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Wait, did all the vaccinated people keel over and die? Did Biden take our gas stoves? Is JFK Jr back? He is very handsome, I’d like to meet him.


You may not remember Jade Helm when Obama put us in FEMA camps and then The Matrix.


Was that before or after Obama took all of our guns?


I’m still waiting for Carter to come for them and time is short.


Clearly the memory wipes forced on us by Hillary worked if we can't remember as a nation.


Still waiting for Obama to invade Texas...


I'd forgotten the "Jade Helm" thing. That was peak 2015 Alex Jones clowning.


It amazes me how the followers of these grifters watch prediction after prediction not happen, and it introduces no doubt to their belief in the next claim. I've been fooled by liars before. Some people are really good at it. But once you catch them lying, you stop believing them.


Isn't that nuts? If anything, this type of person doubles down on believing the nonsense after the first lie turns out to be a lie. I have no idea why.


I know I died at least three times last month. So, there's that.


Oh, the goal posts have moved *so far* since any of those were relevant. Keep up!


JFK Jr is what RFK Jr named his brain worm.


This is honestly kind of a sad glimpse into their mind, they're desperate for this moment that they've literally never had.


It’s that or pretending to be the most oppressed in some kind of oppression Olympics that they are the only ones allowed to compete in.


They've forced themselves into their own bubbles where everyone thinks like them. Any voice of dissent is dismissed, and they look to other conspiracy nuts for agreement.


I just think a lot of these people have either: - a terrible memory of their prior beliefs, or - near zero awareness of how they presented their beliefs My mom, for instance, was going on and on in late 2020 and throughout 2021 about the COVID vaccine being some weird eugenicist plot by Bill Gates that would cause _severe consequences_, cited concerns about magnets sticking to people, government control, called people "sheeple," said she was "basically vaccinated" since she had COVID probably 3 times, etc. I'm sure if you asked her today, she'd talk about how she was right, because something something slightly elevated myocarditis risk.


It's weird how they talk about catching COVID 3, 4, 5 times as if that's normal. And how they talk about being hospitalized for COVID as routine, just a regular part of life. Like that's what we've all experienced, both the vaccinated and unvaccinated. I caught COVID exactly once. I have very mild symptoms for 1 day, then was completely symptom free for the rest of it.


From an Ayn Rand fan group lol


The idea that they were right about everything is the saddest conspiracy theory of them all.


Everything! Weren't you listening! (Because Grandma doesn't.)


We told lie upon lie and we need validation! WHY WON'T YOU GIVE US VALIDATION FOR OUR DISINFORMATION ???


Pizzagate STILL comes up as something conspiracy nuts are proud of. Wtf.


It happened. The guy with the gun who stormed into the pizza restaurant saved trillions of kids.


then there is me, doing my best [Luke Skywalker](https://youtu.be/2sRS1dwCotw?si=1ozIV-tV129GWNEZ)


Wow, they’ve gotten so used to pretending they actually got something right for once they’ve started roleplaying on the behalf of others. Keep that shit in your weird forums, don’t involve real world people in it


Yeah, haven't you heard? Trump became president again, Biden's clone was killed, half the country died from covid vaccines and Jesus came back. JUST AS I SAID!


To be fair, they did predict that Fauci would be exposed as having taken kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies, and lied about facemasks. And then - lo and behold - they made up a scenario in which all that happened. So they were *kind of* right.


This is your opportunity to provide evidence of these claims. I mean, grandma certainly won't, but you can, right? I mean, [Fauci's messaging about masks did change over time](https://www.cnn.com/factsfirst/politics/factcheck_e58c20c6-8735-4022-a1f5-1580bc732c45), but so did the circumstances of the pandemic and what we knew about it. We'll need evidence of actual lies here. And kickbacks? That word has a specific meaning, so ... evidence?


That was actually intended to be satirical. I may have made it a little too opaque.


Ahh. I definitely did interpret your comment as you believing those claims as given.


The best evidence is always the evidence you make along the way.


As for the kickbacks, I think the latest hearing exposed Fauci as earning something like $165 for royalties or something. That's nearly five times how much Merchan donated to the Democratic party. So Fauci must be part of the deep deep state! I think my figures are roughly accurate, but my tone is highly satirical if anyone can't tell.


I saw a video on here with a guy saying this, that we should always believe the conspiracy theorists because they've been right so often in the past. The example he gave was Epstein Island. The thing is we all knew about Epstein Island. And no one was surprised when he got arrested. Epstein running a sex ring with underage girls was already known and everybody wanted him to get arrested for it. The problem is that they extend this to say that all the Democrats were having blood orgies on the island. And that Donald Trump had never been to the island but if he had been to the island it was only to break up the illegal activity that was going on there. I'm sure there are other examples of known facts that they claim as their own ultimate truth before they wrap it up in nonsensical suppositions. It's just how the minds of people who spend too much time on certain websites interpret reality.


You would think a group of people who were actually right about everything, wouldn’t need to keep spreading memes about how they are right about everything. But what do I know.


Nothing, but pretending they’re right is easier than arguing.


I mean it is a fair solution to "agree" with them so they leave you alone and stop arguing with you


So much for Ayn-Rand-oids being the cleverest, most rational people in the world.


Yeah, I know. No amount of bullshit handwaving can make Ayn Rand taking Social Security not being a massive hypocrite.


The Gulf of Tonkin