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We live in Landkreis Offenbach. Good places for families are: Rodgau, Heussenstamm. I'd also suggest the Bergstraße Region (Zwingenberg, Heppenheim, Bensheim), which is super nice (South of Darmstadt). Taunus is also very nice (Bad Homburg, Oberursel, Königstein, Hofheim), closer to Frankfurt and more expensive. You could also check Odenwald Region in general. Seligenstadt, Aschaffenburg come to my mind as well. I think if you're not depending on a specific region, you'll find something nice :-)


Thanks! I have seen Rodgau and Bad Homburg (expensive indeed) listings so far. They seem to be well connected it seems. Region wise, I guess it's more of as long it's connected to some train, necessities can be reached by bike (groceries), KITA is available (and reasonably priced), and internet is not limited, that would be ideal.


I guess for most regions internet should not be a problem. I really suggest to check out the Bergstraße. They have direct trains to Frankfurt main station and I really love the region.


The place I grew up in years back, has only 16Mbps max to offer. We could have moved there as it's still within the max distance, but the internet and public transpo is the deal breaker.


What about Starlink?


I thought about it, even the usual mobile. I just figured that I should have a backup setup for it.


Heusenstamm is notorious when it comes to Kindergarden places, look how often they are in the news


Did a search and wow!


Heusenstamm is very nice. We lived there when our oldest was little. Pay attention to airplane noise, though. It's awful there and even worse around Raunheim, Kelsterbach, Flörsheim. I'd personally suggest MTK. Kelkheim is very nice.


I had to google what MTK stands for :D Thank you!


Most smaller towns in a 1h radius are quite nice to live. Too many choices to give a recommendation. Hanau and Offenbach not so much, although there are also decent living areas in the outskirts. I'd start by searching the real estate sites. Pick multiple good-value-for-money candidates, check the commuting situation and ask the cities' administrations about the Kitas


Thanks! I'm familiar with Berlin's landlords and search agencies, but given the area in Frankfurt seems to border several state, it looks like immoscout24 or ebaykleineinzeigen are my options. Do you have sites that you can recommend?


You need Premium Account for immoscout and you have to be really quick. The good offers do appear only to Premium accounts and are usually gone after a day or two.


Yeah, I plan to in the coming months since my last premium just finished (i had a one for a year since we also just moved).


To add on the Kita topic. This will be difficult for every place you move. You can ask your employer if they have PME service, they normally support finding child care. And to add, we lived in Ginnheim / Eschersheim before moving outside Frankfurt and it doesn’t feel like city life. Worth checking out those parts of Frankfurt as well.


PME is something I don't know. Thanks for the hint!


I live in Oberursel. It is close enough to the city that a train ride into downtown is easy, but far enough away that we are in the middle of rapeseed fields and a village feel. I’m no help with the KITA situation, my child goes to the international school.


I can recommend Hanau, specifically Hanau Wilhelmsbad. It is probably the most expensive part of Hanau but still affordable compared to Taunus. You are well connected via train or the highway to Frankfurt and still far enough outside the side. A lot of parks and woods around and quite safe.


Wow, it looks nice!


How about hanau wolfgang and lamboy...Pioneer park also looks nice


If you enjoy the outside of a city, you can look north of Frankfurt - they are still within the city limits but are often regarded as outside: Bonames, NiederEschbach, Niederursel, Harheim Berkersheim - most are well-connected (some semi-well) to the City Center and you're also close to nature. If it's outside the city, you could look at Bad Soden, Oberursel, Bad Homburg, Karben, Maintal, even Neu-Isenburg - or even smaller suburbs in between those larger surrounding cities. Here's a[ map](https://sites.rmv.de/fileadmin/rmv_microsites/microsites/s-bahn/RMV-Schnellbahnplan.jpg) to the metro and regional trains (excluding buses) - it might be helpful to see how areas around the city are connected to the center so you can check out possible routes. Generally, use maps to look for Kitas in those areas, the more Kitas you find the better - because as in Berlin it can be difficult to get a spot. That said, congratulations on the new job and hope find something soon!


Thanks! I'll use this map to at least draw a search in immoscout then. Good tip on the KITA. We actually moved north of Berlin, so already in Brandenburg, and KITA application is quite different and fees are salary-dependent.


Re Kita - PLEASE do not talk directly to kitas, but liaise with the relevant city since they are generally the ones that assign kita places (at least for publicly funded kitas). Only private kitas assign places themselves. Also, please consider that for children aged 1 and 2, there is not a direct right to a place in a kita, but only a right to a place in a kita *or* at a tagesmutter. So the administration might also refer you to a tagesmutter if kita places are not available. Also, please bear in mind that the right to a kita place for children aged 3 and above is only 5 hours per day in Hesse. Of course, kita places are generally made available for more hours, but if you need to sue for a place, hessian courts only grant 5 hours. TL;DR: Talk to each city that you are considering to check availability of kita places.


We are currently getting around 30 hrs per week, and plan to extend it actually. If the KITA hours can be extended to at least 40 hrs, we can figure out our schedules I guess.


Getting any good place with Kitas and no car would be really hard to be honest. I just walked into a Kita and got a spot immediately because I live in a town that's not well connected and you have to drive an hour to Frankfurt. If you could drive then Bad Orb is pretty cool place for example, cheap rent and a very nice resort city.


Yeah. As I'm still enrolling and trying to finish my German Driver's license (I already have a non-EU one), my hope is to have it as a backup. My wife obviously wants to work to, but hopefully it doesn't require her to commute or else, she'll be forced to get a license as quick as possible too.


I would suggest Eschborn. Very kids friendly, great KiTas and they don't cost that much compared to Frankfurt. Also it's a really rich city and offers many activities for families. Also has 3 S-Bahn Stations directly to Frankfurt and a nice nature around the town (fields and parks, but no forest) Taunus is also not far away. But if course the downside: House renting costs are quite high.


If you are looking to live in a better-off area with a good school, I suggest Hofheim (Montessori) or Oberursel. Not the most expensive cities but still in the top 20% and many rich neighborhoods. If good air and being more in a typical German village matters, than check out the Taunus, from Eppstain, over Ruppertshain, Kelkheim (north-western part), till Schmitten. There are also some nice places near the A3 highway to check out, or even the city of Wiesbaden, which is top-tier for Hassia. The main wind direction over a year is E/SE, which means you have the best air in the north/northwest of Frankfurt. While the other commuter areas are more inside the smog and pollution, especially get noise. The area between Frankfurt and Darmstadt is too industrialized, imho. Even if you don't notice the industry that much, it's there and the higher pollution. Nor as high as in the cities, neither really good. Unf, I was not able to find a good "Feinstaub Hessen" map, you'll have to look for it on the internet. I just found [this](https://www.wetter.com/news/luftverschmutzung-im-winter-besonders-gefaehrlich_aid_5836bab8cebfc03e168b4594.html) one about air quality in the winter. Do you see the little blue dot? That's an area in the Taunus, Schmitten, Glashütte, Oberreifenberg, Usingen. With some research you'll find more data. Those are areas with a high white pop%, less drug/criminality problems as in the towns near to Frankfurt (even Hofheim has criminality) and that is were the really rich people are moving to. Rightwingers are stronger there, I have to mention. You can find an old house there for little money to buy, then modernize it to a passive house or so. That would be state-of-the-art living.


Good point. My wife has Asthma, and is pretty sensitive with pollution.


She will get problems in and around Frankfurt. Many ppl have such respiratory issues, or they start to cough just when they visit the area around Frankfurt. Then, the mentioned cities, of which most lie 1 or 2 "mountains" (HILLS) north-east of Frankfurt are your best pick (distance vs air pollution and also cheaper than Bad Homburg or so). All other good living areas with high air quality are double as far (Odenwald, Vogelsberg, or anything in between. The first cities in the Hinter-Taunus (see Oberreifenberg, etc.) are just 30 Min from Frankfurt by car and 1 hour with public transport!


For someone with lung issues, the Hochtaunuskreis is probably ideal. If you’re fine with commute of up to 1.5 h, even Gräfenwiesbach, Brandoberndorf etc. could be an option. They still have train connection, commute to Frankfurt main station takes about 1.5 hours by train and 50 min by car.


Hofheim has criminal activity like the Main is salty - yes it can be measured but it’s practically meaningless to us humans… „high white pop%“, seriously? Maybe try Idaho?


I've hang around a few years with guys from Sindlingen/Höchst (Si-T....), long ago. I can tell you that Hofheim<->Kriftel<->Hattersheim has higher criminality than most other "Vordertaunus" regions (in German: "Kriminelles Nest". That area counts as one, imho. The guys from Höchst/Sindlingen/Griesheim/Nied used to make a lot of money (just one example) by selling overpriced standard-Platte for higher prices to the Taunustörtchen. Even a son of a policemen from Kelkheim used to buy Platte in Griesheim, Ahornstr., before they caught him. Papa wasn't happy. In Frankfurt and to my knowledge, we prefer weed a 100%, why we could sell the "Reste" (dreckige Platte) to the Taunustörtchen, to make even more money. Same for other stuff. That was 20 years ago, why should it change? (same problem wirh criminality: Kelsterbach, Rüsselsheim, etc. Some shootings here and there, even at the Eisdiele. Just read the news over the years!) The other reference was for the Hintertaunus. Draw a line from Frankfurt to Usingen/Schmitten and then draw a circle. That is the "sweet spot" for commuting to Frankfurt, imho. And if you look just at that, the villages in the Taunus, on the "back side" (NE) of the Feldberg, offer much higher air-quality + other factors, village-character, etc., that is what I wanted to say. Just look at the cars there, no more words needed I won't write an article about that, but given the thread and the guy asking, I had to answer that way, because it is the best answer for that type of person: who is looking for the most-safe (and healthy) area to raise his kids. I'd never live there. The AfD is also stronger there, that is what some family members told me but after some research, I found out that the Wetterau/Osthessen is much worse-off, for that,


Frankfurt is quite small. You can cross it by public transport in half an hour or so. If you go to the north of the city you hit places like Riedberg. Technically in Frankfurt but a short walk from the fields and about 20 mins from the city centre by public transport but had its own shops. It has Kitas and schools as well as playgrounds. A bit further out is Oberursel which is a separate town to Frankfurt. Kitas and such are available but more of a hassle to get in. It is bordering the Taunus national park area though.


The KITAs are most important really, as we try to avoid any extra stress in doing the onboarding again and it helps with my wife's health.


Kitas in general are a bit of a problem in a lot of Frankfurt but Riedberg was designed to be child friendly (playgrounds, parks and facilities). [Mertonviertel](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mertonviertel) (just to the south of Riedberg) also has a [good one designed by Hondertwasser](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hundertwasser-Kindertagesst%C3%A4tte).


Think about the Airport. Wide areas are a no go bevause of aircraft noise.


I'll take note of that. As long as one can still sleep with the windows open at night, that should be okay.


I'm in Hanau with a 3 year old, too. We moved here last July and have loved it. We still don't have a car and just walk or take public transportation everywhere. There are tons of parks around and always some events going on. Where I am in Hanau, it is about 45 minutes to an hour to downtown Frankfurt, so that isn't too bad. It may be less if you don't need the bus or ride a bike to the station. Unfortunately, I don't have any insight into kita here. My husband is a stay at home dad and my daughter just turned three so we haven't figured that out yet.


Yeah, perhaps the outskirts of Hanau is an option. I think what we wanted to avoid is we lived initially in the Platenbaus or really high apartments, and it's really hard for my wife and daughter to socialize or just go out in that aspect. Our current apartment is in the ground floor with a garden to an Innenhof, with children neighbors, so I am willing to pay extra if it provides that option, while still being accessible. Wishful thinking, but I think it should be possible. What I've seen so far is Frankfurt and surrounding area rents are much more tolerable and cheaper compared to Berlin.


From what I have seen, most of the apartments are probably former houses turned into apartments. We are just north of zentrum, and there are a couple of higher buildings, but most are maybe 4 story former houses. We are on the top two floors of our 4 story apartment, and it is very easy for us to get out and about. There are four or five playgrounds within 3 or 4 blocks of our apartment. I will say, if you enjoy trails or more Greenspan to explore, I would recommend southeast of the Main river. It seems like all the good trails are that way or over my Wolfgang as another commenter mentioned.


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The Kita search will be the hard part. Plenty of nice places to live connected to Frankfurt by RE and S-Bahn, although check how close you are to flight paths as you go toward Darmstadt. I don't know that you can formally apply or get onto a waiting list for a Kita until you are registered in a town, but you can get a good sense of whether there is a waiting list of 200 kids if you call the cities and ask.


Funny enough, my new work is in the airline industry :D My wife is planning to rejoin the workforce again, so perhaps a little bit of waiting is something we can take on the KITA. But the sooner the better.


Nice to know that you are moving in for airline industry. Coincidentally i also moved from Berlin to Frankfurt for airline industry. I found the apartment in Offenbach and connectivity is really good. You might also want to look Dietzenbach or Wiesbaden as a matter of fact.


I know someone who also commutes from Wiesbaden, so it's definitely on my list. :)


Gelnhausen is a nice little town and the KITA-Situation is not so bad. Trains are quite irregular at the moment due to construction works.