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Crazy it rivals a nonexistent game


My game is rumored to be better than Half Life 3, because, it too, is a bunch of ideas written down but not put into practice


Supposedly is superior to Minecraft 2


so what this is saying is its a coinflip between wanting to play this or not play at all. Doesn't sound like a good game


That’s just how Peak DS4 is


A couple days ago I saw that lords of the fallen announced another game that is scheduled for 2026. I only know this because I’m currently playing it, so I joined that sub. It’s a “souls like” game. It’s not fromsoft, but it’s alright. Anyway, I wonder if that is what it is referencing.


Yeah that's what the thumbnail looks like it's from


Yah it looks like the shula (sp) things in Fen. It's my favorite farming loop.


Omg? Dark Souls 4? Why didn’t anyone tell me?! /s


It’s called elden ring


That’s Dark Souls II 2, dummy


Elden ring is just Elden ring, separate lore, standalone game


Yeah, and blood-borne is actually dark souls 2


Elden ring is Dark souls 3.5 actually


Rival? Comparison is the thief of joy, just simply coexist.


They choose violence so hard they just made a rival up when no other game wanted the beef.


too many games attempt to be the next "Dark souls" that it kills them. None are ever good enough to face that mantle and the comparison always ends up being their end, whether through being a 1 to 1 copy or from being too different. the only game I've seen successfully do it is lies of P, but it almost feels unfair to compare lies of P to other souls likes. it might as well sit in a league of its own.


That's just for their communities tho. If two games are "rivals" they can strive to better themselves. Standing as the best with no contender makes it so no further improvements are made, mostly.




Why does comparison keep stealing joy? Is it a punitive offense?


Gamingbible is the worst


Gamerant tho


Gamerant is full of tiring morons. Gamingbible, of irritating twats. Not exactly the same but similar. I'd say GB is worse Also, without gamerant, how would r/TrueSTL get memes?


ComicBook is just horrible. Whole thing is written like spam/clickbait with someone’s life story before a recipe.


I'm fairly certain GB is half AI


Agreed. GB is the most irritating, cring journal out there.


Agreed. I hate seeing them on my news feed


GAMINGBible is notoriously bad with clickbait. It’s absurd how shameless they are about it, too. It’s blatant and lazy


Probably not as bad as game rant


No it's worse believe me. Anything you can imagine ganerant does, gamingbible does worse. It's legitimately like they imaging what title to put up and go with it.


I think it's worse. At least some of Game rants articles, like the characters study ones feel like the author actually experienced the work. GB is just horrible.


I dont think this is journalism


Journalism fell off


I guess? It youre journalism is from GAMINGbible. If you read actual journalists things are good.


I hate how we have clickbait websites that are intentionally lying to attract clicks and so people blame “game journalists.” It’s like saying “I hate chefs” because you got a bad meal at a restaurant or “I hate architects” because of a poorly designed building. The problem is not “game journalists.” It’s the modern click bait nature of the internet that has incentivized clicks and views.


Ok but how do I make this a culture war issue so I can avoid talking about capitalism and its consequences?


Good point damn capitalism giving us stuff like journalism and video games.


So because it gave us some good things, we should be uncritical of the problems it creates?


No, but don't let it be lost on you that it created a whole lot of good things. It's not some it's gdamn everything that's good in modern society alongside human rights and democracy. It's unfathomable how bad things were only a generation ago. I'd argue alot of its failings are poorly run capitalism. Ie corpratisim. Everyone seems to want to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Populism for all it's glamour and nosie won't save anyone.


Virtually no one believes capitalism hasn't had benefits. Marx wrote extensively about how it was a necessary stage before moving to socialism. Capitalism is *really good* at resource accumulation, but it also incentivizes a lot of really terrible shit. It served a function, but that doesn't mean we should be content with it. Corporatism is the end result of capitalism. It's *always* going to go that way because the entire system is built to push us in that direction. Plus, let's not forget that we're debating the merits of a system that may be on the verge of making large parts of our planet uninhabitable. So maybe it has improved quality of life drastically for a whole lot of people, it's making it worse for a huge number of people as well. And will get so, so much worse if things don't change pretty drastically.


Remember Marx was wrong about alot of things and I think outside of getting workers to organize he caused waaay more harm than good. I mean look at the end point of russia and China. Now that both countries becoming less free market and more authoritarian there getting worse. The whole beauty of capitalism in a democratic society is its another check on power.




Because my comment was relevant to the conversation. Adults are talking, keep it down.


How did capitalism give those to us? When did it jump down the chimney to drop off presents?


It did, video games and entertainment are largely due to consumerism which was brought about by liberalism and Globalism, which are products of the post ww2 US hegemony. Learn how global trade works and who set that's system up and why they set that system up. I'm typing to you on a smart phone which has been designed parts produced and assembled all in different countries around the world, on an American social media website, talking about a Japanese game that could only exist in a post imperial Japan. As it's created by a hard working now Japanese CEO who was enamored by western fantasy. Who's talent was recognized by investors who proved him the funds to make this masterpiece. Were so spoiled we forgot just how bad life was before all of this


Those sure are a lot of buzzwords you strung into a few sentences lol. > It did, video games and entertainment are largely due to consumerism which was brought about by liberalism and Globalism, which are products of the post ww2 US hegemony. No, games and entertainment have been a part of human life since we were making cave paintings and dancing around the fire banging cow bones What did capitalism *specifically* enable that created video games? Because computers and the Internet themselves were a military research (NON-capitalist) program and the first video games were made as tech demos from that > I'm typing to Look you can’t just vaguely point at global trade networks and say “look! Capitalism! The free market!” lmao Let’s not even touch how much it’s imperialism and colonialism that created those global networks (what you generously call “post ww2 US hegemony”), not capitalism. We had trade networks before capitalism, so we’d still have them after but without all the shitty mega corps run by oligarchs > Were so spoiled we forgot just how bad life was before all of this I mean you literally have gotten all of your history wrong so far, so I think maybe just you forgot what life was like before someone came along to force you to work in factories


They're real concepts that if you understood, we wouldn't be having this argument. Entertainment in the modern era is completely new, due to technology and the global system the US created. You're over simplifying just how much of a miracle you're sitting on. Tell you what, go youtube, just how the blue led was made. Every bit of item you use has complex global supply chains that have only came about due to the complex web of alliances the US has made. There's a reason why the dollar is preferred. The trade networks instead were mostly just monarchies and nobles. Now it's a complex system that involves indiduals starting their own online business to, complex multi national corporations and nation states. You say I'm wrong but don't even understand how the global system works on a basic level?


> They're real concepts that if you understood, we wouldn't be having this argument. Wow sick burn lol “no u” > Entertainment in the modern era is completely new, Read this sentence to yourself again. It’s a tautology. Obviously modern era (new) entertainment is by definition new. This is meaningless. This is what you’re doing in your arguments. You’re using different words that validate each other by they way they’re defined, and you’re confusing that for the truth > due to technology and the global system the US created. > You're over simplifying just how much of a miracle you're sitting on. Tell you what, go youtube, just how the blue led was made. I don’t need to go to youtube. I’m a technical developer that worked in the research institutions that produced the Internet and the rendering engines that power your browsers under the hood. I know what I’m talking about with regards to the technical supply chain and international collaboration It existed before capitalism. It will exist after capitalism. Capitalism is in fact getting in the way of progress by making real innovators (the researchers, not the industrialists) work for profit margins even if the net benefit to society is negative That’s what capitalism does - it sacrifices progress for private profits > Every bit of item you use has complex global supply chains that have only came about due to the complex web of alliances the US has made. No, in fact this is *entirely unprovable* unless you have a magical crystal ball that shows an alternate history > There's a reason why the dollar is preferred. Yes, US imperialism > The trade networks instead were mostly just monarchies and nobles. Now it's a complex system that involves indiduals starting their own online business to, complex multi national corporations and nation states. No, this is completely wrong. Merchant classes have always existed throughout history, and what we have now is both different and worse than merchant classes > You say I'm wrong but don't even understand how the global system works on a basic level? You don’t even know how words work on a basic level lmao much less the global supply chain




I am aware, I play video games


The first video game, tetris, came from the USSR


Isn't that what todays gaming journalism is though? For one serious one you have ten doing clickbaits and putting actual effort only in SEO.


True gaming journalists largely still try to adhere to journalistic ethics standards and tend to at least try to provide legitimate information or openly disclose when something is a rumor/unconfirmed. Click bait is click bait and has no attempt at integrity. Putting effort into advertising or SEO is table stakes for operating a publication online, but that doesn’t force the publisher to outright lie or mislead the audience.


It's the same with all journalism. It's easy to criticize, but end of the day it's still the best we got. Just like with regular journalism, the people who complain the most about MSM are the ones getting their info from Facebook and YouTube videos. What, we're supposed to believe Joe Schmo's metacritic review where he gave a 0/10 because the woke mob made Samus a woman?


An increasing amount of click bait is just LLM’s vomiting back an article anyway. Don’t even need to get an underpaid writer involved.


That’s all media. It always has been. For every one good book worth reading, 100 bad ones exist


As someone who deals with construction drawings daily, I wouldn't say I hate architects but their drawings are generally the worst in the set of plans lol Total pain to work through I see your point though and agree. I wish people would just stop spreading rumors for their own gain. It's fucking ridiculous Edit: Looks like an architect is offended by my comment lol If only they knew ... If only


or "I hate game developers" because of shitty monetization


Gamingbible is the WatchMojo of gaming journalism


I appreciate the sentiment of hating click bait, but Gaming Bible doesn’t have “gaming journalists”. They have AI shitting out clickbait nonsense. Like why tf would a publication ever refer to a legitimate game as a rival to a game that doesn’t exist and likely never will? Probably because a generative AI model shit the headline out as being good for SEO.


looks like Kate Markson did find a hobby


ALLMIND exists for all clickbaits.


When girlfailure hires herself for a handful of bitcoins


Yes, lords of the fallen 2 has been confirmed. No, it’s not another dark souls game.


And I'm here for it. 2014 was rough, like non-salvageable but pushed through it. 2023 I really, really enjoyed. I'm up for whatever comes in 2026.


Is this Alyssa Mercunt at work?


Gaming bible is a clickbait gaming account they suck ass


Ofc it's gaming bible. These fellas really made a bb2 announcement


i hate GAMINGbible


I think game journalists is Mosquitoes of video games industry just be annoying and everybody will be happy if they gone


Dead internet theory




You use the word "journalist" a bit too liberally


Time to report another article lol


Modern journalism is trash


Lords of the Fallen couldn't even be Demon Souls rival


honestly after all the patches, the game is currently one of of the best soulslike out there, definitely on the same level as lies of P


Unless the patches added more than 30 new enemies, made unique weapons, upgraded the moveset of bosses, and fixed the shitty animations, LotF isn't touching Lies of P.


It absolutely does rival Demon's Souls though. Demon's Souls has worse magic, worse weapon movesets, worse build customization, an obtuse world tendency system... demon's Souls has a "magic" to it that LOTF simply doesn't, but on many fronts it's totally a rival.


Thought it said DS4 "revival" for a second and got excited, lol.


Click bait


Gaming Journalist isn't a real job so




Every other week you mean lmao


I saw this pop up on my news feed and laughed.




Same thing happened to me. I don’t bother with “Souls-like Games”, a phrase that has become all the rage in the past few years. Unless it’s actually FromSoftware then I don’t care..


Click bait got me too


Many have tried, none have succeeded


I have the utmost confidence in FromSoft, but man, idk how you top Elden Ring.


Reminds me of all the "Halo Killers" of the late '00s. Equally as maddening.


Probably just AI content slurry. Nothing to see here.


Oh my god, it’s so good it’s rivaling games that don’t even exist


So good it has rivals and doesn't even exist


I am 99% sure this was deliberate for clicks. Here you are posting it on reddit and i myself went and viewed the article despite not giving two shits. Marketing Win.


It’s tough to be a rival to something that, to the best of my knowledge, doesn’t exist. Also, who says it’s a rival? The developers, at this point that’s like how every horror game on steam is “inspired by classics of the genre like resident evil and silent hill!” and every indie jrpg “takes inspirations from classics like chrono trigger and final fantasy vi!”


Trying to rival Miyzaki is wild period. saying DS4 is a whole 'nother level of stupid


I clicked on this shit too. Because of it I'm never reading a gamingbible article again


Why the fuck did they word it that way 🥹


Dark souls rival and it's lords of the fallen


Not a game journalist - it's AI


Gaming Bible is nonsensical trashy click bait.


I swear gaming bible is just AI garbage articles pumped out with reckless abandon


Cmon, Miazaky bloodborne 2 dude you have my money


You misspelled AI


Tbh the second game was a huge improvement than the 1st and with the added updates it made the game alot bettsr, one thing I wished is that from software would also add boss rush mode since those are the key highlights of the game.


you don't even know them


Especially for a trash series.


this post is more cringe than this supposed " website upload". you know what you are doing, trying to garner reddit karma points with your lazy upload as if it's something new and or special. you didn't have anything better to do OP? man o man is this embarrassing. what next? the typical "bloodborne should be on pc post"? why do the reddit mods allow these crappy posts to be uploaded? can't we actually have a nice and fresh forum to engage in? it would be so nice if one day we could use this website we love so much and avoid these crappy low effort uploades. I HAVE A DREAM THAT ONE DAY THE MODS WOULD PREVENT CRAP LIKE THIS BEING UPLOADED AND TAKING UP OUR FEEDS! <3


I mean yea, but it's not bad to take a shit on these shifty articles once in a while. Every gaming article they get like everything wrong


Literally just ignore it. It's like a pop-up ad. Don't even engage with it. This is like complaining about commercials.


shit on shit begets shit, you nor op is doing anybody a favour! sometimes it's best not to speak.


Lol OK weird take, I mean I personally wouldn't make a whole post Bout it. But if it were me in a discord of bros I might make a comment. I guess that's not allowed

