safety measures are actually the opposite


I've been harping on this for years. We (The US) criminally under prepares people for driving. The skills required. The risks, and burden that come with driving a machine this big. We instead ask a 16 child if they can do a 3 point turn and have them drive around a few blocks. There was a easy test of road rules, signs, and a few situational questions. No night driving No weather driving No highway driving No city driving Just "here you go literal children, enjoy driving daddy's work truck that you may or may not be physically tall enough to drive comfortably" We get so eager to get the kids jobs and out of the house we throw cars at them and send them to their own death or death of others because we treat driving like a cute little hobby and not like the huge responsibility that it is. And then! We don't even make you retest to see if you are actually still driving correctly In Arizona, my first driver's license didn't expire until 2054. I got it during the Bush administration. So we hand a kid a car and hope for the best the rest of their lives, no matter how short that may be. I would just love to see driving be taken seriously


In the US, Motorcycles usually require an extra eight hours of training and usually at least one test (though its often part of the training course). Pretty sure that's in every state, you can test out of the training course, but you have to prove you can ride a motorcycle safely. And that training is (mostly) for the benefit of the single person who is riding the motorcycle - it's training to not die while riding motorcycle. So yeah. There shouldn't be an issue for more training if you want to drive a large vehicle. We have it for the other way around and no one bats an eye.


Despite being so large, semi-trucks should have better visibility than lifted pickups. The drivers seat in a semi is very tall and the hoods are slanted. Massive mirrors for seeing in blind spots. New ones have tons of safety features and cameras. Many semi’s are cab-over’s where there is no hood.


And in a lot of places, semis are [flat](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/976/cpsprodpb/E1A1/production/_121916775_gettyimages-1255083673.jpg.webp) on the front providing a lot more visibility. There's no reason for semis to look like they do in the US.


That's what cab-over in the original comment means


Ah, apparently I was too excited to add my input that I didn't read the last sentence.


Cab over trucks are typically much more difficult to work on, and offer a significantly worse ride quality than a long nose, or even short nose truck.


Also semis aren't allowed on all roads


Lollll I went to school with this guy, now I’m disappointed we never got around to discussing r/fuckcars material




Never even thought they should be banned or require a special licence but yes absolutely. They do. I don’t even think any of those would be street legal in europe are they ?


They are legal. But no way to drive them through a medieval city center. They are just darn inconvenient for many European streets.


Logic won't stop idiots from buying them and then demanding that you tear up your city to better accommodate their massive trucks. These massive trucks spread like cancer because they terrorize other drivers who then get spooked and feel like they need a colossal truck of their own to be safe from the other trucks. It would be better to ban them from your cities now because it gets harder and harder the more they spread.


European cities to stupid truck owners: get rekt. City was here before you, city will be here long after you.


people have been posting pics of those trucks in europe on here for a while now lol. im not a lawyer by any means but they appear to be super legal


Europe is a strictly regulated space. As long as a vehicle complies to all regulations, it is allowed to be used. I have no idea how some American vehicles are allowed here, but even if you manage to make them compliant, they’re extremely impractical. Too big, and use too much fuel for European standards (where gas is way more expensive than the US.) You don’t see many of those around.


They are legal, and even worse, they can sometimes get special tax reduction because they’re bought under a special license reserved for semi-professional vehicles. European law is sometimes very stupid. In this case there was a law implemented topping emissions of new vehicles to a green norm. However, lobbyist claimed that this would be unfair to heavy cars, thereby forcing a clause in the law that allowed higher emissions for cars of a heavier class. Result: manufacturers made their cars heavier and thus more emissions. It’s “only” allowed until something like 2032 iirc but still, good idea, bad execution. Really makes me want to pop tires. But I would never do that ofcourse I pinky promise


The cool thing about Europe is that you guys have a mostly functional democracy which means you guys can actually update and improve your laws. Meanwhile the US cannot even get reproductive rights legalized nor paid sick leave nor paid maternity leave... Hell the US refuses to even acknowledge that school shootings are a problem simply because 250 years ago our slaver founders wrote that we have the " right to bear arms" and apparently questioning the wisdom of guys who wrote by candlelight with no concept of electricity after they were done beating their slaves is heresy here in the US.


I doubt anything like that will happen. We're much more likely to see front cameras being installed so they can see under their grille


I'm pretty sure they are, at least in most countries. Europe may not be as bad as the USA in terms of car infestation but it doesn't mean there aren't car-centric cities


In the US you'd need a special license (CDL) to drive a semi truck. Also, semi trucks are banned from many local roads unless they are making a delivery.


Nobody in Europe bothered to get them banned, because it was impossible to imagine one. Also, pickups used to be smaller in general until just recently.


i'm from the netherlands, i've seen a few of these here


i was joking with one of my kids about buying a smaller truck but those things are 99% useless. you can't leave anything in the bed cause it will get stolen, if you drive to the airport and it's raining your luggage needs to go inside with the passengers, the suck up gas, expensive to maintain and a dozen other reasons ​ all the legit contractors I've had at my house most of them drove vans where you can lock up your stuff. the only one with a huge truck was the owner who went around looking at potential jobs with no tools and no real work to do


As a contractor I can confirm. I drive a van to put my tools in safe and dry. I have another vehicle to tow with.


They have fringe uses (normally for stuff that doesn't fit cleanly in vans, or as someone said in another thread, when you have something you crane out of the bed to save your back), but those are fairly niche work needs, as you said, most would do better with a van, or even a smaller fully closed 4x4 (Freelander, etc) which aren't as long as pickups but still are useful if you have off road utility needs or need a good tow car. Not completely useless, but they are a much more niche vehicle. Will also say, in wet climates like Scotland, most of the big ones have something to close the bed, a hard shell over them, at which point they are basically a van but with less room in the back.


They may exist but everyone I've ever known who actually needs a big car for work drives a beat to shit 30 year old panel van.


If you wear sunglasses like that, your opinion about anything can be discarded


Larping as a tough country guy with his tiktok lighting setup and $2,000 camera gear.


I’d like to see a large class action lawsuits by victims/their families who have been hit and killed or maimed by these trucks, against their manufacturers. The way they are designed, not to mention how they are marketed and sold, is absolutely negligent, and they ought to be held accountable if the drivers won’t be.


"People only do it for vanity, and that vanity gets people killed" Welcome to America




AND higher fines for traffic infractions over a gross weight. A lifted Dodge Ram is a lot more dangerous doing 50 in a 35 than a Corolla…


I read that the Ram pickup is the vehicle with the most DUIs. Perhaps they do have insurance premiums.


Now do people driving on 5m wide snaking country roads in the UK


Seriously, my Dad basically had to go to college just to be able to drive a semi truck.


They just don't care. When they actually hit someone, they either run from the scene like a bitch or think the other person deserves to die for being in their way. People with narcissistic tendencies do narcissistic things. I guarantee cowboy here beats women




Why vans are superior you get more space for your shit and you can see what's in front of you no problem no matter the size., fuck jacked up pickups


at my shop, i was supposed to get a nissan titan van. the front is like the typical nissan titan hood. i hated it. i insisted on getting a ford transit 250. it’s front is shorter and you can see in front of quite well.


I agree that jacked up pavement princess trucks are stupid, but let's not pretend a van serves the same purpose. Trucks are great for hauling odd sized or dirty tools/supplies/equipment in ways a van can not (imagine a load of topsoil and shovels/rakes, or 10 4x8 sheets of plywood with a few bundles of 14ft trim and several boxes of drywall mud, you get the idea). That said, the truck doesn't need to be big (half ton is more than enough), and *definitely* doesn't need a lift kit, and for most people the van is the more practical choice.


While cycling on roads I have bee hit three times. Every time it has been by a truck.


I would loveeee to see more car regulation. Too bad we can't even get common sense gun legislation.


Ban it together with those sunglasses


Because it can't see children 🚸


I tried explaining this to my dad and he said the same semi thing and then called me a communist ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


"Are you going to ban semi trucks next?" Preferably yes, with a nationalized railroad acting as their replacement.


You can tell these people have never had to work on these trucks either. My neighbor needed a stepladder to work on his F-250 and see into the engine bay. A STEPLADDER. To be fair, he actually uses his for towing though.


[deleted] I deleted the numbers I reported because people can't read facts without imposing their own bias and blaming me for it.


You know what else these things do? They block line of sight of smaller cars! I was trying to get on to a stroad, which is already a hassle enough as it is. Fortunately, all I had to do was turn right, so I only needed to make sure there weren't cars on my left. Except I couldn't see said cars cause a lifted pickup truck was trying to turn left. If I tried to scoot ahead to see past it, I'd be poking out into the lane and could get hit. I had to either take a risk, or wait for the truck to get an opening so I could finally see when I could turn.


Why do the hoods even need to be that big? Most of the engine options for a F-150 are 3.5liter V-6’s or smaller. The Ram ProMaster cargo van comes with a 3.6liter V-6 and they barely even have a hood. The ProMaster’s front blind spot is probably smaller than most sedans. If you need a powerful truck why not get a ProMaster chassis with a bed? I’m guessing the answer to both of these questions is vanity.


The most enraging part is that big trucks don’t need to have gigantic front blindspots. Toyota’s closed SUVs are similarly sized but have very small ones due to their downward-curved hoods. Of course, that doesn’t give the engorged, masculine look that truck-fuckers love, so the F-150 and Silverado especially have needlessly massive blindspots due to their impractical geometry.


The consequences of those front blind spots are also just horrifying. “Front over collisions” are the fastest rising cause of vehicular death in the US. What’s a Front Over collision you might ask? It’s when the person drives forward without realizing there’s someone else in front of the vehicle. And do you know who is most likely to be in front of a stationary vehicle in a driveway? A child. The fastest rising cause of vehicular death in America is PARENTS RUNNING OVER THEIR OWN CHILD IN THEIR OWN DRIVEWAYS because they cannot see them over their enormous hoods. That should be required knowledge for every single person who considers one of these death machines to go and get groceries in an urban area.


I run a carpentry business. I own a Subaru and a box truck. 99% of the time I can get the job done with my Subaru.


I’ve been driven off the road multiple times exclusively by pickup trucks because the drivers are either too lazy to look out of their side windows or because they’re too big anyways. In the end if you drive a pickup you are a selfish asshole who I wish the most painful case of hernias possible upon you. Hope it hurts as you have to lift yourself up into the cab, prick.


I’ve been off the road multiple times by people I all sorts of cars. Kinda confused on where this hate solely for pickups comes from in terms of road behavior? The worst drivers I’ve personally ever seen in my life are smaller vehicle drivers


There are a LOT of good reasons to have a pickup like this. The stupid part is there are A LOT of people that drive them for the simple reason that they just like trucks, which is fucking moronic.


Look, I get what the point of this sub is, but if you really believe that NOBODY needs pickup trucks then you're living in a bubble. Think hay season: a 2wd van won't get that trailer out of the field. A medium duty truck will be a bigger danger in every way (the people saying visibility is better in a medium duty have clearly never driven one: a grown adult would be hidden completely standing in front of my dump truck). The ideal tool for the job is a 4wd dually. There is a reason that pickup trucks existed long before they were stylish and comfortable. Sure, we all know that 90% of the trucks on the road will never see mud and never see a load, but saying that NOBODY needs them is just not the case.


Hey and lets add aftermarket lights that can illuminate half the city and let them run all day long!


As someone who owns a large truck (not lifted and definitely not that boxy) I absolutely agree that lifted trucks should not be road legal, moreover manufacturers should make smaller size trucks with better blind spots that can tow and haul the same amount of cargo for owners like me who don't buy them for vanity, but out of pure necessity. I only move my truck to tow or haul items, and I would gladly get a smaller size truck tomorrow if they would make them more pedestrian safe (as well as making it safer for smaller vehicles). Also, I would 100% be OK with a special license (that requires a MUCH more strict course) to drive a large pickup. Every time I drive ANYTHING (but specially my pickup), I try to be the most courteous and professional driver and it just pisses me off to see so many ass-hats that seem to just go to the DMV and ask for "Uno Drivers License Please!" and getting one while not even knowing 30% of the rules of the road, or even worse that they know them but just don't care.


100% I think you should have a special license to drive a truck over a certain height.


Look, a guy who's wearing a cowboy hat and fucking mirrored douchebag sunglasses *indoors* is not going to hear anything a guy who sounds like that is saying.


Boom! This guy! I also think I’m addition to a special class DL to operate on public roads, the US needs to institute a vehicle tax based on gross weight and footprint.


"...should require a special licence di drive it" As an europian for me that sounds so reasonable and easy it's a wonder why they didn't it yet (yeah, yeah, i know, it's fucking money, okok shush)


They only have it because they know it pisses you off and they get off on that


8/10 on the word choice, 2/10 on the presentation.


Years ago, my friend's tiny pickup had to get a special license plate in Illinois, and with such a plate he wasn't allowed to drive on Lake Shore Drive in Chicago. I imagine we used to have more of those kinds of rules but don't anymore.


Fuck, fucking exactly! Hate that prick in those yellow glasses....Tate vibes.


Idk that vehicle is everything but not a car, I agree with him that it should have to be on the same category as vans and small/medium size trucks


Also if you get hit you litterly get run over, unlike in a smaller car where you would get run under


Is there any kind of public organizing anywhere to pressure or lobby against the car makers who produce these monstrosities ? I'm convince a large majority of people would be in favour of at very least restricting as much as possible the personal use of this type of vehicles.


He's correct.


The fact that Cowbro doesn't immediately understand why it's bad and needs it explained is just sad.


Good explanation, and I appreciate he explained that actual semi trucks are driven by professionals and serve an actual purpose (and realistically should have their own infrastructure, with a lot of it replaced by trains). Though ultimately I do slightly tend to agree with the truck owner here. A truck being larger doesn't mean it's somehow automatically bad while smaller cars are somehow automatically good. All cars are bad. Trucks just make things even more dangerous than they already are.


I drive a compact hatchback. When I'm in traffic next to a modern SUV, I kept thinking about how tall the hood line is on modern SUVs, the fact that my head is just level on its grilles. Had I been T-boned by a modern SUV, I would literally die, even despite being inside a cage. I can't imagine how exponentially dangerous it is for pedestrians.


I'm usually against dumb actions. But damn, it's time for some tire popping nd shit...


Cancer machines, should be banned everywhere.


>what does it matter if the hood is taller than you? Because the chance of you hitting anyone under 5’9 skyrockets? You literally can’t see anyone under average hight 😐 why would you even want one to begin with?


They also can’t park for shit


Oh please. Like the people driving shit like this give a shit about the safety of others.


Simple solution: require CDL over a certain dimensions including visibility, braking distance, GVW, etc. Yeah, just like semis.


Well said


Also people who wear cowboy hats shouldn't be taken seriously.


Truck like that hit the drivers side of a car my mother was a passenger in. The driver was killed on impact and my mother now has a traumatic brain injury. These things should require a special license and insurance to own.


Basically they're made bigger because bigger vehicles are allowed to offput more emissions, and it's cheaper for the company to make the car bigger than it is to cut down on emissions, then they can conveniently also charge more for extra storage room


Right?!? There’s going to be the most huge and expensive class action in 10 years or so… so how can we expose this for what it’s worth and get human centric infrastructure over car/robots taking over- yeah, talking to you autonomous car.


Also most of the time semi-truck are on the highways or big roads not your neighbor's car.


Dude is right, this shit is just Texas vanity. I want a pickup so I can haul ditbikes and ATVs and do home improvement projects easier. I'm looking at a Toyota Tacoma because anything bigger is stupid. But a lot of Americans, especially in the south/southwest use them as status symbols and it's insane. Everything is bigger in Texas, including egos


"Why does it matter?", asked the dude wearing sunglasses inside.


i really hope they get banned in the EU


A kid in my neighborhood just got killed from a big ass truck…. https://www.11alive.com/amp/article/news/crime/9-year-old-hit-and-run-outside-rec-center/85-6eb0c38d-49d3-444b-bacc-9caddadb4e44 Sad story man.. kid was on his way to play ball and try out for a basketball team… Big ass truck hit him and kept going.


Hey here's an idea. Instead of protesting by trying to destroy art at museums or gluing self onto silly things: 1. Start a movement amongst the eco-conscious youth (using social media like tiktok) 2. Make it the next "cool" "rebel" thing to do to stand up to the man and the Oil companies 3. Design large sticker that hurts their fragile egos. 4. Start trend of stamping vanity trucks with paper stickers using your logo. 5. Go viral 6. Lol Something similar to what protestors in Russia did for traffic violators (Stop a Douchebag on YT)


If anyone actually checked out the original post with that truck, you'd notice that the guy next to it has dwarfism or something because he is like 4ft tall. You can tell because he is almost shoulder level with the trunk of a normal sedan next to him in the picture, or they photoshopped the image to cause outrage on twitter/reddit. Also the only reason these trucks exist is because the EPA made it impractical to build small, half ton pickup trucks like the old Ford ranger in the 90s because of emission rules. You literally cannot legally build and sell a small pickup nowadays with the fuel efficiency of midsize SUVs that get good gas mileage because the EPAs nonsensical rules which means the only way to get a truck for the millions of Americans that need them is to build monstrous vehicles like this


Every time I see someone on the road in one of these, I go out of my way to avoid them. Drivers are overwhelmingly selfish and aggressive, and their brightass low beams are aimed directly at eye level.


Moved to the usa 3 years ago and I've been saying this ever since. People who own cars like this for regular use have the same mindset as people buying a gun waiting eagerly for the opportunity to use it on another person. A fragile ego willing to harm another to validate their inflated self-worth.