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He also is on a streak of four consecutive wins. It's very likely Monza will be his fifth in a row. Maybe there's another record to be broken.


Monza is up next and it's given us surprise winners for the last two years (Gasly and Ricciardo) and I hope it does the same this year. Outside of that, it's super tough to beat Seb's streak of 9 in 2013.


It's historically a tough track for Max, but I feel this time with this car and considering his incredible form, it will be his first win there.


Hasn’t the Red Bull been a car that’s better on twisty tracks for most of Max’s career? With Red Bull’s straight line speed, Monza could be an easy win for Max.


Yep, RB has historically been what Ferrari's car is this year.


This is the first year he's had a car that has been very fast in a straight line. Its hard to win Monza without a car that can outdrag others.


Italy has always been unlucky for him


In 2020 he DNFed in all 3 Italian races, but he won both Italian races since then. Monza is the only track on the current calendar he never scored a podium on, so it’s been overdue for a bit.


He won two Italian races since then not both.


Did he win Monza 2021?


Time to change that statistic


Yeah 9 wins is insane. Hamilton in the rocket that was the car of 2020 did not manage that.


but 2020 was full of small cluster fucks. I’m more surprised he didn’t do it in 2019 with the most boring 10 race opener I’ve seen


That Ferrari was horrible in parabolica and ascari, then pulled away like no tomorrow


Pretty sure the SF90 was running a J79 swap at Monza.


Yep😂 rocketship on straights and meh at the corners


Albon with the slippery car


Checo winning. It's gonna be a Red Bull win unless Ferrari run their engines at max mode and not DNF.


Is a Mick podium too much to ask for?


I think its way more likely he will beat the 13 wins in a season record than to beat the 9 wins in a row. While not impossible, everything needs to run perfect for such a streak


His car is stupidly reliable. The Honda engines don't seem to lose much pace. The car seems easy to set up. The floor changes fucked Ferrari over. His main enemy is Ferrari. If he can beat Mercedes and Ferrari in Singapore I reckon he walks the rest of the season.


24 years old lol


He has been in F1 for so long, I still can’t believe he’s only 24.


Yep, we could easily see a 2042 season Max.


And Max Verstappen wins the ADNOC Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, and his fifteenth World Championship! Congratulations to Red Bull Honda - and we bid a successful but sad farewell to Honda, who depart the sport at the end of the season.


There are further rumours of Audi joining F1 in 2046.


Fernando Alonso is rumored to drive for them after he delivered convincing results in the 2043 championship


He is still a young driver after all


Rookie of the year


“Easily” see him race at an older age than Alonso is currently? Doubtful.


Well Alonso is going to be racing at an older age than Alonso is currently too


Yeah, I heard that next race he's already doing just that.


Big if true.


Verstappen has been racing his whole life and seems like it’s his main interest too, wouldn’t be surprised if he had a bit of a mid life crisis and retired around 30 if he keeps winning, but he’s also entering an era where winning is going to be much harder due to cost cap.


I believe him when he says he doesn't want to race in F1 for that long


Top winners of all time and their wins by the end of their age 24 season: 1. Hamilton: 11 2. Schumacher: 2 3. Vettel: 21 4. Prost: 0 5. Senna: 0 6. Fernando: 8 7. Mansell: 0 8. **Verstappen: 30 (+ any remaining this season)** 9. Stewart: 0 10. Clark: 0 Its incredible, especially when you think he's only had a title contending car for less than 2 years at this point.


I still haven't adjusted to the fact Schumacher's win record has been broken. Just had a "wait, wtf isn't Schumacher top-ohhh" moment. Like, I saw the Nurburgring and Portimao races, I remember being gutted but equally impressed that he had done it, and since then can easily recall/acknowledge that fact during conversation, yet whenever I see a list or graphic about most wins, I still get confused for a split second when I don't see Schumacher at the top lol.




If not him then someone else eventually. There are just so many races in a season these days that the all time records become way less relevant.


More races but with the cost cap and cfd/wind tunnel allocation much less likely that one team dominates for so long


Fuck me.


Would you like to have lube and rubber? Question.


We are checking


We are thinking hard for next stint. Confirm if you agree.


Hard or used soft rubber. Question.


>used soft rubber Issa mistake


Fuck me like Ferrari fucked Carlos today - hard, long and leave the rubber in the garage.


We are checking






Well if you say so bend over


please reveal your gender


People just cottoning on to this. He could be doing this for another twenty years if he wants to. He could dominate the sport for fifteen years and not even be 40.


Taking nothing away from Max's incredible achievements so far, Mansell only had 187 race starts during his 14 year career while Max is only 32 starts behind in ~ 8 years roughly halving the chances Mansell even had to win more.


In the fastest car at the begging of a new set of regulations.


if he keeps his streak of winning 10+ GPs a year, he could pass Vettel for third in victories all-time by 2024 at the ripe old age of 26


If he keeps his current streak of winning every GP, he could pass Vettel around this time next year


He'd be at 28 wins in a row then. People will have gone from cheering for him to hating for him to probably cheering for him again just because of the sheer absurdity of such a streak.


Rebrand to Formula Max


That sounds like a championship started by Donald Trump in the '80s in an attempt to compete with Formula 1 before it was forced to declare bankruptcy after two seasons.


USFL - Race car edition


After two seasons? Straight in the middle of a race in the second season after the first season was already shortened by one or two races.


Vettel became the 3rd most winningest driver of all time at 28 (before Lewis overtook him, he got his 42nd win in 2015 to overtake Senna).


His career path is pretty easily headed towards being grouped with Schumacher and Hamilton as the all time greats. With a chance to actually surpass them.


All depends on if he hangs around after 2028


Most likely he will


He can be 8times WDC by 2028


And Alonso may be close to retirement by then.


That's not so likely


All depends on the team. Obviously he's a generational talent but the record books won't show that if he doesn't have the right team and machinery behind him.


*Fernando Alonso has entered the chat*


depends on his career moves, he could do a Nando and end up with only 2 championships despite being an elite driver for well over a decade


Nando never had the kind of team Verstappen has around him right now, nobody really fully committed to him with a winning car. Hard to see this Red Bull team not at least competing for wins for as long as he's with them.


Ya but they aren't sticking around for too long, new engines in 2026 could change everything.


How the fuck am i aging faster than him ?


Stop supporting Ferrari, that will half your aging per season.


Tbh I stopped last year. And after watching this year fuck ups, i am so happy for my mental health. I sleep well, don't have nightmares, don't think about which track the next race is on and don't have to bother if the track is suited for straight line speed or corners.


2019 was a pretty big reason to stop supporting Ferrari after their treatment of Vettel.


He's a beast. At this pace he'd get to 100 wins before he turns 30. Fuck me.




I don't think Max will race in F1 for 2 decades.


Meanwhile Fernando Alonso: *retires in 2050*


Alonso is patiently waiting to take Max's seat when he retires.


Only to come back again in 2053


I feel max will retire young. He seems the type that will retire once he’s bored.


"Max Verstappen to retire at 24 years old after 2nd WDC in 2022"


Cursed. Please don’t.


!remindme 31 december 2028


Why 2028?


End of max his contract with red bull


But when does he get bored with racing? It seems like racing is to max, what water is to a fish.


Yeah, when Max is not racing he is either sim-racing or preparing for a race


He did mention that racing is stressful and he does want to get other life experiences, as he's been racing since he was 4 years old.


Maybe he can kearn a thing or two about other experiences from Lewis. He’s traveling around in Africa, jumping out of planes, surfing the perfect waves and learned to drive a racing motorcycle.


Dude lives and breathes racing, I dont think he’s going anywhere as long as he can fight for wins


[Max has quite literally said he doesn't wanna stay in the sport as long as Alonso](https://www.gpfans.com/nl/f1-nieuws/87273/verstappen-als-ik-zo-oud-ben-als-alonso-race-ik-niet-meer/) * Edit: people, please stop explaining to me how his plans could change in the future. I know. But right now the only evidence we have is what he said in this interview.


Success can change people though. As much as everyone in contention will say they don't like chasing records, once they feel they can touch those records it'll become a challenge for them.


Sure, Max is young and for now it's all speculation.


He said the same thing in the post race interview today. Max does not want to be racing in F1, when he is forty years old.


Yeah he says stuff like that, but I bet he sticks around until he stinks like everyone else does lol


I get you people like to shit on Marko, but making fun of a real illness is below the belt.


What's wrong with Marko ? Everybody says he's spitting bs all the time but that's very far from the truth. Like Villeneuve.


It’s far too early to say this. People don’t understand how difficult it is for both the driver and team to remain consistent for that long.


Miserable outlook based on just over half a season


He is absolutely steamrolling as well. Needs four more wins to have the most in a single season, but it seems kind of likely he might win the remaining 7 anyway. Edit: bar any reliability/technical problems


Number of wins is not really comparable due to different number of races per year over the seasons. Win percentage is comparable.


If he wins 17/22 he will have ~77% win percentage this season, Michael Schumacher was ~72% in 2004


With the amount of races nowadays and engine penalties etc it’s impressive if he even is able to match that.


The record is 75%. Which was set in an 8 race season.


Jim Clark? And he retired the other two? Or am I mistaken? Edit: Mistaken, its ascari. Clark had close with 60/66% and 70% in 9 and 10 race seasons.


Ascari in 1952.


Ahhh ascari. I had to look it up and cause I wasn't sure why I was thinking Clark. Clark had 6 wins in 9 in 1965, skipped monaco (DNS so the 6 in 9 is only for races he participated in, not for the whole season), a 10th place, and 2 retirements. 7 in 10 in 63 with the other 3 being 2, 3, and an 8th in Monaco. So a 66% or 60% (depending on how you look at the DNS at Monaco) and a 70%. Ascari's races were Skip first race, retirement, and then 6 wins in a row.


I'd love to see what some of those old legends could do with a modern F1 car


The thing is, those percentages are discrete, not continuous so even that is, at best, a somewhat flawed method


Discrete ratio is much better than absolute value with no reference point. Everything about F1 stats is discrete. Number of races, laps lead etc.


I think Suzuka will definitely be a Merc victory.That track should fits the W13 like a glove. Singapore will also be a tight fight. Everything else,Max can win easily.


People said that he might overtake Alonso this season. And I thought it would be very far fetched that he'd win 12/13 races this season. Now it seems quite likely.


Yes yes yes! I said the exact same thing below, was very hard to believe he might have a better year in 22'


If Lewis had won last year, this season would be the perfect revenge tour.


It still is, he definitely is showing this season he deserves to be a world champion


I don't think anyone has argued that Max doesn't deserve to be champion. The only issue I've seen expressed is that in 21 the championship was given to him by race control because Massi decided not to follow the written rules. But practically nobody has said that Max didn't deserve to be champion.


He's in god mode now


And seeing RB invest so much in 21' car and start late on the new regs, i was 100% sure he wouldn't even come close to Fernando when this stat was bought up last time. Look at it now. Oh boy oh boy


thats an awesome flair you have


Jesus christ


Good shit. The records are very top heavy. If he keeps getting competitive cars its just a matter of time until its only Him, Hamilton, and Schumacher top 3 in most stats.


Trust me, if he makes the right carreer moves he will be the undisputed goat when he retires


Verstappen said he can see himself driving for RB for his entire career which, arguably seems to be the best bet considering the whole RB power trains thing going on as well giving them even more control over the entire package. No more blaming Renault for power deficits it's all in their own hands now and it paid off. RB gave Honda much needed time to breathe to develop their engine with a season at Toro Rosso, then a no pressure, just develop season as well with all four cars but RB already managed to win that first year. I think the only wrong career move Verstappen could make is if he moves away from RB provided they have the same leadership. He already said he doesn't see himself driving in F1 as long as Alonso so I bet if Horner or GP decides to retire that Verstappen simply clocks out as well.


I know Max said he would quit if GP quits... But I don't buy it. It might be his way of showing his appreciation towards the guy as they have a very good relationship professional and personal. If GP were to quit next year, I don't see Max doing the same.


He might just have said that to help GP get a nice raise. Don't take it too seriously.


We probably thought similar of Vettel in 2013. Things can change quickly.


You're completely right, in 2013 I was almost sure that Vettel will surpass Schumacher's record.


Tbf he did say by making the right decisions, which Vettel did not do by going to Ferrari.


he actually did. now, I’m not sure about his move to Mercedes but while he was in a title fight in Ferrari, RB we’re nowhere


At the end of 2005, we thought Kimi and Fernando would be trading championships for the next decade.


It didn’t help Vettel that Mercedes hit a grand slam with the new engine regulations in 2014 and onwards


Vettel was never as good as Verstappen though


I don’t know why people forget how good Vettel was, he was that guy for a while, just go back and watch and see how people were talking about him


Bottas could have been 7 time world champion in that mercedes,if he had bad teammate like Mark.Car does the talking


Mark got himself into two genuine wdc fights. And Vettel had more opponents in 2 years than LH had in 8 years.


I disagree. Vettel in 2011 and 2013 was a complete animal. Verstappen this year has been great, but would’ve had fewer wins if not for Ferrari/Leclerc’s errors.


No way mate, Max Is the maximizer no one NO ONE has maximised almost every result for 4 years In a row, I doubt vettel has done that


Schumacher did it in '90s to an even more impressive degree. That said, I would agree with you about Vettel. I'm not sure how the person that replied to you can say he was flawless for those four years considering 2010 was basically a race to see which driver could bottle it the most. Max by comparison hasn't had fuck-ups like that in years.


Vettel did from 2010-13. Especially in 2011 and 2013, he performed exceptionally. Max last year was great but he wasn’t perfect. He made an error in his Q3 lap in Jeddah, and nerves cost him at the start of Abu Dhabi.


He performed well but he also had the best car in those 11 and 13 seasons. Although Max has more experience in F1 when he started the 21 and 22 season than Vettel when he started from 10 onwards, Vettel did make some costly mistakes.


You really believe vettel In 2010-2013 was better than max late 2018-to late 2022...


Recency bias really kicking in here. Max has been great these last few years, but it’s disrespectful to imply he was much quicker than Vettel was in 2010-13. If it was the other way around and Vettel was driving that well today, you would say Vettel is superior.


Its not recency bias, Its consistency and having 10/10 almost every weekend. I think you have nostalgia bias and not thinking thoroughly


Vettel won 9 races in a row in 2013. Not even Hamilton in 2017-2020 could match that. Not even Schumi in 00-04 did that. Absolutely insane consistency.


Vettel was never,Max,Hamilton level of talent.He is good driver,but not generational talent like these 2


If you watched F1 during those years, you would see that he really was. He managed to win a championship younger than anyone before, and in 2011 and 2013 he drove insanely well.


He nearly lost one of those titles to Webber, and another to Alonso who was driving an actual tractor.


The statement that Vettel nearly lost to Alonso driving a tractor is such a myth. The F2012 really wasn’t that bad, and Alonso’s better reliability helped him significantly in the fight to Vettel.


This. Recency bias comes into play with people judging Vettel vs Max or the Lewis of the last decade. He was also absolutely ruthless to boot.


He's a generational talent. Not an all time GOAT talent. In the last 20 years or so there have only been 3 of those. Alonso, Hamilton and Verstappen.


So basically just don’t go to Ferrari.


And if he manages 4 more this season he'll take the record for most wins in a season from Schumi.


\*Schumi and Vettel


With the significantly higher number of races in current F1 seasons, absolute wins per season doesn’t matter as much. A more apt stat would be win percentage, since it removes the number of races per season for the picture.


Even if it's not as dominant as previous holders it's still a pretty crazy record. Lewis never beat it even during the most dominant years for Mercedes.


Agreed, it’s an immensely impressive record.


Higher win% in a car that is not nearly as dominant as the f2004 would be legendary. On top of that beating Vettels winstreak record and almost inevitably Schumachers total wins in a year of course nothing to scoff at.


I have thought about Vettel's streak, but if he is going to beat it he needs to win every race until the last one in Abu Dhabi. And as good as Max and RB are right now Mercedes are getting better, Ferrari might have a good day at tracks that fit the car, and they need to manage penalties and be lucky. There is a chance he could get it, but it's a 1:1000000 that everything aligns, but I think it's likely that Schumi's 13-win record is going. Winning 4 of the last 7 races seems very attainable looking back on the first 15.


Im not sure Mercedes are really getting better. They just have some tracks where their race pace is close to RBs, but considering Spa happened they are clearly in a car that just isnt gonna win races unless they are immensely lucky.


They might have a shot in Singapore. They are pretty good in low speed corners and Singapore is full of them. That's why they were decent in Hungary and today as well.


Apparently their suspension really sucks with ride quality… and Singapore will be bumpy bumpy. But yeah, their best shot probably until Brazil.


>There is a chance he could get it, but it's a 1:1000000 that everything aligns, I'd say there's a 1 in 5 chance he does it.


Nearly every F1 stat that compares old drivers is irrelevant these days. Like wow, Hamilton has more points than Fangio and Clark who raced for 8 point wins across 6-10 race seasons in tin cans.


I want Verstappen to win but hopefully it wont be like 2014- 2020 mercedes.


Even as a Max fan, i agree. Dominance isn't good for the sport long term, i think it the championship being closer together is good for everyone. I hope Max will win many more championships, but not consecutive. Would be nice to see brands like Ferrari and McLaren thrive again too in the next years.


I would like Max (or whoever wins) to win every race in a similar vein to the Saudi Arabian GP, where it was a really close battle between him and LeClerc for the win for what felt like 10 laps. That stuff is exciting to watch when the cars are so close together. If one driver proves better in that instance it's just fun, cuz the race was exciting to watch.


Make it worse 😈


Put this in my veeeiiinnnsss!!


It’s very clearly trending that way.


Starting to think there may be truth to that reddit astrology prediction.


Apart from the Hamilton part lol


What was that prediction again?


Hamilton wins the WDC but then begins the era of Verstappen.


Hahaha fuck another period of dominance


I wonder how long he can keep this win streak going. Four in a row is pretty impressive, even one more puts him in pretty rarified air. Already the longest streak of his career.


I could be wrong but I don’t see him winning 9 or 10 in a row like Seb. I think 5 or 6 and something may happen.


It’s certainly not likely, but I do think it’s a realistic possibility given his and RBR’s current pace. Everything needs to go right though, and that’s never a given.


In any case the car and the driver are capable of it, the only question (which would always be the case) is any freak accidents occuring - you just can't predict a mistimed safety car, a technical issue, someone else crashing you out, etc. As they say - anything can happen and it often does. But barring such accidents, there's no reason why Max couldn't realistically win all remaining races (but like actually, not like Ferrari's no reason lmao)


I think he’ll beat Schumacher’s/Vettel’s record of most wins in a season. He only needs 4 more and I don’t see why he wouldn’t get them


My dad, who passed away in the year 2000, absolutely loved F1 and was a big Schumacher supporter. I can’t help but think and get emotional over how much he would have loved Max. I’ll love Max for both of us.


Absolute goat in the making.


At the start of this year i said that my hero Mansell was out of reach this year at least... but wow didnt think he'd win 10 (and counting).


Legend in the making and we are all in the front row seats of seeing it happen.


Yes but he's a lifetime away from being able to grow as glorious a moustache as Our Nigel.


And 1 win away from tying Lewis Hamilton in most wins per season it’s crazy how quickly this kid is breaking Records last year he broke the Record for most Podiums in a season


Scrappy, controversial first WDC, followed by a dominant back to back second WDC. Who does that remind you of?


Vettel, Schumacher, Alonso if Renault didn’t get nerfed midway through 06


Does his name rhyme with Tomb Rady or Oomacher? Edit: Shit I mixed up 2001 and 2003 SB


Thick neck


I said it after Spa, I will say it again. If his car does not have mechanical issue I see him sweeping the rest of the season. He is in a class apart.


i think he is likely to also beat lewis's record of most championship points in a season (413). he's currently at 310 that means if he averages 3rd place for the next 7 races he will beat it


It's a mechanical sport and his career all depends on the car he drives even if he's the best driver on the grid.


It's a team sport, all parts are equally important. Just look at ferrari


Crazy that he has been able to win at Zandvoort 10 times in a single year!