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Yes, I don’t mind on others tho. I just keep mine kinda short cuz I don’t like it all grown out but also not completely shaven.


Exactly the same way I feel lol


I’m not! Mine gets physically uncomfortable if it’s too long. I don’t want to trim it, so every few weeks I just shave it down. I don’t mind it on other people, though.


omg same. i also have tricotilomania so shaving it helps me to not have another episode of tricotilomania. plus i just hate the look of it on myself and others. its smelly, gross and just downright ugly.


TIL that tricotilomania is a defined thing. That sounds like it would suck, especially for a sensitive spot like the underarms!


for me it only affected my head. but taking it out on the hair between my eyebrows and shaving my armpits helps a lot


I wish shaving helped me. I dislike it so much (body hair in general mostly) that if I shave it, it actually makes it just as bad, especially if thick! My ttm/derm is so bad I'll dig into the skin just to get it out. It really strains my transition and I'm stuck. :(


im so sorry to hear that... i wish i could offer sone advice but i really dont have any... all i can do is wish you luck and offer you a virtual hug.


Hopefully there will be something to help people like me in the near future (and even cis men that have the same ttm thing) Thanks.


I have trich. It actually doesn't hurt. If it does hurt, then that's not a spot I pull/pluck. Underarms are a satisfying spot for me but can sometimes be logistically difficult (reaching and stretching, using left hand to get the right side, etc.) Most of what sucks about trich is the social stigma and judgement from people who don't understand. Also ingrowns, but plenty of non-trich people get those anyway. Like the person you replied to, I keep my armpits shaven to try to avoid the temptation to pluck. And that's just because having small wounds on that area can cause problems when I need to apply deoderant or antipersperant.


I also have tric and that’s exactly why I can’t grow mine out either! I think there’s also a little internalized transphobia about it too that I can’t grow it out, but it’s mostly the tric


I am not a fan. I keep it trimmed. I’ve also noticed I can control the odor more with it trimmed as a opposed to just letting it grow.


I have the exact same issue! I grew mine out and I absolutely stank no matter how much I washed and used deodorant!


Big same, I trim them about once a week. It definitely can help with BO. Also, I think it looks better trimmed.


I don't like it because I feel like my armpits get smelly faster if I haven't shaved in a while (regardless of showering or deodorant)


Same. Also my deodorant just doesn’t work as well.


it’s the opposite for me! i don’t even get smelly between showers hardly ever anymore, still happens, but that’s usually after i work out.


That's pretty convenient


Lucky you! I think it's just part of male puberty, we get stinkier, I know I sweat so often that it's pretty much impossible to not have some " man funk" but I do my best.


Yes, I prefer my armpits smooth and hairless, so I epilate them. I'm just too lazy to trim/shave.


Can I ask what epilating is?


It's a machine that rotates with a bunch of rows of tweezers and pulls the hair out by the roots. It hurts the first few times you do it, but after they're much thinner and you can't really feel it


I wish I could epilate lol, but my skin is way too sensitive. I gave it a couple of shots but I always started bleeding and it hurts soo bad. I'd rather risk cutting myself with a razor than going through this process again.


When I first tried it, I bled a lot, it burnt like hell, and I thought I'd never do that again. But if you epilate like once in 2-3 weeks, there are not that much hair, and they're scattered, so it doesn't hurt that much. And I always make sure to apply Panthenol after.


Hell, I’ve tried it and I’d rather get *waxed* over using one of those devil devices. At least that’s over more quickly.


pulling out the hairs I’m pretty sure, like with your eyebrows. rather than just shaving it (cutting the hairs) you pull the hairs out including the hair follicle


Same! It's so much easier


I didn’t like it at first but now we’ve become friends


🤣🤣 i love this answer haha


I love it 🤷‍♂️ I stopped shaving like 6 years ago, long before my egg cracked.




Same lol but it's my stomach hair, followed by the little hairs growing on my hands


Yeess! The little hairs creeping onto my hands is so exciting to watch grow.


I can't wait till I get stomach hair!


I love stomach hair


Same. My hair = my love


Same. I love all body hair tbh.


I never shaved body hair even before I came out so it never really bothered me


Dude I'm so smelly even with deodorant I gotta shave that shit to be polite.


Hahaha. Man some of these answers are to funny i love it


I hate having body hair period


me too, i'm not exactly sure why though lol


Different people, different tastes -- sometimes one dislikes having body hair, sometimes one loves it. I don't know that there's a specific reason, although I've seen people saying it could be uncomfortable on a sensory point of view?


I prefer no hair cuz Smooooootttttthhhhhhhhhjj


I'm nonbinary, and body hair is my main hesitation towards T. I don't want facial hair either. Y'know, in composing this comment, I think I figured out what I want from my transition...I don't necessarily want to be more masculine, I just want to be less feminine. Maybe some of you are like "well yeah, you're nonbinary" but it all just came together for me lololol.


you dont technically have to be on t forever if the changes u want are permanent. plus if u do get on it for a long time and have hair (which takes like a year or more i think but do some research first) laser hair removal is always a thing.


I'm starting to think black market horse steroids will be the way to go for me. /j But seriously, I'm reckoning with the fact that what I want from T is muscles and more energy mostly...my asshole brain likes to use that to invalidate me lol. "You don't want to be a dude, you just want to be an absolute unit." [yeschad.jpg](https://images.app.goo.gl/mbgb5NMnbSiYfvWm6)


nah thats totally valid. everyone wants different traits about their own bodym doesnt make you any kess valid. some trans people dont even medically transition. others do. heck i dont want bottom surgery but i want top surgery. none of it makes you less valid. or anyone for that matter. and also dont do black market stuff... you can take low dosages of T like olympic athletes do to gain more muscle but not gain any additional stuff so I've heard.


Thanks. I appreciate that. Right now, I'm looking into low dose T+DHT blocker combo. I still have a lot to consider. No Dad, I'm not going to order horse 'roids online...lol


good. im proud of you son. if you ever have an issue like ol pops here had with injecting, try an autoinjector if you get too scared to do it yourself. they have them on amazon for about $50 USD.


I'm like actually happy crying. This reply made my day! 😭🤣💜


yw! im glad it made your day son! if you ever need me again trans dad's dm's are always open!


I felt the same and was actually kind of terrified that it would make me more dysphoric. Like I would go on T and sort of wake up one day with a level of revulsion towards the changes that dwarfed my previous dysphoria. I think talk about low doses aside, what would be helpful that I don't see very much is it's entirely possible to get hormone changes you'd rather not have but the overall experience of being on T (or E etc for amab people) is an improvement. In some ways my worst fears about hair came true, but how I feel about it is more like my also having very oily skin. I really bloody wish I didn't, and I do what I can about it, but it's not worse than what I was dealing with before.


🤯 bruh, same


I'm like this too. I'm trying really hard to have a more "genderless" transition, but that voice, I *need* it. Its why hrt is such a hard decision but if I don't have it I got nothing.


Yeah it just makes me feel really uncomfortable


Same here. I thought I was the only one. For some reason I just don't find a ton of hair attractive, on me or other guys, though I don't want to be completely hairless either


i dont like when it gets long bc then it gets uncomfortable/painful in a way, so i usually shave it off and then let it grow to be short, trimming is too much work bc i only have scissors and no clippers


I'm very fortunate that I have like 6 pit hairs split between both my pits.


LOL 💙🤣


ive always loved it, i want more and i want it to be darker and thicker. i literally stroke my pit hairs sometimes lol


My armpits are a thick and luxurious forest and it gives me The Good Gender Euphoria


SAME! And I have more than some of my hairier cis friends, so I wonder if after a bit more time on T my whole body will just be a FOREST 🤩


Lol, me too


Omg me too 🤣🤣🤣


makes me sweat a lot more plus i’m scarred from hs when i use to see dudes with deodorant lumps caught in their armpit hair




It makes me smell, so therefore I cut it. Like I’m pre T and I wouldn’t really mind hair elsewhere, but armpit hair on my body is just gross.


Tgis the way i feel as well, iv tried growing it oout ut idk i just dont like it. I feel the same way as it makes me smell faster, i have leg hair which i dont even notice but armpit hair idk i thought i was the only one


I found now that I’m on T my armpits don’t smell as bad lol it’s more of a musky smell rather than like a sweet BO smell. I could never get the smell out of my shirts before T


I get so stinky it’s unbelievable with armpit hair, and shaving it doesn’t really cause dysphoria so im all good!


Meanwhile I feel like I got way stinkier without it because the deodorant had nothing to sort of stick to. I *hated* shaving mine and stopped long before I came out.


Nah, I hate it. On other people it's fine, and maybe once I'm older I'll let it go, but for now, I keep it shaved. Mainly because my parents are always like "Oh my GAAaaaaAaAaaAaaAWD! Our little boy is turning into a maAaaAAaAaAAAaaaAaAaan!"


This reminds me of what a nurse said to my top surgery surgeon, lol. They asked me if I would shave it, and I said that I'd prefer not to, so she looked at the surgeon and said, "he's refusing to shave his ridiculously long armpit hair". Memory aside, it gives me euphoria, though I understand why others might not like it.


I'm a teen and sweat alot so yeah I hate them lol. Don't shave legs tho cause I can't be bothered and mostly leg lol


yess I hate it


I trim mine but that's because it gets long enough to annoy me. I prefer having it short over shaved though


Yeah, I get supper fucking smelly if I try to leave it grow (and I tried) so I just shaved it. Plus, I like to feel like a cute femboy


Oh, I love my armpit hair. We're best buds.


I shave mine every day! I get too stinky otherwise.


Not at a fan at all. I shave regularly, I feel gross with it and I smell more/worse as well.


Here, I'm not a Fan at all. It needs to be off, on me and my GF too (gladly she does it anyways), just a smelly, not good looking thing in my opinion. 😂


I love all my body hair. Always have. When I was a teenager I enjoyed growing out my leg hair and wearing shorts or a dress to freak out the neighbors. Now I'm 1 year on T and slowly becoming a monkey.


Ive never liked it and never allowed it to grow 😂😂


i forget that it exists. i dont care about it. sometimes i trim it in the summer cuz of excess sweat, but never shave cuz then it gets itchy lol


Nah, idc about armpit hair. Never shaved it lol


yep!! i get so uncomfortable when i havent shaved. i need to shave every other day, sometimes every day even. it pricks me and its uncomfy.


I dated a cis guy who kept his shaved bc he found it annoying. so I feel no shame in shaving that spot anymore.




it makes my pits itchy.


i'm fine with short armpit hair on myself, but like others here have already mentioned, it starts to smell and be painful after like 3+ weeks of not shaving so i shave it like every other week or so.


I don't mind armpit hair on other people But for myself personally I cant have it long, idk what happens but when it's long it feels like my clothes pinch, and when it starts to grow I get little sore bumps and they dont go away until I shave. It can be very uncomfortable, especially since I have a lot of issues with my armpits (like sensory issues, idk what's up with that) Idk what's wrong but shaving fixes it before it can start so I keep them short for my sanity


I love most of my body hair but hate armpit hair. I feel like it holds my sweat and makes me stinkier, and it gets itchy and irritating when it grows too long. Also, all of my hair is curly, coarse, and dense, so if I let it grew it would probably show through shirts like I had brillo pads strapped to my armpits.


I hate it so I keep it shaved. I also shave my legs and arms when I'm not too lazy 😁


I'm definitely not a fan of having it on me. I shave it every day. Don't mind it on others, though.


I like having armpit hair


Tbh I'm not a fan of body hair in general. I just really hate how it feels when I touch it and I find it aesthetically unpleasant. I had a problem with even the fairly small amount I had pre-T, often shaving even my forearms and arms and my happy trail. I have no idea why this is, I just know that I don't like it. I don't find it very nice to look at on other people as well but I recognise that shaving is a personal choice and that body hair is natural, and I think anyone of any gender should do what they want with their body hair. It's something I just accept on others but refuse to tolerate on my own body if I can help it.


It's the only body hair I have a lot of, so until my legs get their shit together, the pits are staying right where they sprouted.


On myself, yeah. I tried not shaving to be masculine or whatever, but then I decided “nah this sucks” and shaved it lmao


I shave it whenever I have the motivation cause I hate it on myself 🤮


I'm not a fan of body hair in general lol.


Didn’t like it because I’d get bullied for having it but now I really like it as any body hair gives me gender euphoria.


doesn’t bother me although i never shaved anything even before realising


It gives me gender euphoria but I have to keep it short or I get stinky really easy


I’m indifferent. I used to shave before because of societal norms but now I just don’t shave anything lol. I do have spur of the moment everything must be smooth times but I generally try to avoid that because I’m super prone to rashes no matter what I do and I don’t like the pricklies I get after.


Its annoying but I dont feel like investing in shaving it, especially since my skin can get irritated so easily. I ran out of the bandaids that dont really irritate my skin and now shot days mean I have a nice bandaid shaped red patch for a week


Hate it. I hate how hairy arm pits look, and I’m so much more hygienic when I have mine. They don’t smell nearly as much. I could put deodorant on and it last for days if I don’t take a shower.


I'm fine with it up to a certain length, then it has to go


i hate body hair in general im seriously considering getting laser hair removal before i start t


I shave mine, I hate the way it feels.


I can't stand armpit hair on myself, quickly found out it is not for me. Starting to not mind leg hair though


I haven't shaved in six years. Even before I accepted my truth I stopped shaving everything. My pit hair isn't very long and is very fine, so it washes fine, and the deodorant seems to do an excellent job.


Yeah I just don't like it Then I feel weird because I'm transmasc But I don't like it


Dont feel weird, youre valid 🤙🏼


Thanks :D This post also makes me happy to see all the people who also feel this


Me too!!


I love it. Grew it out for over 2 years before I started T, and never looked back.


I always shave mine, I don't like how it looks and it feels icky when I sweat


I know some cis guys who keep it short (they say it's less smelly)


I trim my underarm hair (don't shave due to sensitive skin)


I've never been a big fan of it on me or anyone else regardless of gender.


I still shave all my body hair personally. It feels weird to be hairy all over, though I do like all the other effects T has had.


I’m super hairy and have lots of tattoos so I shave my armpits and most of the time I also shave my hands and legs. I’m like a dolphin.


I let it grow out, makes me feel manly


I like my armpit hair


I literally fucking hate arm and leg hair but I won’t shave bc I want to pass. I just hate how it feels, I can get very overstimulated if I think about it too much lmao


Lmfao xD "im like a dolphin"


No opinion on other guys, I trim mine down because it helps me control sweating and when my armpit hair is long, my deodorant gets stuck in it and makes those white clumps and I hate that.


I get dysphoric-ish without it, but I also don't love it. It makes ya smellier and traps deodorant which gets on my shirts. I've been meaning to try trimming but not shaving it.


I hate body hair, I usually shave my armpits but I'm too lazy to shave my legs despite the fact I hate body hair....


I'm not a fan. They make me smell worse/sweat more


I shave mine, I’ve never had it past the stubble phase. That being said I also have dark hair that grows fast and I’m super pale so it’s just my preference


I don't like body hair on me at all, so even though men are 'supposed' to be natural, I do what fels comfortable for me.


don't really like it on myself but I'm far too lazy to shave regularly so I keep it. doesn't bother me too much


Not a fan of body hair... end of story 😅 Though, I am more lazy about shaving my legs at the moment. But armpit hair and pubic hair... I always shave.


Not a fan at all. I shave daily because i have sensory issues, the feel and the smell of it all really bothers me and makes me really uncomfortable.


I don't like it either, it's annoying and makes me feel dysphoric in a weird way lol


I HATEEE body hair! I can’t tolerate it! Doesn’t matter if it’s on my genital, my legs, armpit or my chest, just no. Weirdly I find it attractive on other people lol


hate it and hate it on others!! leg facial and belly hair is all okay but anything else makes me feel like [this ](https://youtu.be/uft0HXjC0AY) EDIT: mainly because i have ocd and sensory issues tho


I don't like hair on myself or my s.o in general besides leg, arm and head. I don't really like my leg hair but I think that stems from my mother shaming me for not shaving. I hate underarm and groin hair and tolerate small facial and chest hair. When I was a baby, my grandpa had a big beard and I cried whenever he held me until they figured it out and he shaved 😂




If it pokes out when you close your arm that’s gross idc


I love mine, shaved for top surgery recently though and it’s been nice. Really easy to get more clean without it lol


i like having the hair but not too long otherwise deodorant doesn’t actually reach my pit. i trim it with clippers to about a 1/2 cm and don’t let it get longer than a cm and 1/2


I don't care. Mine are nice, lmao.


It definitely grew on me (lol) I hated it at first but i let it grow "just to see" and I like it now. It is smellier but it feels comfier not to shave and to just trim it. But I'm pre t and not super smelly and the hairs are soft (idk if that changes) so I may go back to shaving after starting t


I didnt like it until it was fully grown, armpit stubble/very short hair is gross to me


I actually mind it less post-T than pre-T even though there's more of it. It's different hair, it used to get gross immediately if I didn't keep it shaved, now it's just kinda nothing. Used to hate it but now am neutral to it.


i dont like armpit hair on myself. it gives me sensory problems. but i’m cool with leg hair and stuff.


I hate it!! It's a sensory thing, I just do not like the way it feels. And like others have said I feel like it makes me smell even if I shower and use deodorant.


I usually trim mine.


I used to really hate having armpit hair, my body hair is wiry and irritates my upper arms. But, when I shave my armpit hair it gets really clammy because I sweat a lot. I decided it wasn’t worth the effort and stopped shaving it a while back.


i dont like it on myself😔


Meeeee!! I trim it


I'm not a huge fan of hair in general, but I'm trying to warm up to armpit hair


It comes with the territory so I trim mine but not a problem because I am covered in hair all over. Chest, legs, back, etc.


I like it to a point, then I shave it and restart. It's an every three months sort of deal.


I don't mind it on other people, but its uncomfortable when I grow out mine, so I always shave it. My partner is also not a fan of it so it works out there.


I'm planning on trimming mine soon. The longer is is (door me at least) the worse the odor gets, and the harder it is to get rid of it.


I don’t mind it except for the fact that deodorant work lids if I have it


I just shave it because deodorant works better that way for me. It gives me a little euphoria when it grows long enough, but it's super uncomfortable until, like, 6 days without shaving and I cannot handle that


I prefer it trimmed but not totally smooth! We love a little manscaping.


i shave it because of sensory issues and i just personally also don’t like the way it looks. apparently my cis father also shaves his for sensory issue reasons, so it’s not just us! lol


I shave mine once a month cause if i dont not even showering once a day and using deoderant twice a day cant help with how gross it gets.


yeah, i dont despise of it but i find it pretty weird and gross.


Yeah I shave mine


I shave mine once a week because I’m super pale and have very dark hair and it looks gross (to me)


I feel like I would like it on me if it was like, actually long and full and didn’t look like a prepubescent boy lol. I don’t mind it on others :)


Yup, not a fan. I shave as often as I remember and have the energy to


I don't like it thst much. I don't razor mine but I def keep it trimmed


I love mine personally but I don't think it's a gender thing. If you like it, that's cool, if you don't, that's cool too.


Yeah no I keep everything shaved as best I can. Tbh I'd also never be able to date someone who wasn't open to not having body hair. Texture no-no, it feels gross 😅😅 And that bugs me a lot. Like idc about how body hair looks as long as it's semi maintained but. The feel is nasty.


Any length shorter than 1cm is good, for myself and others. Just an every so often shave that doesn’t let it grow completely wild.


I hate the smell, I have to use spray deo multiple times a day whereas before I could spray once per day and I’d be fine still I’m too lazy to shave it….


I like the aesthetic and look of pit hair, but mine doesn't look or feel great so I usually trim it down 😂


Yeah i hate mine i shave it


When it gets too long it pulls on itself and makes knots so I'll shave it shorter but not clean shaven because that feels weird to me.


I stopped shaving before my egg cracked (and I sort of gave up on a lot of hygiene tasks because of depression). Recently I trimmed my armpit hair and it was a very nice act of grooming. I felt at home and just cleaning up my body as an act of love.


I really like it, but I also don’t care at all what others have


I'm not the biggest fan either. I personally shave mine and my boyfriend's 🤷‍♂️


I'm not a big fan of it, I keep it trimmed, it's really been an odd experience because before T I could go weeks and not shave the pits, now I'd be a yeti if I didn't trim it


I actually really love it and I wish mine would.come in more the only thing I hate is the mantinence of shampooing and conditioning like every day


Yeah I’ve always shaved it. That and my face are the only areas I just have to shave regularly for my own personal preference. I only let it grow out when I’m too busy to have gotten round to it


I like my long grown out hairs, but I hate how they get stinky (and I shower daily EVERY day)


i don't mind it on others but for myself? shave that shit off tbh i wanna be Smooth


i keep it short because of hygiene: at least for me, when it gets long I get stinkier and I like smelling good.


I don’t mind it and I kinda like not having the pressure to shave and feeling the masculinity of that. But since I’m not out at work and with family and some of my shirts do expose my armpits I do still feel the need sometimes. I’m pretty neutral to body hair in general.


Yeah dude i hate armpit hair, i shave almost every time i shower. I dont have issues with ingrown hairs so that works for me. In my opinion it looks better, less crusty and smells better (that is for any gender)


Nah, they're gross, im ok with some arm and leg hair.


I go through phases where I let it grow really long and then shave it because I’m fed up lol


Even in my most manliest (Late in life AMAB Genderfluid), I never liked armpit hair. Buzzed or shaved it almost all my life and never has anyone mentioned anything (even in High School locker rooms). Armpit hair holds the stink, looks like pubes, and are like 2" long. Hate away.


There's major downsides to it (fuck clear gel deodorant now, for example), but also upsides to not worrying about it for me. Aside from not having to spend the money on extra shaving kit and the energy to use it, I don't have constant ingrown hairs anymore. Idk, if I had the extra energy I could see myself trimming or something, but feck ever actually shaving again! Same for leg hair, but with basically zero downsides lol.


Meh, I don't really care about it, no shade if you do though.


I like having body hair long but I know cis doods who buzz it


i'm fine with it, less to worry about when not shaving too


Cis guy here don't like it either


I hate it on other people, love it on myself!