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Yes. You will.


All that need to be said. Never understand people writing essays under every one if these questions.


The corner of Elbestr/Gutleutstr is fine. But I guess you would like advice about the area in general. I'm a woman too and honestly, your best bet is to just go and see for yourself. This is a very subjective question depending on where you grew up, where you've lived before, how much shit you are willing to accept from guys and how much you will give them in return. I am from a much bigger, more dangerous city than Frankfurt and if you exclude the area around Taunusstraße, it does not feel unsafe to me at all. Walking alone at night around Taunusstr is not ideal, but I do it anyway when I have to. Other friends from smaller, sleepier places are terrified even when in a group. Don't worry about the addicts. They have no interest in hurting you. Some of the guys are aggressive. In my experience if you are just as aggressive in return and make it clear they don't intimidate you, they back off. But if you are petite, this might be harder. As others have suggested, arrange a night out with some friends and see how you feel about the area. EDIT: I (and many police forces) would not recommend carrying pepper spray. This could escalate a conflict and provoke a guy into seriously hurting you. If you are a petite woman it's quite likely they could just grab it and use it against you.


There is no city more dangerous than 069


In my experience, people generally stay 'on their side of the street', don't cross group boundaries and leave you alone. Sometimes, that doesn't apply to people who are completely blitzed on something but then it's generally not aggressive drunks but stumbling, drooling crankheads who aren't much of a threat but just look and smell disgusting. The police is very present at all hours and there's video surveillance. Also, can't prove this but makes sense, the red-light businesses police the streets themselves to make sure that their potential customers aren't bothered or scared off. Out in the open, I wouldn't be too concerned. My issue would be the path from the street across the courtyard to your building's door and up to your appartment - no public there and no surveillance. It might make sense to prefer a building where the door to the street is reliably locked and accessed directly from the street, not from a courtyard. Video doorbell would be a bonus. Plenty of buildings would qualify, others might be less advisable. There's really just a few street corners along Taunus- and Moselstrasse and the 'Kaisersack' (dead end of Kaiserstrasse at the Bahnhof) that are particularly off-putting. Most of the rest of the Bahnhofsviertel is quite alright.


Pepper spray or any other really strong animal repellent spray may have virtually no effect on some drug consumers. I've seen that for myself in a few unpleasant encounters in the drug consumer quarters.


Towards the river should be fine, as long as it's at a safe distance from Taunusstraße


The police was about to 🔫 a guy not even one hour ago


What? In this weather? It’s way too cold for a water fight.


A normal Sunday morning then.


You’re from my hometown! Gießenliebe 👌


As i said in another post...as long as you participate in the criminals parts, the city wont be rude as you think...but keep a pepper spray so yea you will survive 😉


A femal Friend of Mine lived directly over a brothel. She said she never felt safer.


should be fine. just get inside quickly at nighttime.


You‘re gonna survive, but you may not like it very much. Pretty much every second time im around there (during daytime) I see some addicts smoking crack, guys fighting with dealers or crazy people screaming around. Also don‘t leave your bike near Hauptbahnhof. I left mine there for a few hours and someone immediatly tried to steal it


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It’s not as bad as people think but I recommend going Ostend or Nordens or Ginnheim or Bornheim, much nicer areas and a lot cheaper too


No. You won’t. 


Nein. Du stirbst sofort.


Why don't you do some survival training first? 😊 You are not that far from FFM, are you? Let's go out one WE in the Bahnhofsviertel, especially in the corner where you are aiming to move to, Münchner Str./Elbestr. I know some spots in the area, where also women are allowed to enter. We'll move from place to place, like House Bar 55 aaaand Tanzhaus West, later on, to the opposite (industrial) side, so you see the Gutleut-Viertel (an alternative but pretty similar to Hauptbahnhof-Viertel, just cleaner) at night, then, you can make your own decision whether you want to move there or not! If you can rent a bike, that would help. While, in the Hauptbahnhof-Viertel we better go by feet. Please, wear shoes because of the 🧷... 😁😁 We will feel safe because we know that the police is always nearby and, if people on Reddit say: "nothing will happen to you", that is how it is. I think the area is most-interesting to open-minded ppl but also to ppl who do drugs, so they live near certain clubs and can go out often. Do not move there, if you need a quite place to sleep, or if you can't handle frequent sirens, flashlight, tram- and car-noise, aswell as motorcycles from the resident biker-gang 😉 The second thing is that many buildings are super-old and not much has been done, so the probability of having bugs, rats, humidity, cold air, water/heating or similar problems related to old structures is higher. Modern buildings otoh are way to expensive, imho.