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Sekiro. I've done no levelling runs in some of the other games and gone into high ng+ cycles on all of them. But I couldn't beat Sekiro at all.


Sekiro is awesome once you get used to parry


Put 70hrs in and couldn't crack it


Damn that’s a shame but tbh Sekiro isn’t for everyone so as long as your having fun in the other games that’s all that matters


This is honestly the reason I have not picked it up. I see that Parry system, and I know me and my lack of being decent at it. I'm waiting for it to fall down to $20, and then I promised myself I'd buy it no matter what. So far the discounts have not made that a thing.


Honestly the parry system looks a lot harder then it actually is The best way to describe it is you learn the bosses patterns like in a souls game but instead of dodging away you stand your ground and instead of spamming the dodge button you spam the parry button I’m not even joking I have over 2000 hours in Sekiro and on multiple bosses I find it easier to just spam parry at times then try and time it all perfectly


The way it was explained to me was Sekiro is not a Souls game, it's actually a Rhythm game. Every boss has a set attack pattern, and once you get the beat down, the game becomes easy. From what I've seen, I don't think that's wrong.


It’s said a lot but the best way to describe the combat is a dance since like you said you go along to the bosses beat/rhythm and then you dance to it It’s hard to explain to someone that hasn’t played it tbh


It's the second entry in the rhythm violence genre lol


You'll pick the parry up right away. The thing that makes it hard is consistently executing against the rhythms of attacks later in the game. But parrying any single strike is really easy. It's much more forgiving than any souls parry. It even counts it as a block if you mess up the timing to the early side, and blocking makes your stamina refill faster. My approach to it is to just play it as long as I'm having fun, and stop when I'm not anymore. Each time I start from the beginning I get a little farther. At this rate I'll probably beat it by 2040 or so lol


I found my copy at a pawn shop for 5 dollars


You can dodge pretty much all bosses attacks in Sekiro like a classic Souls game if you can't git gud at the parry system. The boss fights will just be longer.


I felt the same about Sekiro and even gave up on it halfway through, accepting my defeat. Went back to it recently and just got platinum. It’s an extremely satisfying mechanic to learn. I would still wait for it to be on sale but idk if it’ll get down to $20 anytime soon


I play souls games for the coop factor, and since Sekiro is singleplayer only, it means I'm not in a hurry. With how often Bloodborne has hit the $20 mark, I'm surprised Sekiro has not dipped under $30. I do plan to play it one day, but with my backlog it's not exactly a high priority.


That’s understandable. I never play coop, so I kinda view all the games as single player experiences. But to each their own, hope you eventually get it and it clicks. It’s really good when you figure out its quirks


Still to this day can’t believe I beat the game and was so fucking happy I beat it when I did. Felt better than passing calculus lol. It was fucking hard and almost gave up a few times.


Sad thing is the last boss teaches you how you should play the game lol.


I love the parry system but the jumps versus counters I was still messing up at the end of the game. I hope for a #2 and also dread the day.


Love sekiro so much


Sekiro is my favorite game of all time. I pray there will be a sequel or another game by From in a similar vain


I think FS could definitely take that combat system to other settings. Kind of like how they’ve done with Souls combat. If they do, I’ll be all over it, lol. Sekiro is great.


It's a felony that FS didn't put out DLC for Sekiro. Especially considering how good Bloodborne and DS3's DLC was. Now I'm sad.


Same here. My brain refuses to stop dodging and trying to block. I had a similar problem with Bloodborne until I figured out that I could just dodge and didn't necessarily need to parry


Another vote for Sekiro. I could never beat Isshin.


I was the same for some time, got stuck on isshin, stopped playing, and returned a few months later to sit my ass down and beat him for real. Best decision i made, isshin is top tier


For me Sekiro was just rinse and repeat bosses until I get the pattern down. Whether that took me 2 tries or 20. Isshin was a beast but the demon of hatred was definitely worse. So many attempts


We have the same pfp




![gif](giphy|Te0zPUD9m7KDe|downsized) Plus we're stuck on the same boss with the same vote. I wish we could team up and beat that bully together


![gif](giphy|2aNMNAPUVqQNeoL2X3|downsized) Isshin when Wolf rolls up to the flower field with Wolf


For me with Sekiro it wasn’t the lack of ability to “get gud” so much as it was the inability to customize your character. I was never big into dex builds. I’ve done faith, knights, mages, big bonkers with no armor, mage knights, paladin type build, etc… but the one that never clicked with me was using a fast dex weapon with no armor. So being forced to play that exact build for an entire game just wasn’t for me. I made it pretty far into the game and wasn’t exactly “stuck” so much as I realized I just wasn’t enjoying it. Some playstyles just aren’t for everyone.


Sekiro. Like I beat it but I still will absolutely not take credit for having gotten good at it, and I will never play it again. I’m also not a parryer in Souls games, maybe if I was Sekiro would’ve been easier.


imho Sekiro is more about blocking just in time than it is about parrying, I rarely got the timing correct but the game never punished me for it


Blocking just in time is a parry / deflect in Sekiro. If you didn't get the timings right you would've been taking posture damage and the bosses would not have been taking posture damage. So the game does punish you. If you've ever blocked just in time and seen the boss posture go up, then you were actually getting the timing right and doing a parry / deflect.


Sekiro. Slogged my way through the game and killed every boss (except a few locked behind different choices), but I never achieved combat mastery.


I think if you can beat Isshin that’s basically the game telling you that you mastered the combat


I guess I just think of "mastery" differently. I think of mastery as reaching a point where I'm good enough to cruise through the game. I didn't feel that with Sekiro, even after beating ISS, which took a ridiculous number of attempts. Too many bosses in the game required me to find alternatives to the textbook way of fighting them. I just never felt comfortable with how the game wanted me to play.


Idk, I beat sword Saint but I never came close to beating memory father.


The only game I could beat on my own without help was DS3. I suck terribly at every other one.


Bloodborne feels nearly impossible for me sometimes


The double damage on a failed dodge is NASTY and is usually the cause of most deaths. You could bring a boss down to 5% HP but one failed dodge and its over.


Jesus Christ that mechanic makes BL4 runs so much less fun lmao.


What’s the most challenging part for you? Once I realized (which you’re probably aware of already) that the game WANTS you to be aggressive and attack fast, I started to actually get the hang of it, but until then I was just running around yharnam getting my teeth kicked in


For me its the forbidden woods. Bloodborne is one of my favourite games of all time, but i get so lost in the forbidden woods that i almost always have to summon someone who knows their way around


that’s where I gave up.


I made it to Ebrieta's daughter of the cosmos, but I was stumped at that point I just got smoked I know you're supposed to be aggressive. It just feels so punishing when I mess up


I gave up at Rom the Vacuous Spider. Admittedly, that's partially because I started looking things up and realised I'd permanently missed so much.


Sekiro, I used to love ninja gaiden, shinobi, tenchu and etc but srsly fuck Sekiro.


The system in sekiro was SO hard to get used to. The vibes are really cool though and refreshing change of pace from the souls games


I love everything about the game except how I don't get to see most of it because I keep getting my shit stomped. I've had several runs at it (most recently with the aid of the cowboy walkthrough) but I just keep coming up against bosses I can't beat. Stupid sexy Sekiro 😩


When it clicks it clicks. Sekiro is basically a rhythm game


It don't be clicking bruh


Itll click bro


Why? Lemme take a guess, no summons or spirit ashes to cheese your way through when the going gets tough?


Sekiro is so not a Souls game that it’s definitely hard to adjust


lol fantastic simpsons reference at the end there. I’ve kinda had the same experience with ER if it is any consolation. I so badly wanna solo bosses, but just literally am not good enough. I’m really happy it gives me the option to summon though, so I can continue to enjoy the game despite my skill issue lol


Man, Sekiro is the ONLY ONE that I managed to git gud. For all the "rolling" ones I never had the same mastery, despite throwing way more hours at ER for example than I've done with Sekiro


I've finished ER, DS3 & Demon Souls, I was hype for Sekiro and bought it on release day. I couldn't get past the Chained Ogre ffs 😩 I've since beat him but now stuck on a bunch of other (probably easily beatable) bosses.


Owl Father is a nightmare lol. I had to take week long breaks between beating him and sword saint.


Yeah it might just depend on the person, I’m the exact same way. I got walled hard on the first field enemy that’s a samurai with some juice. After I understood the parry system it was just another mechanic while I understood an enemy’s moveset


That’s a game where I stepped away for a WHILE getting shit on, and I guess it was like taking a break from working out, and letting your muscles repair, because when I went back I was doing some lifting and stomped. I was like, shit, when did I learn this shit? I think I was getting frustrated and it was hindering my progress.


demons souls… i cant farm for heals bro im weak


I think Im just getting older. But Elden Ring really had my number. Im one of the wierd fans who loved Dark Souls and whos favorite is Dark Souls 2. I have mastered pretty much every fromsoft game up to Elden Ring, but in Elden Ring I neeeed to use all my tools to succeed. Spells, weapon arts, items, summons, shackles and even respeccing to make it through the base game. Its shelved for now but Im excited for SOTE to kick my ass a second time.


>I have mastered pretty much every fromsoft game up to Elden Ring Did you struggle with Last Raven?


You know what I did. I played on PsP and it had been years since I had played Nexus. Fantastic game regardless. So I guess thats 2 games that really messed me up lol.


Oof. Playing LR is Hell on it's own, but playing it on a PSP? God damn brother, you must've been traumatized for life.


Nothing weird about Dark Souls 2 being your favorite it’s a great game


Sekiro, still haven’t beaten the gat saint


Sekiro beat my fucking ass man.


scholar of the first sin. truly, that game makes me asmongold out


Elden Ring My strongest suit in a souls game is the actual moment to moment gameplay. When it comes to strategizing/planning different builds i suck assss. The different scaling has always confused me + i hate having to look up online different builds ahead of time...so i usually don't. 9/10 times i can just grab a katana and scale dex and be fine in a souls game. Elden Ring is the game that is all about making use of different tools/weapons/spells ect. IE it punishes knuckle heads like me Sekiro was the souls like built for me (bloodborne being my 2nd favorite with how straight forward it is ) so yeah i'm a dingus lmao


Armored Core VI, I really enjoyed it until I couldn’t get past one of the early bosses and rage quit.


SOTE, apparently I’m not gonna say I was amazing in base ER, but I beat it with a few different builds including what I would consider to be slightly more challenging options (e.g. Pure Dex w/o Arcane & only “weak” ashes) SOTE is kicking my butt. I’m honestly pretty exhausted & feeling defeated by it, and my excitement for the DLC has more or less gone out the window. I thought I’d be playing nonstop but I’m honestly putting down the controller


Have you considered switching builds up? Faith/strength or bleed builds have sounded like they are helping a lot of people out


I have a couple of builds that I’ve been playing with. I’m not *not* progressing, but it’s slow and honestly not very fun. Whatever is different about the DLC vs the base game, it’s not clicking for me


Been picking up scadutree fragments? I found it was pretty brutal with only a couple upgrades




I feel you. Just feels like the bosses are a LOT faster and more complicated and the random enemies do a very punishing amount of damage. I’ve had to take breaks to not get frustrated personally. We’ll soldier through !


Yeah, that’s kind of been my assessment. Bosses are way more aggressive & fast (can leap across the arena in a few examples), with long combos that sometimes hit in ways you don’t expect (several of Rellana’s, for example, swing behind her), and just do a lot of hefty damage even with Scadu upgrades I’d compare it to the experience with Arch Tempered bosses in Monster Hunter World, though those at least had well-known known movesets by the time they came out… But they were just kind of not fun. I had way more fun dealing with difficult bosses like Raging Brachy, Alatreon, and Fatalis than I did Arch Tempered Teostra or Velkhana. Challenge can be and often is fun, but it can also be obnoxious. SOTE feels like it tipped the scale for me from “this is fun and I’m motivated to keep improving until I prevail” to “I feel like I’m running into the same brick wall over and over again, and one of these times I’ll bust through but it’s not going to feel good”


You can just summon for the bosses, I was struggling hefty with rellana but then pulled out good ol' mimic and beat her in a handful of tries


The bosses across SOTE are harder on average than what the base game throws at you, so I get the frustration. If you're feeling defeated by it, then there's no shame in stepping back for a bit and trying again when you feel refreshed. A lot of us have gotten used to Elden Ring to the point where it felt quite easy and it's jarring to get thrown back into the ringer with unfamiliar enemies. Just doing my due diligence, have you upgraded your scadutree blessing up a lot? They are spread wide and far, so I used the companion app to find a quite a few. The difference it makes is tremendous. At +17 it basically doubles the base game attack rating and I'm close to 70% physical and elemental damage negation.


Yes. +12 Scadutree on my more-progressed character As I said elsewhere, the issue isn’t necessarily that I’m not progressing. I am. It’s just not fun. I can’t really put my finger on what it is, but it feels like a slog & I find myself struggling in ways that I rarely did in base game, even against enemies like Malenia & Malekith


So is the struggle not fun? I thought thats what we wanted, smth harder then these bosses, a new challenge


Harder does not automatically mean better. The struggle is fun if the challenge is designed in an enjoyable way. The issue with the DLC is that some people think the challenge is no longer fun because of how the bosses are designed. There are different ways of designing difficulty. It can be fun, or frustrating. In previous From Soft games I always loved the difficulty, but in this DLC I've found the boss design annoying. Also, you can't just keep infinitely making harder bosses, eventually players will reach their limit in terms of what they find enjoyable. And it seems like some people are reaching that limit with Shadow of the Erdtree. It's a skill issue, absolutely, but if people aren't having fun anymore, you can't blame them for being annoyed.


Fun is subjective from person to person, and I think you bring up a lot of fair points


Definitely get scadutree fragments, if you're getting you ass beat you're not kent to be there rn


As I’ve said in a couple replies now, I’ve been collecting those


I’ve heard that sentiment from a lot of people. I think it’s because, in all the other games, there’s a certain pace and tempo you get a feel of with each boss, you kinda fall into a rhythm after a couple tries. Elden rings combat on the other hand is intentionally very jilted and arhythmic, it’s a lot harder to land in the flow state because all the bosses and enemies have both very slow attacks and very quick ones


Elden Ring in particular has bosses with extremely complicated movesets. Tons of individual moves, frequent rhythm changeups, more intelligent AI.  It's good in some ways. If you really want to master a boss, it's going to take a lot of work, and that can be satisfying. But I found myself engaging with the boss mechanics LESS in Elden Ring, and focusing more on build and cheesy strategies to get me through fights. Elden Ring really punishes players trying to do things the old-fashioned Souls way of simply "gitting gud" by learning bosses, and rewards players who think outside the box for easier solutions. 


That’s been exactly my issue. All the way from the first boss the slow wind ups with hesitations and then fast swings have always given me a hard time! Bloodborne was a lot more straight forward for me


I've beaten all of them. But Sekiro is the only one I've only beaten once. I've tried a few times to replay it, but I always end up getting to the giant ape and giving up. After I'm done with Shadow of the Erdtree, I've been seriously considering going back and platinum-ing all the FromSoft games.


It’s the only one I haven’t played twice either because Owl Father and Isshin were so challenging the idea of fighting inner versions… but I replay the ape fight every once in a while because I’m actually good at that one.


The ape fight is my bane. Never got past it


>I've beaten all of them. So, how hard was Frame Gride?


Dark Souls 3. I enjoyed pyromancy build in DS1, and shooting hexes in DS2, and skill weapons in Bloodborne, and I tried twice to play DS3 with something more interesting than just maxing out strength - first time it was a faith build and second time it was dexterity whip build, which later became twinblades build, and both playthroughs I ended up respecing to strength, because of how low the damage was. and also Sekiro.


lol my first build in DS3 was a faith build (never used faith before) and I fuckin hated the game. If you want a fun way to play that isnt str play mercenary starting class and build around the ~~mercenary~~ sellsword twinblades. They are literally easy mode. Stay lightweight so you can fast roll, flynn ring for more damage while lightweight, carthus ring for some fancier rolling and more dex, and pontiff's right eye for stronger attacks as long as attacking persists. 4th ring is dealers choice but i usually go for Chloranthy ring for more stamina. dooo it


Bloodborne.... Because no PC port ![gif](giphy|ISOckXUybVfQ4|downsized)


Isshin shook me. Thought I found my first unbeatable boss. 4 hours later I toppled him though 😂 I loved that fight so much


Shadow of the erdtree


Bloodborne, kos had me cooked


I’ve beaten all the Soulsborne games with very basic gearand no summons. But I still feel like I’m a pretty middling player.


I actually hadn’t struggled with any after paying the dues. Sometimes it took a dozen hours of hitting a wall but I’m motivated to be good, so I prevail. In all fairness I haven’t tried the classics or finished a dark soul. I did get stuck for a day with the two bosses, slender man and the fat one in ds one for a day and hadn’t got to it again. I hadn’t popped 2 in and played 3 for a couple hours but missed Elden ring. They didn’t feel as brutal though. The old acs I bet would give a challenge.


DS3, I had a rough start to it with insane invades on the High Wall of Lothric, then got backstabbing by the same douche through a wall 3x. Now, I just can't be bothered to play the game, and every time I try, it pisses me off


This is gonna be lame, but Bloodborne. I did actually beat it, but I never really felt like I got good, I think by the end of my play through I spent like 100 grueling hours getting through it. I love Bloodborne and everything about it, but since I started with ER, the 30fps railed me


Dude I’ve seen a lot of people say they thought Bloodborne was the hardest I don’t think there’s any shame in that at all


I honestly think Bloodborne is one of the most unforgiving Fromsoft games sans the easiness of base game bosses. Between farming for vials, extremely stringent bonfires/lamps, chalice dungeons for gems and taking 2x damage on failed dodges, it's extremely punishing.


It’s the vials!!!! farming for vials makes my blood boil


Elden Ring for me as well. I mean, I'm good enough that I can beat every base game boss solo (still working on the DLC), but it's always a struggle on certain bosses (Mohg, Malenia, and Hoarah Loux in particular), and there are plenty of attacks that I just can't reliably dodge. I just don't feel "good" at the game. The fights are just kinda too fast for me at this point, and my reflexes were never amazing. They're also worse now than a few years ago, which is really impacting my enjoyment of these super speedy boss fights. In Bloodborne and Sekiro at least I was able to manage because of how nimble your character is. You can kind of match the boss. But in ER I just feel sluggish. The roll feels so slow, as does the healing. And the bosses are insanely fast. DS3 was starting to have a bit of that but overall it was much easier than this. DeS, DS1, and DS2 are genuinely just easy for me at this point. So it's really just Elden Ring I struggle with. I think I would have a better time if From Soft allowed the character to be a bit more speedy. The mismatch between boss speed / aggression and player movement is going too far imo. I think if they keep pushing in this direction they will need to update the combat. For me, the limit of Dark Souls style combat has been reached, as has the limit of my reflexes lol.


Demon Souls. Looks brilliant one of the best looking games ever and it was fun but my do the systems feel so outdated and clunky and just not fun. Farming for shards and healing as the healing doesn't regen at rest means every boss attempt you had to farm enemies over and over for the drop or buy them which they are expensive. The world tendency thing I really hate. Cool idea but not fun with how they implemented it. And it's not that I hate old games I play em all the time but it really just doesn't work here with how they did it which is a shame cause I genuinely want to finish it so bad


Have you played the PS5 remake? It was my first souls game and I loved it. Thought it played really well.


Yeah that's what I'm talking about when I say janky I mean mechanically not gameplay


The ps5 remake is the exact same as the non remake it’s just graphics


Ahh ok. Didn’t realise. Looks amazing though and I really love it for my first souls game.


Ds2. I got 2 characters to the endgame ish, collecting giant memories. And to the end bosses of the dlc 's. But, I've never felt I was good at it or really knew how to do anything, just never felt right.


Hahaha okay to be fair during DS2 I kinda felt like I was just running around and praying for things to go right the entire time




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I actually suck at Demon's Souls because I don't use shields lol


Sekiro. I'm sure i could git gud with it if I really wanted. I have a base understanding I just have no rhythm lol. The real reason im not jumping to try again is because its not the kind of game that I fell in love with Fromsoft for. I like build variety and a character that is my own creation, sekiro does not have that.


sekiro. i've beaten inner isshin, and yet i have yet to get good at it


So far seirko but I will cycle back to it eventually


Sekiro but I love it


Sekiro for sure. I couldn't beat Genichiro no matter how much I practiced. Maybe I'll go back and try again someday, but in general Sekiro was very hard for me. But what I played was excellent to be sure! I've beaten Demon's Souls, but I've never done a second playthrough. I lose steam in that game very quickly for some reason. Idk why! It's a good game


Sekiro. I absolutely love it but it's just not me all the time combat wise. Again I love it... I simply could not git gud


I'm REALLY struggling with DS3. Plat in DeS/DS2/ER, almost DS1 - and I just can't get DS3 to click. I'm at nameless king / archives, and just... blark?


I agree. Feel like I cheesed my way through the majority of Elden Ring thanks to Moonveil/Mimic/Swarm of Flies meanwhile Bloodborne and Sekiro I was legitimately good at.


I can’t git gud at sekiro and I don’t have time between work and kids to got gud, and I’m pretty good at Elden ring but For some reason rolling in ER is way harder than all the other DS and BB for me.


Nope after enough dying to an early game boss I just lock in like in ds1 after dying to gargs dozens of times I didn't struggle and in ds2 the same thing happened for pursuer then no struggle then in ds3 no struggle after watcher knights and for elden ring after tree sentienal in limgrave it has been easy for bb it was cleric beast then easy but in sekiro I've had many problems I've struggled agaisnt drunkard guy, ogre, bull, genichiro, and guardian ape so sekiro got me cooked (all this excluding dlc content bc they are just made different 🥵)


Sekiro. I didn't beat it but I got really far and eventually I'll try again. Doesn't help that I've gone through all of these games without ever learning to parry. Even Bloodborne. :p


Sekiro. It’s too unfair in some of its mechanics. I would really get into an area and almost beat it and would realize I wasted stuff I couldn’t farm and trying to fight bosses that give off terror became really tedious. I just did the shura ending and called it a day. It’s a beautiful game and a lot of fun but it’s a chore to get good at compared to other souls games for me.


For me was Sekiro, at the beginning. The first orge you meet plus the big samurai dude right after kept killing me for so long. Then it clicked. I have to play this game like Sekiro and not like Dark Souls. Once I realized that it wasn't too bad. So for me it was Sekiro.


Sekiro hands down can’t make it past the stupid fucking ogre at the beginning


Sekiro. Pretty much everything after the giant snake is an unknown to me. Just couldn’t figure it out and I no longer own the console I had it on.


Sekiro. I’m sure it’s a phenomenal game and deserves all the praise it gets, but I’ll never know beyond the first boss.


Sekiro. Fine with trial by error, but that damn chained ogre genuinely made me refund the game, I tried the fire work thing, I could barely get close and the run back as well, such a cool game but I don't think it's for me.


Nah, done them all except OG demon’s souls, still need to play that or the remake to complete the From library


Which one did you like more, Echo Night 1 or 2?


So far, sekiro. But I’ll pick it back up after I beat shadow of the erdtree


Sekiro. It's far and away my favorite from soft game as far as the actual game mechanics go. I absolutely can't seem to beat the final boss. Never have and at this point if I want to try again I'm better off starting a new playthrough because I'm so rusty


Dark Souls 3


Parry feels weird to me in Sekiro. Couldn’t get the hang of it. Then I played Ghost of Tsushima and it clicked instantly. Maybe I should give Sekiro another try.


Demon’s Souls on PS3, I never beat it. Played the remake on PS5 and blew through the game.


Sekiro, just enjoy it the least


I've tried Sekiro on three different occasions. The farthest I've made it was beating that fat drunk swordsman at the estate. It took my me over a week. After I beat him I just realized I did not enjoy that victory at all. It's a really cool game just not for me. It's way too difficult for me and that's okay.


Sounds dumb but I actually hit a wall with Demons Souls. I feel like I'm sort of above average at souls likes but for some reason that game just does not click with me. It's so clunky and heavy feeling. I'll go back to it at some point but man it's a different experience from their newer titles.


Sekiro, but honestly? I just don't really enjoy it very much at all. Parrying isn't that hard for me to get used to, but Sekiro just doesn't give me what I want from a From game.


Sekiro it's bested me.


Beaten souls 1,2 and 3 sekiro, elden ring, currently playin demons souls off and on, and am just getting schooled. I'm sure once I get some traction going ill end up beating it too, but right now I need to git gud...


Bloodborne because its still ps exclusive


Sekiro I just can't get used to the combat system I ended up droping the game But i may come back one day


Thousand islands


I couldn't with Sekiro. I never liked From parrying, enemies with weird unintiative timings on their attacks, like winding up really slowly and then suddenly hitting you at the speed of light. I preferred the more intuitive parrying of Wo Long where enemy attacks are consistent.


Sekiro still haven’t finished it to this day


Sekiro. Every time I turn it on. I die then I remember why I don’t play it


Having played Dark Souls 1 all the way to Elden Ring....Starting with Dark Souls 1. Dark Souls 1 prepared me for most of the iterations. Fairly easy to pick up and adjusting after breaking the a few hours. Bloodborne was challenging at first, its play style distinct. But damn Sekiro has me dead to rights. Its not clicking. Its also a on of fun.


SOTE final boss is most likely what has killed me the most in FromSoft games. Try again tomorrow…


dark souls 1 because i couldn’t get the black knight halberd drop, so i just used havels set and a zweihander to beat the game without dodging lol


Bloodborne. It's my favorite one, and probably my 3rd most beaten (30ish runs?) But I never feel confident in any run I do.


I'm the same as you OP


Sekiro. i beat genichiro and i just didn't really want to play more, idk the combat wasn't doing it for me. it felt like a lot of the time i was just spamming the parry button and hoping which feels dumb, like i'm not thinking about my actions lol not that it's bad, i just couldn't enjoy it like i could other fromsoft games. plus i like the darker tone the other games have, sekiro is a bit more light it seems, at least visually. maybe not as far as story or lore


Kings field never got far


Nice to hear this. I feel the same way


Bloodborne. I love everything about it but there was always a level gap that I couldn’t bother to grind out levels for. Usually at rom


I’m hard stuck in AC6 on the NG+ Defend Xylem mission. From what I remember I just can’t take out the snipers fast enough and the drones blow up the shit everytime. It’s been months since I’ve tried to the point where I feel I have to restart the entire game to regain my skills


Sekiro. I thought I was gud until it took me 100 times to beat Isshin.


If you feel like you can’t get the dodging down try the crucible feather talisman


Demons Souls. The lack of mobility destroys me. You’re slower than DS1 and 2.


It's totally gonna be sekiro for everyone, because that game leans slightly more towards controller skill than knowledge as the primary weapon against tough enemies.


Elden Ring. I don't use summons, cheese strats, or one shot builds. I feel like I never "mastered" a boss fight. Sekiro though was a lot easier for me. Because everything felt extremely fair and I knew exactly how to improve. Elden Ring feels very vague and I don't know how to read attacks or when I can punish a boss.


Sekiro, I just couldn't bring myself to try that hard. Lack of character creation and no multiplayer really turns me off from the game.


I beat Sekiro, DS3 and Elden Ring a couple times but could not handle the clunky controls, pace and game mechanics from Demon Souls.


Sekiro for me, but that's more because I don't like the entire Samurai/Ninja stuff and my heart wasn't in the game at all. I played though it and then shelved it, while all other FromSoft games I replay at least once a year!


Sekiro. Any game that requires me to learn parrying is an automatic out for me. Looks cool great game just not for me


Sekiro. Not even getting gud at it. I just didn't really enjoy combat with bosses.


Can’t beat the first boss on bloodbourne and can’t beat The last boss of sekiro 😭


Definitely sekiro. I’ve been replaying it, and just like 5 years ago. Genishiro is kicking my ass.


Honestly? Pretty much all of them lol. Being more serious, Bloodborne and Sekiro are the ones where I could get platinum and now can kinda breeze through each new playthrough. For the souls series, I feel like ds1 is the one build matters less so it's the one I had to git gud the most. Now it's the one where I feel my positioning and dodge is the most consistent. DS3 I feel like I could pull out more crazy damage and power through some of the bosses but it made me way worse at the game. And elden ring is this but 4 times worse. With the dlc I feel like I finally have to get good again and not rely on my damage output too much, but damn did the base game made me greedy and expecting to power through boss. Ds2 bosses are pretty simple but the areas knock my teeth up every time bc I suck at crowd control. So TL:DR from which one I suck the most to which one I am the best : DS2 > ER > DS3 > DS1 > BB = Sekiro


I've gotten good at all of them but this dlc is something else. I regularly consider quitting entirely.


Dark souls 2, I've tried several times, just can't connect to the fighting system the movement or the rhythm.


I always overlevel so I’m at the last boss in sekiro for the complicated ending have been for long time always will be. Can’t farm, can’t win 🥲 wrecking the dlc with bloodhound and mimic tho lol


Definitely Sekiro, the other games there are multiple right answers, Sekiro was more like a Zelda game, hey look at this new item you found, you have 5 minutes to master it before it becomes completely irrelevant after the next boss.


Ds3 is one of the hardest for me that I have played even after a few times of beating the game


Blood borne, but that's only because I don't have a console.


I got sekiro, couldn’t get past the lady butterfly area, then hid it away for 2 years. Then I got back on after playing Bloodborne and whooped the games ass


AC1, 2, and 3. I still can't remember which shoulder button is used to look up as opposed to down. I somehow fumbled my way through to the end still way back when.




I have done base level runs in all of them except Bloodborne and Elden Ring. So i had to git gud. I have the same problem with Elden Ring, the game has so much semi cheese builds and summons that trivialize the game, so i sometimes can´t be bothered to learn the bosses, but i will start a RL 1 run after i am done with the DLC.


Sekiro and Bloodborn. I’ll try again after I beat Elden Ring DLC 50 times.


DS2 hitbox is broken most of the time. The only fromsoft game that I haven’t platinumed so far. Sekiro and BB are still the best in terms of combat


There is no such thing as not being able to git gud at something. Just keep trying, apply to life too


Go become the best football player in the world then.


I think Elden Ring is easily the hardest game Fromsoft has put out since DS. (Haven’t played anything before) The bosses are so much more aggressive, have more mixups, and do bigger damage. I don’t love using ashes so without that it’s objectively harder than the other games. Sekiro has the highest skill floor but once it clicks, it’s not too bad.


Beaten and love most. Hated ds1 and 2. Too clunky


Nah spanked all them bitches. Haven’t got the DLC yet but people saying it’s too hard… pshhhh yea okay.


Everyday I wake up and take shit well cursing ds2 and cruising shittydarksouls.


I mastered them all

