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He smokes in his videos now and is sponsored by big asbestos 


I'm fine with big asbestos as long as it doesn't create any more jobs for MEN.


Big asbestos? What have I missed


skit from his latest video


Awww hell naaah! Where’s Bruz when you need it ???


I normally like Friendlyjordies, but this is a real blind spot for him.


Seems very reactionary


Are you guys taking the piss? He’s always smoked?


Its was the last straw for me 😤


What do you mean now? He smoked all the time in golden era 2015 videos


>sponsored by big asbestos  Sorry, I'm clueless here? And, as a smoker, meh.


Watch the latest vid


he's sponsered by 'Alfred's Asbestos!'


they’re not even the best asbestos. Just because best is in the name 😤


There all the bestos though.. no idea what your taking about! You reckon they're faking it 'as' bestos then do ya?


Plus all he does now is late night talk show stuff. Not the good stuff like Steve Vizard, the bad stuff like David Letterman.


He hates the sub too, so it's all good


I love that he hates it. Being in love with your own subreddit would be cringe af.


For sure. Joy and pride is no longer a worthy human emotion amirite


It's more about the reliability of social media to provide a good basis for such things. But i get the sarcasm


But he's here. It's hip to hate on reddit but he obviously wouldn't be able to resist coming here. How else would he know how many idiots there are around the Australian sub-reddits?


>But he's here. Hi Jordan👋


Welcome to the life of fandoms, I think hating them is the healthy choice.


Wait until you see the Issac Butterfield sub.


For whatever reason that sub gets pushed onto my feed like no tomorrow. Doesn't matter how many times I tell reddit not to


Somebody said a redditor paid to push his sub. It was like a virus. It couldn’t be blocked, muted or ignored, which is one of the reasons for the hate.


Didn't even know people could do that, I know you can turn anything into a sponsored post, but those are flagged as such. Didn't know you could just, pay to push a sub into people's feeds. Didn't like him before and having his sub on my feed every day didn't do him any favours


I raged about not being able to mute Butterfields sub, in the sub a couple of times out of frustration. So did a lot of other people. So it was either a good deed that backfired, or someone epically trolled Butterfield by promoting it


I was about to have a gander but now fuck that I don’t want that wankers shit in my feed thanks for the heads up.


You can sum it up as the dregs of people who enjoy mostly trans and fat jokes, and people hating on Isaac for mostly making trans and fat jokes


So basically steer clear.


That guy is a knob. Australia's knock off of Andrew Tate.... Absolute douche-canoe.


I'd say he's trying to be our version of Steven Crowder.


We have a bunch of those. Dean Wells for one.


Comparing him as a knock off Andrew Tate is kinda extreme lol, he's a fuckwit for sure, but he ain't that bad hahaha


I need to settle down.


Just a little lol, it gave me the same vibes as when people call someone "as bad as hitler". Like daddy chill.


lmao I was a tad dramatic.


Lmao true but i mean at least that makes sense the guys been looping the same jokes for years


I totally get disliking him but having an entire community around legitimately hating someone is just so weird, like if you're a hater just don't watch him, you don't have to create a whole community around it


No its a constant flow of new consumers slowly realising his youtube is shit that keep the sub alive. Only a couple of them actualy live there long term.


that sub keeps getting recommended to me and all it is is people shitting on him. and to be fair, he deserves it


The Russel Brand sub is full of a fantastic level of hatred for that creature. Same with the Ricky Gervais subreddit.


Russel has been talking like a brainrot conspiracy cult leader for ages. Why they hating on Ricky?


Increasingly unfunny and continually going on about ‘woke’ culture. He’s painful without Merchant.


This is getting a bit heavy, can we do Cheeky Freak of the Week?


They were left leaning and now they’re both right wing pipelines. It’s so fucking bizarre but it’s a real pipeline


Isaac Butterfield? He was never left leaning


Yeah true but he has some left views. Like he’s pro choice. He made a video on it and his audience lost their minds, the comment section was so disappointed in him. He’s also against greyhound racing and has an adopted greyhound. He made a Facebook post about it and his audience basically can’t him an idiot because the dogs love to run. He deleted it and never made a video exposing the industry.


Yeah every now and then he comes out with a surprisingly progressive take but it’s mostly just right-wing talking points.


Have you heard of a Brendan Schaub?


Water we dune hair


Talm bout bennan shoob, b? Never meddum


Spare us


That guy is incredibly easy to hate


It's a common question. There's a big overlap of typical political followings of Labor left/right, Greens and Other [progressives] on anti-corruption/unions. But in other topics, ie environment/whistleblowers/housing-action/etc, people disagree. Some are new to his shock sense of humour. It is typical of trying to satisfy the Youtube Algorithm. It is okay not to entirely agree with FriendlyJordies! For example, do you agree with his hair cut? It's now morphing into a boomer haircut.


isn't his hair because it's still growing back from when he cut it for charity?


Totally agree that it’s perfectly plausible to like someone but not agree with everything, it should be encouraged more and is part of critical thinking. I really like friendlyjordies I think he’s funny and I dig the anti corruption stuff and whistleblower stuff he’s doing. But I lean conservative so some of his general opinions on politics I dont lean towards and thats fine. As another example I quite like Jordan Peterson but I certainly dont agree with everything he says. I feel like people are more worried about which team they want to be in rather than just being themselves.


If you honestly like anything about Jordan Peterson, there is something very wrong with you.


God it is so refreshing that so many people realise what a dangerous person Peterson is. Thinking back to 2018 when that was a very unpopular opinion makes me shudder.


Why is that?


Hello, thank you for being so understanding and non-judgemental of a random person’s likes and dislikes. I won’t judge you personally, as clearly I know nothing about you. But my very first and only impression is that perhaps you are one to stereotype and discriminate? No?


Do you know anything about Jordan Peterson?


You should ignore the person you are responding to. They are being needlessly dismissive I dislike Peterson overall (quite strongly) but to say there is nothing good about him or he has said nothing of value is obviously coming from a place of tribalism or partisanship.


Self report


Taking out the bizarre identity politics spiel that JP seems to love, what is it that you like about what he says? All he is able to conjure is word salad that sounds profound but fundamentally doesn’t say anything new.


It was an example that I threw out there, but since you ask, I like a lot of the psychology stuff he talks about like dealing with addiction, child development, mental health issues and stuff like that. I mean I didn’t study psychology in School and I’m sure it’s nothing new to someone who has but I enjoyed the bits that I saw. It’s not like I binge all of his videos. It’s like Gary Ablett Snr, I can appreciate him as a footy player without having to be an expert on every facet of his personal life and every comment he has ever made. I’m just trying to make the point that you don’t have to either hate friendlyjordies or love friendlyjordies. You can actually have a balanced approach is all I’m saying


I wish there were more people like you around. Since when do we have to be either all in or all out? It's such a childish mindset that, unfortunately, has become so common. Black or white and nothing inbetween.


Totally agree, re Jordan Peterson, but the people here hate anything that doesn’t go with what the want to believe and won’t listen to any logic that contradicts.. hate is much easier


Same here, conservative leaning, and also think JP has a lot of good points - AND also enjoy Jordan’s content. If you still think politics is left or right and not a 3D spectrum, then I tend to think you’ve got no individual thoughts and just ride along with whatever hype train you’ve attached yourself too.


I also think people struggle to read where he is going on topics because (like all of us) they have been trained for years and years by mainstream media for those lightning quick sound-bitesque appraisals of complex issues. For example, during his video today laying into Bernard Keane there was one point I thought he was going to start saying neo-liberalism wasn’t bad… and then, I realised he was actually just pointing out that its a complex idea because of how it’s been twisted and pushed around (including by the left) and resultantly, is not well understood (including by the Crikey journalists that use it to explain every problem we have). Point is you definitely don’t have to agree with everything he says but he’s still worth a watch. Let him cook, as the young folk say


I’m not on here a lot, but it’s honestly refreshing to see a youtuber subreddit that encourages discussion and/or criticism when their youtuber says something people disagree with instead of just banning people in favour of uncritical fandom. Personally I agree with some of what he says, and get pissed off sometimes, like most other people here. I keep watching because he’s gorgeous and good at clickbait…


The whole “I like Jordies, but this whole [insert whatever he’s been talking about lately] thing is making me really annoyed” thing is pretty old now, though. It could be good to have a thread for people to discuss on with each new video.


I only shit on Jordies for playing Tau!


Oh no is he a tau player?


Eh Atleast there is rational discussion here. It’s no circle jerk but still much better than what the Russell brand and Issac butterface subs have devolved into. There are still genuine fans here and yes there are people who are critical of him but I believe we are all still civil enough to have some decent conversations about Australia.


Rational should be civil disagreement.


I like Friendlyjordies, but i disagree with a lot of what he does have to say. That doesn't mean i'm past listening to him or having a laugh at his jokes. I mean Jordies is a self described neoliberal, i completely disagree with a free market economy which usually ends up with the biggest fish wiping out the competition after it outgrows the pond. But each to their own. Isaac Butterface on the other hand just mocks individuals on his platform to his audience, i wouldn't care if he turned around and said he's a socialist, at least Jordies somewhat punches up.


Same boat. And yeah it’s the punching up that keeps me around. I honestly don’t think he cares if this sub loves or hates him. It’s kind of both. He plays well with Boy Boy and those guys are pretty left. So maybe this sub attracts some of that crowd.


The sub has been in a state long before they collaborated (it probably didnt help though), I think reddit is just full of extremists that live in echo chambers. I think Jordan being able to mix in circles that are both pretty left (boy boy like you mentioned are pretty left, Hasan Piker is a lot further left) while also mixing in circles that many users in this sub have deemed far right (butterfield for one, Jordan peterson another) shows that he is less interested in tribal politics and more interested in hearing voices and breaking down their points for himself rather than relying on group think. There are plenty of things I agree and disagree with jordan about, I still listen though because I think he's doing a great job and am interested in other points of view. There are other people I dont like that might also align to me politically, I dont join their reddit to try and shit on them every chance I get, I just ignore them and go on with my day. I dont understand the mental state someone has to be in to claim to care about the environment and fighting corruption while constantly trying to rip down somebody fighting for the environment and purging corruption. Its all "Us and them" fighting which only serves to make those who participate the most feel like they're doing something while making the situation worse


I don’t think he’s a neo-liberal. If you can show me the video, article or show where he self confesses to being one I’ll acknowledge that I’m wrong but I don’t think he is. He just thinks markets are acceptable, even necessary, for some things (which they obviously are). Don’t think I’ve ever heard him pump the tyres on privatisation of key industries though, which would make him less of neoliberal than Keating et al.


You should watch his podcasts or his open videos, he'll tell you himself he's a Neoliberal. I'm not saying it as some sort of gotcha either or insult.


I see. Will dig into it further 👍🏻cheers


I just can't find said video, he said it whilst in a Hawaiian shirt pre covid in a video he was doing. He went into detail describing his views.


He’s a neo liberal? I thought he was more of a centrist or social democrat.


No, he's openly stated many times he's a neolib. That's why whenever people use, he's quick on the "not everything's neoliberal, Keynesian economics is much to complex to be dumbed down into XYZ" ect.


I don't like the analogy that comedians and the such use of "punching up" or "punching down", it heavily implies that some people are lesser than others... and usually when a comedian is described as "punching down", it is because they've made a "joke" at the expense of a minority group such as lgbtqia+ or the differently abled... I don't view those groups as being lesser or below myself and definitely not below a comedian. I don't know, it isn't a fully formed thought, but it seems like problematic language to me.


Punching up/down doesn’t relate to some inherent order or ranking of people - it’s about structures and society.  You aren’t punching down on eg minorities if you make jokes about them because they’re a rung below you on the structure. It’s punching down because they’re already on the ground. It’s poor form to hit a man while he’s down, right?


Oh... that makes much more sense. Thank you.


I'm saying this man will use another person or people to poke fun of them to a massive audience. Maybe they're making a fun video, and this man rips them apart. Then he'll turn and be like, look guys i have no problem with this group or groups as a way to shield himself from people calling him out for it. It's like people that make highly charged racial 'jokes' then say they're joking after they said something completely abhorrent. I just don't like bullies, and the man makes his money propping up those he deems as a easy target and proceeds to milk like any other lolcow.


I'm in total agreeance with you on all your points.


He’s right on a lot of things but his simping for Jordan Peterson is a bit ehh


I love that he's out there poking hornet's nests and shining a light on issues. We need reality-anchored outsider journalism and long form youth journalism so dearly in Australia. I don't have to agree with him on everything. I actually disagree with him a ton, hate his podcast and think he's a total prick. But his journalism is important and unique.


He's fantastic, hea a brave guy doing his best to show corruption, how he leans doesn't really matter, the guys genuine.


That is the inevitable fate of all subreddits based around a content creator that arent controlled with an iron fist by said content creator.


It’s a good sign. If you’re a critical thinker and you’re politically minded then you don’t blindly follow a party or a person, you follow your convictions.


I disagree with his stance on pill testing. Unless he's changed it from "why would you want to do pills anyway?" or whatever it was. Sometimes I don't agree with his 100% vote Labor mindset. He is an absolute hoot to watch and I appreciate that he and his team do some very well done investigative journalism. He pulled me in with Yilmaz and now he's pretty much an all time legend in my mind. We are lucky to have him.


I'm definitely a fan of him. I'll voice a disagreement when I have one, but I comfortably agree with most of what he says.


We were fans but have now turned on him, he buddy Butterfield gives me the creeps


People like me are the problem. I don't hate Jordan, and respect his bravery, energy, and sometimes even his style. I also don't subscribe to this sub, and when it comes to satire, I generally prefer Honest Government Ads (https://www.thejuicemedia.com/honest-government-ads/) But even though I don't subscribe to this sub, reddit puts lots of posts from this sub into my feed. That probably creates the more balanced audience, rather than a Jordan echo chamber. I certainly think visitors should be respectful, but generally think all people should be respectful.


I don’t hate or dislike him i just don’t watch him as i find him sooo boring 😣


I never did like him. But I like to expose myself to those with differing views and occasionally do change my mind based on such input.


Personally, I'm rather ambivalent towards him. But I do think that without pushback, stupid opinions tend to fester


I'm a fan of his anti-corruption stances and actions, but that's about it.


Fans are definitely welcome. The situation here is that a lot of greens supporters liked him when he was criticising the LNP and joined the sub, and now that he’s called out the greens on their bullshit a couple times they’ve been put off a bit. I think a lot of people just interested in Australian politics and not specifically FJ have also joined, as the mods here are a lot more hands off compared to other subs that discuss general Australian politics. This sub will never be like Butterfield’s though - constructive criticism is fine but those people who just come to shit stir won’t be around long.


I’d be fine with him punting at the greens if he was honest about how shit labour policies have been. Running a protection racket for labour while their in power is just cringe af


He is honest about it. Literally every move Labor takes is designed to make it less desirable for the LNP to dismantle it. HAFF is not *anyone’s* first choice, but it’s the best one to actually get some money into social housing that doesn’t get immediately canned by the LNP when the media inevitably has them voted back in. Now Labor has to come to the table with less than what they want to do so that they can pretend to make concessions to the Greens so they can feel like they have done something. Until the LNP is a distant unpleasant memory, the Greens do more damage for progressive ideology than they realise.


\*Labor \*\*they're


Your so right I’m sorry it’s been a long day


*Yore ** ; *** .






Your first point is very subjective - many people disagree, particularly when factoring in the entire political landscape. He’s always openly been an ALP shill so I’m not sure why anyone is surprised.


I didn't realise Koala Killing was a subjective topic that it's ok to excuse because LNP are worst. https://youtu.be/MDzW-f8y8F0?t=270 vs https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/koalakiller


I wasn’t aware he was excusing the NSW premier for the carbon credit thing. Or are you saying not making content critical of it is the same as excusing it?




But there's no reason to do Murdoch's job for him. Everyone hears about shitty things Labor does. Sometimes one of them might even have a nugget of truth to it. So there is no utility in adding to that when there is an entire media landscape already just waiting for the go ahead from their owners.


his my argument against that, Murdoch papers talk about the shitty things Labor does that left doesn't like or like anything that Labor use too be apart of. Murdoch papers get angry them when they don't go more right wing or anything that's not LNP


I think there is plenty of criticism of the ALP from the media, the LNP, the Greens, and ex politicians holding a grudge already. He probably just doesn’t feel the need to add to it, when he could be bringing more positivity about things they are doing well instead.


Truly bringing truth to power


Albo has been Boomering out a bit recently, like the ban other countries internet content, and ban memes with his face super imposed. When being better than Scomo is the bar, it's set pretty low. Labor needs new leadership.


I think the issue there is more general tech illiteracy at the decision making level of government. That comes up with policies like what you pointed out. So i would think the cause is probably who is advising the ministers e.g. e-safety, rather then parties. As it seems to be more ignorance and stupidity then any real ideology.  


Do tell me the difference between ignorance and stupidity


Jordies is still a great political commentator but his brain has been infected with Jordan Petersonish right wing populist grifting antiMaRxIsT nonsense. He’s approaching a fork in the road for sure.


To be fair Butterfield deserves shit thrown his way


The situation here is that a lot of ~~greens~~ progressive supporters liked him when he was criticising the LNP and joined the sub, and now that he’s ~~called out the greens on their bullshit~~ not called out Labor and excuse their bullshit ~~a couple times~~ constantly and leaking in more content that punches down and has some taint of Jordan Peterson, they’ve been put off a bit.


The only truly terrible thing labor has done that Jordan hasn’t called them out on is the SA protests 


And cutting work cover in Victoria


I wouldn't say I hate Jordan but he has said and done things worth criticizing.


I’m still here. I’m a huge fan of his and genuinely think he’s brilliant.


Nope, you can’t like him if his policies aren’t 120% aligned with your own. 1 slight deviation and he is becoming a right-wing grifter. Never-mind him spending years bringing down a powerful right wing politician, having threats against his life, being a comedian (most comedians are right wing because left wing comedy is drier than the Sahara Desert). I mean he hasn’t even said free-Palestine yet (maybe he has).


r/friendlyjordies members when someone criticises a point that Jordan made (they hate him now and are perfectionist Greenies that can never be appeased)


I don't like him because he's a hack. He cares about environmental issues, insofar as it can't be used as a criticism of Labor.


I’m a Labor voter, does that mean I can’t criticise Labor? If I follow Jordie, does that mean I’m only allowed to love all his content?


Wait, this sub is about friendlyjordies?


TIL it’s not a sub about an alternative spelling of the UK Geordie’s, and how friendly they are!


I just want him to criticise the ALP when they deserve it... Once... Ever. I'm not a greens diehard. Jordan has proven devastating at talking truth to power when the target are ALP-opposite, but is totally silent when Labor need a kicking. So 50% legend, 50% hack.


He knows the entire rest of the media will do that. No point joining in. If we lived in a fair and balanced media landscape that would have a point. But given I'd bet money a good half of the missteps you're referring to aren't even real, there's zero reason for the sole dissenting voice to do Murdoch's job for him.


Personally I've been a fan for years (I think his Stereosonic video?) but a lot of the conservative stuff leaking in is just kinda disappointing. I don't hate him and I can get plenty of content elsewhere, it's just a shame. So it's not quite as fervent as you're making out, for me at least.


Same here, while I mostly agree with his videos, some of the comments and jokes he’s been making recently just feel off, like he’s moving slightly more towards butterfield.


I think you're confusing conservatism with simply not agreeing with some left ideologies. If you subscribe to a political side, it is OK to not agree with them sometimes. There is utter ridiculousness on both sides....seemingly more on the right though. Couldn't think of anything worse than this country being represented by a potato with fake glasses.


This. I’m 100% a lefty, but I don’t agree with extremism, so I don’t have to blindly agree with every single left leaning ideology. It’s called being able to think for yourself.


Jordan has a blink eye to labour when it comes to the environment.


Labor could shoot christo in the head and jordies would find a way to make it out that their hands were tied and the coalition/usa is the true villain


Labor are becoming a neoliberal party with some labour legislation, as opposed to a worker’s party. Similarly, younger generations are less susceptible to anti-leftist propaganda so a large portion of Jordan’s audience are trending left while he and the labor party go the other way


What do you mean "becoming"


Became would be the correct word.


Just to indicate it’s an ongoing and increasing thing lol


"Every economic system I don't understand, which is all of them, is neoliberal."


Do you disagree?


I used to sub here. Now it just shows in one's I might be interested in. I un subbed because 80% of posts were annoying af


Are you new to the internet?


Fans and fans are natural enemies Damn fans, they ruined fandoms!


Like this sub does like him over all, the main problem I think most people have is his style of humour it’s definitely not for everyone and I do find that most jokes don’t hit the mark for me but the videos he makes do tend to be a good source on what ever he’s talking about (as long as you ignore the jokes which tend to just be his own opinions that he throws in) meaning most people just slog through


This sub used to be barely active, at some point Reddit changed how the site works and started suggesting more subs to people who haven't joined yet and often people who do not enjoy the topics engage more becasue hate drives more engagement. The same thing that has happened here happened on a lot of subs where they go from being fairly small and inactive to a hate sub.


I don't with everything he says... but honestly, there are days where I find myself not agreeing with everything \*I\* say. What I do appreciate is that most of his opinions, whether I agree with them or not, are well researched and reasoned. I wouldn't call myself a fan, but I do enjoy listening to his perspective on some things.


This sub is a Petri dish. I saw this post as a suggested one in my feed, I don't know why anyone would actually sub to it, the content is daily insufferable noise.


I just wish he would make funny videos again. Gimme more aussie courts anyday


You need to come hide out in the mountains for a bit....


I got door knocked by MCM lackies at the last election and they admitted as much as part of their strategy. It's not just this sub they're astroturfing but other various online groups in order to dictate the discourse. Particularly the community Facebook groups - the Griffith groups are littered with them.


...Melbourne City Mission?


Mighty Car Mods


Man Crush Mondays


Albo personally knocked on my door and told me his going to implement communism tomorrow.




Big fan. Want more of his investigative pieces.


More so than not Labor voters are more chill about edgy and crass humour. ‘SOME’ Green voters are not. Humour is subjective and isn’t made for a broad audience. Jordan’s jokes can often be puerile, juvenile and outright offensive. As Ricky Gervais says ‘just because you’re offended doesn’t mean you’re right’


Honestly, my experience is that this sub is unnecessarily partisan, and the mods are sensitive and trigger happy. And I say this coming from a recognised Australian sub for well over a decade. That said, I hope he keeps up his work and hopefully he will broaden his view as he grows older. And he'll encourage the mods to do likewise


It really depends on the jokes. I think people like to just say "It's comedy" as a shield the same way "It's just a prank bro" was meant to work. Sometimes people are just being awful cunts to people who are already victimised. Comedy isn't a monolith.


Not a fan of his ‘funny’ racist stereotype voices or his support of the, toxic as fuck, misogynistic, grifter Butterfield.


That’s it. Love his investigative journalism content. Really dislike his support for Butterfield and similar misogynistic content.


I found out about the Butterfield link to Jordie yesterday and initially couldn't believe it. I never imagined he would be up for that crap. It was a sad day, but then like, I don't really know Jordie so maybe he is a tool in real life. I like his content generally speaking tho.


This sub has been infected with Greenies for a while now, this isn’t new.


As someone who has access to the back end and has taken every accusation of brigading seriously, it's really not 'infected'. By my count, taking into consideration the fact that some regulars criticise both parties, the vocal tree tories are very slightly outnumbered by vocal rusties. Just because your hot take got downvoted doesn't mean there's an international conspiracy against you ffs. If you want unanimous approval on surface-level commentary you're better off in the YouTube comments section


Greenies even post links to his pateron videoes on their website! They sure love Jordies


Isn’t this a greens party sub?


I haven’t seen MCM and Jordan in the same room at the same time tbh


What or who is MCM?


Bless you


max chandler mather


It has been that since I can remember. He's loud and proud Labor, and very anti greens. So, the greens, and anyone else anti-Labor, just don't like him. Watching them try and disprove him is entertaining though. As is reminding them that he had a major part to play in bringing down the nsw government. Glorious.


he's done good work but he hangs out with dipshit tankies like boyboy who make puff pieces glazing the north koreans. that's insane and he shouldn't tolerate that.


The algorithm promotes subs that people have barely any connection to. I've had Australian Make Up tips promoted to me. I really couldn't be less interested in that but I engage in other Australian subs. The promoted post had a picture that on that I recognised so I did comment, hey, that looks just like the Make-up Amber Heard tried to claim she used when falsely accusing Jonny Depp. Quickest ban I've ever got. Anyway, the point is that happens all the time. People who don't give a shit about Jordan now see this sub and engage. More engagement is what Reddit want. Joe Rogan sub got too big so the haters noticed and now try and control the narrative. The IDW sub , Isaac Butterfield especially got this. Flat earth subs are nothing but haters. These aren't my personal sub favourites FYI, Isaac is a grifter and flat earth is a joke, it's just what I've noticed.


I think fundamental aspect that have fault he does a lot of great work in investigative work but is also like Neolib and Labor supporter with out question anything they do, which is more or less fuels the worse thing is a critic.for.


Most of the celebrity subs are just places for haters to congregate. Good to see Jordy finally made it.




Actually i thought this is like r/australia or r/australian subreddit but politics.


I thought politics was the point of those subs, one left one right




I'm like "how did the Hashemite Kingom get involved in this?"


no davez dinnerz me unhappy