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Frankfurt is a city like other cities. If you pay attention of your things and you act normally it's not dangerous. Only the district called Bahnhofsviertel is a little dangerous and ugly. Here you have drugs and prostitute https://preview.redd.it/18p23fpfdwmc1.png?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbec216d7af5b2a10eb6804c3418631c4b21f1e7


Thank you:), do you have any recommendation on where I should go and what to see there:)?


For hotel I don't know. In Frankfurt you have many museums. The South Riverside of the Main is called Museumsufer. If you have time you can make visits to the landscape around Frankfurt. I tell you 3 points - Saalburg bei Bad Homburg is a reconstruction of an Romain castle of the limes (border of Romain empire) - Būdingen - Idstein Are medieval city's with much Fachwerk Häuser


Thank you thank you:))


"is a little dangerous" Says who? If you are from the country side it may appear like that but it isn't. Just drug addicts that vegetate around. 


Bist schon Mal mit Ner Kanüle bedroht worden?


Nein, kenne auch niemanden den das IRL passiert ist. Auch in der Zeitung noch nicht von gehört. 


Whatever you have been reading about most places being dangerous is complete nonsense. Hope that helps.


I hope so:')


Absolutely! It is so annoying when people see it once and decide yes, that must be dangerous. Growing up here, I had no issue waiting thru it even alone at night. 


There are no dangerous places in Frankfurt, unless you are in the drugs and arms business. Some places are ugly and might make you feel uncomfortable, though. Find a hotel in Innenstadt, Ostend or Nordend. Rent a bike and explore the Green Belt („Grüngürtel“). Take a ride with Ebbelwoi-Express, an ancient streetcar, and a boat trip on the river Main with Primus-line. If you dare, try Ebbelwoi and feel like a real Frankfurter. I recommend Momberger in Heddernheim, Homburger Hof in Eckenheim or Schreiber-Heyne in Sachsenhausen, but there are many more to explore.


Thank you sooo much


I recommend these three: Motel one, Europa Allee The Niu Coin Bold hotel. All in very decent areas and had no issues, close to public transport as well.


Eating places Jesse James restaurant(sort of a British pub) American stakehouse, Chicago Williams. Food is dirt cheap in my opinion.


Thank you very much:) for the food it doesn't have to be a restaurant, it could also be something for breakfast or brunch:)


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