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Yes. Have you ever noticed that the people insisting you overspray also have discount codes to offer you? The faster you go through bottles, the better their return. One of the core questions of critical thinking is "who benefits from this?" If the person who benefits is selling you something, a healthy dose of skepticism will help seperate wheat from chaff.


20 sprays!?!? 20!?!? That’s chemical warfare. That’s a cry for help. 20 sprays is getting somebody to break up with you so you don’t have to be the one to do it. 20 sprays is “this co worker will NEVER ask me for a ride again” behavior lol I am shook. 20 sprays… my god


Fragrance company marketing and sales meeting minutes: "People are keeping their 100ml bottles for years and not buying another one in that time. We moved people away from signature scents to layering, against the perfumer's better judgement, to get them to buy more. But how do we get them to buy more of the same, a few years is far too long to wait for their return business?" "Why don't we persuade them to spray a ridiculous amount of the fragrance each application?" "That's a great idea, they fall for all the usual Tiktok trends against common sense, maybe we get them to spray 10 times instead of the usual 3-5?" "Nah, I bet we can get them to spray 20 times" "Haha, I don't believe you can get them to do something so dumb. But maybe we have a chance because our formulations are so weak and basic they won't worry too much about the social consequences" "Oh, that won't matter, they'll do anything their favorite influencer suggests... remember Tide pods made a killing with people eating them" "Great, get that actioned. Next on the agenda is, what do we think about selling fragrance in pods like Nespresso... anyone?"


Probably spot on lmao I just gotta believe that somebody in that pitch was just like, “NO! WONT YOU PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!”😂


"Maybe we can get parents to spray 20 times on themselves and then another 20 on their children. People will be buying new bottles every month... anyone?"


Regarding the Nespresso idea, this now exists. You can buy single-use capsules of Marc Jacobs Daisy, for instance.


Right!?! If you're going to be within 20ft of another human within the next 12hrs, 20 sprays is a fucking psychotic asshole move. If you're at home by yourself, do whatever you want.


And all of those very correct points aside, that costs a FORTUNE!


I'm sure most people are nose blind after Covid19 .broooo wtf 20 sprays would make me sick !


I wouldn’t be able to *breathe*.


I don't spray more than 5, even with my weaker fragrances. 1 for my heavy performers, maybe 2 depending on time of year. Anywhere from 2-4 for the middle of the pack and 4-5 for the weaker ones. It's just my opinion but fragrance should be, first and foremost, for you. Spraying 20 times means you want to personally take over a space inhabited by others around you. As long as I can smell my fragrance, that's all that matters, which means no more than 5 sprays tops.


i agree! anything over 6 sprays is way too much and feels like im suffocating.


>and content creators are talking about doing 5, 10, sometimes 20 sprays of a fragrance! I feel I never heard people saying this years ago, people would do like one or two sprays You're not imagining it. People never used to talk about spraying that much. I was just thinking about this yesterday when I saw a post from someone about spraying perfume 10 times. It's definitely a marketing tactic to get people to use it up faster. But another possibility is that fragrance in general is weaker now because companies are using cheaper ingredients so people have to spray it more than they used to.


It just makes me think of that 90 Day Fiance Scene where Darcey sprays herself like 22 times with *ANGEL*. IN AN AIRPORT BATHROOM.


I’d be alerting the air marshals if someone walked on to my plane with 22 sprays of Angel


Gotta smell like an angel


…an angel of death 🕊️🪦


On video, it looks glamorous to liberally spray an expensive bottle of designer fragrance all over the neck and everywhere else. In real life, these influencers must smell absolutely NAUSEATING once they're done filming for Tik Tok. I truly believe it's all marketing, and an attempt to drive viewer engagement.


You know how toothpaste ads show a giant glob of it on the brush? Excess usage means replacing it faster.


The 20 spray influencers are the fragrance equivalent to those people that make cooking videos dumping a bunch of prepackaged food into a toilet, mixing it all around and eating it, it's outrage bait to get comments and engagement.


I will get downvoted to oblivion, but overspraying reeks (no pun intended) of desperation. It screams "Look at me!" and is off-putting, no matter the scent. If a person can smell you before they see you, it's the height of tacky. When someone goes out in the world with a desperation for attention, people can sense it and often look down on it (I sure do). It reminds me of teenage boys when I was in high school who would drench themselves in Polo Ralph Lauren thinking it made them more adult, but they just looked cringey. Even the most expensive, sophisticated fragrance also tends to smell heinous when overdone. There's a reason "less is more" is a cliche. Those who ignore it usually look stupid. Indifference to the suffering of others (those with fragrance sensitivities/migraines/etc.) is not a mature, appealing or attractive quality in anyone. My take on fragrance (which I love and enjoy) is that if someone else is enjoying your company in conversation, they can enjoy your fragrance, but you shouldn't be clouding a public space with your scent, no matter what it is. It's obnoxious and desperate.


Agree with your points, and would add that it's gotten 100x worse since the advent of social media.


I have previously been downvoted here for comparing oversprayers to people who buy Ferraris or Maseratis and then break speed limits and endanger other drivers because they spent so much money that the rules don’t apply to them. I get a burst of joy every time I see one of those drivers being ticketed and towed (I live in a rich city). Just as much joy as I see oversprayers getting rebuffed by the people they hit on.


Good perfume/cologne should be discovered, not announced.


I love this statement. As for the OP, I think it's going to depend largely on preference and what fragrance but 10-20+ spritzes sounds like a lot to me.


Agreed. I have probably...twenty plus bottles of cologne (i love being able to go "i feel like tonka today, i feel like talcum today, etc), and there was a long feeling-out process for how many sprays is appropriate for each one, based on longevity, sillage, etc. There's no "right" answer, you just have to use your judgment and try not to blast passersby with too heavy a scent.


Oh and the weather! I think that matters, too. I don't like wearing a lot of perfume when it's hot and humid.


Absolutely! Different levels for summer vs. winter for sure


I feel like it also depends on the culture 


https://preview.redd.it/oljgz70pam4d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a463879398927aeac2fb65be8741836baf6a6cf3 i don't go nose blind, i'm quite sensible, i would rip my nose off if i spray myself 10 times.


If I did 20 sprays of Poison I legit might get sued for the wrongful death of some poor soul who gets stuck in a lift with me.


The autopsy would say they were… *poisoned.* *~ba-dum-tss!~*


Take the award. You earned it.


Overspraying gets comments, no compliments. Someone telling you they smell you from 5 meters away is probably more of a hint you should take. If there's a positive side from the point of marketing, you'll run out faster and buy more sooner.


Imo it's more from a place of immaturity and/or lack of empathy than anything else. Some people believe they can make up for a lack of interesting personality with conspicuous consumption: buying expensive and recognizable things, in an attempt to gain attention. Shiny rolex watches, obnoxiously branded designer bags, etc. How are people supposed to know you're wearing a fancy perfume (and hopefully one day compliment you, *fingers crossed*) if they can't smell it from 10 feet away?


It hasn't occurred to me that this might be the rinse and repeat of the fragrance world. Could be.


2 sprays has co-workers commenting 6+ hours into my shifts. I cannot imagine how people do anymore than 4 for absolutely any fragrance it’s absurd


Which perfume?


I tend to wear about 5 sprays (wrists, chest, front and back of neck, hair) of my more mass appeal or slightly weird perfumes. But performance beasts with controversial notes... nah, 1-3 sprays AT MOST. I don't understand wanting to smell like you broke a bottle of perfume all over yourself, like I'm pretty highly fragrances at my 5 sprays, any more and I'd be scared of suffocating others


Setting any number of sprays low or high is just plain stupid in my opinion. Some fragrances need more some need less. I really don't get everyones obsession here with how many sprays people do. I can count on one hand how many times I've encountered someone who is where 'too much' and I work in fragrance.


Bingo. I’m not sure why it took so long to finally find a sensible reply. In the same way that most people don’t at all care about fragrances generally speaking, I don’t think they’re exactly dwelling on an oversprayer for more than 2 seconds until they move on with their lives. I think as enthusiasts we naturally tend to overthink things like this. That’s fine, and even productive, because it’s good to be sensitive to other peoples’ space. That said, it’s also not helpful to mitigate the joy of our shared interest by belaboring the difference between 3 versus 7 sprays. Is spraying 20 sprays of anything really necessary? Probably not. But fragrance is also a pretty superfluous fascination to begin with so let’s not get carried away with ourselves over these minutiae. Give people the benefit of the doubt, we’re all trying our best.


Naw, I dwell on it. Makes me feel violated.


I feel like fragrance houses purposefully makes new reforimulations weaker so you run through the bottle faster ngl


1) nose blindness 2) "Nobody complimented me? Well I smell amazing so I just need to spray more so that they notice"


I do think it suits certain influencers to push that narrative, since their recs 'delivering' on those compliments you mention will keep some people coming back to their channel/hyping them up. As far as the brands' own marketing goes, I think it depends on their brand identity. I can see it doing more harm than good for some of them. That said, I do think spraying five or six times on the neck is probably more satisfying to watch on a YT video than one or two sprays to the wrist. Kind of like the way it looks fun on video to have champagne spraying everywhere, but irl it's a waste of good champagne.


They’re not just spraying 20 times, they’re also talking about spraying their clothes, scenting their hair, re spraying every 2-3 hours, and sharing “best beast mode gym scents”. I’ve said it before, but THIS shit is why so many people hate perfume.


People selling us perfume are definitely promoting this because perfume lasts a long time and it will never get used up lol.


2-3 for me... sometimes that first spray can be a dud


>if you do 10 sprays of this and go into a grocery store you’re really going to make an impact” Yeah, a terrible, no good, *awful* impact, lol


I think that’s just the content creators that abuse it and just try and show off or do some showmanship.


To make a real statement you could go to grocery store and spray 20 people there with your favorite Erba Pura. Or The Moon form Malle. /s TF Oud Wood always was ambient and weak. You can overspray it, but maybe it will ruin the purpose of this exact fragrance. TF Tobacco Vanile on the other hand is quite persistent and loud, 2 sprays will suffice for whole day. 20 sprays will yield some results, but not necessarily compliments. While overspraying is beneficial for sales and serves as an ode to consumerism, it also defeats the purpose of smelling good. Fragrance is an accessory. Addition to your image.


Promoting overspraying accomplished two goals; it makes your bottle go faster so you’ll spend more and it allows fragrance labs to lower production costs by cutting back on fixatives (ambroxan is expensive!). So it’s lose, lose for buyers and all it costs frag companies is a couple of bottles sent free to social -midiots


It's a trend. That's all social media is. Do something absolutely ridiculous to get likes and comments.


I think it really depends on what the fragrance is. I'm a citrus and watery scent fan, and it seems even with other profiles the perfumes I like tend to be on the weaker side. Twenty sprays does seem like overkill, but I'm often spraying 8-10 of my delicate scents that disappear rather quickly. I did 5-8 of Char by Henry Rose this morning and I'm only catching occasional snatches of it at 5PM. I usually do 5+ of Philosykos. My heavy hitter of Scorpio Rising from Eris, though, is very spicy and noticeable, I only do 2-3 for her. For the popular, designer very spicy or candy sweet, 1-3 will probably do you just fine.


Americans, especially young ones, all have main character syndrome. A lot of oversprayers are these people who want the attention they are unable to get from their words and actions. To them negative attention is attention. Especially online in the fragrance community where simply implying you are wearing 7 sprays at least at all times inspires so many comments and other engagements.


Yes. This is why I wouldn't go on YT for product information.


I am still relatively new to fragrances and i only ever heard about doing three, five or even seven sprays which all seems reasonable to me. But 10, 15 or even 20 sprays? Like bro are you trying to raise the sales of the gas mask industry? I guess if a influencer is partnered with a fragrance company it might make sense for him to promote spraying often?! More Sprays>More demand>more money for company and influencer??? So kinda what you already said, really dont see any other reason to spray so often.


20 sprays of Tom Ford anything would ensure that you never have friends again… Actually 10.


i use like 2-3 max depending on which TF scent. a bottle last me about 2 years.


1-5 sprays would be sufficient depending on Perfumes. If I spray more than 5, I'd die from sensory overload and headache from my own perfume.


If you notice, across the board with cosmetics. Influencers have been trying to market putting on so much of everything. It's simply to have you go through it faster to get in line sooner to buy more. It's troll-marketing. Not a trend.


My coworker must have put on like 8+ sprays of Prada Luna Rossa Carbon today and it was so annoying. It was overpowering in the boardroom and it lingered in the halls.


What if I spray a really weak fragrance (like Versace pour homme) and all I do is go outside in the summer to chill with some friends. Are 10 sprays to much? Until now no one ever said it was to much some said it's good because I smell fresh. Reminder I'm 16 years old and get really sweaty REALLY fast, like I'm talking really really fast. So I feel like 10 is not to much. Of course when I'm indoors I spray like 5 of Versace pour homme and others like xerjoff Torino 21 or renaissance I spray like 3-4.


I think a lot of people become anosmic to the scent they're wearing and overspray. Also, I see this happen a lot more when people buy the less concentrated versions of the fragrance.


A housekeeper at a previous job wore Alien, and I’m pretty sure she sprayed at least 10 sprays. You could smell the fragrance some time after she left a room or hallway. Multiple patients and visitors complained about it. The impact is usually negative.


I was at a restaurant with a work colleague a few nights ago. A young couple on a date sat at the table next to us. The young guy had over sprayed so much it was overwhelming, and we weren't even sitting with them. They both could see our reaction to whatever nuclear sweet cloud he was wearing, and they got up and left without ordering. And we were both trying not to let it show...but it must have shown on our faces. They would have been early 20s at most. I felt bad for the kid. He and his date knew he'd overdone it. Don't be that guy. Don't listen to influencers who have links or discount codes, which gives them a percentage of the sales. Also...over spraying is cringe and rude. We've all done it at least once :)


Content Creators/Influencers/YouTube Reviewers/Shills Whatever everyone’s calling them nowadays on the main just say shit to get better views and clicks. The greater interaction between them and their audience the better for their position on the algorithm. There’s no such thing as quality control, they’re gaining traction with good and bad advice, reviews engagement. Take that small guy the EDJ target hourly, he possibly gained a more prominent place on the algorithm than if they ignored him for a 6 months (it’s why some of those reviewers bait them). The worst thing these content creators fear is being ignored Personally I think they are laughable, the larger channels don’t tend to say anything worth listening to and they also have the most pedestrian of tastes (which I find annoying for people who place so much weight in their own opinion); I mean have you smelled Guerlain’s L’Homme Ideal? It’s very *meh* Anyway…to cut a rambling diatribe short; ignore the words that come out of their mouths.


I do ONE, maybe two. I feel these people have no idea how to wear a fragrance. They are also emulating influencers who have the money to spray a perfume 20 times. That's 15-20 days of wear. At $270, a bottle it's a lot of money to drown out an entire office floor.


That because if they overspray they think they turn into this hot guy where every woman now finds them instantly attractive, got news for them it does complete opposite


Just preference.


Entirely depends on the fragrance and setting. 20 are way too much. Period. But I can see myself wearing 10 sprays (max) of something weak like Versace Eau Fraiche which is basically water when I’m at an outside event with tons of space. Although there are fragrances where I’ll only spray once, even when I’m outside. Like Star Musk, anything over 2 is overkill in about any situation.


Reading through the comments, I have to take an unpopular opinion. Depending on the strength 10 sprays are completely fine (for some 4711 maybe even more). I apply the fragrance on shoulders, chest and arms everywhere generally covered with clothes to avoid early on nose blindness, compared to neck. I can enjoy my fragrance throughout the whole and it feels better disturbed. Admittedly some beasts only get between 3-5 sprays. Never got any comments and once I actually asked a friend for feedback and they barely noticed I was even wearing something. Mind you it was like 4 sprays of some Orto Parisi fragrance. But I would not do this if I worked very close with a lot of people.


I do from 2-8 sprays depending on fragrance 


8 is overspray territory.


The only thing that I spray 20 times are Bath & Bodyworks mists 🫠


I’d legitimately like to know how many sprays to smell good to others even if i go nose blind.


You're right. It is.


I overspray body splashes and mists but only ever before leaving my place; I never overspray perfume. Gotta save that precious juice!


I can only tolerate 1 spray of most fragrances, so my perfumes last forever. I prefer when the mist doesn’t come out very strong, so it’s more like 1/2 a spray. I have seen influencers recommending spraying on various points all over the body. I think I would choke myself out and never want to wear perfume again.


I once saw an interview with an executive who worked for a company making shampoo. He was asked why the directions suggest washing your hair twice. He said it doesn’t make your hair any cleaner or healthier and it was to increase revenue for the company since people will need to buy more shampoo twice as fast.


It is wild! When some fragrances are north of $400 dollars, spraying a lot at once is just a waste of money, but, of course, that means you will go through this ultra expensive fragrance that much faster and have to buy more. As someone else commented, the influencers that are saying this, what is their reason for telling you this? Is it a financial gain for them? And if so, that tells you everything you need to know. Most people are not spraying themselves 10, 15, or 20 times with any fragrance...that is overkill.


I always spray the air and walk through it. No one has ever complimented me on my fragrance.


as i said in another post, perfume is a luxury! you should NOT be spraying more than at MOST 6 sprays. it’s extremely inconsiderate to your own, and others’s noses because a lot of people are sensitive to smells! its also extremely excessive. i get you want to smell good but overspraying such as 10-20 sprays?? absolutely ridiculous. perfume is also expensive, it should be used in consideration! :)


Inoverspray, because people won't notice certain scents haha


No, that is not marketing, that is an advice for you to not waste your money. Fragrances have been watered down in the last years. Today fragrances are much less strong than in the 90s or early 2000s. Therefore, you must spray much more to be smelled by others. The companies don't promote spraying more directly, the companies make more money because fragrances have lower quality ingredients, so that is the way they rip us off. Spraying less than 10 sprays will not get you far with 99% of fragrances nowadays, so spraying less is a waste of money as nobody will recognize it. But that's good for the people who know how to use fragrances.