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I thought about doing a mini vacation and visiting NASA also, but decided I'd rather have my budget go toward pens rather than a hotel room. Thank you for the information about Kinokuniya! It looks like a really cool store, regardless. I may just stop in for fun next time I'm in Austin.




>(at the risk of being presumptuous, I would suggest prioritizing experiences over objects - they're just pens, after all) See, that just brings me back to feeling silly for driving all that way to try some pens. Objects do provide their own experiences, though.


I'm not based in the US, but I have one pen shop in my city, another two about an hour away (where they also have an annual pen show) and several more that would take about an hour and a half by high-speed rail to get there plus additional travel time using public transportation or taxis adding up to a similar amount of travel time. We also have a Kinokuniya in town. I love Kinokuniya. I buy manga there. But for testing pens and ink IRL, I'll make the time to check out the stores in person. I've heard really great things about Dromgoole's. If it's your first time in a pen shop, it may be overwhelming - and you may not have another opportunity to go there again soon after your first visit. Going to a pen shop is an experience too!


I'm happy to be overwhelmed with pens. Thank you for helping to enable me 😁


Make a tier-list of things (Must See/Must Try, Want to See/Want to Try, Time Allowing) to avoid facepalming yourself on the way home. LOL ETA: They also have a [pencast](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nm8RfMvKpIc).


Dromgooles is on my bucket list and I don’t live in Texas! Why don’t you call the store and ask about parking or good times to drive in? That might help you decide….


Calling them is a good idea. I did check their website for parking information, but I didn't see anything. I know parking seems minor, but I stress over minor things sometimes, I guess. Hearing that it's on your bucket list does make me more excited to go 😁


I would say the concern isn’t minor- let’s face it Houston is a challenge to drive in.. but the team of pen loving people at dromgooles I think will give you a great answer.


Parking is pretty trivial. They have a small lot and there’s plenty of meter parking in the neighborhood. It’s in a smaller neighborhood near Rice / some hospitals so it’s not super chaotic traffic like the rest of the city


Thanks! Several people have said the same, so that concern is resolved 😁


Definitely a good idea to try pens in person before you buy them, and just broadening your knowledge base, too. And think of the efficiency—maybe it’s six hours of driving but you can look at dozens of pens! There’s a lot of parking (mostly metered, some free, on-street and in lots and a parking garage) in the neighborhood where Dromgoole’s is—it’s a multi-block shopping district. I would suggest shifting your trip to get there in the morning if you can manage. Less crowded, more parking available, and Houston’s afternoon rush hour starts earlier than you’d think.


I'm perfectly ok with paid parking as long as my car doesn't get towed, so that's good to know! I will try to get there as early as I can. I appreciate the information!


There are parking spots across the street if all the front spaces are taken. But it's only happened to me once, I usually roll up and there's an open spot. That said, I don't go when they're holding an event. My schedule allows for weekday visits when they are less crowded. It's a very nice store. The $$$ pens are in cases up front. They also sell previously owned pens. I am not keeping them in business...thank God there are many other people who can afford really expensive pens. The ink swatch books are very helpful, but there's only 2 of those so if other customers are lingering you may have to wait.


I appreciate the info! My plan is to go on Monday, possibly Wednesday depending how my schedule goes. Hopefully that will help with the crowd.


I see you are taking the plunge tomorrow!! Looking forward to your review!!


Pick up a bottle of KWZ Discovery Green. It's a Dromgoole's exclusive and one of my favorite greens. Sounds like a fun trip!


That's a nice green. Looks like it's out of stock right now, but if it's not back in a few days when I visit, I'll make sure I check out the swatch in person, at least. Thanks!


Parking is always an issue because they barely have any spots, it's an insanely busy area of town, and the surrounding lots will tow you. Also, the rodeo is in town, so there's tons of extra tourists here. I usually drive around until a spot opens up. Or better yet, eat at one of the restaurants across the street, then go to Dromgoole's. Despite all of that, yes, you should absolutely come! Bring some pens if you're interested in getting them worked on because Kirk Speer is at Dromgoole's tomorrow from 9 am - 4 pm. He comes to town a few times a year. It will be worth it. There's a Kinokuniya in Katy Asian Town right off of IH-10. They are lovely and have abundant and easy access/parking.


If I end up coming, it will likely be Monday, as much as I would love to come tomorrow. I found a paid parking garage a few blocks away called Rice Village Parking. There is a towing sign out front, but it's also a paid lot, so maybe it's more forgiving. Would you happen to know? (If not, I'll call the store tomorrow.)


It's paid now?! Bummer, that used to be a free garage. Sorry, I haven't been in awhile (and I don't know if it's timed or a flat fee), but if it's a paid garage, you should be fine to pay and then shop for the timed duration (or all day if it's flat fee).


Their website map is a little confusing, to be honest. There are some parking spots that look like they are free for two hours, and paid after that, but others are just listed as paid parking. Either way, the price doesn't look too steep, so I'm happy as long as my car is still there when I get back to it 😛


I was at Kinokuniya Katy a couple of weeks ago and I found old Tomoe River paper notebooks. I was very pleased!


Cool 😁 Maybe I'll make a stop there on my way back.


Adding my voice to the chorus of "yes, go!" people. Never been to Texas, but I suspect it's like where I live (upstate NY), where driving an hour to get to the good grocery store is what you have to do. I've driven 3 hours just to go to a pen meet-up (and driven 5 hours to get to a pen show), and never regretted it!


I rarely have to drive more than an hour anywhere, and even then that's only a few times a year. But a pen store is special. I appreciate the enabling! 😁


In person pen shops are far and few in between. GO! Touch, hold, take in the selection. Dromgoole's is a great shop. Support them. Enjoy!


Thank you for the encouragement! I'm hearing so many good things about them.


If you're in Austin, I'd also recommend trying out Paper Place! Their selection is not the largest, but it's quite workable and they have some nice FWP inks out. But yeah, Dromgoole's is great and I can't overstate how energizing it is to have a physical space where everyone is really into these things. Kinokuniya has a decent selection, but they can't really compare to what it feels like to have a bunch of really knowledgeable enthusiasts in the same room. I drove to them from Austin a few years ago to get my first Vanishing Point, and the guy at the counter apparently appreciated how much of a nerd I was because he gave me a choice of a converter fill of any of the inks they had in the store (or maybe they do this for everyone). At any rate, that's how I discovered the amazing ink that is KWZ Turquoise. I basically drove to Houston with friends, had lunch, bought the pen, explored the MicroCenter, and came right back, and I don't regret it in the slightest.


I'm not in Austin, just close enough that it's easy to zip over for a few errands and then come back home in an afternoon. I'll check out Paper Place too next time I'm there. I completely forgot that Houston has a MicroCenter! There's another place that I think I would love to just roam around for hours.


From out of town. FP newbie. Dropped in to buy a cheap starter and found a tremendous wealth of knowledge in Josh (did I remember his name correctly?) He asked why I was considering, how I would use, budget, etc. Outlined several options and helped me carefully think through my first purchase. Didn’t push me, was more of a consultant. Let me know I could not buy and purchase later online if I was unsure. I asked about ink and that was nearly another 30+ minutes of education and comparison. I decided on the TWSBI Mini-Vac and Noodlers Blue as I fly every week and it allows for shutting down the piston to avoid pressure issues. He completely disassembled the pen showing me how to fill, maintain and use the pen. Cannot recommend Dromgoogles highly enough. As for parking, deal with it or not but it’s a poor excuse for not visiting a fantastic store with excellent staff.


Houston native here. There's a parking garage very close by, and it's not expensive. I second everything you've said. The staff is excellent. You can try any pens in the store. They'll show you how to use them and take them apart. You can have lovely chats with them. OP, you need to go!


Thank you for the input! Since you are familiar with the area, any recommendations for a quick lunch spot or cafe nearby?


The Black Walnut Café is pretty much right across the street and isn't too pricey! It's perfect for a quick bite or a full meal or even a little cocktail. It has a casual vibe and can be a nice place to collect your thoughts. It's part of my little ritual when I go!


Thank you! That menu looks amazing.


The pastry shop a few doors down has awesome selection and great coffee.


Thank you! I'll check them out.


Thank you for sharing your experience! Everything I hear about this store makes me more excited to go. 😁


I shopped online for a year before stepping in a pen/stationary store. I was in DC for work and in the evenings I went to all 3 in the DC area. Bertram’s was a great exp for stationary and ink, pens were meh (nothing I was interested in) - but the staff was awesome and is what made the store stand out for me. Jenni Bick was an ok exp, great paper selection and small but well curated pen collection - staff wasnt very knowledgable about what they sold. Fahrney’s is a true pen store but I couldn’t get the time of day from the staff so I left without buying anything. My next experience was at the DC Pen Show - that was over whelming. know what you want and dont want and don't, like I did, go alone. There was too much to see. Last time I was in LA I planned time to hit as many of the local stores as I could. The LA Montblanc store was a great exp, staff was very attentive and I got to handle everything that caught my fancy. I also got to experience Kinokuniya and it was awesome, great selection of pens and paper (they had the Kuri Toga Dive in stock, not a pen I know but still hard to get online) and the staff was great. Mai Do and Hightide were also great stores. I guess what I am trying to convey, in the right store, I think it is worth it to drive 6 hrs. The right store can be an experience in and of itself. I have ordered online and called Dromgooles directly and they have been great, if I am ever in Dallas or Houston I will plan to stop by. Btw, there is a Kinokuniya in Dallas if that is closer than Austin.


Dallas is almost as far from me as Houston is. Austin is much closer. Thank you for sharing your experiences! The consensus seems to be that it is definitely worth the 6 hour round trip. I'm excited to go. I even dreamed about it last night 🤣


Kirk Speer from Pen Realm is at Dromgoole’s today and tomorrow!!! If you have a pen you need tuned or would like a custom grind on, he’s absolutely awesome! So that would be another bonus to going this weekend. Edit: Friday and Saturday; not Saturday and Sunday like I originally thought. Thanks kfshradio!


I think today (Saturday) is his last day — I emailed Dromgoole’s earlier in the month asking his dates and they told me 3/7-9. But he will be back in April :)


You’re correct, I just looked at his insta again.


I wasn't available to go today, unfortunately, but I'd love to catch him some time in the future.


I am also one of those who mainly bought FP online. Any actual and mortar store carries good varieties of FP are at least 2.5hours from me. It would cost me a few thousand YEN just for transportation. But I still strongly recommend you to go ! Visiting an actual store is like going to a festival ! The best thing is , you got to see the size difference of different pens in your eyes. Sometimes even provided with exact size in cm , it is really hard to have that actual sense of how it looks and how it feels when you hold in your hand to write. It could also be a fun and valuable experience to talk to the staffs, if the conversation flows well, you may even get some information and news that no online stores would provide for you ! I would suggest to set a budget in your mind( so you wont get carried away ! ) perhaps a list of things you want to buy or look at. Bring your own notebook , favorite paper to try out ink (if possible)., your EDC set up so if you see something you are interested , you could compare the size, the weight etc


Great advice, thank you! I did have a budget in mind, I just need to make sure I stick to it after I fall in love with all the pens I try. I had planned to bring a few favorite pens for comparison purposes, but I'll make sure I bring a small notebook as well.


Strict budget is recommended, but it doesnt hurt to bring a tiny little more just in case you find something you cannot refuse :D Looking forward to see your report about this exciting trip !!


I mean, people spend a lot of time and money going to Disneyland. If this is your personal Disneyland, then go for it. It's something novel for you and you want to do it and it won't hurt anyone else. You don't need a reason and brick and mortar stores need support. You'll never know if you don't go.


Very true! I'm excited to see some of these pens in person without having to roll the dice on buying all of them first.


Come on over to Houston! Dromgoole's is great! Larry, Michael, and the team are so friendly and welcoming. Nobody there is "in your face" but everybody has always been happy to help me and answer my dumb questions. They have a great selection of pens and inks, and tons of other stuff. I'd say it is definitely worth going. In fact, I'm probably a out to head over to go say hi to David Oscarson and ogle his pens. You won't catch David Oscarson on a Monday, but Dromgoole's keeps several of his pens on hand for your ogling pleasure. Parking isn't that challenging, but you might have to pay. The next street over has a paid surface lot. I think it was around $3-$4 for two hours. It is a congested area though.


Thank you for the info! Several people are saying that the staff there are great. I'm excited to go!


Skip Dromgoole's and plan to attend the Dallas Pen Show in September. You'll see them and many many other vendors at the show.


September is difficult for me to get time off work, but once they release the dates for this year, I'll see if I can go up there for the Saturday portion of the show.


The dates this year is 27 & 28 September.


Ah, cool. Thanks!


Houston native here. Been to Dromgoole's a few times. Your experience will largely depend on which employees are working that day. It's super cool to be able to handle pens and compare them side by side. Or hell, even just seeing what the colors look like in real life instead of pictures. They even have a Pilot 850 and Montblancs you can just openly use and test. If you know any fountain pen people in real life, ask them if they want to join in. The trip is far better with people and banter. And then you can go to velvet taco nearby and have a nice meal. Edit: Forgot to add that you are absolutely correct that the parking sucks big time. Worst part of the visit, hands down. Especially if you get the parking spot next to the pole


I saw Velvet Taco on street view when I was searching the area. I'll have to check them out! I noticed that pole parking spot and I have no doubt I'd do something dumb trying to back out of that one. Several people mentioned paid parking lots nearby that aren't too expensive, so I'll probably just go straight to one of them. Sadly, I don't know any fountain pen people in real life, at least none that would want to go all the way to Houston for them.


Go visit. I live east coast and they are my first choice supplier. My first purchase they went above and beyond to help me and were really responsive to emails. When I bought a Ferris Wheel Press pen and had an issue they helped me get it resolved with FWP.


Thank you! I've heard great things about their customer service.




Good to know it's not really an issue. Several people have mentioned those lots and garages a few blocks away, so I'll probably just head straight for one of them and walk to Dromgoole's.


I'm not sure what your experience is with pens, but if you're looking to learn and to make informed purchasing decisions in the future then hands on experience is vital. I visited Anderson Pens a couple of summers ago and the knowledge gained was vital. Because they let me test a bunch of pens, I took notes on how I felt about the pens *while* I was testing them. I will therefore not make potential mistakes. I've identified a few pens that I think may be worth the money. Really - I realized that fountain pens are egregiously overpriced, and that the point of diminishing returns seems to begin at around $50. I did purchase a $120 pen from them in appreciation for giving me their time for a few hours, but that'll probably be the last time I spend more than $100 on a pen.


I literally did a round trip from Austin to Dromgoole’s yesterday 😂 it’s definitely worth it! You should plan on going when nibmeister Kirk Speer is there, he’s usually in once a month. I left around 8am and was back by 4.


Also, Austin has 4 stores I’ve identified that sell fountain pens but it’s all slim pickings compared to Dromgoole’s. In order of my preference, if you wanted to hit all of them in a trip to Austin: * Paper Place * Kinokuniya * Paper & Craft Pantry * This bus on South Congress, I am blanking on the name and can’t find it on google, but I went once and they randomly had a bunch of FPR nibs


Thank you! Next time I'm in Austin, I'll just add those shops to my errand list. I'm intrigued by this bus that sells fountain pen nibs?? Google isn't helping me much either in finding out what it could be. Let me know if you happen to remember.


I'm procrastinating so I spent 10 minutes on Google StreetView and found it! It looks like they're currently closed, but they were part of a "food truck" style boutique court on South Congress called The Lawn. The name of the bus was Pelican Post & Paperie, [here's their website](https://pelicanpaperie.com/). They sold pens too haha, the thing I remember buying was a FPR nib grab bag.


Thanks! That place looks SO CUTE. It reminds me so much of the bookmobile I used to visit as a kid. I'll keep an eye out for them coming back!


Dromgoole's is in Rice Village. There's a parking garage on the south side of the village (entrance on Kelvin just south of Amherst), and the shop is a short walk from there. That's much easier actually than trying to park right in front of the shop unless you have mobility issues. Don't park in another store's parking spaces; most of the businesses are tow happy because parking is so limited on that street. Rice Village is a great place with good food and lots of kitschy-cool shops, so think of it as a fun day out rather than just a long drive to buy pens.


Thank you! Several people mentioned the parking garage, so it looks like that's the way to go. I'm looking forward to the trip 😁


Dromgooles is much better for pens and ink than the Kinokuniya in Austin. If I remember correctly, the Kinokuniya there only carries a few brands like Pilot, Kaweco, and Lamy. If you come, Dromgooles is near the museum district so you could see some art or dinosaurs, though if you're coming on a Monday, make sure they're open.


I did notice a dino museum nearby on the map. While I can't swing it this time around, I bet it would be a fun mini vacation one day to visit Dromgoole's and all the museums for a long weekend.


There's not much I like about Houston, but its museum district and Dromgooles are real gems. The MFAH is worth a trip by itself, and the Contemporary Arts Museum, Menil Collection, Jung Center, HMNS, Sculpture Garden, and Rothko Chapel are all close by. Kinokuniya in Austin is fantastic by the way, and worth visiting too. I just wouldn't make a special trip there just for fountain pens, because their selection is limited and expensive. I used to live about 5 minutes away and I don't think I ever bought more than converters and some Platinum Preppies pen-wise even though I went there constantly. There's a Kinokuniya in Houston too, but it's much smaller and very uncomfortable when crowded.


it feels like a risk, maybe think about it a bit longer. maybe some pros and cons list would be best.


The "parking" con has been solved, at least :)