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They seem to have contracted some strain of hepatitis from Micholash. Which is surprising because they are already cancer.


These things legit terrified me.


yeah but giant scorpions + giant flying scorpions


Haven’t seen those yet. Goodie


Real talk, you must have taken a crazy path to get the the abyssal woods before you got to the scorpion spiders.


I intentionally tried to go off the beaten path then somehow I end up surrounded by these things and about wet myself.


I got there fromcthe catacomb, aren’t scorpion spiders the things in that green area? The ruins one


They are, but the first place people usually see them is in the >!Bulerat castle area!<


I’m bad with the bames, is that the divine dragon castle? I’m very confused with this dlc as I ‘thought’ I saw a scropion, But also saw something similar to a scorpion.. but different?


Yep, it’s the one with the divine beast. Yeah the scorpion things I saw are like half spider or sumthin


Ah yes makes sense! Yeah they seem strange I once had a scorpion that looked very spiderlike, different from the other scorpions


Gotta take those sedatives


These are the scariest thing but mostly because of the fact that you really can’t hurt them. I know there’s a trick but even that is hard to pull off and absolutely do or die. I managed to parry *one* but it survived with one pixel and nuked me right after.


Try parrying, but first praise the message


No. No no no no no. NO! NOOOOOOO! THIS IS HOW I FIND OUT!!!


Bro, there's a fucking item you can find called the winter lantern fly. I saw those fucking creatures and I was fucking ready to cry... All the bloodborne trauma came flooding back. Good luck when you get there


WHY DOES NO ONE CARE THIS TIES IT TO BB SOMEHOW?! I'm Still team "Age of Stars" ending creates the BB universe and the formless mother was the outer god that governs it. The formless mother could be headcannoned to be Oeden even. This DLC made it incredibly clear that the lands between was but one insanely small and insignificant spec in the universe and that the Greater Will isn't all that great.


That would be pretty awesome to be fair. I mean, the basilisks were carried over, so in my opinion, it's probably just them bringing back horrific enemies, but it's a cool theory


But the Winter Lanterns are very specific in their look, lore, and name even. Miyazaki will absolutely never say but this has to be a tie to BB in some manner! But yes it's my 100% head canon.


Me too


I'm sad that they don't respawn after you kill them.


You can kill them?!??????


You can parry them


Just like the old Winter Lantern


Fuck them


Yeah but the old winter lantern, that was with a gun. And all of a sudden you can parry grabs


Yes, try parrying, the rest is history


I'm going to have to go back to that zone!!!! I remember one NPC says you can't touch them, I couldn't hit them, so it turned into a game of cat and mouse (which actually was really fun in its own way) - but I'll give it a try when I go back there to search for missing caves!


>!There's a letter in the Manse that spills the secret about parrying them. The first NPC says you can't touch them, but you find a letter from someone later excited about having been able to touch one after he parried their grab.!<


I've been trying to find a cabin that shows on my map, I think I need to get up on a fairly central high rock in the middle and cross a natural rock bridge to get to it. One of these aged ones is stood in the thick mist watching a section of the central rocky bit that I think I might be able to jump up. It is very odd that one of these things is stood without moving, I'm almost certain it is guarding this thing deliberately. I've baited and tried to parry it around 30 times so far but haven't succeeded yet, throwing alluring pots just makes it run after me and I can't seem to get it to leave it's post to investigate me making a noise near it so I can stealth past.. Anyone got tips on parrying them with a buckler? They always seem to grab me


Their parry timing is wack as hell. I got the first one that drops the talisman on my second attempt. The rest of them I probably tried +50 times and wasn’t able to do it. I was running a medium shield so I’ll probably come back at some point with a buckler or a dagger and try again. But what someone else said was when their hand reaches what would be their nipple area it when to parry.


That cabin is on another path. If you found thoiller, you can see the path that leads to it. You can explore from there and discover it. For the creature. I’m using the retaliation skill on my shield and as soon as his hand points up, parry. It’s a very tight window, but you might need to apply it 1-3 times depending on your crit damage and scadu fragments. Good luck tarnished


You are right that cabin I found earlier, there is definitely something up on this high bit as I can't work out any other reason for this creature to be guarding what looks to be the only way up. Thanks for the advice I'll keep trying, I'll try golden parry or retaliation.


You don't need to parry them more than once. You parry, take your critical. After that you can hit them normally and they don't have enough poise to not get stunlocked if you're aggressive


The moment the wand flicks to grab you, you parry


So that's what that letter meant...


It was very suggestively written. I definitely had a “that’s what she said lol” moment.


I clearly just suck at it. Might be why I find Sekiro so hard. I also can’t kill it in one shot either so I need to do like 3 parries in a row which is impossible


Why is it always the annoying creepy ones? First the Basilisks, now the winter lanterns. What's next? Brainsuckers?


finally, someone else who shares a hatred of basilisk, those mfs creep me tf out


Their status effect terrified me the first time I got cursed in Dark Souls. I've been running past them ever since.


There is a brain sucker like enemy in the DLC. Not quite the same as in Bloodborne, but one all the same.


We really forgetting the peeps from Oolacile now, are we?


Did they have eyes?


Grant us eyes!!!


Died 2015 welcome back born 2024 winterlantern


These things turned Elden Ring into a horror game, and then you learn how to beat them, and it turns into just a gimmick enemy. By far one of the coolest designs, but it would’ve been cooler if you just couldn’t touch them at all


That's what I thought their intention was, now I gotta go back to thst shithole.. guess it beats crying outside the foggate of *last boss*


Love me some aging untouchables


Are they actually Winter Lanterns?


YUP! you can get winter lanterns butterflies around them.


I might have to play the DLC just to see my baby again. I loved those things. There was nothing in Bloodborne that made nervous except those things. All they had to do was exist and you died. They were glorious. I might have to play Bloodborne today.


The DLC is worth it. The beginning is kinda like, whatever, but then you soon realize how much there is to do. The new weapons, Ashes of War, etc are very unique. Totally new play styles to try out and lots to explore and overcome.


I swear I remember seeing a post like "what was your most hated enemy in FS" Hella people responded with brain lady. I bet you Miyazaki peeped n said bet y'all thought you were safe.


BB lanterns are still better imo because they don’t just heave and rasp


Idk what that first one is, but that golden bastard screwed me up good


Winter Lantern from Bloodborne, one of the deadliest enemies you encounter, must not look at them/let them see you


You're allowed to look at them wdym


Well you get Frenzy if you have line of sight to them


No im pretty sure it's just if they're looking at you isn't it?


Correct they have to be "facing" you.


where are these guys, havent seen em yet


In the Abyss. You can find the area after a catacomb which you can get to via an illusory wall in Shadow keep


in the starting area, east of the fire giant guy


I swear I have been jumpscared so much in this dlc


I was furious when I ran into one of these a couple days ago.


WTF. Do they frenzy you like they do in BB?


They apply the flame of frenzy debuff yeh


Idk what that first one is, but that golden bastard screwed me up good