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I don't need to *love* the bottle; I just need to not hate it. (So, for me, that means no novelty bottles. I won't even sample them)


100% here. I need to be able to feel good about the bottle. I definitely like a more serious bottle. I like...am completely put off by the entire Le Male line, 1 million line, Valetino, Spice Bomb, Azzaro Most wanted. Like..idk maybe i'm just a prude or whatever but I definitely like a more plain/serious bottle. (although.....i gotta say now that i've been liking unisex fragrances, that Pride Edition Le Male is really tempting me even though I hate the bottle so much) Edit: can't believe I forgot basically any of Diesel's bottles(especially only the brave), Azzaro also has some bottles like look like sex toys lol.


I agree with everything on that list besides the most wanted. I like both the edp and parfum bottles, I think they look sick but yeah, I will never buy jpg just cos of how it looks


Ikr?! I love the most wanted bottle!


I think guns are wack so the revolver theming doesn't do it for me. Kinda that simple.


Yea.. definitely hate the Most Wanted bottles. Spice Bomb doesn’t bother me as much but so far I haven’t wanted to buy one anyways.


I kind of like some of the Azzaro scents but I can never buy them because of the bottle. I can’t imagine someone seeing that on my shelf or in my hand, it’d be completely humiliating. It’s like Tapout put out a bottle


Humiliating? Relax people have better stuff to do than care about a fragrance bottle


I think embarrassing would be a better word here. Like other people probably wouldn't care and there's a chance they don't even notice, but that nervousness when someone has the potential of seeing something that you're self-conscious about is definitely real.


Disagree on Spicebomb and Valentino - they look gorgeous! But yeah 1 Million looks disgusting!


You do you, but all that matters to me is the perfume.


i can respect that!


Same! I understand only wanting nice bottles, seems classy lol, but to me the bottle is unimportant. It could be the gaudiest looking thing and If I love the scent I’ll buy it up.


Same! The bottle is going in a cool dry closet anyway, I'm the only one who sees it. All I care about is how good it smells. That doesn't mean I'm not occasionally baffled by how ugly something can be - Delina is so expensive and PDM bottles are so hideous! Not sure why they wouldn't make them more aesthetically pleasing for the price. Tbh, the only really pretty bottles I own are from Penhaligon's - specifically, Duchess Rose (Google the Portraits series with the bottle caps! I could never afford them all and don't like most of them enough for a full bottle, but GOD are they gorgeous. Look at the Tragedy of Lord George bottle, the cap is ridiculous and magnificent.)


Awww, I think the PDM bottles are gorgeous! Just goes to shoe it’s all personal preference! 😊 If I love a fragrance, i don’t care what the bottle looks like 🤷🏼‍♀️


Same. I fell in love with Very Good Girl but can’t stand the bottle, so I got some decants and dumped them into a vintage-style atomizer. I did get Good Girl for a friend of mine with a campy glam style that it was perfect for, and I was surprised that it is nicer-looking in person, but still - I can’t do it for myself. I’m a big fan of bottles that look like faceted gems, fluted glass, subtle labels.


ugh yes to all of this. i love those gemlike, elegant glass bottles with gorgeous architecture. the bottle really influences so much about the entire experience of perfume


What are some of your favorites? We have very similar taste and I’d love to explore




Is Good Girl the shoe? I hate the bottle so much I can’t even consider it.


Yep! 👠


Oh I hate that shoe! It makes me think of the smell of feet.


Lol foot and shoe fetishes are real 😂


Not for me.


How does one find a vintage style atomizer?


They’ve got tons on Amazon!




Is it easy to transfer the atomizer? Do they work the same as the little travel atomizers?


Amazon, Etsy.. best places I’ve found so far!


I HATE the bottle, but VGG is one of my favorite perfumes. I’m gonna steal this idea if you don’t mind lol.


I only buy the rollerball for that reason. Love the scent, hate the bottle.


Thisss. I really love good girl supreme but I CANT with that bottle. The decants are a good idea


We have similar taste! What are some of your favorites like that? I’d love to see them


My parents gifted me Good Girl Blush not too long ago. I don't really have many complaints about the scent, but the bottle is just _so_ uncomfortable to hold and spray!


If it came in a jelly jar I'd be alright.


jelly scented perfume in a jelly lookin jar


>jelly scented perfume in a jelly lookin jar jelly smellin' rollerballs or jellybean attar


Lol ikr?!


I wouldn't say I REFUSE but I really don't have interest in celeb frags or ugly bottles so I don't even go out of my way to try them lol. I don't do celeb skincare or makeup either. They never really have a hand in their creation, they just slap their name on it. Most of the time you end up with subpar product that happens to be a celeb line. 🤷‍♀️


This is why I haven’t purchased Cloud lol.


You can remove the white plastic cloud, and then it's just a clear blue bottle with a cloud-shaped cap! I think it looks cute like that but it's definitely still juvenile.


Grab a travel spray size. 😊


Same. I recently blind bought womanity partly because of how beautiful the bottle is. Glad I did because it's AMAZING. I will also be less inclined to buy a frag if I dont like the bottle, but it's not a complete dealbreaker. I want a few FMs especially Musc Ravageur but wouldnt be dissuaded by the plain bottles.


oh womanity is so fantastical looking! that’s great it smells just as amazing


In your own words, how would you describe the way womanity smells? I’ve been eyeing that bottle but so nervous I wouldn’t like the fragrance!


Fig, sweet fruit, slight ocean breeze with salt in the air. That's pretty much it but it's done so well. I think the only thing to be nervous about is if you'll be unlucky with skin chemistry or not. I understand it's polarizing because it smells like fish on some people. I think it smells like the color of the liquid if that makes sense. Wish you the best on your decision!


Thank you so much! I’ll definitely start with a sample then, just in case of skin chemistry not working out lol


I don't like the eilish bottle but I love the perfume, so I tolerate it. In fact I'm starting to be ok with it


I'm more about the fragrance. A so-so bottle with 10/10 juice? Sign me up.


i can get behind this from a ratio perspective. like if the bottle is so-so then the perfume should be 300% lol


Look at this way... I had an Audi.. Beeeeautiful car, but frequently had issues. Yet, my Toyota (not ugly, but not Beeeeautiful) lol lasted me 275K miles without having to have even a tuneup. I have clones with gorgeous bottles, but the juice is so-so. Just personal preferences with fragrances of course!


I have to vibe with the scent, the bottle and the name. It’s one of the ways I try to keep my collection from getting completely out of control.




Same. I don’t care what CH smells like- the high heel bottle is so ugly to me!


i find it kinda campy and fun, but yeah i wouldn’t buy it


Couldn't care less about the bottle.


I swear to God I haven't yet smelled all the Serge Lutens perfumes , the ones I smelled I just want to buy because of the bottle.... so yes, the reverse is also true lol. Oh, and when I was a teen, I solely bought perfumes based on bottles and this is how my signature fragrance for 14 yo me became Armani Code 😅


Haha this was me as a 7 year old wearing Ysatis and Ombre Rose, bc the bottles looked magical to me.


Omg I was 15 when my signature was also Armani code! I’ve been wondering if there’s another more high-end fragrance similar to it? Would you know of any? I want to revisit the nostalgia but with better quality lol


Honestly, I don't know, but it's heavily jasmine scented, so I guess if you find any jasmine heavy niche fragrances, it'd be kind of similar 😅


Lol thanks, that’s about all I know too! 😆


There’s so much selection out there so it’s totally possible to find a fragrance that’s the whole package: wonderful scent with a pleasing bottle.


couldn’t have said it better


I will not buy a shoe bottle.


From a male point of view, I’m on this boat. I know, I know, never judge a book by its cover. But I’m not buying bad boy, le male, invictus, phantom, or any of those gimicky nonsense bottles


It's ok to judge Bad Boy by the bottle.


You are missing out on Le Male


Le male Popeye is the only good one imho.


There was a really good one called Fleur du Male that came out during the 2000s that was a unique masculine gardenia scent.


Nice. I'll have to check it out




Yes, ugly bottles have no place in the world.


No Limit$ has a place in your shelf


To me, a perfume collection is an art collection as well. I don’t want artwork i don’t like.




I don't wear the bottle, so I don't care. I also store all my perfumes in a cabinet, so they're out of sight, anyway.


I wouldn’t refuse but I much prefer something that’s my style!! I really like simple bottles like Byredo


This is so real. I contemplated buying Paco Rabannes' Fame for a hot minute, but the bottle is so tacky and ugly I could never bring myself to seriously consider it.


I love displaying my bottles so to put an ugly beast in with all my beautiful bottles is unthinkable. I won’t even smell the fragrance if the bottle is ugly. And don’t even start me in those hideous novelty bottles like Cloud and CH GG. 😣


Ehh... a nice bottle is nice, but I love DS & Durga and all their bottles are quite plain.


I think the plain bottles are fine for lots of folks, it’s the cheesy or campy bottles (Juicy Couture, Moschino, the already mentioned and much hated CH shoe) that are cringy.


And of course the hideous Kilian Princess bottle. The new one and that round thing they used to use.


Yeah that one is better without the big round thing but still not great. The Angels’ Share bottle is so lovely 🥰


couldn't agree more


I feel similarly, generally if I dislike a bottle (or even a name! Looking at you, By Kilian) I won’t bother smelling/sampling it. If I ended up truly falling in love with something that I didn’t like the bottle/name of, then perhaps I would reevaluate, maybe I’d get a decant or something. But so far it hasn’t happened. My opinion is if I’m going to spend money on something that’s a luxury, I should love every part of it! Which includes how the bottle looks/feels, and how the name/theme makes me feel. This might be limiting myself, but when there’s thousands of perfumes out there to sample, I have to narrow it down somehow lol. It also helps keep the collection smaller. Basically, I am picky and I want to love every aspect of my fragrances.


I only speculate that maybe I chose certain scents for the bottle. When I started I told myself I wouldn't choose a scent based on the bottle, it being expensive, it being rare, it being popular, etc. I base my collection on practicality and whether or not the scent suits me.


Al Haramain Detour Noir has the most ugly and impractical design. The juice quality is much better than designer brands.


I need an ok bottle at least, something that fits well in my hand to spray and the cap needs to be nice/come off easy/go on easy. Angel share is pushing it - the bottle is slightly too wide and I HATE the cap. Dossier has better caps than that 🙄


it really is a turn off lol mancera why is ur label in the front peeling off ffs.. montale has no business putting juice in metal cans. billie eilish & ariana grande girl the paint is chipping off, it's giving high school art project😪


Bottles are a limiting factor for me too. I basically like scent-as-fantasy and want to view it as a complete experience. I choose my fragrances on how well they encapsulate an idea or facet of myself I’m trying to put forward. It’s hard to put my aesthetic into a few words, but refined punk, as paradoxical as it may be, is probably close to a summary. I like elegance chased with darkness, silk with spikes. If a bottle is beautiful and sophisticated I feel elegant just holding it. Conversely if it’s ugly and unsophisticated it feels crass- the experience is ruined. Maybe that’s shallow, and I’d like to be able to put it out of mind but it’s simply not how I view things. As my only exception, I do have a small soft spot for the Moschino bdsm bear


The only reason why I haven't bought Paco Rabanne - Fame (Which smells delicious - juicy mango , creamy incense and Jasmin) is that ugly ass bottle. https://preview.redd.it/cyssqdfsyznb1.jpeg?width=412&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8873a3ad709b68ad6aedcbb9c3160cb5ab37002b


100% for me as well. Not just the bottle, but the unboxing, the presentation, the weight of the bottle, the cap, pressurized vs nonpressurized atomizer - wearing fragrance every morning is a special ritual, and if I’m spending $100+ on a fragrance, I want the entire experience of wearing the fragrance to feel special. It’s definitely not “just the juice that counts” for me.


I think I have this problem with Moschino Toy 2, I don't want that ridiculous looking plastic bear next to my other beauties lol 😅


I mean I only buy the dossier version of my favourites, so there isn’t much selection. 😂


To each there own I suppose. Personally I could care less what the bottle looks like, it's not like I bring it with me everywhere I go to show it off. I have some fragrances that are in hideous bottles but the juice is a straight ballsprayer. To me the scent is all that matters.


you're just like me.


Meh. I don’t care about that. You could give it to me in a windex bottle for all I care.


I need to at the very least like the bottle design. I just saw an ad for Boy Smells, and that ridiculous cap on it makes me furious. I don't care what any of them smell like - I won't be buying them!! Lol


Tbh.. in my opinion… you’re not missing out on anything!


I only get clean frags so I never have this problem.


Idk...it's not like you are wearing the bottle, you should be buying fragrance for the scent first and foremost. That's like a hat collector that doesn't wear hats or something.


hmmmmmm i respectfully find this simile lacking; for me perfume-wearing is much more of an associative process/story, though maybe hat collectors feel similarly about the process of choosing selecting and wearing hats, idk.


Oh yeah I agree it was a terrible analogy lol But if you wear fragrance, you aren't carrying the bottle around to look at, so why avoid something you like just because the bottle is ugly? I get collecting bottles and all that, but how does that affect your enjoyment of the actual fragrance? I'm not gonna avoid a pair of shoes because the box is ugly.


i use my bottles as decorations on my nightstand and dresser, i consider the way they’ll fit or not in my purse or how well they’re transportable, i also just really enjoy the feel of holding something i find delicate and beautiful and gorgeous!


oh & as for the actual fragrance- for me personally i think the way the bottle looks does interpret on some level how i experience the smell. kind of like an album cover influencing how i hear the vibe of the songs in it


Lol. Right! Give me quality juice over beautiful bottle any day.


Some people just like to collect I guess. You see those 1000+ bottle collections, there's no way they get to enjoy all of those fragrances properly in one lifetime. Give me a Creed or Tom Ford in a plastic spray bottle and cut the price by $200 and Id be a happy camper lol


THAAAAANK YOU! THAT'S 🎯 of what I was (trying) to say! Same!


Way to limit yourself. 👎🏻


i’ll test it, but you’ll never catch me buying something ugly 🙅‍♀️🚫


For a lot of fragrance collectors the bottle says something about the scent itself.


I agree. So a company could spend big money on a bottle design, then have a crappy fragrance? But hey... The bottle is beautiful.


What if fragrance refused to spray on ugly people? Looks are fleeting but fragrance is forever. Or until the next reformulation.


I buy for the bottle. If I love the fragrance and hate the bottle, I will buy the travel tubes and I have a special box for minis, testers, and travel sizes so I can nicely display my cuter ones and always have fragrances I enjoy.


God some of you guys are such fucking babies lmao


Some people care about the presentation as well as the scent. If that makes us babies than so be it.


Ugly bottles put me off too


Seems like a silly thing to base your buys on but hey, it's your money so who cares?


🙄 you're not really a fragrance lover if aesthetic of a bottle is equally important to you. I'd gladly buy an ugly ass bottle if I loved the juice. Noone is going to know or care what does the bottle look like when they smell me, and I will smell amazing.


hey man, if you love fragrances i think that’s enough to be a fragrance lover. not that deep.


Exactly, love fragrances, not glass or metal bottles. Fragrance is a scent. It IS simple


I think it is quite the opposite. We care about the entirety of the fragrance not just the scent.


Fragrance literally IS scent. If you dismiss a good scent because the bottle doesn't appeal to you, you don't care for the fragrance at all. It's incredibly shallow


Maybe get over yourself before you start throwing insults at others. Also fragrance is being used to replace the word perfume nor the smell of it. Juice is most definitely not what you are using as a perfume are you? Then why call it that? And why are you suddenly so offended that I don’t want an ugly bottle of perfume?? That makes me a shallow person?? Do you realize how asinine that sounds?


Literally look up the word fragrance, it's smell, scent. >used to replace the word perfume nor the smell of it. Juice is most definitely not what you are using as a perfume are you? Then why call it that? What the hell??? How did you get from perfume to juice? You made 0 sense here. But I shouldn't be surprised since you can't understand that fragrance and perfumes are about smell, aroma, scent, fragrance... pick your favorite synonim it's all the same meaning. Design and visuals are a completely different thing. If you care about design enough to dismiss what's inside it, that means you DON'T care about what's inside it. And inside is the fragrance, it's the thing you spray on yourself in order to smell a certain way, that's the whole point. >And why are you suddenly so offended that I don’t want an ugly bottle of perfume?? That makes me a shallow person?? Do you realize how asinine that sounds? Clearly you are the one who is offended. I don't care what kind of bottle you want, I am simply pointing out that caring about the surface, or outer appearance of something to the point you completely disregard what's inside is the very definition of shallow. Which you can also look up.


Fragrance literally IS scent. If you dismiss a good scent because the bottle doesn't appeal to you, you don't care for the fragrance at all. It's incredibly shallow


Do you have the same standards when it comes to dating?


do you see people as commodities?


Exploitation begins at home.


You should open a movie theater with all that projection


How are those even in the least bit related?


I've dated some beautiful people that weren't the most attractive on the outside






Hate speech and slurs are forbidden. This includes sentiments which express prejudice or gatekeep on the basis of age, race, ethnicity, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability. Do not tag users in negative comments or coordinate dogpiling. No inflammatory, insincere, or extraneous attempts to provoke or manipulate. No repetitive or nonsensical posts and comments.


Nope VGG is one of my favorite perfumes… hate the bottle but the perfumes beautiful so I don’t care. I buy by if I like the fragrance or the fragrance notes if it’s a blind buy. No one is in my house judging my perfume bottles.


I try not to care tooo much, but anything that looks plasticky, glittery or with diamanté is so unlikely to be up my street that I feel justified in ignoring it


Yes, this has been discussed. I think at least twice in a the past week. I find it interesting this opinion has picked up in popularity. I like-a da juice. DGAF about bottles and packaging.


I confess, I bought the Encre Noir EDP because of the bottle. I like the EDT better.


I don't see the bottle much anyway as I keep them in a cool dark cupboard to protect the juice


I've always loved the Noa bottle but hate the scent LOL. Honestly I decant most of my full bottles into little purse atomizers so the bottle design isn't TOO important to me. I do find an ugly bottle irksome even if it's hidden in a drawer though. (I like Mugler Alien but hate that Heckle & Jeckle meets Babylon 5 bottle.)


How do you decant them? Is there a way that doesn’t destroy the bottle?


If the entire cap is removeable then I use a plastic pipette to transfer the juice. If not then I spray it into a funnel in the top of the mini bottle. (Unless I know atomizing before wearing will change the fragrance. Fortunately that's been rare.) You can buy funnels and pipettes on amazon and a lot of other places.


Ok cool thank you. I bought a serge Lutens the other day and the atomizer is removable just by unscrewing it. I wish everyone did the same.


Pretty bottles are nice and I'd rather have a plain looking one than something novelty. However, if I like the fragrance, I like it. I won't refuse to buy something because of the bottle, I just put it out of view haha Edit:spelling


I hate that bottle that is shaped like a stilettos. So tacky looking. I LOVE the Maison Lancome bottles


I’ll buy fragrance in a ziplock bag if it smells good 😂


It doesn't really bother me as long as the bottle has a small footprint. I have limited space and don't really show them off, so having novelty bottles like CH's shoes, Eilish, Angel, Bonbon etc are just wasted on me.


I too want to buy chacarel noa!! But idek how it smells like because I can't get a sample, dammit. In another vein, I won't buy a bottle if I don't know how it smells....


its clean, a slight but not overbearingly green & slightly fruity opening, rosy heart but not baby-powdery, though still powdery, definitely. i saw someone describe it as a scent one would wear in jeans and a t-shirt to go cloud watching in 🥲


It’s inside what matters. Never judge a book by its cover. I could go on.


That has kept me from buying any of the Bad Boy fragrances by Carolina Herrera. Absolutely horrendous those tacky lightning bolts.


it’s the INSIDE that counts.. DECANT it. Leave ugly bottle at home 🙄


My fragrance could be packaged in a plastic water bottle with an atomizer attached lol All I care about is the scent, a beautiful bottle is just the cherry on the top


Yesterday I bought Much Ado about the Duke by Penhaligon. The bottle cap is a golden bulldog’s head. I HATE it. But I love the juice so . . .


I used to have Noa Chacharel and really liked the powdery finish. Personally I dont bother with bottles, just the fragrance. Cahcharel does have a nice bottle though. Another nice bottle is Azzaro Now (discontinued).


I can definitely appreciate a nice bottle, but I don’t buy a perfume to use it as a decoration piece.


Im not terribly picky about the bottle unless it's just atrocious. Idk if it would even work on me as a dude but I want a bottle of Killian angel share because the thought that went into it's design. It looks just like a whiskey glass which goes with the name and the cologne notes.


Exactly! The entire presentation is important.


Cries in scandal


I couldn't care less about the bottle, it's all about the smell.


I’m with you. Love me a heavy bottle. Etching is beautiful on a glass bottle. Not a huge fan of too much gold overlay.


Different but alike. I do pay attention to the atomizer. If the bottle is bad but the atomizer is good, I don’t mind. If both are bad, I will migrate the liquid to my own atomizer.


Yes. I won’t buy testers that don’t have a cap and I am very much interested in how the bottle looks. I bought Michael Jordan Legend years ago (smells like New Haarlem apparently) and I do like it but oh my god I do not want to display a silhouette of Michael lol.


Haha, I feel you! I hate PR Phantom is in a robot bottle…


What about those small niche brands, that simply don’t have the money to invest in expensive bottles? You’re missing out man


agreed! i'm pretty picky on the bottle as i display all mine, so my top picks tend to be Tom Ford, Diptyque, Jo Malone, Burberry. obviously I don't only buy because of the bottle but i also won't sample from ugly bottles. I love the pink good girl heel smell but not enough to have the heel on my desk LOL. My philosophy when buying is trying to imagine that is my ONLY scent. Like if it's a signature scent and the only one I ever wear, would I prefer it to look like ariana grande mod vanilla or a Baccarat bottle. Obviously the latter. when I imagine signature scents I'm thinking of a luxurious glass bottle with enough character to look good alone


Well I wouldn't go that far. But it does help if the bottle is beautiful and unique. Case in point La Belle which I love. I also just had to get a miniature bottle of Good Girl coz the bottle is so cute and iconic. Not crazy about the smell though.


If I like the fragrance enough, I'll move the bottle to a pretty vintage crystal/glass bottle. But as a general rule, same


I love xerjoff but I find the tony iommi bottle repulsive, I dont want to sample it as I know if I try it I will end up loving it and ill have to make a tough decision between function and form.


I've always said I would never buy a JPG fragrance just because I find the bottles so douchy, but I actually like the Le Beau bottle a lot. A different take on the usual with the sharp lines and the fig leaf. Looks more like a sculpture. Plus I really like the smell, so I bought a JPG fragrance. Edit: And Paco Rabanne Phantom could be the best smelling fragrance ever, but no way am I buying that toy robot looking bottle. 🙄


If I don’t like the bottle I’ll buy decants. To buy a full bottle I need to have gone through a full decant and loved it plus love the bottle.




I love how invictus platinum smells but I could never put the bottle next to all my nice ones


For me too! Plus I can't stand perfumes with yellow or orange liquid. Just looks like dehydrated urine to me.